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Planning and Pre-Production

Unit 6: Visual Production


o Production Schedule
o Script / Shooting Script
o Storyboard
o Props List
o Crew List
o Location Recces
o Clearances and Confirmations
o Contingency Plan
Production Schedule
Please include location, time of film, what you are filming and teams members including actors

Date: 28th February-12th march

Film B-roll
Interview Aimee
Write up questions and get conformation emails

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Finish Interview Finalise Editing editing Weekly editing
booklet Petra archived and blog and
footage collecting editing
what I
Intervie Have all Get music
w john conformation
Collect Collect more Get voice
archived archived overs
photos footage

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

editing Finish Start script


Documentary Shooting Script

Description of visuals Lyrics
Props List

Item Item Description Who uses it When it is used

UK flag Large flag Aimee When she’s roller-

skating for B-Roll

Roller skates Boots with wheels Aimee In the B-Roll

Green jacket Jacket that is green Aimee B-Roll

Crew List

Person Role Dates Needed

Cerys Producer, Director and Writer Feb 28th- March 12th

Aimee actor Feb 28th

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Type of room/area: carpark

Location Address:
Bath Rd., Taplow SL6 0NX

Sat Nav details (Post code):

Nearest Train Station:

Nearest Bus stop:

Bath road

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Shoot shots that require more light in the day and
Natural in the day and then at night there is a shots that require less light at night.
small amount of street lighting

Sound Information: Solutions:

Natural sound with relatively no control over it. Shoot at less busy times and make sure to check
the weather before filming so that wind doesn’t
interfere with audio.

Power Information Solutions:

There are no available power outlets. Bring portable chargers and have everything pre

Hazards Solutions: Don’t shoot at peak times just encase

There are a lot of people in peak times there’s not enough room to socially distance.
Contingency Plan
What are your plans for if something goes wrong? What back up actors,
locations and equipment do you have?
My plan for if the audio doesn’t come out correctly after I have filmed some
of my outdoor interviews is to reshoot these as soon as possible, with the majority of my
interviews being held indoors this isn’t much of an issue however, I will be starting my
filming process earlier than normal so that I have enough time to write my script once I have
finished filming and editing, this leaves me more time to reshoot just in case anything goes
At the moment I have an interview arranged through a zoom call, say if on the scheduled day
I begin to have technical issues and I don’t have enough time to reschedule then I have
someone who is a member of my household and can be interviewed if the internet stops
working or any other circumstances that would affect the zoom call, Petra (the stand in) has
ample knowledge on my topic and is relatively passionate about the events that occurred in
the 80s so I know I would be getting someone that cared about the interview even though
they weren’t first choice.
My preparation for interviews will be immense so that I am prepared just encase a tripod
breaks or a camera battery runs out, I will do this by always having a second camera at hand
while out and about and when inside I will make sure that my camera is fully charged and
also have the charger on standby just encase.
All my locations have been planned ahead of time, I will be filming in my own home so I
have a guarantee that the space I need will be available and prepared, I will be filming my
outdoor interview in a car park where there is lots of open space for social distancing and
aesthetically nice looking. If I am unable to film here due to weather there are various other
outdoor locations that I can use like my garden.

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used
Type of room/area:


Location Address:

4 Byways Burnham

Sat Nav details (Post code):

Nearest Train Station:

Nearest Bus stop:

Lent rise

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Natural lighting can be used from the windows If natural lighting needs to be used plan in
depending on the time of day, lighting is also advance so that everything can be set up in time
provided by the fitted lights in the kitchen. before the sun moves and the lighting changes.

Sound Information: Solutions:

There can be total silence If ambient background noise is needed the
dishwasher can be turned on.

Power Information Solutions:

There are many power outlets all over the Make sure everything is charged beforehand.

Hazards Solutions:
Where the interview is being filmed there are no Don’t go near the dangerous utensils.
hazards but on the far side of the kitchen there are
various dangerous utensils.

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