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Title of the publication Subject Editor in Chief

problems of higher education in Ukraine and the world: methods of

teaching a foreign language, foreign language for professional
purposes, foreign language for researchers, translation training,
testing and evaluation in foreign language teaching, training and
education of foreign language teachers, subject-language integrative
Advanced Education learning (CLIL), applied linguistics; STEAM Saenko Nataliia Semenivna

general linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, cognitivism,

psycholinguistics, discourse studies, paralinguistics, emotiology,
linguistic anthropology, corpus linguistics, comparative-historical
linguistics, computer linguistics, intercultural communication,
literary studies, pedagogy and teaching of foreign languages.
Advanced Linguistics Saenko Nataliia Semenivna
telecommunications theory and signal processing, information and
telecommunication systems and networks, wireless technologies,
systems and networks,

Internet of Things, microwave and terahertz technologies and fiber-

optic systems in


control in telecommunication systems and networks and their


technologies and means of programming in telecommunication

Information and
Telecommunication convergence of information and telecommunication networks and Illchenko Mykhailo Yuhymovych
sciences services,

designing services and service delivery platforms in a global


management of activity and infrastructure of providers of

infocommunication services, development of WEB-technologies,
models, methods, protocols and means of interaction

software platforms and services, their intellectualization and

increase in productivity,

mathematical methods of artificial intelligence,

history of telecommunications and information technologies.

problems of modern information technologies, information security,
information confrontation, counteraction to use of social
engineering, cybersecurity and protection of critical infrastructures,
mathematical and computer modelling, protection of information in
information and telecommunication systems and networks
(including on personal data protection), management information
Information Technology security and information security risks, etc.
Lande Dmytro Volodymyrovych
and Security

Information, Computing results of research and creation of components of computer and

and Intelligent systems information systems and complexes, devices of automation and data
(prev. “Visnyk” of Igor transmission, systems of automation of programming, control and
Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic diagnostics, artificial intelligence Stirenko Sergiy Grygorovych
Institute. Informatics,
management and
computer engineering)
problems of applied biology, biomedicine, biotechnology,
bioengineering, biophysics, bioinformatics and living chemistry

Innovative Biosystems
Galkin Olexandr Yuriyovych
and Bioengineering

basic and applied research in mathematics, application of

mathematics in related fields, history of mathematics and methods
Mathematics in Modern of teaching mathematics at the Technical University
Klesov Oleg Ivanovych
Technical University
problems of mechanics of deformable solids, dynamics and strength
of machines, biomechanics, pressure treatment processes, applied
hydroaeromechanics and industrial hydraulics, improvement of
methods of calculation and design of elements of machine-building
structures, automation and robotization of machine building,
development and implementation of advanced technologies and
machines materials, welding, project management processes, quality
systems management, certification, standardization, technologies
for utilization in science-intensive engineering, promising materials,
problems of development, design and production of aerospace
Mechanics and systems, development of educational technologies
Bobyr Mykola Ivanovych
Advanced Technologies
theoretical and cryptographic problems of cyber security;
mathematical methods, models and technologies of research of safe
functioning of cyberspace; algorithms and methods to prevent and
counter cyberattacks; security of industrial systems and critical
infrastructure systems; cybersecurity of the Internet of Things;
intelligent methods of cybersecurity; problematic issues of
anonymization services; study of software code vulnerabilities and
development of secure programs; social engineering and methods of
counteracting destructive influences on consciousness in
Theoretical and Applied cyberspace; state policy in the field of cybersecurity Novikov Oleksiy Mykolayovych
modelling and design of computerized and robotic systems; analysis
and synthesis of complex distributed in space flexible integrated
systems; optimization of complex technical systems and processes;

optimal and adaptive automatic control systems; intelligent

information processing technologies; corporate information
technologies and means of their implementation; information
Adaptive automatic
security and information protection. Stenin Olexandr Afrykanovych
control systems
The collection of scientific works is intended for publication of
scientific works of young scientists of the Faculty of Management
and Marketing of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor
Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", coverage of the results of
preparation of attestation works of masters, specialists and
The collection publishes articles on the following scientific issues: (1)
economic theory, (2) economic problems of sustainable
development of the national economy, (3) international economy,
(4) sectoral economy, (5) business economics, (6) management, (7)
Current problems of marketing, (8) innovation and investment processes, (9) technology
economics and as a factor of economic growth, (10) economic and mathematical Gavrysh Oleg Anatoliiovych
management modelling of business processes.

problems of efficiency, safety and quality of health care, revival of

domestic production of medical equipment and biomaterials,
creation of the most modern medical engineering and
Biomedical engineering bioengineering technologies on the basis of translational medicine. Maksymenko Vitaliy Borysovych
and technology Tsehmister Yaroslav Volodymyrovych
“Visnyk” of Igor Sikorsky results of scientific research and practical developments in the field
Kyiv Polytechnic of political, sociological and legal sciences.
Derlugian Georgiy
Institute. Politology.
Sociology. Law
“Visnyk” of Igor Sikorsky problems of creation of bases of modern instrument making of a
Kyiv Polytechnic wide range of application, technological processes of precision
Institute. INSTRUMENT processing of materials, intellectualization of production
SERIES / Bulletin of
Tymchyk Grigoriy Semenovych
National Technical
University of Ukraine
"Kyiv Polytechnic
Institute". Series
Instrument Making
The journal publishes the results of scientific research on the
problems of creating the theoretical foundations of modern radio
“Visnyk” of Igor Sikorsky engineering and radio engineering; practical implementation of
Kyiv Polytechnic scientific and technological achievements; intellectualization of Sharpan Oleg Borysovych
Institute. Radiotechnics, design and production processes.
Radio engineering

“Visnyk” of Igor Sikorsky publications of scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists in
Kyiv Polytechnic philosophy, psychology and pedagogy of higher education.
Novikov Borys Volodymyrovych
Institute. Philosophy.
Psychology. Pedagogics
technical sciences dedicated to the search and study of effective
scientific and technical solutions aimed at improving the quality of
“Visnyk” of Igor Sikorsky design and management, optimization of technological processes,
Kyiv Polytechnic which contributes to energy efficiency, saving material resources
Institute. Chemical and environmental protection. Panov Yevhen Mykolaiovych
engineering, ecology
and resource saving

issues of scientific and technical substantiation of water treatment

Water and water processes and their practical implementation, scientific aspects of
treatment technologies. water quality problems and water purification. Mitchenko Tetiana Yevheniivna
Scientific and technical

geomechanics and geotechnics; geobuilding;

Geoengineering mining; mining machines and energy; ecology and labour protection Stovpnyk Stanislav Mykolayovych

study of the history of technology; monuments of equipment;

development of technical ideas; technical achievements of the past;

Research on the history history of industries and enterprises; scientific societies, schools, Illchenko Mykhailo Yuhymovych
of technology communications; outstanding scientists, engineers and scientists;
teaching the history of technology
economic theory, economic problems of sustainable development of
the national economy, international economy, sectoral economy,
enterprise economics, management, marketing, innovation and
“Economical Visnyk” of investment processes, technologies as a factor of economic growth,
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv economic and mathematical modeling of business processes. Gavrysh Oleg Anatoliiovych
Polytechnic Institute

vacuum, quantum, and solid-state electronics, physical and

technological aspects of production of discrete devices and
integrated circuits), communications (automation,
telecommunications and computer systems and networks, radio
Electronic and acoustic devices and means of telecommunications, principles of network Yakymenko Yurii Ivanovych
engineering construction, Internet
global energy issues and energy security; sustainable development
energy; intersectoral problems and system research in the fuel and
energy sector; energy systems and complexes; liberalized energy
markets; Smart Grid systems and technologies; energy efficiency and
energy saving; energy management and audit; technologies and
equipment in energy; monitoring, diagnostics and management of
energy processes and equipment; economic aspects of energy;
systematic ecological and energy research; environmental problems
Energetics: Economics, in energy
Yakymenko Yurii Ivanovych
technologies, ecology

Izvestiya vysshyh radio electronics, radio engineering, radar, radio navigation,

uchebnyh zavedeniy. antenna-feeder devices and microwave technology, theoretical
Radioelectronics and foundations of radio engineering.
Communications Dubrovka Fedir Fedorovych
systems and devices for measuring objects and motion, processing
Information systems, and transmission of information, systems and means of control of
moving objects Zbrutskiy Olexandr Vasylovych
mechanics and control
dynamic processes in gyroscopic and other object management
systems, conditions of their stabilization under various destabilizing
excitation factors, information systems, systems and means of
navigation, measurement and processing of information in these
Mechanics of gyroscopic systems Zbrutskiy Olexandr Vasylovych

Problems of electromechanics (vacuum, quantum, and solid-state

electronics, physical and technological aspects of production of
discrete devices and integrated circuits), communications
(automation, telecommunications and computer systems and
networks, radio devices and means of telecommunications,
principles of network construction, Internet)
Yakymenko Yurii Ivanovych
electronics and acoustics
electronics, radio engineering and telecommunications; energy and
energy generating technologies; information technologies, system
analysis and management; materials science and mechanical
engineering; instrument making and information and measuring
equipment; energy saving problems.

KPI Science News Zgurovsky Michael Zaharovych

issues of history and theory of social communications, journalism,

Horizons of printing publishing and editing, applied socio-communicative technologies. Fiyalka Svitlana Borysivna

problems of information security of Ukraine, issues of normative,

Legal, regulatory and metrological and practical support of information protection in
metrological support of Ukraine. Naidenko Viktor Ivanovych
information protection
systems in Ukraine
theoretical and applied problems and methods of system analysis;
theoretical and applied problems of computer science; automated
control systems; advanced information technologies, high-
performance computer systems; problems of decision-making and
management in economic, technical, ecological and social systems;
theoretical and applied problems of intelligent decision support
systems; problem-oriented and functionally oriented computer
Systems research and
systems and networks; optimization methods, optimal control and Zgurovsky Michael Zaharovych
information technology
game theory; mathematical methods, models, problems and
technologies of research of complex systems; methods of analysis
and management of systems in conditions of risk and uncertainty;
heuristic methods and algorithms in systems analysis and
management; new methods in systems analysis, computer science
and decision theory; scientific and methodological problems in
little-studied problems of socio-political, socio-economic, cultural
and religious life of the Ukrainian people.
Pages of history Kostylieva Svitlana Olexandrivna

Modern problems of current problems of the modern economy, analysis of prospects for
economy and entrepreneurship, methods and ways to solve practical problems. Krush Petro Vasylovych
Printing technology and methods and means of printing; prospects for the development of Kyrychok Petro Olekiyovych
technique technology, materials and techniques of publishing, printing and
distribution of publications; improvement and development of new
equipment and technological processes of printing production;
development and research of printing consumables; economic
strategy of the industry, marketing and management in publishing
and printing; standardization; philological aspects of publishing and
printing production; scientific achievements, experimental results,
mathematical models in publishing and printing and other fields of
economics, mechanical engineering, chemical technologies

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