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1 ECE-S303: Signals and Systems II

Midterm III Part A: Summer 2019-20

Last Name: _______________________________________ First:____________________

• You have 1 hour 20 minutes (total of 80 mins) to complete BOTH parts of exam. There is an
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• Open books and open notes
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• Make sure that you print your name in the space provided above and circle your major.
• You MUST show all work and clearly indicate (i.e., circle/box) your final answers. Correct
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• You must sign the statement of understanding or the grade is an “F”.
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• Make sure that you write large enough and dark enough for me to read, otherwise it is wrong.
• If you do not have a printer: work on plain paper - replicate statement of understanding, write
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Problem Points Score

1 Compactness and
Unitary Transforms 20
2 Difference equation, transfer function, 30
stability and step response and FVT
3 Inverse of Bilinear Z-Transform
4 Concept Questions NA
And simple computations
Total Part 50

Dr. Tom Chmielewski © 2020 ECE-S303 Summer Midterm III Part A 1

2 ECE-S303: Signals and Systems II
Midterm III Part A: Summer 2019-20

Problem 1: Given a 2-dimensional vector space (random) where:

2 0.7 𝑥1
𝐸[𝑥] = 0 𝑐𝑜𝑣[𝑥] = [𝑅] = [ ] 𝑥 = [𝑥 ]
0.7 2 2

a) (5 points) What is the energy in 𝑥 ?

Given the optimal basis set with respect to compactness

1.3 0 𝑏
𝐸[ 𝑏] = 0 𝑐𝑜𝑣[𝑏] = [𝑅𝑏 ] = [ ] 𝑏 = [ 1 ] and 𝑥 = 𝑏1 𝜙̂1 + 𝑏2 𝜙
̂2 where
0 2.7 𝑏2
𝜙̂1 = 1 [−1] and 𝜙 ̂2 = 1 [ 1 ] with eigenvalues 𝜆1 = 1.3 𝜆2 = 2.7
√2 1 √2 1

̂1 , 𝜙
b) (5 points) Show that [𝜙] = [𝜙 ̂2 ] is a unitary transform.

c) (5 points) What is the energy in 𝑏 ? Is the energy the same as part a?

d) (5 points) Write an expression for an estimation of 𝑥 where 𝑒𝑚 is minimized. What is the
percentage of the total energy in the estimate? What is the energy in 𝑒𝑚 ?

Dr. Tom Chmielewski © 2020 ECE-S303 Summer Midterm III Part A 2

3 ECE-S303: Signals and Systems II
Midterm III Part A: Summer 2019-20

Problem 2: Given the following difference equation for a LTI causal system:
𝑦[𝑛] − 𝑦[𝑛 − 2] = 𝑟[𝑛]
a) (5 points) Compute the transfer function . Report your results in positive powers of
z and with the denominator factored. Keep fractions it is much easier.
b) (5 points) Is the system stable? Explain why or why not. Give two reasons.
c) (10 points) Find the step response, if r[n] = 64u[n], 64 times the discrete unit step.
d) (5 points) Using the Z-transform, determine the final value of the step response. Verify
your result against y[n] found in part c
e) (5 points) Using the Z-transform determine the initial value of the step response. Verify
against y[n] found in part c.

Part a

Part b
• Reason 1:

• Reason 2:

Dr. Tom Chmielewski © 2020 ECE-S303 Summer Midterm III Part A 3

4 ECE-S303: Signals and Systems II
Midterm III Part A: Summer 2019-20

Part c - Step response.

Part d - Final value theorem

Part e – Initial Value theorem

Dr. Tom Chmielewski © 2020 ECE-S303 Summer Midterm III Part A 4

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