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Member :

Agnes Goeyana (1) : Lyrics in Indonesian
Bryan Satria (5) : Singer
Iris Vevina (17) : Lyrics in Indonesian, lyrics in English
Jennifer Puspadewi (20) : Music, lyrics in English
Jennifer Wijaya (21) : Singer, lyrics in English
Joyceline Marchelle (22) : Lyrics in Indonesian
Mathilda Dellanova (25) : Music, singer
Maxwell Salvador (27) : Lyrics in Indonesian, lyrics in English
Winston Sujayaputera (34) : Lyrics in Indonesian


Oh wahai engkau Indonesia O how much I love Indonesia

Sungguh beragam s’tiap sukunya Its diversity, of each tribes there is

Tak peduli apa agamanya Who cares about what the religions are

Rasa cintanya, itu yang utama The love that we share is what we can’t

Tak ada yang bisa Not a soul can split us

Memecah persatuan kesatuan Our integration, our devoted hearts.

Janganlah sampai lupa This we must keep in our minds

Oh oh oh oh Oooo

Kita-lah anak Indonesia We are the youth of Indonesia

Walaupun kita beda Though we are all so diverse

Namun kita bersatu, luar biasa! Still we could be united, oh incredible!

Kita-lah anak Indonesia We are the youths of Indonesia

Berjayalah selalu Forever we will triumph

Saling rangkul sesama, anak Indonesia Embracing in each other, we are


Dimanapun diriku berada Wherever we may be, as far we flee

Hati kan slalu rindu neg’ri ini My heart still remains, here in my

Meskipun ada banyak masalah Despite of many conflicts that we see

Kita tetap kuat, hadapi semua We will still stay firm, we can face them
Walaupun berbeda Though our looks, and our faith

Kita anak Indonesia yang satu May be different but that won’t separate

Bangga s’lama-lamanya Forever we’ll always be proud

Oh oh oh oh Oooo

Kita-lah anak Indonesia W​e are the youths of Indonesia

Walaupun kita beda Though we are all so diverse

Namun kita bersatu, luar biasa! Still we could be united, oh incredible!

Kita-lah anak Indonesia W​e are the youths of Indonesia

Mengubah perbedaan Uniting all the difference

Jadikannya senjata, kita pasti bisa Turn them into a weapon, Nothing can
aisjaojjaopjdpojsapodjsoajdjajsojdoajodjodjsojj​hinder us

Walaupun berbeda Though our looks, and our faith

Kita anak Indonesia yang satu May be different but that won’t separate

Bangga s’lama-lamanya forever we’ll always be proud

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh O o o, o o o

Kita-lah anak Indonesia We are the youth of Indonesia

Walaupun kita beda Though we are all so diverse

Namun kita bersatu, luar biasa! Still we could be united, oh incredible!

Kita-lah anak Indonesia W​e are the youths of Indonesia

Mengubah perbedaan Uniting all the difference

Jadikannya senjata, kita pasti bisa Turn them into a weapon, Nothing can
aisjaojjaopjdpojsapodjsoajdjajsojdoajodjodjsojj​hinder us

Kita-lah anak Indonesia W​e are the youths of Indonesia

Mengubah perbedaan Uniting all the difference

Jadikannya senjata, kita pasti bisa Turn them into a weapon, Nothing can
aisjaojjaopjdpojsapodjsoajdjajsojdoajodjodjsojj​hinder us
Kita indonesia We are Indonesia

Bersatu s’lamanya Forever we unite

Anak Indonesia We are Indonesia



Tak pedulikan warna kulitnya It doesn't matter the color of the skin

Bentuk rupanya, ragam rambutnya The shape apparently, the variety of hair

Tak pedulikan tanah asalnya It doesn’t matter the land of origin

Tutur bicara, keyakinannya The speech, the conviction

Tak ada yang sama Nothing is the same

Itulah yang membuat kita kaya That is what makes us rich

Harus selalu ingat You have to always remember

Ow, ow, ow, ow … Ow, ow, ow, ow

Aku adalah Indonesia I am Indonesian

Beraneka ragamnya Many diversities

Warna-warni irama Colorful rhythms

Oh indahnya Oh beautiful

Aku adalah Indonesia I am Indonesian

Rukunlah selamanya Get along forever

Berdampingan bersama Side by side together

Kita Indonesia We are Indonesia

Tak pedulikan ada di mana It doesn’t matter where it is

Hati tertanam 'tuk negeri ini Heart belongs to this country

Walau dunia riuh mendera Even though the world is whacking


Damai selalu bumi pertiwi Peaceful mother earth

Berbeda tak sama Different, not the same

Yang penting kita tetap jadi satu What matters we remain one

Untuk selama-lamanya Forever and ever

Ow, ow, ow, ow … Ow, ow, ow, ow ...

Aku adalah Indonesia I am Indonesian

Beraneka ragamnya Many diversities

Warna-warni irama Colorful rhythms

Oh indahnya Oh beautiful

Aku adalah Indonesia I am Indonesian

Rukunlah selamanya Get along forever

Berdampingan bersama Side by side together

Kita Indonesia We are Indonesia

Berbeda tak sama Different is what we are

Yang penting kita tetap jadi satu What matters we remain one
Untuk selama-lamanya Forever and ever

Ow, ow, ow … Ow, ow, ow….

Ow, ow, ow … Ow, ow, ow….

Aku adalah Indonesia I am Indonesian

Beraneka ragamnya Many diversities

Warna-warni irama Colorful rhythms

Oh indahnya Oh, beautiful

Aku adalah Indonesia I am Indonesian

Rukunlah selamanya Get along forever
Berdampingan bersama Side by side together
Kita Indonesia We are Indonesia
Kita Indonesia We are Indonesia
Rukun selamanya Get along forever
Kita Indonesia We are Indonesia

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