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Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not one of the objectives of a risk management plan?

a. Create a list of threats

b. Create a list of vulnerabilities

c. Identify costs

d. Eliminate risk

2. Which portion of a risk management plan explains the extent to which the plan will be organized and carried

a. Introduction

b. Scope

c. Assignment

d. Schedule

3. What is an unwanted result of uncontrolled changes in a project?

a. Reduced budget

b. Scope creep

c. Shorter schedule

d. Increased benefits

4. A risk management project manager has identified a problem within a risk management plan. The project
manager (PM) realizes one of the controls is ineffective and has identified a better alternative. What should the
PM do?

a. Implement the better control 1/5

b. Halt the project

c. Work with a stakeholder to identify a plan of action

d. Rewrite the plan

5. Projects will typically have an individual that has a key interest the success of a project and has the authority
to make decisions to provide additional resources. What is this person called?

a. Project manager

b. Information owner

c. Data owner

d. Stakeholder

6. Of the following choices, what is not a responsibility of a project manager for a risk management plan?

a. Ensuring costs are controlled

b. Ensuring the project stays on schedule

c. Ensuring the project stays within scope

d. Ensuring team members do not work on other projects

7. A risk management team decides to identify threats, vulnerabilities, and recommendations using an affinity
diagram. Which of the following is not one of the basic steps used to create an affinity diagram?

a. Create a problem statement

b. Identify unacceptable suggestions

c. Generate ideas

d. Mitigate risks

8. You have completed the calculations for a cost-benefit analysis. The costs of a control are greater than the
benefits of a control. What is the most likely recommendation for this control?

a. Implement the control.

b. Accept the risk.

c. Recalculate the data.

d. Perform a return on investment analysis.

9. You have completed the calculations for a cost-benefit analysis. The costs of a control are less than the
benefits of a control. What is the most likely recommendation for this control?

a. Implement the control.

b. Accept the risk.

c. Recalculate the data. 2/5

d. Perform a return on investment analysis.

10. After receiving the response from management on recommended controls, you begin creating an
implementation plan. What would you create that can help you track progress, assign responsibility, and provide
documentation compliance requirements?

a. Gantt chart

b. Critical path chart

c. Milestone plan chart


The attachment below is another question 3/5

1 Answers:option d

Eliminate risks

It is not the objectives of risk management plan 4/5

And rest of the options like creating a list of threats, vunerabilities and identies costs are objectives of risk
management plan

2 Answer:option b


IIt is the portion of the risk management plan that explains the extent to which the plan will be organised and
carried out

3Answer:option b

scope creep

it is unwanted result of uncontrolled changes in project

And rest of the options does not suit it

4Answer:option a

Implement better control

The projective manager should implement better control for implementing better control.

There is no need to halt the project or rewrite plan or something

Note:as per the chegg guidelines only 4 bits are answered at a time please post rest of the questions seperately. 5/5

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