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Turner 1
Shelby Turner

Dr. Kaninjing


7 February 2021

Journal Week #3
Turner 2

Like every Monday, we started with a staff meeting. In this meeting, Amy tells me

everything I need to get done for that day and throughout the week. She also catches us up on the

recent work going on in Kenya. Once the meeting was over, I began working on everything I

needed to get done by the end of the day.

Todays tasks included: updating payments from sponsors, going through pictures for my

World Water Day campaign, shipped orders people placed over the weekend, and cutting thank

you cards for orders. It was a very relaxed day, and I was thankful for that.

Now that Christina is gone, I am the only one in the workshop. Amy and Clay work upstairs

in their offices! I love when volunteers come in or when Clay and Amy come to chat. It can get a

little lonely by myself, but I am learning to cherish alone time! I am lucky to feel my time

learning, listening to music, and working on content. I am really looking forward to connecting

to the other interns in New York through Zoom.


I only have 26 days to prepare my social media campaign. The days fly by while I work

on creating ideas and searching for content. For the majority of today, I spent time going through

videos and pictures of the Kenya, October 2020 trip. Most of the images and videos I will use for

the campaign will come from that trip.

I have so many ideas for the campaign that I need to find pictures that match the theme. It

has been so much fun going through pictures and seeing the beautiful people Just One Africa is

impacting. My favorite pictures are of the children that are drinking clean water for the first time.
Turner 3
Apart from looking for pictures, I also transcribed a video for our social media. Because

the Kenyan speak Swahili, their English can sometimes get lost in translation and their lovely

accent when making videos. My job was to listen to some videos and write the transcripts for the

closed captions.


Wednesday is “Lynnday.” Every Wednesday Lynn comes to volunteer from 9:00AM-

5:00PM. She has been volunteering for JOA for almost six years now and is a sponsor of a

student in Kenya. I have loved getting to know more about her and why she is connected with

this nonprofit.

Amy and I have another meeting on Thursday to go over more World Water Day

information. I spent today preparing for the meeting and making sure all my ideas and content

were organized. Another thing I like to have before each meeting is a list of my questions I have.

Going into a meeting with questions is important to me. I want Amy to know that I want to stay

on top of things and make sure I am doing my job right.

For 30 minutes Wednesday night, I watched short videos for my email marketing course and

found some more content ideas for JOA. I have really enjoyed learning more about digital/email

marketing through these courses. I know it will help me in the future!


Amy and I had our meeting at noon today. Since they are going out of town for a long

weekend, this meeting consisted of a to-do list for the next few days and to catch up on my

World Water Day ideas. I enjoy all of our meetings because she makes me feel included and

always thanks me for the work I am doing.

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For the rest of the day, I spent time working on my ideas for World Water Day. I am now

waiting for our partners in Kenya to do their part before I move on to the next thing. I also made

sure I had knew exactly what to do while Clay and Amy are on their trip.


Because Amy and Clay are out of town, I worked a half day at home then went into the

warehouse to ship some orders. In the morning I worked on creating a content calendar that Amy

and I will use to schedule social media posts in March. Amy has to give a presentation on

Monday at a local school club. She asked me to make sure her notes were ready and all the prezi

presentations were correct.

I went to the warehouse after lunch to ship some orders before the weekend began.

Something messed up in our inventory and this led to me learning how to make the bracelets we

sell. Amy buys the beads from Kenyan artisans and we create the different bracelet patterns.

Making the bracelet helped me learn the different types of beads and the process of patterns.


To catch up on my hours, I did some work on Saturday. Amy wants to use the software

“Stitched Story” to create videos for the social media campaign. I spent an hour on Saturday

looking at past campaigns Just One Africa did on this software. I love learning about the

different ways technology can be used to make a successful campaign.


Day Time in Lunch Time out Hours worked

Monday 10:00AM None 4:30PM 6.5
Tuesday 10:00AM None 4:30PM 6.5
Wednesday 10:00AM None 4:30PM 7
Turner 5
(evening work) 6:00PM 6:30
Thursday 10:15AM None 4:30PM 6.5
Friday 8:30AM None 4:30PM 7
Saturday 10:00AM None 11:00AM 1

Weekly Hours: 34.5 - Total Hours to date: 92

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