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Lecture 4.4 Lecture 4.

Merovingian Viking
Dagobert I Fjords
Mayor of the Palace Old Norse
Pippin Fara í Viking
Carolingian Runestones
Charles Martel Lärbro Stones
Salic Law Scandinavia
Carloman Norwegians & Danes
Grifo Gokstad Ship
Childeric III Rus’
Pope Zachary Kyiv [Kiev]
Pope Stephen I Iceland, Greenland, Vinland
Pope Stephen II Skrælingar
Carolingian Dynasty Anglo-Saxon
Lombards Feudalism
Donation of Pippin Normandy
Papal States Arthurian Period
Umayyads London
Gasonians / Aquitanians Alfred the Great
Saxon & Bavarian Old English/Celtic British/Old French/Norse
Charlemagne -Thorpe
Carloman Reichsadel
Bertrada Æthelred II the Unready
Desiderata Edward the Confessor
Hildegard William of Normandy / the Conqueror
Desiderius Battle of Hastings
Pope Adrian I Bayeux Tapestry
Master of Italy & King of Lombards
Provence & Aquitaine
Balearic Islands & Sardinia
Song of Roland
Leo IV
Constantine VI
Pope Leo III
Imperator Romanorum
Donation of Constantine
Vikings & Normans

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