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MELANIN: A Key To Freedom | WITH AN EXTENSIVE GLOSSARY BLIOGRAPHY } By » Richard King, M. D. UB. & U.S, COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS MELANIN: A Key To Freedom WITH AN EXTENSIVE GLOSSARY & BIBLIOGRAPHY By Richard King, M. D. FIRSTEDITION @ FIRST PRINTING SEPTEMBER, 1994 ‘SECOND EDITION - SECOND PRINTING MAY 1, 1995 1994 by Richard King and U.B. & US. Th. No patt may repreduced without the '& US, Communications Virgie 23669, Copyright © September, Communications Systems, sertten permission of the publisher: UB. Systems, Inc, 912 West Pembroke Ave, Hampton, FIRST EDITION - SECOND PRINTING ‘OCTOBER, 1998 ISBN# 1-56411-096-6 ‘YEBGH 0108 DEDICATION “This hooks eto my hie, Ken , a, Ken, Kd Ke This xis eed you eno hs et osetia ah fr bel a Sovisad lyon the shui four snes ona ou whose tae he power ef en ms es neh op tte “So hi ak dae te ear ‘atinseobe born omy desing nae is We gs this work and their own spiral of lif. * tno! BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR Altican Origin of Biological Payehiaty 318.0 MELANIN’ A Key 10 Freedom si MELANIN & RELATED BOOKS AVAILABLE MELANIN: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness The Harmful Effect of Tori Drugs on Melanin Centers Within the Black Human, $1695 By MR CAROL BARNES Jazzy Melanin. 14.98 By MR. CAROL BARNES HIEROGLYPHICS: The Genesis of Wri, $11 00 ‘By KWASI MILTON ‘Message tothe Blackman In America, $11.00, ‘By THE HONORABLE ELUAH MUHAMMAD Stolen Legacy: Greek Ptilosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy, $10.00 By GEORGE G. M. JAMES Light Prom Ancient Aftca, $10.00 by NAIM AKBAR, PHD, ‘The Peychology of Color & Racial Sexual Behavior, $10.00 By KENDRYCK VC, ALLEN Acnowledgement ‘The Author woul ke to hank he folowing isp, emotion, and inte comtBations. hough the views exposed in is Publiation dont reps thir own Bernice Ligon snd Dr. Aled Ligne The Aquarian Spsital Center, Lo Angeles, Califo My Loving immediate Fai, consisting of Wile, Plt Daughter, Ke, Sons, Khai and Kael, Sisters, Melnine and Michele Brother, Wayne an Noey, Nephew, Ried, Comins, Cordell Ricky. and Rene, Fther, Lois Mee, Cail, Star Elser" Maternal Grandmother, lory, “Sir Elder” Patereal Gres Grande snd Black Smit of Homma, Lonsing Lis King. Jn Herik Clatke, Proeseor Emit of African ad Wood History, Hane Coleg, New Yk, "Maser Scholar f Altea Histary caren esidng in New York Cay Now York Dr. Yes henfochtama, Master Schl African istry, New York so Kemi Pro. Hunter Adams, Chica, Hie Dr. Seimet Patric) Newton, Nevon-Thoth, Ic lier, Mayland Kel and Bl Joes, Fist Weld Alliznc, New Yor City, New York Dy, Franes Cres Welng, Autor, Iss Papas, Washington, D.C ‘oo Ejoh Maharmad, The Messenger, Nation of sim, Chicago inci Mi. Louis Farhan, Chit Minister, Nato Il, Cheapo ign Min. Khalid Maan, Nato of iam, Phen, Arizona Prof Col Barnes, Autor, "zzy Mel. Hoxton, Tes Dr. Ivan Van Seri, Rugs Universi, New Browiet New Jey Prot Raoko Rashi, Los Angeles, Caifcenia Prot Lagrnd Clegg. Compton, Cain Pati and Prof. Raymond Shiels, Los Angeles, California Prot Joba Turin, Onan, Cais Dr- Charles Fite, Morehouse Univer, At, Goorin De. Gl Word, Bekele, Clin De Amina Harvey, Washington, D.C OTHER BOOKS BY THE AUTHOR MELANIN: AKEY TO FREEDOM RELATED BOOK AVAILABLE AT U.B, & U. S. Books & Things 912 West Pembroke Ave Hampton, Va. 23669 (808) 723-2696 MELANIN: THE CHEMICAL KEY TO BLACK GREATNESS By Mr. Carol Banes: JAZZY MELANIN By Mr. Carol Banes Dy. Wade Nobles and Br, Lawford Ged “The Institue forthe Advance Study of Black Family Life and Cults, In, Oaklnd Carin Dr. Naim Akbar, Profesor of Psychology and Blick Studi, lr ‘Sate University, Talshases, Fide Dr. Ast Hilla, Fler E, Calloway Profesor of Urban Edvaton, Georgia ‘State Unviesiy| Dr Malans Kareng, Chir, Departinet of Black Stes, California Sint Univesity, Lang Batch Pro. Nzinga Ratais, President, Assocation fr tho Stay af ‘Ciussial ican Civilizations, Los Angels, Clin Prof Lary Willams, Ani, Geert Dr. Cal Dre, San Fans, Caloris rst Shugher, Dr. Patica Newton, Dr. Annet Kye-Vegn, Jean Spurl, Dr. Loy Bla, Dr. Hol ord, De. ‘Anette Kye-Vest, Dr- Bil Las, Dilly Jones, Di Richard Fels, Dr. Ez Gift, Dr, Pls Harssn-Ross, Dr. Gilbert Paks, Dr. Ramona Bais, Dr Joseph Davis, De. ‘Anna Smith, Dr. Cr Bell, Dr. Waller Shevington, Dr ‘Micelle Clark, Dy. Rha Floyd, Black Pavehiait of ‘America, Oakland Califia Nation] Medial Association ial Kialfah,CE.O,,UB.& US. Communications Systems, Ie, ‘Author, "Words, Aes Deeds of Khaliah Selected Wigs 19820 ‘CONTENTS Anotction (Overview of the Cent Sa of Melanin Resear ‘Melanin an he Ben, Neurone, 12 Baia Sem Pimentd Naceu Melanin ad he Eye Metein andthe Ear “Melain and he Pineal Gan, Developeneat of tance Vision By Kemetic Edcton, Melanitnne Vision Text Found inthe Tomb of Ponto Tunakman, 1-33 Tissve of Horas Melanin, APLU.D. Endocrine Som “Melanin and he Pinel lan, 1-3 Tissue of Horas, Cai, Parsthyoid Hormone, Viunin D, Bone Density scltonhip to skin Melanin “Melinin od the ine! Glad, Kemetic Developmen fhe Pineal Gland mediated Inet Vision by Econ of the Right Ctx by practic ofthe ten Vines and {2 Negative Conesons, Left Cortex by’ stad of the Seven Liber Arts and Uaion of the Cote Hemispheres, The thes pts a nerve sappy the Melanin andthe Pinel Glan, Sele References forthe Pinel lanl Eye uf He rm the Kemetic Cfia Tents (2100-1875 BCE) “Melanin and he Piel Gan, Saat Refereces oe he Pitcl Gland. 44 inthe Christin Bible, Gen. 322231 [Melanin ner Vision, Black Symbolism slam andthe El Kaha ‘in Mest Mela, Name derivation rom he Greek Word Melans. Kemetic ume Black being Kan The Jt Khoi preparation o the Black Or), Artie Derivation of Alchemy from Al-Khemis (The Gos Black, Marimba Anis review of eorent theres ‘of ail dllerences nthe meaning experienced With Blick Symbols C.G ngs concep of Projecto ein central tothe proven of Alchemy. Kemetic concep of the unconscious, Projection, ad changes ia the perception of Bick Symbols ‘needy injury othe. Eye of Herne lander Vision, “Melanin Molecule nd Sturn Propesis forthe Reception of. $3 ‘Visible Light an U,V Ligh, Eelmelain a Phacomelanin The High Riek for Re Hens, Blonds (Pheomelni) fe Skin Cancer Melanin and Newroelii. Skin Melain formed by tyrosine. Bain “Melani (Neuromelana formed by tyrosinase hydrox, [Nearmelnin accumblntes though ie. Nerolni, conversion of ee radical ino wrational energy (qtnon-elvto conversion ‘nd accustom of chemical compounds wih slow eles in on toxic oncunttions, Foxit from nevrometanin binding of Parngat, MPTP. [Melanin nd the Bulkey Eleromagaetic They of Life Kemetic... 89 PolemielApocslyps(Biblcal (Rev.122) Modes of he Trans Faxmation of Life Forms. Melnin door hough which pases ‘nergy a dette eanfr of less Melanin eemophysial semcndactrsperondcor Dor Melanin andthe Transformation af the Five Seats. APUD Series of 62 (Glands is the Glande Tee ofthe Whole Boy Meanie System. “Melanin and Embryogens, from Eag/Sperm th Mula (ick Berry BlstlGas ith Melanin Eterm he Neural Tube Neural Crest Melanin, the “Epidermal Melanin Uni a «Newal Network Analog ‘Compe, in concert witha Parallel Atay of Neral Netvork ‘Computer, The Holy (Whole Back Body Melanin System (88), “Melaia an the 22nd of he 42 Kemtic Negative Confesions.The .. 68 HBB a: Melani Hap in» Mica Choi of Dysamie Turnover, Balkey Elstrmagnetic Theory of Life iked to changes ia fe of mliceuur Morphogenesis. Melanin strc ilerences eter emelnin nd eames in ait. Melanin nthe Live, Blood and Lymphatic Systems. Planetary Lie 71 Fox Evolution ike to Melanin ep for Atmospheric Oxygen “Melain sd Kemetic Stay of lecorngneton, Elektron, Thee, 74 Amber and Crystal. The Kemetic Nineleath Dyoasty Tenth Dinsion, Bok of th Ges, The Fish of Re, Melanin. The Use of (Coord Lightin Healing “Melanin and Oxygen in Cosme, Planetary, and Phim Evlutico.77 Racial dierenes athe Imphatie creslion of Melanin Bled Bone Motile Melasia Compstr. Melanin and Sexual Energy, Divine Creative Ener. Rhythmic Pater 1 ‘of Female and Mae Sts of Coesousaes in Relationship o he “Melanin Glandalar (Door, HBB, MELANIN HARE, MELANIN CHOIR OF DYNAMIC TURNOVER) Tee Transition of Ligh into Ovun/Sperm (Self Replictin) anor Seasory Organ Transformation (Sel Repation). Glossary Bibiogaphy INTRODUCTION “The study of Melis indeed an credibly vast subject are thats the carat focus of intense sient study. This i oly brief and itil consideration ofan ocean of oth ol and new knowledge. Please ‘onside this sudy of Melanin to-be but an introduction, one grain of ‘tnd on ne beach of Knowle that i composed of many diferent Sey shoeines that all onder othe tame vast ocean of ” Melanin Mediated Life® A fre proper onsen ofthe subject of Melanin ‘vill adress the makr broad sth sections ofthe "Manin Life Ocean in the forms of (2) Connie Melanin (Melanin Complex Onginie Molecules in Inrstellar Gus Clow in Galaxy Cental ise Regions), (2) Planetary Melanin, (2) Plant Kingdom Melnin (Chlorophyll Photopigment uivalen), ad (4) Animal Kingdos Melnin, According), this erview i focsed upon just ore of these four major Melanin sub ‘Sctions, Animal Kingdom Mnin, patty thin th Species Homo Sapiens Hurmaiy. Special reference is giver to the epigenetic cvafationay poeta within Horan, “Son of Ligh,” "Manin Transformation," on Homo Maximus stage of Humanity. “Te mind sto he ent alo all work perforned by him or erin their proces of utoing scenic observations. Every sep of the siete method is profndly cole or beter yet uneoascionsly Projected entorthe molton of he inital question cr hypothesis to be amin observation of wrists of the Bypethosi, measurement Ut cserved facet analysis of fasts measurement derived deta andthe Formalin of ial hypothesis that atlempss to explsin paters of measured relationships observed between vious facts of 2 guesion Unde observation. Iisa given tat ae pursuit ofeach step of thes Ente method the pres of bartan concenation of attention is indeed mn incase process tit das poe many evel ofthe human expecence tt eamscoasoes, Sadly, te majority ofthe lvels of consciousness 30 ‘lized are uncnscons o sme sents thee plc saence. “Thus ine sto seo consid the cent catoversey existing the 19805 ove the ty of Melanin despite he existe of nee of tnd new knowledge of Melanin then e cetuin thn this ill bat tetimony to the Great Ned fr fre Melanin say. Hum sin flesperate ned of ul public wccasred say of the evelation of the “Melanin reated consciousness of Homsnity orth ges and i ober nial Kingdom Life forme on his planet Earth Us cri het this "New Age Melanin Research’ willbe dane by tose of or chiles who wl choose ie rater han witness the extinction of al Humanity, ‘Aer the rade review ofthis Intron fo Melanin pesheps many renders wil find themssves wondering if al of this repoced Melanin esearch i ea. Melanin research cbvioady defines ust how esenti ‘Melanin efor Life to eit in bilgi syters ade Humans. Why bas “Melanin not bseme widely hot ithe genera public? The reader may tlk queton te vail of asuming Blak toe elated o infront ox Tow intelegeacecreatity if Mel is shown to be cf 1 higher level bin fancion, How exe White Supremacy be valid if depte fieence in skin cok sll humans fave muse amounts of Blick “Melanin in internal organ ster, parley the Bria? Despite the ‘Avcanadapaton sod suv i any bars enviommentsch athe Glacial essuystens inal all Huai sll quite Black co the inside. Does not this Meliinreserach reveal that Hamat i «Black [Ail derived population who ge i eternal ska clo rom Pople Blac io White bat who areal Blak a he inside? ‘Doesnt te past SN ye istry of this planet Eat Dee witness to White Consciousness peretstor ofthe greatest Haman Bensly Crimes inthe hskey sf fhe plnct Fath with «Beata Eargpesn txteminatin of aner One Billion Ain humans, destruction of multiple African High eules Afri, Africn teor, rape ape tution daring a shvery ealiced pillage ofthe AStcan Heng, ‘es nt the pst 640 yar sry thi ple ath wines Whit omscionsnes of dstuction of ther vast milion of people of coor ‘he comtnents of roy (West Asi) Aa (East Asi), Ata Noth fod. Sout America and Aca? Was this hie conciousness caprested by some “ferent Kind of African. he actual murders of their re Aan paresis? Dil nol the pst 6.08 year human Wistoy Clemonstate fee ae indeed liferent sss of ypes of human ‘onscousness which have Been profoundly inDuenced by skin color and falters of envionmesal ging? Whit s Blick Consckstes? What Fh White Consinusnese? Wha th reaonship between White Con oiumnes, Racism, and White Supremacy? Civen thal we are all ‘Avicens nd inerally Blick does » racists dstrton of Bislgical ‘lakes represent the wok fsck perso mentally il pesan with ‘wounded Eye of later Vision? Isa Racist, he Original Mental Slave, Profan depesed and Peyehoti (vsul hallucination aed deesional thought ae not sed up reality)? Tsit ot ruc tha the eso polation ofthe United States has pled inthe pst fen ens? Le tno rata the cent politcal process and ‘htc suppl farther mane inresss in the eon poplin? Ate rot 48% of the prison population andthe majority a deat ow inmates Black Males? Is notte United Sates forthe average Black ete ready police tote wih the ight eof cizes ia prison than any tie ation on this panel ext? Did this eounty at go thro 2 ev Star over the sue of physical shvery of Black People? Was aot rope lndusaizaion nscedby the African sve trade? Was no the Aiea slave trade fringe drug trade that iavalved the dogs sao rum, wit ater expansion ino opera sod cocaine? Are fot the same elenate and genera public the real tins of Blatant Imsedasons fowitly Kor sland of ection and navslble wiegune meal beh servces? festa ness rampant and unteated? {reo the prisons a he sebools ful of undericvelaped, mseduented, ‘wsdagnnsed iba test cetivegenives? Why hs Melanin research then suppressed?” Why is thre such a shocking ignorance of the biomedical iporance of Dichgial Blacks? Racin fx Bad Disease, the most Prevalent Disease inthe Word ci fra Cre f the Mind apd Son Racm Rests in Ignorance, the Body, Mia, Sol Spt nds Fatal, Racism isthe Lending Case o Death inthe Worl. “The Disease Rciam Breed lnerace, the Major Diagnostic Symptoms Being. Fest, Unlappinss, Depression and yh So Be I, Racin and White Syremacy i the fo ground. Tre Blackness, especially Mela shy mont rept Divine, te Most High Ground. Yes, BLACK MELANIN isthe High Ground the Poin af Referene Upon Which Ths Intiatonry Overview OL Melanin i Founded. The Purpose ofthis Induction to Melanin 10 Stud) the Hypothesis that Meenin isthe Chemis uf Life. The Evoatenary History. Life Form Embryslgien! Hishny, Lie Form Deveepnenal History. and paiculay the Lie Form» PaychoSexsaSpiiual Develipmenial Mistry when sued have ll een fu o be mead ‘by Meltin and Melanin relted Chemical Physical Event. “The Hypothesis, Melanin s the Chemie Ll servi in fering 1 guimifable approach tht iret Tends 4 the toy of the role Melis inthe Pocss of Soul Satvaton, the Fccing ape senso, ‘ranslemation of 4 Life Ferm into mote Conscious Type tats thereby able to ain Barmoe resonance with higher levels exrmely short wavelength of Ligh Radiation that evade the Envioennnt. This [atent Patentaiy. The Soul is teed fam a robo fer based type of ‘consciousness tht is penal cencered Wi immediate sari and immediate ples. othe degre tat bay centered eg eve of eases pers, sespit the eatessmicqutkes and stk af he bay entembed sou ‘Optimal Henlh is wide ad Mess rein my "Sou Wake Up Cale Rais by this definition form of Arrested Deve lapen in which if form is "eoen® er "Ftd ina consciousness thal ings {0 the appear ofthe Bay image of Mer wm form and vis visualization of the geetie memories of past petal bie forms and isons of the foems of Ture chien” The Fre, gs base "Bi eau, Mealumnic ste of Rois xia detesie pont oat Poly intgeated "Poet-Trumatic Stew tagged” genetic emoto rmemeres Of Climstic) Geolgisal Catasrophies experince by ancestors I the process of adpttcn hy skin depizmentation, pine alee, lowered scrum vita Did slow suri iponigmented” Skin Melina fe Forms in» Glacial Climatic Geologic ecyste, A racist neatly wl attempt o Sappess (White Supremacy) the Melanin tmeied Stressul "Soul Wake Up Call" that appear ona Planetary ata Indvideal Homan level. The racist wil attempt To contol their tviommest with + poliic prpagands (Whe Sujeemaey) whose ‘clea theme is that many natures that of « Beast (Black i the San of the dev dt. the "bas nial”), the universe fe tone giant Herries machine (The Computer Machine is Godhe highest form of hnoman thought sale abstract sty ogc! analy) Emosions ate a sgn or weaknes, the undeveloped the fennie primitive'), and ths the ty sane gl parse o mening oie io be found nthe saturation Ut sensory expenses for immediate pense psi ulilnen (Money, Money Mone Sex. Fod, Big House, Big Ca) Despite he cminsed ramblings atd shakes of «soa so entombed in ‘he boy in sich ata UNBALANCED PURSUITS OF PLEASURE, Asie the endurance of 4 etme of trvaiy and gest personal ‘tfices of the es a hope of bla heaven in some Henenly ter ‘Kath if, despite the ens etch fora "New abd Bete Til!” many port that they sil "hurt inside” ad feel hungry and starved inside’ csr i The knoe wht sis oe horn within te ad iff bas been suppressed so omg that i has actully been los. Far even the svardens ofthe prisons ae land in seach ofthis very important "lst ‘hing, The Soul, The say ofthe sujet of th oul hasbeen pubialy labled by some ae Yl Bite, "peoudo scene", beyond quantifiable inti analy. Hever, biomed study of he souls under intense sito eomol by numero distrtd theres which are ut” ploeophicareigious doctrine Blind alley mind maps” that are not Fused upon asta tre, The ri will adem to ide ad disor 8 ntaly fst but priliy Koon sais of the Soul Development in Pyhitry, istry Bogs, Chemistry, Pais, sd Mathematies. The tact wl ew up jet hee segments of to scien that nly deine the Ey. Nevertheless, hes ofthe rte of Melanin in soul development which s supped by an expanding knowledge bse ‘worl wide works of excllet ferme an ale scent he various CCaileges of the University of Nature. Humasty. i now rapidly fppronching the point where we wil elletvly reaver ht which hs een lest the pecne mind map for personal tsfoeation, family Felatonshis, nd scl ransrmations hat romese Sool Sasation a Sal Developmen Melanin, by the ater of is vA presence in mature and freuen overlapping cf Melonin led systems and uncions equzes 2 {Gicipary tar std. Watin he fam approach af the upmost importance titan Alien Ceti Historical perspective he the anchor nu pivot point from whic ach stale we conduced. This eel perspecive tat promotes the sneering of atieat modes of Melanin acrch, Black Symbolism, and. Poychnty that were conducted by tncent African Univesy scholars during a time well before the timegence ofthe Eopean Racism and White Supremacy. Rac hs produced wiespend miinerperin, fragmentation, soppresion and rss of rita ancien Aficn discoveries of Mele, “This intrusion wll bel review Fndiggs that pin 0 the cxsence. of Meliin Reseach and Prycoloiel stds by Ancient ‘ian ia Kemi These Avia scholars appear obeve discovered the ‘tse psjcholoiel fs at he winaaton of Black Synbosby the ‘nomen mind ead inde mate shits in lates of consciousness fn induce health or wating ofthe Eye of Ine Visin, The Eye of Hera, The Pinal Gland. The Pinel Gland & me know dng night 1 release int the blow the hormone Melionn, Melatonin affects the Whale Back Bouy Melanin Sytem (HBB) by increasing the amount telened of Piary MSM. (meeoceytestimuling hormone) thereby Fneeasing Melani pst by skin Mclanoyles wich in tn diety ‘Mest Melanin pouctinin intemal organ sis Plate cinder, sexton 157 ofthe Atceat Kemetic Coffin Texts (2100-1675 BLCE) (RO, Favor, tansnter” 1s happened that Re Said to Horus ‘Let me se yur Ej since this i happened wi, He ke titan sai’ at that (bac) stoke wath yur band covering 6 op the sound Eye which is here Horo leche a thet stroke and si ‘eolde Tam seing its shogether whe And thas Bow the ey hme into being. And Rest Look again yonder ack pig “And Hors Tneked at this Bick pig. and Hons eid oat Reatse of the vom of his injured Eye'sesngs "Behold my Eye Uke that fst Soma which Sth inficed vn my Ey, and Horas Became unconscious in hiepresece. And Re sai: "Te pis detestable to Hons" "Ths, over 40 years here he ednovery ofthe unconscious and ica aay by thepsychnr! wd pin, Sigmund Fre (stent va lle of Kemetic pschonymbalis), thse ancient Africas were “ie familar withthe concep othe unconscious andthe pyebolgies! roves of preston Fhe, hey apes ove been aie With the conspts of Inner Viskothe Eye Hera (Pineal Ghai), and Susrine teionshige 4 vsulraton of Black Syms. These are site whic hve Ben lst amd ely partly reptned by modern ‘Acie Africans of Kemet so vie their Black Skin that hte was oibton guint altering Altian skin ns was recorded i the 2nd of 12 Newaive Confessions. Skin Mann a5 rec dated under the Kemet tes of Flesh of Rand Fest Hem. Melanin ox beter yet cm the Kemetic name for Bich, was sen a having "magic oprties under the name et (Christ) Back a mame ven 1 the Black (re that rested fom the Kemetic metre proces of separating Goi a Siler toe 4” Earth bythe wee of Mercury. a simbolie level ths poses as rediscovered. bythe pyebiis and pysiian C Ganga the Symboie Process of Alert am experince in heh jst the proces ince eumcentatim of aenton (mediation) hy the tisever was seen tarda «spleens projection of the ebservers tron encom tts onto the subject beng visaied Symbobeally. the mind (meus) seperied the Goll (Light. AS vom ffs) frm the Siver (Gene Memory. Pastry Material Thos, is from an Afrcat-Centc historical perspective of eur Ivica Angst tha Ihave on blessed ind be Root ts Great Melanin Black Teee of Life pm which has Blosomed a Fit of Sacrifice. An Inveduetion To The Stay of Mclinin, Jet. Khem, The Flesh of Ro, The 133 Flesh of Hom, and Wor (Osis). The Pret Fis (Osiris. The Peres (Overview of the Current Stat of Melanin Research “The study of Melanin in he bomen frm and roghent snare i pins Key that wll nick the eins of mesa slavery that presealy | Tmpison the minds of African people thoughout the word. Despite the Citent sl dane foi be ot inteninal we of misedction, massive tkstvution of anceat Atcan wnivesity ais, sientific mulinedia Ivainweshing propapends, ongoncious station of iner vision Black Symbolism, and teal arial practes that psdoce chronic states of| iss wth ingested an poly deelped ine visualization, are’ vn fects of Back Melanin rnin ie ict ad ia step toa vast and far ies cosmic tune. Afticane survived the Boros of el ist be it he ‘Shes blondy sears of psi sivery or pietig sereams of the sou of| nent slave primarily boone of the deeply rote sense of spirit. This vas wih experiences of he spi far beyend the pits of religion. Alccan Spay te fos being x spacey, ht. of vague phrase isn oul a ie force tht rela ex be measired by many psc ‘Siete stands, Melanin isl oa philosophical plane is a Black ‘hereon dor through hick the ife fre of Alien Spirivaliy yosscs in moving om the spn eal int the material ea. The physical Hetficaton ofthe Melanin Black cemicalbologial doo in humans is resell the subject of intense dy by many Iberatristroaghow the Wow zing wide aay of dvanoe ols fence, "Yet thc ld esa eco fa old ican science practiced hy Alcan who were FREE TO USE THEIR WILL TO DO THE WORK ‘osha the word ino he scl forms son in tei deams. The dreams of fan visn ere awn by there angelic Alice ancestors tobe inne vision ‘mages of heaven a seen by their own sous. For thee Gre and Golden thes of th Affzansmere Kaw by fem toserve as 8 Great Compass and 1 Great Tuning Fk tn Spy. x measure (Black Niomete abit Yarsticky of beng cyt wt nue nd a ane wi herven itl. Melanin con be fesse, Aicam Spay can be messed. African Spiritual Life known by Acans fo ea dance to music. Can you ear i Co yo fel Can you tg of 12 Wil ithe go af you? From work which viewed he ear eek f many peat scholars, ‘BlackDot, Pr I hich robe st aitapes (12, videotapes (2-6), and ‘iste oem (7-17) te fo hese varios erences othe ancient Alcan seo symbo "Blick was wed entensively by ancient Aces to represent 1 host of cones ll of them having i comme the idea of seed, and thera tothe clletive usonscsindiacling te Ezyptian hieroglyph Teeth Egypt Go Ra, the Sun or Horus sen (Budge 1969; Churchvard, 1078) he el of testes a tee peincpes (logical elt bea) aad femal inp (ecco, ight the Acn' gent aks Holy Land hui Land it place of humanity nd me ofthe Tw (Ann) peop (Ring 1978, Nort pole strand seven slovous ones the Plaids stem; Sar atthe sammi ol the cone; the al scing oye of Horas (Churebvar, 1978) rpesenitive ofthe gu ke powers of ne isin, developed in the Iighest de ofthe Aan Univer, Sons of Light (Oss, Perec Black, ‘Ange, Jet Black, Suprconsios, Christ level) ames, 1976. All black Stare ae ued with he same symbole meaing of iden doorway othe Collective uacouscons, For aslane the Blick stone of he Kab of Mec Blick tne Pessni, soln rom Hasna city of Cartage to Rome in the test oni War al Back Fyramiion: he back capstone wal Found at nex of pyramid wc wee themes symbiafthe mind, Pub andthe fii ane fra Nun, Water, Chace (conscious awareness, dorvay othe ‘lee uncnecios);The interstate ofthe Great Pyramid of Khu ‘ring symbiof the al bck ard of Ament (Massey, 1973; Chuscbvard, 1978). The upper eva chamber of he eet Pyramid he King’s amber is «inal bik room symboling ane vison, the ll sexing ye Hons, Bhck Dot doorway tothe cillstive unconsions (King 179: Fochonan, 198). ‘Concerning the Blk cub, Kamel Osbman Calet Pasha wate in The Nilometc Cui the Buta def Societe Royale de Geograpbic Vol. 21, (0943) "Te Black coi of Ancient Egy was uakaown cg. This ait teas carved onthe Sort of the blac gre coms To the eit f the Entane lenge he oa of Ramses othe great colanade andi found tly black snes or wha cortespondeotheiesymbol. ls measured lengths ‘Stem. R.A. Sched Labior (1977 recently emensured the black uit ‘nd fond is mathematical engl be S4,02376 em ‘Ons of theacven odes of te ancien Afric Egyptian educations system wa that of Melanopbors, which second to Bruns (1), "was ers in he death and moray ies of the sou or Mysiery of Osiris Whereas according to Emhoven (19) the bioebemisry of both Nymphae terete sacred be watery (black i ond Maeagoa ofiiarom revels chemicals hat facilis kami tance -slep isthe symbolic Ea heath that permits micas esumection «The basic premise in humanistic paces is tha thee isn tance in which an elec cast may ‘Smmaniate with dite of ether works -— Watery and mandrake Symolsm beg in the ith Dymsty aod continad until te Polen Period hs cal (bigher tat of pists) developed the coesp of the restion ender otf hace (Mun a wich the dak poo of rehingness pve roe tot ble wate Hy fron which he fest being arose mos {pits the pesoon fs hat of Osi (erie it vas Ra)» Nympbne ‘cute Bloons frre consecutive days, wth is beaver ited 18 inchs she the water pn Esch da it opens taut 800 am. thse al ninth fl gery of Ra, th un. A the en of he hil hy the pling ots and av the closed flower enesth the srface ofthe Nittwater where iil each ft». Tage days were of extreme lngtane Yo the ansient Egyptian nthe combiaation of Oto ‘Pha (gol ideal ype foreach etize "Thome shoe pie ose the sume themes upon review of omar selene erature o the subj of Blick chemiaiologeal Melon The work, Blick Det, Part TV (13.16) conan the sateen, ‘Nelana a efonnl hri bioplyme tat te skin cor ound in al focal atl groups humanity tha rage tam Blick through Brown to ‘While etnias poe inside cll wt the homaa by Know as the Melanxye as opertedby Bentinck oars om thee saree earl Get epi cp. a ner be The erect ran ter ayer surrounding the neta uke. Toe neural abe is formed nthe very eal erry by 2 inition er iar mover pit (Back Det) aati of els rm the surface of mana contining ect (owe Iyer of he gasrla ag). This rapidly malig ll of els of ies the det result of fetivaton of he melanin coming Fale egg hy she melanin oman ne spermatazon, The opi exp ute erly emtye wl later devel ints the eyes from the our wal ofthe opi ep that here i another it of tnclanate ign Ths ayer hemes he rei in all vertebrate animals and Mt buransrepadess ofthe cor uf skin, Foe without a melanin black Fitment layer ofthe ein sch a ee willbe blind sn nonfunctional. The {anal neural tbe the esl he vgination ofthe melanin contain fete he sie of eign of many pagmestedneurns that are fund Thvoghow the sin. The melanin found in these urns fs known a= sneana an i resent pd ins ofall aman rene of the a REFERENCES. Farermor, Brethach ofthe pinion hal» study of melanin in buy sites tee tan the skin cee (st sch 36 the ier ea) revels rncanins oe in a redox cps electron afer age, amorphous se |. Tapes 1-4, Bisk Do, Bye of the Soul, Black Det Melanin, Prt LV; swear thresh swith elton tn er yet Her ye ofthe Sol, Pinal Gland review of he een nan as ction exchan seme eralnly Forte rr 1940 dh 1992, Richard. Kings M.D 193 Ha nea : 2 Tapes: Urea: From Mental Savery 0 Mastersip Pars LV, The ‘Kenit mags of Light, Richa D. King, M.D, 19, Virestpes-120 Minute Taper Types: 3 Melanin and the Pineal Gland, Public Lect Kao ‘Bake Durham, Norh Carolin 1993. A Review ofthe Kemetic Orie fhe Sty of Inner Vis andi relatoship oto Melanin ual the Eye of Hes, Pines! Gad, Utlizng Pineal Gland siete erste through 1992 and Melanin siete literature through 1008, Richa D. King, MD. Tape k Melanin and Pinal, Pabic Lecture, Medgar Bers Calege, New ‘York, New York, 30 slides, Rickert D- King M.D. 1993 Tape Afaceri Histon, Melanin and he Pineal Gland Long Beach, Calfornin, 100 Ses, Rich D. King, MD. 1991 am css hel foes Ii Tape I, Melani and th ye of Her (Pineal Gland) Interview of Richard nen 6 since 1946 the fst being eld in Londo in ‘King, M-D. by Listerel Midleton, n be River Hap (Nie) in #3, Whe. Ait olan th soy Maine Bel eve Reems iteration Mclain cnfereacesthrgh he KM-WR Science Coser, King, Re AD Doce ho Mena lover to Maserahp, Pac Aaa te United States, ‘rae, V1.N Aqua Spel Cntr, 1642 W. MLL. King Blvd, 0037, 197, ing Ri Black Dt Bick Sot, Pat, Uses, V2 NI Aguaian Spiral Center, 1342 W, ML. King Bod, 90037, 1980 ing, Rcd D Blok Dot, The Arche of Humanity, Uraes V-2,N. 3. arian Spiritual Cente, 1342 W. M. 1. King Biv, 90037, 12 10 King. Rishi D, The Afrcae Origin of Biologia! Payehiay, 1988 11 King, Richard D, The African Origin of Biological Psychiatry. Sey ‘Smith, Germantown, Tea. 1990, 12. King Rich, Select Raorances othe Bye of Hera from the Pyramid “Teas 1990 19. King, Rishi, Select References tothe Eye of Hera from he Coffin Antes $0 Minute Tapes 23 1H, King, Rist. Kemede Images of Light 1992 1S, King Ric The Pcl Gland, The Eye of Meru, 192 16, King ier. Melanin, Blak Dot Part V, 1983, 19, King Rich. Black Syoolion of the Unconscious: Part 1, Review ‘of Black Syrbelam inthe Collected Works of. G. ng, 1 1983 18, Branson, Jes E, Frat and Sora, The African Origin of Greck Letred Organisation, A Ceague Group Publication, p. 8 991 19, mh, Wiliam The Sacred Journey in Dynaste Egy: Shamanstic “Trance inthe Content ofthe Narctc Wate ilyand he Mandrake, af Peychowstive Drops V.21,N. 1p. 61-75, 1989 20, Bares. Cal, Mel: The Chemica to Key to Black Greatness, The ‘arf of exe Drags om Melanin Contes Within he Black ‘Human, €.B.Polisers, Houten, Tex, 1088 D1.Webing Franses Cas, The Cress Theor of Color Confomaion and ‘asin, (White Reis), Wishing, D.C, CR Pblses, 1970 22 Banyan Melanin: The Organizing Motecle, Medical Hypothesis, sp 140 1988 2%, Branch, AS, Esta-Cutaneous Melanin, Pigment Cell Research, ‘ela, 234-237, 1988, 24. Mera Getesege, A.M, Posolgy and Pathophysiology of ner ‘Ear Melanin, Pigment Cll Research, V1, P. 238-24, 1988 25, Misia, Yuta, Preface the Proceedings ofthe 14h Inerational ‘lament Cll Conference, Ks pan, 190, Pigment Cell Research ‘Sopp V2 9, 192 Melanin and the Bran, Neromelanin 12 Bran Stem Pigmented ‘Nucl ‘Within the buna bain stem are rove center of black melanin, These twelve centers ae the (1) lous coeruleus, (2) substantia age, (3) rachis) parnigas (5)nrcepuari series, 6) nr wigea (7) Imcseeepasi, (8) poi cena ort, (9) tepmen:pedenneulopots, (Ho) paresis, (1) medals drsomotor, sd (12 eto ambilgvalis All ‘i if with spinal, verte have varying degrees of melanin Pimento of hese ele eaters. The eae fe forms sacha fish, mphibians and reptiles have Fewer of hehehe centers o be pigmented, ‘Wheres the poylgenially advanced ile farms have mare of the ceters Pigmented with mammals having the Ingest number of pigmented bein Pein (exes) OF primates iis th near human type chimpanzee hat Isley ofthe twelve centers onan deep back melanin pigmentation, Crile humans lve deep melanin pigmentation of ll weve twin cet Tee rin enter deeply pigmented wth lack mela oly ins hun tr pes ech anial farsi known a he Locus ‘Cyerles- The Las Couleas terally means, Black Dot. Lous sa latin ‘von sce loca, meting point oda. Coerles is Staskit weed, ‘rks yamas, memning bac. The philosophical concept ofthe Black Dot ins hey concep found Ihe coe of ancient Alcan Systems of Knowledge ‘sch the ancient Aan hioglypic name for Kui Land, te Great Lakes bu th bith plas of arity ad he Egypin biopic ame forsee yn Ra, Thi pcan eine thst ancient Aca sade brain anatomy Su ne! he an st Black Dot becuse its appearance ad fenton evel evidence of symbol, chemisy, anatomy, and histor at was In lie with then know retereh evidence of the role of Blick Melanin rowghou care Modern scence has rediscovered some ofthe relationships that he Lvs Caer isto ter bain staretires. Cele he Lae Cereus pide the principal noradeenergc orpinebrne, serve supply to men fieas of the braincerehral eirtex,hippocimpus, eigulate gts. ad sys that make up the nr orton of he imi crtex. The oes ‘ules also suplies par of he aaepinep he found in her bran areas sich as bypedhalamas,thalamos, pine! hin, habenls (deep pee), {estan vee brain sem and pial er The Los Coerudets appears tobe involved ia memery for a mlfeeton of this melanin ran center can ‘esl in arnesin The Lacs Coals a involved in emotions sch ‘nat with connum of easton or inhib ction by his ack rnin cee inch he tle or normal range af functn is experienced as igane,euin, prudence, watehalness, and steativeness. Whereas igh eran funtion may dipay feelings of eo, ani fata, dren tnd ahi. Minimum loc coruevs fonction may dipay Setngs of inatenivenes dsractblty, impulsivity. carlesness, ecklessnes and fearlessness. This as major entment implctions fr he less stats of imental sliver, rion, depression, anki, and post taumatic sess ‘yom, Lest the pineal gland relss& haan, Melatonin, daring ight that has avast aay offs. One f the jr Tes atvation of the tins, nea poster, which in for ator the Locus Cees, 10 induce REM slep. RE, M. sep i that phate of sleep ding wich teophyte humans cn consciously recall their dreams of wave and Smmanication with eter itereal memory pools and or external other ‘dimensions of fife innate, Trance Stats. "Atsin, evidence of th cet intense word wide ste of Melanin ‘anbe csi aprectedupn even the many pubitions by Aitocentc ‘thes such King (1-17), Bas (0), Welsng (21); nee theo such 5 Br (22), Benth (23) an Meyer zum Gotesberge (25) ands vast host eter str who comprise the International Pigment Cell Conference (26 members ith he thre regal sei ofthe Pan American Society for Pigment Call Reser, and the Japanese Society fr Pigment Cell Resech The Inertial Pigmset Conerence bas held ile Inerational Pigment Cell Conferences (1, 16) since 1946, the last Beng held in Lond in 1993 ‘Wheres, Affocenc schol in te soy of Melanin have beld seven Intel Melanin conference rough te KM-WR Science Coasoum, Ine ll in the United States Melanin and the Eye Black Melanin is etal bipigmeo! for vision in the eyes of ans and al if oems wit sia cole, verbs. Te ine ining fe volatera eyes connate rein, a srt with bo ros an cones Rods are sensory organ spt: that price blak and white vison by ‘paring parle f ah, photos, when Tig passe hoogh he pup 16 fetch the ner etl Iining of the ee. The rs photnigment,rbodoss yu cpg light charges shape Irom i (cai shape) into ans (bot shopelthereby hoi ato he Hight photon, te shodopsin contining dsc 1 thn sealing into the deeper melanin pigment ye of he eins Inthe Pigmented ayer ofthe retina the ight photon stented int the Meanie Iola which in tur tesfonms the phon nto an elecia-cemical esse dt passes iat the plc nerve athe the opi neve es ato herp feb ar roesing. Cole Vision i produced bythe retina hy Mele thoug «solr pocess hy ting her photepgment in sitferet recep ype, the cones. Without the eon in the pigmented layer ofthe retina sie form wl be permenant Blind Light vison is tf Blackness, Melanin - (Creel, D. O° Donal FE Visual Sytem ‘Awe a Human Ocaar Albino, Scene, 27, p. 1253, 1980, Pah. M, 1. Poco Light and Drk-Adapted Rad Outer Segments by Catred men Eptelum, Seine 2, p. 526, 1978) ‘Another ea fence tothe role of Melis in visulsystms i found inthe cenit report, Drager, UC, Alin 2d Visual Pahoa, The New Eapand Joana of Medicine, V. 314, 25.636, 1986, This Scientist reported, *Oculoctaseous albinism is am autosomal recessive Avo tht i diinguished by uniform hypopigmenttion of the skin, bai, fin! eyes Involvement lined heey ocula abinsm) hs also Been Aheseried. Beene “a Tack of mclinin pigmeat resall in» redaced neeptow othe skin cain cnet) may devel it expel areas. ‘A simi las of photreepica nthe eyes end te potophia (Fear tod vince of Fgh). Lass often apreciated, however, are more camplex Aistubences ofthe visu system, hich ae commen ie ans and eee vito chara hy bypepiametation,” i hypopigmented humans a nseouting ofthe opi et ness results ina ek of binoclar vision and Cvokieic nystagmus (constant flateriag movement of the eyes in 2 Norm or verte drstin), Drage as of he opin that epokietc stags a dfs ws casey," siting the evel of the retin in Soca wy tat phyisolgi prope sane clr directional eeciviy. ‘insted by 190 rs” A Tout dfs night blindness,» contin that ‘cus in Rypopigmented vertebne fe forms, elevated recoded vin theslds eiagom he intense spon phtoecoptr funn mutations ae tno to alec ements, Mat hese gras probably ive homologs in he human genome, bt only some of Tee il be arpa s pigment mata, Only one ofthe pigmentation othe ino inn reyes led smelt ad the ye hs noche Known functions. Wha the fancon of he ge fuer f pigment gens tat donot code fr yen a practically tice ihe answer Known ines of coded pee bal» bevierng it Waban ith yr ssn. The til pigment pelo, ‘ich is derived from the optic up (an of the nea Ibe). bores Fitment ney eal sage oe developement, when specition ‘Gente hat the place hat Stemine cores fhe ret ad idee at a ie, In aman this ec aon it ths bref ith, Tae synthesis of melanin a his stage seem to iaence he ‘lshishment oth sa plan ven ef there ae any vital connections.” Melanin and the Bar Black Melanin isa cal biogigmest, The Black Chemical of Lie, Fou throughout he ete bay a Ramin, skin, eye, bn, endocrine ls, bod, heart, lugs, gastinestinal tt, Keney/uroential tech, Sexual organs OT ours mebmn ilo presenti the ea of humans and ictal maven the earing of sound Perhaps, given the cient pare worldwide high achievements bythe crest tents of Africans fn he Ineo msc th sty ef melas, ering, nl misc maybe 4 "ey tothe Hy" of melanin ke eed Testy of sound isa study of vibration ‘nd musi (harms esosance=key). Sound is or oh, particular fange of bration o movements of nome inthe spect of igh, Ll Melina «phosorecepor, eeiver flight f+ doce though which Hight the afr tra he arses ensry ore information pols tose xgarizgto eed th self raul of human while inthe pial by. ‘Melanin fund hoaphoat he earn hamans an he presence of velanin ote inter ea is of great impvinee. Mie LosteBarents td Fredrik Lindgren in thi stl, The ffloesee of Ine Ear Melain On Soscepibity To TTS in Humans, Sena. Audiol. 1990 19:97-102 reported, In the lest mest reports concering thresholds or permanent NIAL- S) (ABILITY TO HEAR SOUND) is ifeent etic groups o aces nt tat Bering ibe preserved in coloured than in ite poplin, Buch & Rifrd (1931) sued the bering Tunction in eared end white ‘Aris hop atiet with th ane clara ackgrnind wd ound ht the bering thresholds were sero in cooated compared with white ales in the fequeny rage sbove 24H, and his ifleence incesed with ae, Roset eal (1962) favestigned heaving esol in $41 primitive tes rope living in relatively aoe ares in the Republic of Sun, These rope stoned Peter baring tessa th bigh eguences than sheen Fete rms ay iia stady of modem western evan, Post (1968) lated the resus of hering examinations of American consi from ‘orld War 1a found that colar men shove mide age bad better earn tires thigh reaneeies than white men in te sume a su, ‘special in mals over 30 ea age Kars etal (1972) stad 36 dock ovkers with lately aniform brekground of aoe expose and found Siena beter heeing thresholds Tor high frequency tones moog ued workers than among white workes. Royster et aL (1980) 2» investigated nise-exponedpopolton sn found tat black feraes a5 « jmp tended oso es oes a higher ges hand the white aes. Tn I98S, Ati & Pratt (Asdiery-Evoked Potential Correlates of ‘Sesceptliy To Noise Induced Hearing Los. Autiology I9KS:24148-$6) Toend sin curation betwee rs nd skin pigmentation on the one fund and suscep toni on th tere the more pigment in he iis (outer src of eye) sed ski, the less PTS (ow suscep). Tota & ‘Boos 1967) (The knpetnce Of The Colour Of Tae ris On The Evasion ‘Of Resistance To Aton Fatigue, Rev-Otsacuonpiniol 42: 183-9) and eed et al (1976) (Thelen OF Eye Colour Upon Temporary Tresold Shi Audigy 1548-468 ound pesive craton between eye-colr tn TTS. es bunerayed pens wer lens sunpetble to TTS tan be ed prcns Ths elnin sci thei. Aca ppl esr a wider ange ‘of sound thin Eurpetns in patclar the Tow bass sounds. Inked he “Ihcker The Berry The Suet The Jue” the Blacker the ear of the Eye (is) theres me nln Io of Life) pesat iathe immer ear and the ‘eter the aby tear soundigh, Tis universal law concerns terol of Inelanin sam energy translations doe tha applies Yo mos sensory expan repre it kn singonch pit) ee (son) ening (sound), taste, nd smell nd thei copending ol extensor expansions (Ernest Stevens Ligh Color, Tones aad Nature's Finer Forces: Marvelous cine, sind Acive Preps, Funetions of Election, Magncors ‘Alors, Ci Lights Odes, Auras nd Rao 1974 Hell Research P.O. Box 410 Motelurne il, Califia 95248) (Anthur M, Young The Reflexive Universe Evoston of Consiousnes, 197, Rober Brgas Assocs, Box ‘Mil Valley, Cloris 94541. "AM. Meyer Zam Guitesberg, inthe ate, Physilogy and Pathphysilgy of les Ear Main, Pigmest Cel Research 1988 :238- 249 ha writen that men in the iner car is volved in the el af Caio ons by the actal mevemea! of the melanin coining cls ‘melaocytes along inner ea blood vessels and he inner ea endolymphatic i Agi, evidence of he caret intense wor widest of melanin ‘an be appt upon reviewing the many putions by AVricancenric Sek as Ring (1-13, Barnes 20), Welsing (21); new theese such as Bare (22). Bretnach 23) and Meyer rm Gotesberge (25) and vast asembly 30 of ter sient who comprise the intresionl Pgs Cell Confess Melanin and the Pineal Gland, Development of Inner Vision lack Melani tt biopiament, The Blick Chemical of Lite, found hog he ene boy fl ns thet ski, yes, baa endo ‘cine ghd, bs eat, sce, lng, pastries at, Lileey rere ital ct emul ens, Despite te presence of melanin any body Inston and inept senery re 3 transrmatien hor he melanins ‘ay frton asi we Blick ester, A sty of ancient Alien Bs {ory reveals het THE HUMAN MELANIN SYSTEM FUNCTIONS AS A. (WHOLE) HOLY BLACK BODY (HBB) AS THE INNER VISION EYE. ‘OF THE SOUL, TO PRODUCE TRUE SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS, (CREATIVE GENIUS, BEATIFIC VISION. TO BECOME GOD-LIKE, AND TOHAVE CONVERSATION WITHTHE IMMORTALS (Aacese). ‘Asconding to Gong E.Jumes in the book, Stolen Legacy, Chapter thee p.27(U. BU. S.Commnitions Systems, ne), "The eas theo tye sation the Egyptian hry. The Egan Mistery Systems hs as items impontant obj the deieton of man, and aught tat the sou of tani Heated fom is iy fetes, eal enable hi to Become gai id he Gas thse ati the eaten and hol emo Sithth Inmtals."The Egyptian Mystery Syste, tke he mode Un ‘ery, thet of mize area the anes etre it the [ening source of oganize elle Accoag to Pitscmaan, the Egypt Mysterio had thee graes of students (1) The Mortals ie probationary Stents ho were eng istrict, ut who had ot el experienced the inet ‘no (2) Theale hse who atid ner vison and had. ‘revived mind of mx and (3) Te retro Sons of Ligh, who Bad Recrne ieniied with united with Ligh. spits consciouses), The EYE OF INNER VISION forall ursanssthe EVE OF HERU (WIORUS), he EYE OF THE SOUL, THIRD EYE, PINEAL GLAND, EPIPHYSIS CEREBRI. Despite «chim hy European that Herpes, « {ret Lary of Alexandria profesor the hid entry B.C. was the fst lscoverer of he pineal gland be was in at a stent of Aan Eayptian presiesof Medicine, These Afian male and female Physicians belonged {o the Pasionhor Onder (Calls) of he Egyptian University (MSstexy Stern) whch bl his as am inc Edacatonl Academy Lax ver oak tous ears pee a he apearanceof he Grek Lary and Museu in ‘Aan Egypt. These Ain sient had defined in hei write ets (42 ns Tet Py Tent Col Tex Bok he Coming Forth My Dy Bok the Ded tied Leto, ily and els ie Peat He (ha ln te su ght, St i Moon ight, So ie Bsc Whole Body Mla Sen Inthe mo eft resco of he oper exits thse shine of Pooh Tatemon, yen 8h Dy. loch Pak, leant The Shine Tathanan This the eo he pal hd, the ly race in he inrr he ead ht Fenn ws caveman gh Tas was writen hy Alans 1200 yas Pelee Terps md 3.30 yes bere he rsomery ofthe ive alg tis by modes Engen ets (RR, The Peal Glan. Vor Fh 142), With sug he piel eee no ede Formas seston. Dering nightie the peal lees nt the lsd Aha he oly: King Ata Orne of Bike Pay. Inde he Paes Ons te upset ina cia of gland found Antic xno ek ncdig pny. ny gan lng he nd fol) ly Black Bay CHB ply Syste) Ala te pas hi sytem cin he APUD czy hs | as foe nding ton os (ey Black ale of Melanin) A pln of he A. PUD. sytem gina om he in sic, the ear fret, which deco im tn vagal of te Meni con tceLem nef the stint the ety pee, (Peuse, AGE, Histcer Cyochem: 7S). 31 Tne ile sec fh sme sect of Phar Ttankhamat | in i mii ges shih bave tat by Ry Ame | Js King p47}-(1) Head Horas, (2) Face of Hers (3) Neck Hora (4) 133iste of Hl 8) ner) Eye, (6) Doorway. The [33sue« Hoes hs ssn bees ante by Pike Fine Stuf” Fine Stl and th [Ri vssue of Horas may hve been the aaceat Aa scintifenames | Melani, Cerny, given Melanin cee rol ae te chemical of ie nd | Ihoonay thug which ave posed and assed he all pect | legs ight (Ie) ae ded, Manin as «Fe Sut tly xn yp Aca ay of expressing sh Farther Teeth ance Alcan toni ik ann wth he peal rand 33 reve an Africa knowledge of bh scene, Forte cal (ul develope ‘els fon corso, ring pit he 33 hone vertebral olan fo horovontl dead level fhe smalls iegvkave ein. he Bess) spn Ihe treed rslaton uf th so fr the psi dy by prone ‘slucatin. The hole Iy lain granelrsyiem fo slo the 33 Xertebete spinal colts increases in hormone prduetion and ‘Secvctimapneic glandular iterations ding the eure of hs proces (King 7.9312), [Melanin and the Pineal Gland Hone Denslty Relationships to Skin Melanin ck Melanin ri! bopigment, The Black Chemical of Life Find tecaghont the entre By ll man in thi ki, eyes, baie ftucrine slinds, Blood her, muscle, ngs gaseintestn tac neogcnta ct,sexsl ops tc Melanie ath present in many ifr! body lesions Fancion a4 Whole Holy Back Bay (HBB). The Huck Dex Eye Of Her, Pinel Glad, Thied Eye. The eye of Her Prices ive Sirinal Conscicusess, Creative Genius, Beste Vision, To Besome Git, and to Have Conversation Wit the Inmaral(Anestrs), Over & Sninvos period of four housnd years price tothe emergence of Gree [ry lexan there were Arcam Pia Professors ofthe Atcan Hcatonal Academy, The Esypian Mystery Sytem, defined The Eye ot Herw in thee writen texts (42 Books of Thebai Pyumi Texts, Teas, ilfin “Tests, Book ofthe Coming Fath By Day (Book of te Dea) These ‘Alvin Female and Mal Profesor he Kemetic University. The Mistry Syste of Kem (Egypt in thw varios writen texts da deine in detail the Jaton. hysilgy and elatieship ofthe Ee of Heru (Pineal Gland) to Sen Tip, Mn ight, Soul and the Hoy Back Bay (HBB). The ly Black oy (HBE an named hee act Alans the 133 Tissue of Hors, Fine Sf, ed leah of, In the mile af the Fist te sections othe appr register Fgh fovl of he set vise of Pharoah Totankbar, Egyptian 18h Dynasty 1530 B.C. (1,200 yeas bore the Greek Lm of Alexandria are sit Imummifr Figures which have Bee tansated by Rkhly Ame-Iones (R, Kine The Ata Origin of Biolog Psychiat p. 9, 190)(1) Head of Hos, (2) Fee of Hors, (2) Neck of Horm) 13s of Hort (8) tn Eye (6) Doorway, The 138 Tsu Horas has ao hee tanlted thy PinkotT as “Fie Stl!” (A, Pant, The Shines of Tutankhamun, Princ Un Pres 1977). The concep ofthe Eye of Hern as an Inner Ee {ysl clear and sel explanatory, For ner vson wat level of conscious operating, the dec seo the soa ver an ave th seo he mod that Ys devekped in the Alticn Universiy stants in rade 2, Inlet, and fade 3, Sons of Light (Geege James. Solon Legacy, Chapter 3). The fbi tem ofthe nin Kaiser incense he vibratory ae ni bormvee Sereno Melati, a melanin activating hartoae, Dory ‘serstothe dorony of he ani tance crass sutures othe tp of the ‘tol thrngh hich he soul sd ops during the curse of ou ody travel Dawa also fee tote operation ni fenton of Mclain i each te rany lotions of Melanin in he by it inftenced by the Pineal thon Melatonin The [33 Tht of Hera definition of the Eye of Hruby the ancient Altcan Phsicins clenly revels 1 Koowledge of high science andthe ‘els fhe Ee of Heru othe Whe Bay Melanin System, The Fine ‘Stl Tete the glands inthe ns tht re come by te Ee of Her Pineal Giand-Thyroi,Paatyroid, Thyrocleitonn Cell. The pray oid Ihcmooe proces the hormone paratyrihormose (PTH) which pall acim oi of bone sloeage to steease Blood levels of calcium. Wheres “Thyrocncenn els icreases the storage of elim ino Bone fro blood Bul(N H. Bell, Vitamin -enderine system I-Clin- Invest. 6:16, 1988) reported that in Black peopl heres eur higher evel of PTH homoge ‘lyst vitamin D horton (1,25 (OH) 2D than ound in Whites. The Pineal Gland seeeios increas th evel of hormone secretions bythe Parthyroid Gland, PTH ( D. Kis, Ac. Medien Aedeminae Seientiarem Hungarie,Tors 25 (4:35.37), The Eye of HeraPinel Old seretons eres th Thi and Tyredetin Ramae secretions (0. Csaba, Aelia bl: Acad. Sos Heng. 19(1)35-11, 1968, Melanin is present within the Piel gh (. Saturn, Cs. Biochem, Phil, 36-227 235, 1988) Sites ihe eel inl homme xeon ound in Back People (King, 1994, W. Pelam, 1 Clm. Badociol Melb, 37334134, 19). ‘The Eye of Hes, Fines! Gan, tnked othe neck lands Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thyroaleiionin) and Melanin (Ski, aad other Whole Boy Maen Stes) tvoogh Cen td Viena Te formato of Wiamin D Fist begins inthe skin av» previa 7