Media Advantages and Disadvantages

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Media Advantages and Disadvantages

When trying to select a medium that is right for your advertising message, it's helpful to know
some of the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of media to assist you with your

 Your ad has size and share, and can be as large as necessary to communicate as much of
a story as you care to tell.
 The distribution of your message can be limited to your geographic area.
 Split-run tests are available to test your copy and your offer.
 Free help is usually available to create and produce your ad.
 Fast closings. The ad you decide to run today can be in your customer's hands two days
from now.

 Clutter. Your ad has to compete for attention against large ads run by supermarkets and
department stores.
 Poor photo reproduction limits creativity.
 A price-oriented medium. Most ads are for sales.
 Short shelf life. The day after a newspaper appears, it's history.
 Waste circulation. You're paying to send your message to a lot of people who will
probably never be in the market to buy from you.
 A highly visible medium. Your competitors can quickly react to your prices.

 High reader involvement means more attention will be paid to your advertisement.
 Less waste circulation. You can place your ads in magazines read primarily by buyers of
your product or service.
 The smaller the page (generally eight and half by eleven inches) permits even small ads
to stand out.

 Long lead times (generally 90 days) mean you have to make plans a long time in
 The cost for space is higher in addition to higher creative costs.

Yellow Pages
 Everyone uses the yellow pages.
 Ads are reasonably inexpensive.
 You can easily track your responses.

 All of your competitors are listed so you run the ad as a defensive measure.
 Ads are not very creative since they follow certain formats.

 A universal medium. Can be enjoyed at home, at work, and while driving. Most people
listen to the radio at one time or another during the day.
 Permits you to target your advertising dollars to the market most likely to respond to your
 Permits you to create a personality for your business using only sounds and voices.
 Free creative help is ususally available.
 Rates can generally be negotiated.
 Least inflated medium. During the past ten years, radio rates have gone up less than other

 Because radio listeners are spread over many stations, to totally saturate your market you
have to advertise simultaneously on many stations.
 Listeners cannot refer back to your ads to go over important points.
 Ads are an interruption to the entertainment. Because of this, radio ads must be repeated
to break through the listener's "tune out" factor.
 Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are doing something else while listening,
which means your ad has to work hard to be listened to and understood.
 Advertising costs are based on ratings which are approximations based on diaries kept in
a relatively small fraction of a region's homes.

 Permits you to reach great numbers of people on a national or regional level.
 Independent stations and cable offer new opportunities to pinpoint local audiences.
 Very much an image-building medium.

 Ads on network affiliates are concentrated in local news broadcasts and on station breaks.
 Creative and production costs can quickly mount up.
 Lead time can result in items being sold out before ad runs.
 Most ads are ten or thirty seconds long, which limits the amount of information you can

Direct Mail
 Your advertising message is targeted to those most likely to buy your product or service.
 Your message can be as long as necessary to fully tell your story.
 You have total control over all elements of creation and production.
 A "silent" medium. Your message is hidden from your competitors until it's too late for
them to react.

 Long lead times required for creative printing and mailing.
 Requires coordinating the services of many people: artists, photographers, printers, etc.
 Each year over 20% of the population moves, meaning you must work hard to keep your
mail list up to date.
 Likewise, a certain percentage of the names on a purchased mailing list is likely to be no
longer useful.

 You can easily answer questions about your product/service.
 It's easy to prospect and find the right person to talk to.
 Cost effective compared to direct sales.
 Highly measurable results.
 You can get a lot of information if your script is properly structured.

 Many business use telemarketing.
 Professionals should draft the script and perform the telemarketing in order for it to be
 Can be extremely expensive.
 Most appropriate for high-ticket retail items or professional services.

Specialty Advertising (balloons, sandwich

boards, key charms, etc.)
 Can be attention grabbers if they are done well.
 Can give top-of-mind awareness.
 Gets your name in front of people.

 Difficult to target your market.
 Can be an inappropriate medium for some businesses.
 Difficult to find items that are appropriate for certain businesses.

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