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Project Charter

Wilmont’s Pharmacy Drone Project

September 27th 2020
Project Description Wilmont’s Pharmacy would like to stablish a new concept in the market by sponsoring
the design of a drone to deliver by air, prescriptions and drugstore items to its
customers, the drone will have to successfully withstand the goods attached to it and
deliver some refrigerated items.
Project Purpose The purpose of this project is to prototype a drone, its systems and interfaces, which
is capable to deliver items, some with special characteristics in a safely and efficient
manner to the client’s customers. Ensure a long-term relationship with the client.
Scope/Boundaries The project includes the design and customization based on previously constructed
drones, of four (04) drone prototypes, the customization includes: adapt a system to
handle the items to be delivered to the clients, a temperature-controlled bagging
system along with a bubble like cushioning system, to ensure that some temperature-
sensitive or breakable items are not affected. Other modifications on flight operations
systems needed to successfully prototype the drone, must be carried out by
DroneTech. DroneTech must handle the piloting and delivery of the items. DroneTech
must customize their online process of order entry, delivery, confirmation and mobile
app to interface it with Wilmont’s online processes, so costumers don’t encounter two
separate processes and allow Wilmont’s to approve costumer’s orders. Drones have
to be painted with colors and logos of Wilmont’s Pharmacy. Four (04) retail
pharmacies are going to participate in the pilot project; all the information regarding
drone delivery technology must be provided to ensure the comfort of retail operators
when handling with the loading of the drone. The project does not include the
delivery of items to costumers living in apartment buildings.
Requirements In order for the costumers to be able to place orders directly in Wilmont’s website and
not DroneTech’s, DroneTech’s systems must be interfaced with Wilmont’s systems
and be able to send order confirmations to Wilmont’s clients. The drone should be
able to carry and withstand the items that are going to be attached to them, including
an adaptation for refrigerated goods and cushion to protect fragile items The drone
should be customized with Wilmont’s pharmacy colors and logo. Safety is a must,
items will travel over the cities, and drone’s systems must comply to avoid any harm.
Deliverables/Objectives Deliverable/Objective Success Criteria
Drone design approval Drone must contain all the requirements
needed by the client, including systems,
adaptations for delivering sensitive items,
exterior design with colors and logos.
Project Progress Performance indicators should be
presented to the client, budget, schedule
and costs should be within parameters.
Client’s Interface The client should be able to place a order
directly into Wilmont’s website and the
system should manage this operations as
one in liaison with DroneTech Systems.
First test flight The drone is able to deliver seamlessly
the items to the costumers without
representing any harm to the order itself
or people or goods under the path of the
Schedule • Project starts on January 5 .
• Project progress and status of tasks – June 27
• First test flight should be, no later than November 30 , to avoid harsh weather in
the San Francisco Area.
Budget Maximum US$ 1,750,000
Assumptions and Costumers in apartment building residential areas are not included in the prototype.
constraints Pilot pharmacies must be in a close geographic area and are not in a city environment.
First flight can’t be later than November 30th, to avoid hash weather conditions.
Information involving this project must be tagged as security sensitive.
Risks • Interface integration between Wilmont’s and DroneTech failed to provide customers
with a seamlessly experience.
• Drone loading systems can’t withstand the items.
• Resistance from retail stores operators, leading to misuse of the Drone.
• Flight operations are not carried out on schedule because of hash weather.
References Prior projects for small packages delivery systems.
Pre-approved Financial UD$ 750,000

Key Stakeholders
Owner/Client Wilmont’s Pharmacy
Project Sponsor / Wilmont’s Pharmacy / George Cranston
Operations VP
CEO DroneTech Jordan Kempler
Project Manager Luis Gonzalez
Flight Ops. Manager Gerald Hasper
Lead IT Systems Eileen Seymour
PM Business Operations Phillip Greenberg
Change Management Shirley Johnson
IT System’s Lead Mary Pearson
Security Project Lead William Scott

Authority Levels: The Project Manager has full authority to make decisions on the car design, schedule,
other items and the budget, the PM is responsible for allocating the necessary funds for every stage of
the project.

Project Approval Requirements: Drone design, systems interface and security levels for transactions
must be approved by Wilmont’s. Some budget requirements may need further assessment by


Project Sponsor ________________

DroneTech CEO ________________

Project Manager _______________

Financial Manager ______________

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