Gene Keys: Hologenetic Profile

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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Invention.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Addiction.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of

Love Arrogance into the Gift of Leadership.
The highest expression of my heart is Epiphany.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Totality.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Purposelessness.
I thrive best as part of a large network.

A journey of self illumination

Caragiale - MY GENIUS

My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 19

In the world of today, your skills are needed more than ever. Your gift of sensing the underlying dynamics of
a situation means that you are always one step ahead of others in your understanding. Because your
sensitivity has nothing to do with the mind, you do not get caught in trying to mentally resolve challenging
situations — rather you approach them from the bottom up. This means that you never lose track of the
basic fears and needs that drive the behaviour of others. Furthermore, because the 19th Gift is undergoing
such a fundamental transformation within our society, you have a natural sensitivity to where we are all
heading. All periods of social and spiritual revolution such as we are experiencing are times of great fear, and
your role is to facilitate these changes by holding the higher view.

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 33

Your great challenge in life is to find the balance between your inner life and your outer life. You will very
likely have a life that demands a great deal of you on the material plane, and in which other people make
great demands on you. This needs to be balanced with periods of aloneness. You must not allow others to
monopolise your life, neither must you hide yourself away from them. You will find that your life has natural
cycles of being alone and being with others. It is a question of knowing when enough is enough. For this
reason you need a bolt-hole, a place where you can retreat from the world at regular intervals. If you do not
give yourself enough privacy and rest, you will probably suffer from burnout fairly early in your life.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 44

Your health and vitality will only flourish when you are living and working with the right people. For you, the
'right people' means those whom you 'know' without having to get to know them. Deep within the cells of
your immune system is stored the memory of who belongs in your 'fractal line'. Your fractal refers to those
people you are destined to meet in this life. You have an instantaneous means of recognising them through
the instinctual awareness of your body. This gift utterly undercuts your mind and what it decides about
people. You know who belongs in your life at a visceral level, but you also know immediately who does not.
The people who do not belong in your life are the ones who never really 'get' who you are. If you give energy
to those who are right for you, and don't waste it on those who are not, your health will flourish. What's more,
you will have a much easier life.

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 24

Your ultimate purpose has nothing to do with other people, despite the shape that your life takes. Your most
hallowed moments in life will occur when you are alone, because that is when you can experience something
greater than yourself. You are a person through whom truly original ideas, insights, and expressions can
come into the world. You are a midwife of the creative process. However, for you, creativity is far more than
an activity — it is your bridge to spiritual transcendence. The moments in which you become a conduit for a
higher force or a higher frequency are your holy grail. You cannot make such moments occur — you can only
allow them. In doing so, they will create great turning points in both your inner and outer life. For you, it is
never about manifestation on the surface. It will always be about the rush you get as the mystery of life
comes pouring through you when you least expect it.

© Gene Keys Publishing 2021 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2

Caragiale - FULL PROFILE

Sacrifice Birth City:I. L. Caragiale, Dâmboviţa,

Life's Work
Sensitivity Romania
Line 3 - Changer 19.3 Birth Date: 30 Jan 1852

Birth Time: 15:10

Pearl Insight
43.3 Line 3 - Celebration

Humility Culture Immortality

Leadership Totality
Line 4 - Sales (connection) 31.4 28.4 Purposelessness
Line 4 - Network

Synarchy Epiphany Revelation

Radiance SQ Evolution
Teamwork Insight Mindfulness
Line 5 - Impact 44.5 Deafness
Line 3 - Pleasure (adventure and 43.3 33.3 Forgetting
Line 3 - Energy &
understanding) Experience
Tenderness IQ EQ Intoxication
Equality Enrichment
Line 4 - The Influential mind (inflexible)
37.4 56.6 Distraction
Line 6 - Reverence/Alienation

Attraction Humanity
36.4 Line 4 - Frigidity/Romance

Purpose Silence
24.5 Addiction
Line 5 - Voice (frequency)

The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


is an amazing journey of self discovery
into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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