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Is China a threat to the indian software industry

From my point of view I belived that it is rather posing a opportunity instead of threat .Matter of
concern is how we r taking
a lesson from China about its a rapidly growing economy.Everybody r crying for its prodct
which r very cheap at the same time they are as good as Japanese product in terms of quality.

We should focus on how china is producing such a quality product at so much cheap rate.When
we became the part of globalization we expected that we r now part of global
economy.Globalization will not only produce opportunity but at the same time it will produce
threat also

China have lot of expertise in Manufacturing sector.Today's situation states that there is nobody
in the world now which even could think of giving competition to it and India is well settled in
Software industry.China is very eager to spread its wing in Software and BPO side too.I belived
that this posses itself a grat opportunity for us.For example ,Wipro is opening its fifth center in
China.likewise I belived that we should
use every expertise that we have to tap this opportunity.We could set up lot of traing center in
major chinese cities like what NIIT is doing in china. China is considered as most advanced
market in the world.One of the 4 largest IPO r coming from chinese market.So there are lot of
opportunity for Indian software industry.


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Six Billion and One Bronze!
@ : Home > Group Discussion > Sports - Discussion Room
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Ramanthan. T said: (Sat, Jun 12, 2010 02:00:02 AM)

For this topic I would blame Indian politics, because we are having more population, more brilliant
people than so many countries. But our Indian politics is going back of money. So we lost so many
medals not only in sport and other too. If they all working for nation and not going back of money
our India will be the first in all the place with in a year.

Rate this: +5 -5
Prabhakaran said: (Mon, Jun 28, 2010 07:41:24 PM)

Yes. In India every sports club having president, but if you see his sports background definitely it
will be zero because they are politicians. They doesn't know anything about the game but they
selecting teams. They give importance only to their friends and other party members.

The best solution is eradicate politics from sports and give importance to talents, then definitely six
billion people 100 golds.

Rate this: +12 -3

Vignesh Bharathi said: (Thu, Jul 1, 2010 06:27:00 PM)

This is really a good topic to be discussed .Our country has large number of youth but one gold in
Olympic. It does not mean that there is no talented persons. The reason is that their talent is not
used properly. At present if we take the sports famous personalities like Sania, Saina, Naren and
others, they have a good economical background, hence they go up easier.

There are many champions in our country among us and their economy is very bad. Suppose if
they come up by adjusting the situation, the next one is our politics and politicians.

The higher officials in the field of sports are person who dont know about sports.If the situation
changes we will be the toppers in this field too.

There is another way also the famous sports personalities can sponser the juniors who are
economically bad with full interest and skill. If they do so we can achieve in sports also...

Rate this: +13 -0

Amrinder Singh said: (Tue, Jul 6, 2010 01:57:53 PM)
Don't blame only the politics. We are lacking of winning youth in our country. Hard Determination
to excel has vanished from their mind because of Hip Hop and Western Life Style ( only followed in
Dressing & odd Relationships). Rememnber Great Milkha Singh, P.T.Usha, Dhanraj Pillay who just
kept working hard to make it.

We can donate to Swamis and Deras but cannot contribute for deserving sportsmen at our level
where politics has nothing to do with. We also have to take the responsibilty as politicians do not
increase the population at 1 child / 2 second. We have to blame ourseleves that increasing
population is snatching sources and opppurtunities.

Rate this: +7 -12

Sengottu said: (Tue, Jul 13, 2010 11:47:30 PM)

In india having more than 100 croces but no one get their medal in olympics. In our school life
particular person only able to participate in games.. bcz they are frequent contact with physical
dept so they select and went.. Dis way happen in college life..

Many students having talent but there background is poor..

Rate this: +3 -0
Tasneem said: (Wed, Jul 14, 2010 10:50:31 AM)

This is just like the question, " Which came first, the egg or the hen?" as we can neither blame the
politicians or the sportspersons. Politicians are more concerned about their party and votes. On the
other hand there are only few daring youngsters who go for sports as their careers. In India, any
sports other than cricket is considered as waste of money, time and life by many of the parents.
They always want their kids to become engineers and doctors. Children who are good at sports are
discouraged by their parents. The worst part is, when a person faces all the ordeals and determines
to come up as a sportsperson, there would be no sponsors for him at all.

Recently, a young tennis player got a chance to go abroad and play tennis but the passport
authority failed to provide him with a visa.

So, we cannot blame a specific group of people for the lack of sportspersons in India. Instead we
can encourage the upcoming talents and expect them to bring glory to India in various sports.

Rate this: +21 -1

Saurabh said: (Sun, Jul 25, 2010 02:09:12 PM)

Ya its a really a sad story that a country which ranks 2nd in terms of population in the world just
brings one medal in the Olympics.

This is mainly because of lack of infrastructure being provided for the development of other sports
besides cricket also people should turn their attention to other games rather than cricket and also
the media should play a important role in the promotion of other sports.

Rate this: +4 -1
Deepak said: (Sat, Aug 28, 2010 12:34:00 AM)
I agree with Tasneem. This is the fact in India that noone wants to make his/her career in Sports
except cricket because they are not earning money for them. And this is common human
psychology that we don't want to do that thing in which we are not getting any results (in terms of
money). So for it the Government should make the sports field remunerative. In it media should
come forward to make others sports like our national game i.e., Hockey popularise between
youngsters and personalities from glamour world should also come forward to encourage youth for
sports as today's youth idolise them.

Rate this: +3 -0
Karishamasadhana said: (Thu, Sep 23, 2010 02:56:01 PM)

Its really an integral topic to be discussed as we are in edge to conduct commonwealth games. We
have a lot of young emerging talents. The politicians who are at the top of the sports bodies needs
to be eliminated, who are not having any sporting background. The talents from poor background
should be encouraged and given opportunity to represent our country. Here we are celebrating
cricket which has lot of sponsors. But we fail to give importance to our national game hockey.
Which polluted the India's global image during the hockey world cup.

The talent should be given preference. Rather than to any other background. If we could give
importance to every sport means India will certainly add more golds to its tally. In the coming
Olympics. And any other global tournaments.

Rate this: +2 -0
Sudhakar Mishra said: (Wed, Sep 29, 2010 12:49:49 PM)

Why to blame politics after all they are from within us. Not from out side. One side we say politics
is corrupt and keeping blaming but other side what we do to stop it. Today if we are not getting
reputation in international sport world than Blind Professionalism is responsible for than not our
political system.

Rate this: +1 -0
Ram said: (Tue, Dec 21, 2010 09:08:32 PM)

I think lack of coaching centres in india is the main reason for this.because many poor children are
really good and talented in sports but due to poor coaching they could not showcase their talents at
the higher levels and government should take necessary steps to overcome this.By
providing good coaching centres with well trained coachers will definitely improve the talent and
skills of poor children who are willing to come up in sports.

Rate this: +1 -0
Sameera said: (Thu, Dec 30, 2010 12:09:17 PM)

Yes this is important topic to be discussed .We have many talented people in all fields.But the
problem lies in the fact that importance is given to one sport mainly cricket.Of course we should
encourage cricket but at the same time we should give equal importance to other sports also.We
cant forget or neglect our national game 'Hockey' .Its sad that almost all from young generation
prefer cricket first than others.Young generation should know more about all the games other than
cricket in India.
Even medias are giving importance to certain games only.They should also treat all games as equal
for the growth of other sports in our country.Young generation always find a glamorous world in
many sports.So all medias should equally popularize all sports here in our country.

Another point is lack of infrastructure provided to other games.Financial support for other sports is
less when compared to others.This also include lack of coaching centers and good trainers for other
sports.Even the sponsorship given to other games is less when compared to cricket.

Most of the young talented guys in other sports are from financially poor background.they are not
able to go forward due to this.Fair financial support should be given by the government to
overcome the problems faced by them and to go ahead.
In context of commonwealth games which took place recently its clear that there should be good
governing board to promote each and every sport ,or otherwise this will all end up in political
game,thus badly affecting growth of sports

Rate this: +2 -0
Kailash Singh said: (Fri, Jan 14, 2011 02:09:00 AM)

people does not have passion and craze for other sports as they have cricket.The reason is ,other
games are not well promoted in school and collages properly.As result a few people gets success
and that too bronze.
The other reason is that we could not produce success in other games so they automatically not

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Is India a Soft Nation?

@ : Home > Group Discussion > General Interest - Discussion Room
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Phalguna said: (Tue, Jun 22, 2010 10:36:35 AM)

Obviously, Our INDIA is a soft nation. 'Soft nature' is the birth quality of INDIA. I think INDIA
always prefer to follow soft nature, because Soft nature is the great weapon of INDIA. With that
weapon only we got the Independence in the leadership of The GANDHI. He trust the values of the
PEACE and NON-VIOLENCE and TRUTH which are belongs to the group of Soft nature. Notably this
point shows soft nature of INDIA. And in this Great Technological boom the Soft nature is very
important. So not only at the time of the Independence but also at the time of the legal meetings
with the other countries, INDIA follows the Soft nature.
By This we can understand that Our Great INDIA is always a Soft Nation.

Rate this: +188 -46

Mac said: (Tue, Jun 29, 2010 11:54:29 PM)

Our nation is a soft nation with aged leaders. But the indians were not calm enough.

Rate this: +34 -47

Chinna said: (Tue, Jul 20, 2010 05:05:51 PM)

Yes, our india is the soft natured nation. From the begining upto now we are dealing every thing in
soft ways. Even any one come to our nation and even they did some voilating things which cause
our citigens inconians at that time also we will go through the law and punish that person under
law only. In that way we are looking every thing in soft corner.

Rate this: +33 -12

Amshavalli said: (Thu, Jul 22, 2010 03:35:44 PM)

The nation is soft. But not the people.

By the true citizen.

Rate this: +21 -33

Sweta Kejriwal said: (Thu, Jul 22, 2010 04:35:23 PM)

No our nation is not soft rather fearful of taking risks.

Rate this: +25 -35

Supriya said: (Thu, Jul 22, 2010 11:15:33 PM)

India had been so called soft nation in past.... but not now... how can we generalize the qualities of
all born ... and tag them as soft?

Our cultural values that are making us soft equally makes us hard...
and today robbers, corrupt politicians, hackers. aren't some foreigners are soft...

Rate this: +21 -11

Eagertolearn said: (Fri, Jul 23, 2010 01:02:04 PM)

India is a soft nation in a way that here people are very genuine towards there gurus.they are good
at relationships.they are nice in there nature.they don't follow Gandhi ji but they still have the
courage to say that they should follow Gandhi ji non-violence.they do create problems of there own
they do create violence but at the end of the day they have some respect for older, love for
children and at least they try to be good human being by following their religion.

Rate this: +31 -8

Saranya1941995 said: (Sat, Jul 24, 2010 01:14:16 PM)

I am Saran.....! India is not a soft nation because i am first coming from education those who got
first mark they are not giving first preference those who have money they only got first preference.

I am shame about my country one small advice was don't get donation from who got low marks
they are only come from mark-wise only like this system comes each and everyone learn properly
and then India is the first educated country in the world.

Rate this: +13 -44

Senthilkumar Mca said: (Sat, Jul 24, 2010 04:42:14 PM)

I am senthil...! India is soft nation because of our culture and religious..

Most of the person want peace now because political persons change our environment fully terror

Rate this: +13 -5

Divya said: (Sun, Jul 25, 2010 10:06:48 PM)

Absolutely India is a soft nation because of the people's of india only. Here we have unity in
diversity that shows our india only, we love our neigbours and do our best for them,pray
for other's. So I am very proud to be an Indian. In our nation only there are lots of people they are
speaking different languages but in point of our natin we are Indins.

Rate this: +19 -5

Giri said: (Mon, Jul 26, 2010 02:55:05 PM)

I am giri.... India is soft nation...... but not people in India. India people very cruel but they show
their cruelty when it needs.India is soft nature because of our leader. Our leader can show the soft
nature to the world because of their personal benefits.

Rate this: +7 -18

Vidya Mayya said: (Mon, Jul 26, 2010 08:15:31 PM)

Yeah, INDIA is a soft nation. As we know we have got independence through a weapon of
"SHANTI". But i do not think so this quality is preferable always. Because this may be one among
the reason for the delay of independence. You need to be become harder sometimes also.

As we sat quiet when china had invaded north-east part of india also when Pakistan had occupied
one-third part of kashmir today we still are facing border zone problems.

India has got unity in diversity which we can't be find nowhere in the world. we should not let it to
disappear. So according to changing situation india needs to be become softer as well as harder!!

Rate this: +19 -5

Shailesh said: (Tue, Aug 3, 2010 02:37:03 PM)

India cannot be declared as soft nation at all. I agree that the ideology of india believes in peace,
non-violence etc. There are so many instances that proves that india is not a soft state any more. I
want to mention some of them.

1. Operation green hunt against naxalism.

2. Stringent rules against terrorists activities.
3. India's reaction against pakistan on kargil issue.
4. Current kashmir issue where military has been deputed to control the violence in the valley.

However, there are certain instances where india has shown its softness.

1. The base of indian culture is of peace and non violence.

2. It is always ready to talk to ulfa, naxals, kukis etc.
3. Showing calmness over POK and now it has given the right also to pakistan to occupy the pok
area of 84,000 sq. km.(India want only peace in the valley). even in the agreement with pakistan
POK was not accepted as a part of pakistan but in order to make peaceful environment india left
the right over POK.

Based on the above points it can be concluded that india cant be declared as soft state bcoz it has
certain policies which doesnot comply with the conditions of softness. It can be said as semi soft

Rate this: +74 -9

Ragin Thayyil said: (Sun, Aug 29, 2010 07:09:37 PM)

I don't thing India is soft nation because, country is not at all ready to help all the other nation
without expecting any benefits. Here India is maintaining good relation with America, the reason
behind that may be country need good support from them if any attacks happens from other

Rate this: +4 -16

Deepa said: (Thu, Sep 2, 2010 06:14:43 PM)

I don think so @ragin. India is a soft nation, because India also the supporting nation for other
country. And also India is the example for many counries. Many county are trying to follow India.

Rate this: +5 -3
Anu said: (Wed, Sep 8, 2010 11:46:43 AM)

According to me India is a soft nation. This is because of Gandhiji, who followed Ahimsa. If he was
not like that during the time of independence all Indian citizens would have been arrogant and may
took weapons on their hand. So that is being followed till now. So India is a Soft nation. So we
students have to take efforts to remain in the same criteria.

Rate this: +7 -3
Panduranga said: (Thu, Sep 9, 2010 09:30:08 AM)

According to me India is a soft nation because from previous days onwards we are all of soft with
this only we got the independence in a soft manner.

And also take an ex. In case of "Kasab" the Govt. Of India put him in a jail and giving food and see
the person as a normal man, if it is happened in other country definitely they can kill him. By this
we can say that India is soft nation.

Rate this: +6 -4
Praveen said: (Sun, Sep 19, 2010 01:58:48 PM)

Ya our India is very SOFT NATION, here terrorist can easily attack every where, Here Indian's will
hanging for Rape & Murder case but not for Terrorist like KASAB, our Indian Govt spending lakh of
money every day, so we can call ourself Soft nation?.

Rate this: +5 -2
Aswini said: (Mon, Sep 20, 2010 08:43:11 AM)
Yes of course India is a soft nation because we have soft corner even for our enemy nation
Pakistan even when they are in trouble we will help with money and medicine and we always like
peace as national flag itself has white in middle showing peace. So India is a soft nation.

Rate this: +4 -1
Vishnu Priya said: (Thu, Sep 30, 2010 08:42:25 PM)

Ya, India is a soft nation. This can be proved by our justice. We Indians follow law very strictly.
Supreme court follows judicial law and gives the judgement in a right way! But in most of the
countries, the law itself in violent form only! so, we future citizens of India we must follow the law
and maintain India's soft nature!

Rate this: +2 -3
Sanjay said: (Sun, Nov 14, 2010 03:51:22 PM)

According to me India is a soft nation if you look back at the Indian history India didn't initiate a
war by itself and coming to the independence we didn't attain it by violence we got through peace
and nonviolence. And as we are Indians stop blaming our land and think how to develop.

Rate this: +2 -3
Praveen said: (Fri, Nov 19, 2010 02:15:35 AM)

It was soft long years back. But we got freedom due to our persistence. One should know that
water is soft but it cuts the stones by its continuous flow. India is now a powerful nation with the
biggest army with it. Our scientists in DRDO are working on a lot of projects. We are leaders in
software. India has changed now. It is not the land of snake charmers more.

Rate this: +5 -1
Mukul K Dutta said: (Mon, Dec 13, 2010 07:22:45 AM)

India is a soft nation not because of the fact that it believes in peace and non violence but because
it fails to get tough when it matters. Here corrupt politicians and bureaucrats do not get punished,
conviction of terrorists hangs fire for long, murky deals are done yet the culprits roam Scot-free,
poor are trampled upon, police reform is a far cry, third grade defense equipments are bought
compromising national interest, foreign policy is shaped to accommodate US interest and above all
vote bank politics is played from the panchayat election to the presidential election. Being a mute
spectator to all these without coming forward and raising a unified protest, we the citizens of India
are adding to its softness.

Rate this: +12 -1

Venky said: (Sat, Dec 18, 2010 11:58:59 PM)

Hi friends this is Venky. Yes I do agree that India is a soft nation. But by being soft we got
independence but not our great Gandhi. We lost him only because we believed in peace and non
violence. Being soft to some extent is OK but not this much. There are so many cases like this.
Hotel Taj bomb blast, Lumbni park bomb blast etc etc etc etc. D verdict was always favor to our
enemies only and it will continue if we are still maintain this soft and non violence as our weapons.
Rate this: +5 -1
Shweta said: (Sun, Dec 19, 2010 01:08:47 AM)

India is a soft nation... ya it is !!as India.. our land is a country that makes its nation builders feel
on the top of the world... The Emotional, Sentimental and all the feelings that really a person is
cared about...Happens in India. India makes us feel that it is a hard nation as in related to control
ourselves, to realize that we r not so weak that we cannot come up to the solutions to the
problems but inside India suffers a lot !! India pays its problems by Soft Nature !! In All India is a
Soft Country that is build Strongly...!! :)

Rate this: +2 -1
D.B said: (Wed, Dec 22, 2010 05:08:06 PM)

A true quality of a person can only be tested in times of difficulties. Our country maintaining
friendly relationship with america and germany shows its friendly attitude. But behold it can
respond fiercely when under severe stress (indo pak wars, indo sinoh war, abduction of merchant
ships by somali pirates). Overall I can say is that if your thoughts are good it will help you, go
against it and one point of time it will destroy you. It is a soft country with limits. Jai ho bharat.

Rate this: +0 -2
Ashish Ranjan said: (Wed, Dec 22, 2010 10:20:44 PM)

yes, india is a soft nation. because we indians have soft heart and we always try to maintain
friendly relationship with any country. because we have seen pakistan. thet always try to destroy
us. but we never think we keep patents and maintain our relationship. if india want then we easly
destroy them at the map of the world. so india is asoft nation.

Rate this: +2 -0
Arpit Pal said: (Thu, Dec 23, 2010 02:31:54 AM)

I think INDIA is a SOFT NATION and it has been since its days under the the British rule.But now
the time has come that India should give up its so called SOFTNESS and should become aggressive
because in todays the softness of a nation is taken for granted and is considered as a weakness.I
am saying this because the countries like Pakistan and China are testing India's patience in many
ways. So to bring these countries to ground and to show that it is not unarmed India must give up

Rate this: +7 -0
Saurabh.....Azamgarh said: (Thu, Dec 23, 2010 06:59:07 PM)

The softness of any country is depended on the nature and softness of the people and leaders of
that perticular country. In the old history of India or according to the old history of India, it is a soft
and peacefull country. Bu in present time, there are so many points which proves that India is not
a soft nation. In India, if someone beats anybody then after some times that person also search
that person and beats him more than he was beaten by that person. If we will be soft then the
country can so the softness of itself. Aaaa asoft na.
Rate this: +2 -0
Loknath Sahu said: (Fri, Dec 24, 2010 11:41:15 AM)

THis is loknath sahu from mumbai. In my concern, India is a soft country where everyone has
freedom to speak anything, anywhere and about anyone. A terrorist like Ajmal kasab who has
killed more than ten people brutly, but still is alive. This is a perfect instance of being softcountry.
It is a country who reply with talk and negotitaion whenever any terrorist group attack in India. We
run many other activites like "lohar bus samjoata" and "milan" etc with purpose only to bring peace
in the country.

Our prime minister always announce for being peaceful and avoiding any kind of violence whenever
any crime like bomblast happen. It is really soft country cause we got the freedom due to our
peace and non-violence nature thats why we took 200years. Even it was possible through the war
and fight against the English people but we followed our peace nature that's why they were unable
to win us.

If we talk about our internal problem like naxalism, maovist and kukies etc. , even our government
is always ready to talk with them. In our country many bomblast happened but we never replied by
attacking in other country. Overall I think India is softcountry, But being only softcountry is no
longer good. We need to reply now in terms of war to those who consider India as a weak country.

Rate this: +10 -3

Phanivarma said: (Fri, Dec 24, 2010 03:19:52 PM)

Yes India is a soft nation because our 's is a country with long history for so many years. Because
of our softness so many people has caused a lot damage for our country.

Lot corruption is going in your country like 2g spectrum scam, commonwealth games issue, adarsh
flats issue. Other countries and our politicians are taking advantage of our softness. But India is a
country where there huge talent. All computers in the world on chip made by indian, zero was
invented by indian, major countries like google, orcale, microsoft majority of people are indians.
But our neighboring countries taking our softness as advantage unnecessarily ruputuring our
country. So India have to be hard on teerorism which is biggest threat to our nation.

Rate this: +4 -0
Praveen said: (Sat, Dec 25, 2010 09:01:07 AM)

I am oppose whom all telling India is soft nation nation, cause many peoples are affecting due to
terrorism in our nation, can you accept this, then why you all telling our nation is soft. At the same
time India only is having more no of terrorism comparative to others, so we should voice for that,
then only ABDUL KALAM dream is possible for our nation.

Rate this: +2 -1
Sonal said: (Sat, Dec 25, 2010 10:14:55 PM)

Hi, this is Sonal. India is a soft nation. Soft in the sense that I tries to forgive guilty, with minimum
punishment, as can be observed that many corrupted politicians who a cases filed on them are still
members of parliament or are a part of government. Also we are ready to negotiate for everything
and avoid any type of violence, like in case of Pakistan, china, Bangladesh and with other border

Rate this: +1 -2
Madhan Prabhu said: (Mon, Dec 27, 2010 12:42:09 PM)

Hi,this is Madhan. We people know about why our Bharath madha is wearing white saree. It
represents india is a peaceful country. We are always want a friendship between neighbouring and
other countries. In our law, there is a possibility if a person did killed anyone, our president has the
rights to forgive his guilty as said by sonal. He is giving a chance to become a good person in

Rate this: +5 -1
Preethi.S said: (Wed, Dec 29, 2010 11:08:08 PM)

Being an Indian what sweta said makes me to worry a lot that still some of Indians are unaware of
our country's pride. I would like to point out that most of the foreigners prefer to visit our country
for their vacation, so that they could have a chance to enjoy the peace and the bueaty of our
nature atleast for somedays. And we are to be proud that we enjoy those aspects in our day to day
life. And have in mind that we people are not cowards. Still we have many brave soldiers exposing
their life at risk to make us live peacefully. What to do even silence is instructed loudly.

Rate this: +3 -3
Dattatary said: (Fri, Dec 31, 2010 11:24:11 PM)

India is GREAT SOFT NATURE NATION form olden days when we are struggle for freedom of our to
get total freedom against british by peace and nonviolence from that we know that our nation is
soft nature. We can achive a freedom by attacking soldier by various way. In our humantity is
present as man. It is simply say that every person of India should maintain our humantity first
then we get achive. India is soft in nature always when we saw.

Rate this: +0 -0
Bhakti said: (Sun, Jan 2, 2011 11:26:53 PM)

Hi I am Bhakti, I agree with all those who have said that our country is a soft nation. We are
followers of Gandhiji who believed in non-violence. However this soft attitude is quiet deterent for
our country.

Today we see that cruel terrorists such as Ajmal Kasab are still alive and the corrupt politicians are
managing the nation.It is time for us to change our approach.

Rate this: +2 -0
Sunny said: (Mon, Jan 3, 2011 12:42:18 PM)

The true Spirit of our country lies in softness and Softness is also the most powerful weapon of our
country , It has been surely proved through the war of independence in Gandhian Era- where NON-
VIOLENCE and SWADESHI proved to be the weapons of our country- INDIA
Rate this: +1 -1
Kutti said: (Mon, Jan 3, 2011 11:22:29 PM)

hi im kittu,in my concern india is the country of soft nature ,as by our culture ,peace and non-
violence. However, there are certain instances where india has shown its softness.

1. The base of indian culture is of peace and non violence.

2. It is always ready to talk to ulfa, naxals, kukis etc.
3. Showing calmness over POK and now it has given the right also to pakistan to occupy the pok
area of 84,000 sq. km.(India want only peace in the valley). even in the agreement with pakistan
POK was not accepted as a part of pakistan but in order to make peaceful environment india left
the right over POK.

Based on the above points it can be concluded that india cant be declared as soft state bcoz it has
certain policies which doesnot comply with the conditions of softness. It can be said as semi soft

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Nishigandha said: (Tue, Jan 4, 2011 12:47:39 AM)

Yes, India is a soft nation. But now to become a developed country it needs to take some hard
steps to improve certain fields like security in civil areas, restrictions on politicians. We need to
improve highly on "Special" treatment to actors and politicians even if they break rules...and many
other things like that.. So yes India needs to become hard now...

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Sandeep said: (Tue, Jan 4, 2011 05:59:30 AM)

Obviously our India is a soft nation because we get Independence by peace, non-violence with the
great leader of bapugi he used the weapons like shathi,satayam,hahimsa,by this three weapons we
get freedom from the British .or else we still in the rule of British .why mean every person hold a
weapon and fight against this manner our country is in soft.and the another reason in our
country only love the neighborer,unity diversions and peace dealng and our country also help the
enemy also and we deal any thing with soft manner to any operation like buss ion,games,and
helping the people also .

Rate this: +2 -0
Pinky said: (Tue, Jan 4, 2011 09:04:36 AM)

YA, India is a soft country because india is a country where gandhiji is ideal of most of people.My
friend said in india there much corruption,voilence but still india is soft country .Its great example
is relationship between china and india and how china was welcomed by india last year

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Ujjwal Kumar Singh said: (Wed, Jan 5, 2011 02:06:52 PM)

Yes, i endorse with this statements that India is a soft country because whatever we do any things
with any one that is very softly.

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Schwartzsamuelprince said: (Wed, Jan 5, 2011 04:00:12 PM)

No, india is not a soft nation, if it is so then why the corruptions , river water conflicts are
happening still now? we used to say that our country is rich in unity though there is a diversity.
actually we are not ready to give up for other state in many things for instance we can take
maharastra incident we need not get into that. the river water issue between tamilnadu and
karnataka. religious conflicts still happening in india then how can we say that india is a soft
nation.we are trying to make it soft but still now we couldn't.

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Mayur Patel said: (Wed, Jan 5, 2011 10:50:32 PM)

In this independent India, everyday some or the other people gets sacrificed in name of love, gets
divided in name of caste & sects.
After so many years of freedom, did India really got freedom?
I feel the time will come soon, when every man in India.... not by sects whether only will be
recognize by only being an Indian...
My heart says : my country will be independent soon.
Do something about it,
don't just sit in 5star hotel and gossip about the poorness of our country, while having coffee.
don't just take out your anger on country's system while having whiskey in your living room.
don't just depend on terrorism and communism while watching t.v.
Be that kind of citizen of your country who not only talks but also tries to do something...
After reading this,you only say is India soft or nt

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Veen said: (Thu, Jan 6, 2011 11:45:29 AM)

yes, By knowing the past we can easily say that india is having a soft nature.
peace,non-violence,love,truth is main weapons for the india. these weapons are not making
problems to any one or to the nature. These are changing the world to peace.
the world knows the word india means soft nature because of gandhi(one peace full weapon).For
the present we know that the attack of mombay(TAJ-hotel), how the india is handling the situation.
how we are treating the terrorist(kasab). we should proud to be having a soft nature.
thank you for giving this opportunity.

Rate this: +10 -2

M.Nantha Kumar said: (Thu, Jan 6, 2011 12:43:53 PM)

This is Nantha kumar. As for as my concern, india is always soft in nature. But some times it has
been shown as hard to show our courage and ability to protect our country from terrriorism and
enimies.We are the followers of mahatma gandhi, budha who always emphasise the peace and
non- violence. We can remember our history, in the past 10,000 of years indian didnt invade any
country to capture that. we only fought against them for out safety and peace life.
Rate this: +2 -0
Namrata said: (Fri, Jan 7, 2011 05:47:51 PM)

Yes, I do believe INDIA is a soft nation. But it has nothing to do with the humbleness of the nation.
It is good to be humble but along with that a nation has to be strong to face the completion of the
growing world and keep up with the pace.

Since the time of independence, INDIA has developed a lot but there is still a long way to go.
Technology as well as the socio-economic condition of the country needs development. A strong
defense needs to be formulated. A clear weakness showed in the MUMBAI ATTACK. Just boasting
our unity is not enough, it needs to be backed by sound development.

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Aditya said: (Sat, Jan 8, 2011 12:17:28 AM)

I think india is a semi-soft nation becoz india get soft or hard according to the situations.India
always try to solve the problems politely but if it is not handle properly india take action on it.For
ex- india always ready to talk with pak for the known issue but pak shows there auregant
behaviour due to which india becomes disappointment n gives answer back to pak.These all things
shows india is a semi-soft nation.

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Jithin Rahman said: (Sat, Jan 8, 2011 02:28:57 PM)

According to me ,softness is not the word which can describe india .India's liberal attitude makes
us different from others. india is a liberal nation rather than a soft nation.
India's liberal attitude was been projected in war's with pakisthan . Even we had the victory we
were giving them the land which we had conquered from them.It is our culture.Our belief's teach
us the value of giving consideration for others ,which is the soul of our nation.As everyone had
mentioned before,peace and non violence are the basis of indian culture .
Therefore we cannot say that india is a soft nation.softness alone can define our motherland
INDIA............JAI HIND

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Sunil said: (Mon, Jan 10, 2011 12:11:32 AM)

No certainly not. India is not at all a soft country. With the kind of strong determination and
dedication and the growth we have shown to the world can we be considered a soft nation. we are
a nation with srong morality and undodged determination. it our strength that we give a chance to
our foe also to speak before attack.

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Raaj said: (Mon, Jan 10, 2011 06:06:54 PM)

Ya i also think India is a soft country's because having great military power pakistanis attack on
parliament,akshardham,mumbai.etc and inspite of this we were nor attack on them.
Because of our soft nature's Chinese invaded our territory regions and claimed these as there
region and we are not taking any reaction over them....

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Khushi said: (Mon, Jan 10, 2011 06:28:21 PM)

hello. I m kirti..
India cannot be completely declared as a soft nation although it does follow peaceful policies
against various situation,as many of u stated the policy of Gandhiji.. but we cannot forget that this
is the same nation where many indians waved a war against britishers.
we do stay soft until and unless our rights are not violated but we are harsh enough to pay back...

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Aman Bansal said: (Wed, Jan 12, 2011 02:18:23 AM)

India is a soft nation considering the past time India has always let others do what they want to.
let us take the example of J&K problems caused by Pakistan, the inundation imposed by the so
called superpower America on the research work in India, the behavior of China. leave the
international issues. just let me know what did Indian govt. did against Kasab the convict of 26/11
attack. even that terrorist get the z-type security which cost us crores per day.Our Govt. is the
loophole which is venerable to pests like America. according to Subhash Chander boss even after
freedom India should have remained under at-least few year dictator ship, so that it could learn to
answer the enemy in powerfull manner.

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Shilpa said: (Wed, Jan 12, 2011 03:02:43 PM)

How can one call India a soft nation having terrorists spread all over the nation..... It was a time
when gandhi ruled non violently and won but now its not possible to achieve victory by being

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Harsh Doshi said: (Wed, Jan 12, 2011 07:44:21 PM)

Hi guys i am Harsh from Mumbai. Obviously, INDIA is a soft nation. 'Soft nature' is the birth quality
of INDIA. Here we have unity in diversity that shows our peace. In india only, we love our
neigbours and do our best for them,pray for other's. As we all know there is a famous saying "
Hum dushmani main bhi sharafat rakhte hai..." As Mukul has said above:

India is a soft nation not because of the fact that it believes in peace and non violence but because
it fails to get tough when it matters. Here corrupt politicians and bureaucrats do not get punished,
conviction of terrorists hangs fire for long, murky deals are done yet the culprits roam Scot-free,
poor are trampled upon, police reform is a far cry, third grade defense equipments are bought
compromising national interest, foreign policy is shaped to accommodate US interest and above all
vote bank politics is played from the panchayat election to the presidential election. Being a mute
spectator to all these without coming forward and raising a unified protest, we the citizens of India
are adding to its softness.

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Lokesh Dhaker said: (Thu, Jan 13, 2011 11:41:00 PM)

Dear friends a lot has been said that we are soft by nature, birth etc. and we won our
independence by this soft power. But let me br very clear about the fact that tortoise again cannot
win the race. Gone are the days of our freedom movement and contribution of Gandhiji. they
fought against outsiders. but right now India has to fight within itself. Ramphant corruption,
growing naxalism, education quality problems, castism, are a few out of hundreds of growing
problems that in My Opinion cannot be curbed by this so called "SOFT". OK! I am not compleyetely
denying this soft factor but it alone cannot control all problems. So what we need is a two pronged
approach including noth soft as well as hard approach to solve our problems.

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Himanshu Singh said: (Fri, Jan 14, 2011 02:05:57 PM)

yes, i believe that india is a soft nation in terms of its foreign policy and its democratic values.
India is a huge democracy that we all know but every system has some failure or you say weak
point so they are in our democracy too. Speaking about foreign policy, we are neutral at all. But I
wanted to know that whether we will be able to withstand in this world where there are only two
powers and we have to choose one. We are developing and with such we have to develop ore rules
also. China is counted as one of the world powers now-a-days because they showed aggression
towards her foreign policies and have the power to crush any one challenging her. Pakistan and
China claim most part of two indian states as their and we besides releasing a statement are not
able to do anything. So we should be tough regarding our stand.

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Alam Ahamed said: (Fri, Jan 14, 2011 05:03:28 PM)

Definitely,India is a soft country by the history and the present status.India is a nation which
comes from the Mahatma Gandhiian Non violence weapon.Really,we are the victim of
terrorism.nasalism etc but still we try to solve it by peacefull nature.After geting independent India
is strongly oppossing the weopon race and the country is supporting non-allign movement.We had
already noticed which brings India independent-violence or non violence?

Rate this: +2 -0
Sanket said: (Fri, Jan 14, 2011 06:35:54 PM)

Definitely India is a soft nature country. But it is not necessary to be soft at every time. At some
places Non violence may work as weapon but don't think that it will work every time. We need to
be aggressive at some point. From present situation it looks like that India is the soft nature
country but not Indians.

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Mohit Sharma said: (Sat, Jan 15, 2011 12:34:16 AM)

I agree with some as India is soft nation with its diversity showing signs of wonders. India rocks
when we see different cultures coming together to join hands. As one of my friend said about
Gandhiji's rule, just be patient you will get everything without violence, India adopts that and thus
being soft it is conquering the world top positions.
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Sushant said: (Mon, Jan 17, 2011 08:50:59 PM)

m sushant. I agree with fact that INDIA is soft nation .Which help in mantainig peace & non
voilance inside country.our country has alway given soft corner to the National level issues like
Teririsom,J& k etc.but our soft nature of our country always taken granted by others & they are
ready to advantage of our country by disturbing him Economicaly by supporting the activites like
terrisom,nuxlism.unfortunatly, i think we fail to maintain peace in our there is need to
take HARD action against Trrisom ,nuxlism to maintain peace & non voilance then only we can say
that " india is soft nation"

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Sils said: (Tue, Jan 18, 2011 09:41:34 PM)

india is soft in its histoical backgrounds ,customs and all..we know the purity assosiated with its
culture..india has maintained its unity in diversity throughout these years..but we know the
increase in hte no of crimes corruptions malpractses murders riots in even though india
can b described as soft by qouting some egs,..real world phenomenon shows te cruelty associated
with each of ill minded indians

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Yogita said: (Tue, Jan 18, 2011 11:06:09 PM)

yes i do agree,India is really a soft nation. Being soft has lead India in trouble for a long period of
time, since Indians had been slaves to Britishers in their own country for about 250 yrs just coz of
its leniency and softness.

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Tarun said: (Tue, Jan 18, 2011 11:11:48 PM)

I definitely agree with the fact that India is a soft nation. As everybody is doing whatever he wants.
The people in India Don't follow the rules and regulations and even then there is no strict action
against them. likewise people spit here and there, and there is no rule to punish them.they don't
follow the traffic rules and on caught the pay a very less amount or just due to our corrupt officers
they left as it is.
There are strong roles an regulations in foreign countries. So I just want to say that India is very
soft nation and This has to be changed in order to come under the list of developed countries.

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Malini said: (Wed, Jan 19, 2011 05:57:13 PM)

What I say is India was a soft nation under the leadership of gandhi ji and several other great
legends but now I can promise that our country turned its way towards voilence. No work is done
without voilence and ofcoarse it is impossible to do any activities without any arrogance. If we
think practicallty here after our country cannot be again a soft nation. Minds of todays generation
has changed a lot. India may deal many issues with other country in a soft manner but inside our
country there is nothing called soft. The influence of politics had spread everywhere and polluted
the hearts of the people.

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Soumyajit Bagchi said: (Thu, Jan 20, 2011 07:50:34 PM)

We have seen major crimes to take place, like CWG scams or spectram tantrums that ignited the
question that is it only the clear passage that we alaways make by stating, we are offering an
enquiry against it ? or is it our 'soft skills' that try to hide those corruption. So it can be concluded
that Indians are soft by nature when there is an interest of just keeping quite!

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Pavan said: (Thu, Jan 20, 2011 09:50:57 PM)

Hi this is Pavan.. India is soft nation because I feel secure in our country and I can go freely
anywhere I like. I agree that there are some internal conflicts within ourselves are going on but I
truly feel that one day it will be solved by negotiations and peace and harmony will remain in our
nation putting India forward towards new India.
India itself are taking new initiative steps starting from rural areas and other nations follow the
same path.
Everyone wants peace and harmony so Mother India is always with us.

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Anirudhya said: (Fri, Jan 21, 2011 12:36:28 AM)

Its not like India is a soft country. We may have respect in our mind for the other nations but when
it is necessary to retaliate them we do it just like kargil war. These days might be India has shown
softness on the issues like mumbai attack but just for the sake of giving up violence and for the
mankind.All the time it is not necessary to shed blood against blood. After all gory just carries the
opposite meaning of humanity. And in the case of internal issues,it remains soft like the scam of
allotting licence of 3g and many more.May be the reason is we Indians are more prone to jumping
in the queue rather than taking ourselves out. If we take out then there would be no need to bribe
one's way to the front.

Rate this: +3 -1
Manish.Ssgbcoet said: (Fri, Jan 21, 2011 11:56:46 AM)

I am agree with the topic. If we will see the past diplomatic action of india, then it is clear that our
country acts more softer on some critical issues. We can have the example of.

1. Chinese aggression.

2. Mumbai attack.

3. Cwg scam.

4. Adarsh scam.

5. J&k issue.
6. Infiltration of militants.

7. Naxalism.

These all issues are attached to high priority, but even then also the country has taken these very
lightly, & day by day these issues are becoming more violent.

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Mahibub Shaikh said: (Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:29:43 PM)

According to me, only we can say india is soft nation but in ground its reverse. because nation
come from a single person and now a days single persons maintality is not soft. Each and every
person running behind the money and life standard, for these reason some where we forgeting the
moral values. Near about hundereds of Gurus told us, what is peace, but we listen it and furget as
well. All are saying that only by gandhiji we got the independence but we are forgeting bhagat
singh,rajguru,sukhdev,raja shivaji,tipu sultan,sardar patel.........non violent means what? and what
gandhiji did? He told that if some one slaps you then we should show him second cheek, by this we
cant servieve, it means that someone kills our brother then we have to give them another brother
to kill, if someone burns our home then we have to give them another home,if someone attacks on
taj then we have to give them another taj.
Second thing i would like to say that if our country suffering from poverty already then too we are
excausing the people who are involve in scam, it means we showing softness to a person and
ignoring the 26% BPL people. By thinking these things we cant say india is soft nation because
even we not able to develop the rurel and not able to improve the poor peoples life standerds.
Even we are not able to revel the wrong thing from society, still honour
killing,snatching,rapcases,robbery,moleststion,argument with parents,scams,blind lows are in our
country so i cant say india is a soft nation. One thing i wish to sheare that we must change our
mentality and we must follow the moral values if erery do this then it can convert in softness again
i want to say nation comes from person and we have to change ourselves then only we can get the
actual freedom. Thank you

Rate this: +1 -1
Rupa Sharma said: (Sat, Jan 22, 2011 09:07:27 PM)

The base of indian culture and ideology is nonviolence and tolerance.. it goes down 2 the era where
our country has been ruled by nughals n british..we follow gandhiji s ideology even in present
times.. one after the other bomblast have taken place and still its on.. but other than just taking
what have we really done.. sometimes peace is not the solution.i am not saying follow bush s policy
that answer to war is war but we cannot fold hands and keep taking..this will be taken as weakness
by other nations and we will be exploited..why is not kasab hanged yet? we have to take some
harsh measures and prove the world india is not weak.. although we follow a soft culture we can
rise up to our rights when required

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G.Kelvis said: (Sun, Jan 23, 2011 03:44:38 PM)

Hi I am G.Kelvis. I agree with most of us who say we are a soft nation. India has always been too
much conservative in its foreign policies whether its Indo-Pak or Indo-China relations, trade and
commerce etc.To some extent it helps to keep good relations with all the countries but I think in
some cases aggressive policies need to be taken in the interest of the country's developmental
plans.Having said that I know we are a developing nation and at present facing a hell lot of
problems for example overpopulation and poverty. This limits us to rather have soft or defensive
policies.I would rather like a shrewd nature rather than a soft natured India.

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Sumit said: (Sun, Jan 23, 2011 06:29:57 PM)

Hi, I am sumit. I am in support of the statement that we are a soft nation. India has always been
polite and soft in its decision making. The most supportive policy of our country which supports the
fact is it's policies towards pakistan and terrorism. With the world knowing that pakistan is the root
for the growth and spread of terrorism, we have not taken any appreciable step towards
eradicating it. We are the most affected nation because of terrorism. Still, apart from speaking out
loud in the media and organising meetings, we have not done anything. It is due to the soft and
linient policies that corruption, piracy and nepotism are widespread in our country.

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Chris said: (Sun, Jan 23, 2011 07:54:44 PM)

India is a soft nation, I have no doubt in this. We can see the softness of our country in many
aspects like our political ambiance, our social living set ups, our affairs with other nations etc.
When we considering any of these aspects, we can see that our nation is always taking actions or
decisions in a peace keeping manner.

Leave everything, and just ask to your self, in which country you will get this much of freedom,
respect and peace to make your life happy. This is just because of our nature, the quality we have,
the value system in which we believe.

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Indian villages - our strength or our

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R.Vijayakumar said: (Sat, Jun 12, 2010 06:44:04 PM)

As Mahatma Ghanthiji said,"Really Village is Backbone of our India"... as a village person i also
want village should have all the facilities like city WITHOUT AFFECTING THE ESSENCE OF Village

For Example,

- I don't want my village to be a city by collapsing the Farming lands & build a luxurious building.
- I want education like city.
- I want employment like city.
- I want trasport facilities like city.

Do you know? -- Today, India ranks second in worldwide farm u think is it possible?
without village..many of the resources only in village --

So, villages are the Strength of our Nation.


Rate this: +63 -8

Sateesh Kumar.R said: (Wed, Jun 16, 2010 04:11:40 PM)

As Greatleaders said, "Villages are very important to Indian cities"

Everybody likes Indian culture and tradition. That much of Importance and respect are come from
only by charming of our village beautifulness and honesty. Indian villages are not effected badly to
the nature.

Villages are backbone of India. There is no villages,no develompent in the Hindustan and also there
is no protection for food materials example:- Rice, Dal, Fruits etc.

Uses of villages:
> Villages are very beautiful to see, having very pleasent nature.
>Pure air is obtained by villages.
>90% of crops came from only villages.
>Villages having (forest areas)medical plants.It gives medical support to us.
>Some villages are being tourist places.

Ex:- Ooty, some forest hilltop places. It gives foregin money to india.

I think there is no Negative topics to India INDIA VILLAGES are not a curse to
NATION,They boon to our Nation.

Jai Hindh..!

Rate this: +24 -7

Sandhya said: (Wed, Jul 14, 2010 01:03:14 PM)

Hai, In my point of view villages are backbone of our country. If there is no villages in country,
then there is no strength in country. So my opinion is villages are our strength.

Rate this: +3 -13

Surendra Pavan said: (Wed, Jul 14, 2010 03:45:15 PM)

No doubt, villages are backbone of our Nation, more than 60% out the GDP is from villages.One
should remember 80% of the people live in village but contibuting only 60% of the nation
production.In lure of economy growth, indusrialization, privatization, globalization there is huge
migration to cities in search of employment. Our policy makers and politicians in view developing
economy , neglecting the villages.

I say our economy should grow, industial production should increase, every opportunity to make
India develope should be utilized but not at the cost of lossing villages, our culture, nature serenity
which lies in villages.

Villages have been overlooked in the intension of growing economy, obviously this will make
villages a weakness to the nation.
Our policy makers should concentrate on villages for economy growth, instead following the same
old western industrial formula, which has been creating social, cultural and climate problems. Bring
another Green revolution, make the nation feed entire World. Service sector is booming in India,
we are now being considered as World backbone office, let us take this view to next higher level,
make the service sector industry work from our villages, train the young village india in this regard.

We should not loss our nature serenity in the name of industialization, else make these places
world tourism spots,in this way we can earn revenue and can contribute for climate change

Villages are our strength, but we are not using them properly, unknowningly turning them into our

Rate this: +19 -1

Vinay Miryala said: (Tue, Jul 20, 2010 10:55:44 AM)

Friends, India lives in villages.... Due to LPG policy of govt they are being reshaped as towns and
cities but still we depend on villages for our daily food. But villages are neglected in terms of funds
allocation and deprived of basic amenities like roads, electricity, water supply, sanitation, schools
and hospitals. They dont get benefits in proportion to their hardwork. Due to all these villagers are
migrating to towns and cities for better life and ending up as daily wage labours.....

This situation should be addressed by govt. Even though there are many govt. schemes targeting
rural people they are hardly reaching them due to corruption. Villages if taken care can transform
INDIA, else hamper the progress of the nation.

Rate this: +7 -1
Kalyan said: (Fri, Aug 20, 2010 09:16:00 AM)

In my point of view village people are having much more suspicious mentality and they have more
superstition rather than city people. And also they have rebellion mind which is opposing the
development of the village. And they belive their local god in too much. And also they have we
feeling. They don't allow the people outside the village. The places outside the village is like a alien
spaces for villagers. So that reason village are our weekness.

Rate this: +3 -7
Sujendra said: (Mon, Aug 23, 2010 10:26:50 PM)

Hi friends, as already friends told that villages are back bone of India, yes its true because in
villages only there is a good relationship and traditions, for living humans food is necessary that
food is due to villages.

Rate this: +3 -2
Kamal said: (Mon, Aug 23, 2010 11:23:57 PM)

Today village are weakness of our country because there is no education, no transportation, lake of
knowledge. But it can be our strength by properly utilization of resource, by giving proper
education it may become our strength.

Because India has more then 50 % villagers, and their income source is only field. But due to lake
of water availability they can't get enough benefit if we solve the water problem by using
renewable energy sources at low cost then they can gen more and more profit which make our
country more powerful as well as strengthen. In village no pollution so they are more health
conscious . They make our India healthy as well as wealthy.

Rate this: +1 -3
Sana said: (Mon, Aug 23, 2010 11:41:59 PM)

In my point of view, villages are our strength. Because of 90% of food coming from villages. So,
we can't live without villages.

Rate this: +1 -2
Akram said: (Tue, Aug 24, 2010 12:21:30 PM)

Villages are definitely the back-bone of our country. From our independence we are very much
dependent on agriculture. It is our major strength; agriculture still constitutes 21% of our GDP. But
side by side we should not forget that 52% of our GDP is just constituted by services sector and
remaining 27% by industry. Villages are a boon to us, they produce the requisite amount of food
for the country that is 19% of world food grains and our population is also 19% of world.

Rate this: +1 -1
Rajat said: (Tue, Aug 24, 2010 04:11:23 PM)

Its true Villages are the back bone of our country. Lets suppose without villages from where we get
meal like(Milk, Wheat etc) Today most of the milk firms Sell duplicate milk thats harm our health.

Rate this: +1 -2
Nit said: (Wed, Aug 25, 2010 04:39:14 PM)

Villages are important to any kind of country. Only through villages we can conserve our precious
natural resources gifted by god. Food is the primary need to all of us which is catered by the
farming sector of the country. As now many villages are changing to urban areas.many countries
have faced problems of shortage in the production of food.

We are currently facing this kind of an situation only because of the lack of education, employment,
poverty and other socio economic reasons behind this. So goverment has to provide all the
necessary facilities to the farmers and the villagers for there economical and social development.

Rate this: +2 -0
Saranya.K said: (Wed, Aug 25, 2010 04:52:49 PM)
Yeah, surely Villages are the backbone of our country. People who live in villages have sympathy
towards others, support and help others if others have problem. But in town we do not expect help
or support from others.

Rate this: +3 -2
Sneha Awasthi said: (Wed, Aug 25, 2010 07:44:19 PM)

Indian villages are one of the strongest pillar on which our country is standing!! First and foremost
thing is India is agro-based country and it is done basically in villages. So villages are definately
our strengths....

India is very rich in culture. But in the race of modernization our culture is almost lost. But we can
get to see our culture, our real India is in villages.

Rate this: +2 -0
Cindrella said: (Thu, Aug 26, 2010 12:28:24 AM)

Surely villages are the biggest strength of our nation. We all know that india is largest producers of
Tea, Rice sugar canes, etc.. Best quality products are exported, which increase income to our
nation.before few decades, about 80% of Indians occupation is farming. I feel regret to say that
today's statistics says that only 48% percent of populations are indulged in vegetations. Even
though we expect a modern computerised world we all should never forget that agriculture is the
backbone every nation.

Rate this: +2 -0
Sunitha said: (Thu, Aug 26, 2010 11:58:26 AM)

Villages are the definitely strength of our nation. First of all, we may increase our life span by
staying in the village than city and also we can enjoy our tradition in villages only that to we may
give protection and support to our parents as a children. In this way, we can increase our parents
strength. If the people feels strengthen automatically the village becomes strengthen.

Other than this government must to improve education system, awareness about the diseases.
Then villages becomes super strength of our nation.

Rate this: +2 -0
Manish said: (Fri, Aug 27, 2010 01:43:55 AM)

Our national father Mahatma Gandhi had told that villages shows true picture of India. Our country
farming products are famous in the world. Villages are more than cities in India. And 80% of the
people lives in the villages. their economy sources are farming and animals. If any one wants to
see the nature then one should see villages because villages have green trees and farms.
There is only requirement of education in the villages which can help the villagers to satisfy their all

Rate this: +1 -1
Biswa said: (Fri, Aug 27, 2010 10:59:04 AM)
Villages are definitely the backbone of our country. We all are came from the village. It's keeps the
memories of everyone. We learn the culture, behaviour and how to exist. Everyone must have a
village background. As our father, grandpa are grown up in villages and they got success in their
life then why we are thinking these rubbish thing that villages are weakness of our country.

Rate this: +2 -0
Yuvaraj said: (Sat, Aug 28, 2010 03:50:00 PM)

As you all said, Indian villages are its greatest strength but being in India is the greatest weakness
for the villagers, people living in cities enjoying luxurious life but every student from the villages
know how they are missing their parents.

Rate this: +1 -0
Jaya Ram said: (Sat, Aug 28, 2010 05:21:29 PM)

We can say that villages are definitly the backbone of the country because the development of any
country depends upon the development done by the villages in that country.

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Pankaj Pandey said: (Sat, Aug 28, 2010 05:46:26 PM)

Almost 75% population of india is still living in villages & the basic needs of our country ie daily
meals (rice, pearls, wheat, mustard ) has been fulfilled by the cultivation in the villages. Agriculture
plays a vital roll in gdp of our country. Above facts are itself says that how much important roll
villages play in growth of our country. So we can not ignore the importance of our villages.

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Raviteja said: (Sat, Aug 28, 2010 10:17:59 PM)

Definitely, villages are very essential for a country to produce rice or other products and to
develop. In 19th and 20th century we have more villages all over the India. but the number of
villages is been coming down now gradually. To stop this we need to develop the villages. We
should educate the people in the villages. The villagers are attracting towards facilities of cities and
they are going and working in the cities. So the government should provide as much as facilities in
villages to develop villages.

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Venkatesh said: (Sun, Aug 29, 2010 05:51:56 PM)

Every human needs three basic things such as food, shelter, dress. Our food only comes from
agriculture that is from village, so without village we don't have any food. Our Indian culture are
one of the best culture around the world which is basically exposed from villages.

But unfortunately we don't use that properly, they don't have a water for agriculture, so they don't
have money for doing agriculture, so most of them move out from village for make money that
village are use (LESS).
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Niveth said: (Sun, Aug 29, 2010 09:54:33 PM)

Honestly speaking that villages are strength of any country untill the city people and the
government taking care of it and the people who they live their, my idea is that nobody in this
world is going to live max of 100 years. Thus upto some sort of degree the person should live in
city after that he should get the job in village of about 20 years. After that he can return to the
hometown. Thus each and every people will get both life. Thus there is no partiality between the
city and village people and also the village will not be destroyed.

I will try my level best to save my nation. Proud to be an Indian. Jai Hind.

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Kumar Anand said: (Mon, Aug 30, 2010 02:22:55 AM)

Villages are definitely very important for a country like India mainly because of the following

1. India being an agriculture based economy where the GDP goes down if there are not good
agricultural production needs villages the most where most of the farm land is present and most of
the people are farmers.

2. Most of the work force in the cities come from villages.

3. As is said lot many times real India lives in villages. This is because it is the hub for protecting
our culture. IT is the villages which in the future ll act as the guardians of our moral and cultural

I would also like to draw some attention towards the demerits of villages:.

1. Illiteracy.

2. Poverty which leads to huge families ulitimately leading to more poverty.

3. Lack of proper medical facilities.

With proper attention from the gov. And eradication of these drawbacks. Villages will be able to get
into the mainstream of India's economic boom.

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Tushar Ramteke said: (Mon, Aug 30, 2010 01:18:58 PM)

It is the biggest strength.

The place where we can smell the land, we can see all-round greenery and peace. The calmness
and serenity of the atmosphere sends is in itself a positive outlook.

The real Indian culture lives in there. But in the race of century villages are lacking in the
developement, and many parts are still to develope yet. So. We have to take care of what our root
and strenght is.

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Sonia said: (Mon, Aug 30, 2010 05:25:09 PM)

In my point of view villages are back bone of our country. The country is shining in many fields like
sports, business, politics. And many more but the world is still recognizing India for its diverse
culture. This culture is almost dead in cities but these are still living in villages. Hence they
contribute to our reorganization. Indian villages exist still because of their great tradition & values.

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Archna said: (Tue, Aug 31, 2010 07:45:26 PM)

In my point of view villages are a medium for the development of a city. But there must also be the
facilities like city in a village. A village is full of nature and beauty. And this peaceful environment
can only be in a village not in a city.

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Nikhil said: (Tue, Aug 31, 2010 08:56:28 PM)

We all know that mostly population of our nation are in villages. Therefore villages are backbone of
our nation. We should provide all such facilities as education, employment, transport, food as
available in cities. Thus Development in villages only develop cities. Thus villages is our strength.

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Dharmendra Singh said: (Wed, Sep 1, 2010 08:18:40 PM)

According me that today villages condition ind India is so bad because.

1. Lots of person is uneducated.

2. Unaware of Health, Sex & Education.

3. Mentally disturbed by insuffciant Money & Politicians.

4. There is no facilities for Medicine And no gove, help ind Vilalges.

5. Generation Gap.

That's it.

Rate this: +4 -1
Sp Devi said: (Wed, Sep 1, 2010 11:16:22 PM)

Definitely villages are strength of our nation. It is said as backbone not only because it supports in
agriculture it also maintains our traditional aspects. A nations. Strength is agriculture which is one
of the basic need satisfied by villages.
Rate this: +1 -0
Chitra said: (Thu, Sep 2, 2010 01:18:12 PM)

Hai villages are back bone of India. Villages are main strength of our nation. 35% of Indian people
are villagers. Agriculture is main occupation in our nation. So villages are strength to our nation.
But villages didnt have proper education, bus facilities, road facilities. Indian government has to
take steps for these draw backs.

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Amrendra said: (Thu, Sep 2, 2010 04:11:00 PM)

The soul of India resides in Village. It represent our culture and nation. The basic need of life, 'food'
comes from villages. The great leaders of India has realised the importance of village. Lal Bahadur
shastri gave the slogan, " jai jawan, jai kisan ", which shows the strength of villagers. More over,
the biggest quality of villagers are that they are working for, not only for their nation but also for
other countries. Because, some countries, like Saudi -Arabia fully depend for their food on other
agriculture country. The resources on which they are dependent may finish one day, and then they
will realise the importance of agriculture. Farmers are dedicating their service for humanity. And,
we are thinking, their simple and pure nature, as their foolishness.

Whatever lacking in them is due to, not proper facilities available to them. The people living in city,
often fall ill, in spite of proper facility of hospitals. But, villager are more stronger, laborious and
healthy in comparison of metropolitan people. They rarely fall ill, and even if they got disease, they
cure themselves by the medicinal plants present their. Also, life in village is very peaceful, and
pollution free. The minds of villager are also much sharper than city people. And, they also get
qualified in most prestigious exam of India, like I.A.S. Their is just no comparison between village
and city, because health of person can not be supplemented by any other facilities.

No doubt, Villages are the strength of India, and we can make it even better, by bringing the
infrastructure facilities of city. Proper education system will help to create awareness among the
people, and make them more efficient. Transportation, and proper communication, will improve the
living standard of villagers, and make them connected with whole world. By achieving all these
things, we can make Village to heaven.

Rate this: +2 -1
Priyanka Vajpayee said: (Sat, Sep 4, 2010 03:27:55 PM)

Undoubtedly villages serve as strength for the nation. The all basic needs are fulfilled by the
villages right from the food to the art. Urban rely on villages for their survival. But the only thing
that lacks in villages is ignorance. I. E. , the people over there have ample knowledge but are
unable to come out or express. Or we can also say that they are not provided proper platform and
lack in guidance. So, finally the Govt. should realise the need in this concern and start developing
awareness among people.

All must realise "Growing ourselves, Growing India and thus making it a better place to live in".

Rate this: +1 -0
Tamilvanan said: (Sat, Sep 4, 2010 04:45:27 PM)
Village aren't equal to city. They can't be. Because the village peoples don't have more knowledge
than the city people have. They always protest by demanding about the things that can't be
enforced by government. They are narrow minded peoples.

Rate this: +1 -7
Ajay said: (Sat, Sep 4, 2010 11:55:39 PM)

NO DOUBT THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY OUR strength. In today's world when world is suffering from
environmental problems I think it is for India to show how people of India can grow tremndusly
without affecting much to the the environment. Indian culture lies only in villages. Any country can
achieve success only if it not compromise with its culture. China is a great example of this. I think
we should learn from china how to set balance between development and culture.

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Senthil Kumar said: (Sun, Sep 5, 2010 10:16:06 PM)

Villages are the ultimate suppliers to the humanities. Be it vegetable or rice or any other raw food.
Villages needs to be provided more infrastructure. Education etc.

Its not possible to survive a country without promoting the villages and their lives. Let us suppose.
If are ignoring villages and keep on concentrating the Cities and the needs our next generation will
be facing the trouble for Food! when the uncertainties caused due to not promoting villages or
ignoring the importance of the village its quite possible to face uncertainty with the democracy

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Senthil Kmatr said: (Sun, Sep 5, 2010 10:29:33 PM)

I apologize for the opposing the tamilvanan's comment over villages.

Cities Demands are from Villages and it supply chain. Of course village people does not have equal
knowledge rather than cities and you have to realise and feel shame on spoiling culture in the
name modern style. Be it Girls or Boys. The entire countries image being the trouble because of the
Stupidity of the Cities and their life style. Have you ever heard that villages are being the difficult
resource in keeping our nation Culture? if today you had you food only because the village people
are dedicating themselves to provide food the rest of the country. They are fully committed people
and self disciplined despite education. For Ex:from KAMARAJAR till A. P. J Abdul kalam. The village
are being the partners in nation building. Mean while Cities are also doing their Job well only
because the fundamental concept. Villages are the backbone of Cities!.

Mr. TamilVanan, Kamarajar is from village and uneducated but his effort towards nation is really
really much worthy!.

Abdul kalam is from Village some where from Ramanathapuram but His effort towards this
generation. Precious. Precious!.

Also please note that the Government is not at all providing the service towards the village. The
entire country is burning now a days because probe and corruption! who is responsible for this? a
educated city people or Uneducated poor village people?.

Rate this: +1 -2
Ronny said: (Thu, Sep 9, 2010 01:15:36 PM)

In my opinion today villages are weakness because even nowadays old primitive methods of
irrigation, farming are being done leading to less produce. In a growing economy like ours where
our population is growing at an alarming rate, the production is not sufficient for everyone.

In villages so many cases of farmer suicide are coming out which shows the current plight of the
country and also shows the our farming system is totally dependent on rains and there are no
means of irrigation. The Govt. Is fully responsible for this condition as they not interested in rural
India but are only after big cooperates.

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Nitesh Popali said: (Fri, Sep 10, 2010 12:01:24 AM)

According to me villeges are still backbone of India. All maximum type of vegetables and fruits
come from villeges. We are very much dependent on villeges for our daily food needs. Many types
of raw materials come from villeges. Without raw materials there will be no production in
companies. Also villege's environment is healthy.

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Shalini said: (Sat, Sep 11, 2010 02:33:21 PM)

According to me villeges having both things like strengt, weakness because we all knws that
villagers prvides us lots of think like food etc, wihtout all thease thinks we can not survive in any
field these thinks are our need. Village's peoples are more healthy riether then us but still they are
very poor. Just because of our govrerment because they not provides good technology for villagers
because all these teclgly are very costly for villagers so thats why they are not able to purchase
these technology.

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Prashant said: (Sat, Sep 11, 2010 06:15:33 PM)

Villages are the heart of INDIA. Just imagine then how INDIA can survive without villages. GDP of
INDIA depends to greater extent on the agriculture, which we find in villages. The basic need of all
people. FOOD. Is satisfied by villages. I DON'T KNOW ANY INDUSTRY PRODUCING FOOD FOR THE

Industries in INDIA have made INDIAN ENVIRONMENT more polluted. Mainly including river water.
In present we cant see a clean water flowing through any river in INDIA. Industries in INDIA are
not adapting the rules they have to obey. No strict actions are not taken towards them. So they
just do like anything.

So who will like to live in cities where these industries are there. In coming days one will not be
able to breath properly. Due to pollution caused by them.
People will suffer to many diseases. For ex. (Bhopal gas tragedy). Who will like to drink the water
of this dirty rivers then.

But this does not happen till in villages. The environment there is very good. But river water has
polluted and in near future it will be going on due to industrialization.

I am not opposing industrialization. But the way they are working. They should adapt environment


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David said: (Sat, Sep 11, 2010 06:47:18 PM)

I support Shalini's view, without villagers a whole world/country cannot survive, In my opinion
government have to give good support to villagers in educations, and farms, and transport by
introducing new technology without affect the environment and make them to adapt with that

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Ajay Gupta said: (Sun, Sep 12, 2010 01:39:21 PM)

As my friend Ronny said that we do not have good methods of irrigation, good fertilization,
herbicides, pesticides, technology etc. But I think it is not correct we have every thing but due to
corruption and other reasons these are not easily available.

I think there is no doubt that villages are our strength, just we need to polish it.

Our government is supposed to provide every kind of facilities. Now a days most of farmers want
that their child become an engineer and doctor. Now a basic quistion crops up why they want it,
because lake of facilities and few chances of progress. So we need to remove this tendency and
simply try to empower our villages. Jai Hind !

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Sasi said: (Mon, Sep 13, 2010 07:21:34 PM)

According to me our village are Really backbone of our nation but lot of youth power are engaged
in agriculture. To remove these our scientist need to develop a new technology, they also need to
implement the high crops because our agriculture is mainly depend upon monsoon so we can avoid
shortage of food & suicide case.

People in village are not rebellion minded they are forced to be an rebellion because Govt. had
failed in providing a facilities to village so that today our nation facing a biggest security threat like
naxallism etc. Youth in village are more stronger they are good in sports then also they are unable
to reach top level due to poverty, sponsorship etc. sport authority of India want to grab the youth
so they bring a real fame to the nation.

Rate this: +1 -0
Dinesh said: (Thu, Sep 23, 2010 10:32:07 PM)

Yes really villages are important part of our country. The major resources for our livelihood are
obtained from villages but the standard of living is not good when compared to other countries.

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Mahesh said: (Tue, Sep 28, 2010 02:12:30 AM)

Undoubtedly villages are the backbone of any country especially for the countries like India. The
contribution of the farm sector to the overall GDP is about 60%, the food we eat comes from the
villages and it is a source for wide variety of plants which are used for making medicines which
cures the diseases that are not cured by the so called drugs.

The presence of villages is a boon to the country as the villages reflects the entire country (how the
people are) and also the culture and tradition of the country lies in the villages. Any country can be
represented by the villages the villages are to be taken care of from extinction as there are no
proper transportation and electricity to many villages the people are migrating to the cities for their
livelihood which is a main reason for the current food crisis so for the future generations to be
healthier we must save our villages and so our culture and tradition.

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Gabriel Konki said: (Wed, Nov 17, 2010 07:51:23 AM)

India is good. Villagers are no separate in India. All the city/town/urban people are once from
villages only. Strange good culture in India, each one of us wanted to show one is superior than
others. Thus cultural competition, in this competition, we are separated in to lot of social segments.
Profession wise, washer men, fishermen, shepherd etc. One respect his own profession so as a
tradition he/she will not adopt in to any other profession, there is no un touch ability in India. But
there is no touch-ability. For example fisher women from ages bring fresh fish to the towns/cities to
sell them alive. They are women. The women of non fishermen communities wanted to cook fresh
fish. Both are the Indian women. So if Indian fisher woman prepare the fry of fresh fish there and
then and if market, all the Indian fishermen will develop like anything. The same way, for Lamb
(mutton) there is lot value. The shepherds feel fear to cut and sell the lamb. They sell the live lamb
so cheap. If they learn to cut, process and supply the processed mutton, shepherds will develop
like any thing. The hand loom weavers will day long make the cloth and sell so cheap for middle
men. They claim they are committing suicides due to lack of reasonable price. If they carry the
production to the direct consumer, they can feed entire village with their hard work.

Since air, water, food is not polluted in the villages, only villagers will occupy India, not the city
dwell Indians for fashion, the reason is pollution, blood pressure, diabetic, stress due to hue and
cry for life in busy cities. Generations of the villagers only will flourish and sustain. Instead of
banking our money in the cities for nothing, the same if we invest on live stock, agriculture in the
villages, if we work along with villagers hand in hand by getting down in to the fields, farms,
poultry, fisheries, tannery, piggery etc, we will become rich by health and wealth. No farm houses
please. Please live in the village and turn your present city house as weekend guest house. Jai

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Denizen Komath said: (Sat, Dec 18, 2010 12:39:09 AM)

Importance of villages in our country cannot be sidelined viewing the growth of cities around.
Country like India if compared to a banyan tree, we can find that villages form its basic roots on
which the great banyan tree grows and spreads itself.

My friends have already given the importance of villages, yet the soul of this great country is now
hidden by the waste linen of politicians, who have raped our culture and heritage at the garb of
"development". Destruction of farm lands, and environment will wipe off the left over stepping
stones of our great nation towards stability and independent market.

Look for example the growth of China. Our markets are flooded with Chinese products, which are
much cheaper but fascinating. Understand that these products come from the Chinese villages than
their industrial sectors. But, comparing our villages to that of China, we can see that in our country
the farmers who form the basic village people suffer the utmost and commit suicide. They are
never protected.

Government in our country is not serious about village wealth, even though they shed crocodile
tears in this regard, and amass wealth to their pockets.

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Shruti Singh said: (Tue, Dec 28, 2010 02:49:25 PM)

I agree with the ones who says that villages are heart,are tremendous,good,Backbone and
Strentgh of our country.It is also true that Indian Economy directly or Indirectly totally depends on
the villages. But then also it is sorry to say that the one (Village/Villagers) who are regularly
providing things to us are getting nothing. I say that they dont want to be highlighted but they
want our attention and care.I trully feel sorrow that pls dont show mercy towards them. At this
stage we shouldnt think that why this condition is? Instead of this we should think that what we
can do to Improve this? I am really very pleased to see that whosoever has written these blog are
atleast feeling about their poor condition but just because of this only there problems are not going
to be solved..............
If any of them have any Idea so pls let us know.

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Rupali said: (Fri, Jan 14, 2011 08:26:39 PM)

my point of view villages are most important for our nation because we all are depend on
agriculture and our nation growth depend upon the agriculture. villages is a most beautiful place
and we can see the our culture and we can learn the culture to next generation because in the
cities we all are forgot our culture and live only on western pattern and we can see the indian
culture only in the villages that's it .

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Rakesh Niranjan said: (Fri, Jan 14, 2011 10:30:45 PM)
I think that villages have a very importance for any country economy because, they have a lot of
natural resource like as food grain, water resource, environmental (air;wildlife) without it the
human life is not possible so we can say that.

But Indian village in very poor position they have face lot of problems like poor education, lack of
transportation, lack of source of employment etc.

People in village are not rebellion minded they are forced to be an rebellion because Govt. Had
failed in providing a facilities to village so that today our nation facing a biggest security threat like
naxallism etc. Youth in village are more stronger they are good in sports then also they are unable
to reach top level due to poverty, sponsorship etc. Sport authority of India want to grab the youth
so they bring a real fame to the nation.

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Indian Economy: Old Wine in New Bottle!

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Jas said: (Wed, Sep 1, 2010 09:42:59 PM)

As a part of this group discussion I want to lead the team as initiator. Our discussion is about
Indian economy Is old wine in new bottle. Its like poring the old economy into. Our new trends. I
like my friend to continue.

Rate this: +2 -12

Dude said: (Sat, Sep 4, 2010 05:28:04 PM)

I think its rightly said, because all our politicians are in their 60s or 70s and their thinking is very
limited. Our culture is changing so rapidly but our country is still run by those senile peoples.

Rate this: +2 -1
Mzr said: (Sat, Sep 4, 2010 09:05:49 PM)

Yeah, you are dear Dude, I think its a time for young and Dynamic peoples to come into Politics.

Rate this: +1 -2
Senthil Kumar said: (Sun, Sep 5, 2010 10:35:26 PM)

Still lot more spaces are their for Youth to give a new powerful economy. There is famous saying.
By some youth. Politicians told us are the Future pillar of India. But they removed our back bone
before they say it!.

Rate this: +1 -1
Manoj said: (Mon, Sep 6, 2010 04:08:29 AM)

Yeah I totally agree with this. Because the politician of the early 90's and the politicians of now
they have the same thinking i-e how to get the sympathy from the people but the way they
execute their plan to achieve their goals have changed from early 90's. Now the politicians are
offering more luxurious deals like they will provide power supply for 24hours and free TV and many
more if they vote for them.
Finally I conclude saying they have the common objective or goal. But the way of executing those
goals have changed over the past few years.

Rate this: +1 -4
Kabi said: (Mon, Sep 6, 2010 04:08:57 AM)

Change the heavy constitution into like newton low (single statement law).

Little experience with great innovation require to run our politics.

Rate this: +4 -3
Babloo said: (Tue, Sep 7, 2010 06:49:17 PM)

Hmm, I completely agree with this. Because China and India has got independence in same couple
of years but china is always 2 steps ahead in every field. Corruption is in every country but ratio
varies. 1 article it was written if whole amount of Swiss bank of Indian owner where distributed
among Indians then everyone will get about 1 L. So think about the amount of black money which
is deposited in that bank of our politician which could have invested in development of country.

Everyone knows who has ruled the country most in past 50 years, whether it is new or old it cums
from origin of any party.

When the ruling party will change then only the new wine will be found in new bottle of our

Rate this: +11 -1

Satishram said: (Wed, Sep 8, 2010 11:41:16 AM)

As far as corruption is concern India is wost affected countries in the world. I think every one is
aware of BRIC. Its a association of nations which is gonna be super power in 2050. Brazil, Russia,
India, China. You may ask why INDIA is in the list, India's advantage is its human resource. Ya
presently 60% of our population is old pepole. Whereas in 2050 nearly 75% or more will be youth.
Its very obvious that India will become super power when the politics is handed over to young and
dynamic youth.

Rate this: +4 -1
Ksangeetha said: (Wed, Sep 8, 2010 04:32:01 PM)

A lot of changes required in every field because the people thinking and activities are different from
ancient days. So we have to innovate new ideas to improve the growth of our country as every
country has admire about India.

Rate this: +0 -3
Arun said: (Mon, Sep 13, 2010 12:12:00 AM)

I agree wit all my friends, but the thing is development of a country not only lies in the hands of
politicians but also in everyone of us. Even oceans are formed from drops. So any small change we
youth undertake, may some day in the near future lead to the country's prosperity.
Rate this: +0 -0
Bama said: (Mon, Sep 13, 2010 10:58:22 PM)

I agree with all my friends, but I think that not only politicians are responsible for this problem, but
also those who are belonging to INDIAN but working or willing to serve for other country
responsible. Most of the good technicians or scientists are adopted by other countries. So it is like,
something is produced in INDIA but are selling with the tag "made in XYZ".

Rate this: +1 -0
Geetha said: (Mon, Sep 13, 2010 11:02:34 PM)

I think old wine gives good taste like that old people I mean old minds give good result if they do
correctly. They have so much experience and faced lot of problems from those they learned many
things. But in our India corruption is placing main role. If any old politician wants to get good
economy rate but remaining some persons they don't agree like Dr. Manmohan Singh likes to deal
with US about nuclear deal but so many other politicians refused it. Like that.

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Sankar Prakash said: (Sat, Sep 18, 2010 09:55:15 AM)

It is not the matter of age, definitely we need young people with ideas along with experience. It is
all about commitment. We can easily speak about drawbacks, but now we need solution. World
revolution is through self revolution. So it is the matter of commitment by each individual in their
respective field. I think definitely India can overcome all its drawbacks and will become super
power by 2020.

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Amarnath said: (Tue, Nov 16, 2010 12:49:03 PM)

Sorry friends I this agree with every one. Because you are talking about politician only. Indian
economy is not in politicians hand because we only electing our government so it is in every
Indians hand. Think if a government want to do some thing good, by soon that government it self
will change. If a government employee wants to do some thing right, by soon he get transfer to
some were. Like that every field is corrupted police, business. We only Encouraging this all thing.
To get the passport to get the VISA to sanction some projects to start some business every thing
we want quickly. We only corrupting the people to do wrong to do bad to do illegal.

Finally I want to say only one thing that it is very difficult to change every thing. Indian economy is
in every Indians hand. Please change.

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Pratz said: (Tue, Dec 7, 2010 06:33:49 PM)

I totally disagree to all of you. India is not an old wine in new bottle. Indian economy has opened
up since 1991, and liberalization has changed a lot of things today. All the financial scams are
falling out this indicates the correction happening in the system. This gives an message that though
people become big bribing finally they will fall as their story falls out.
We have a strong financial system which helped us to come out of recent recession. This indicates
though India is changing its trade policies and opening up its economy it is doing it carefully and
strategically. Visit of Barrack Obama clearly indicates that India today has more potential and every
one in the world is looking towards it along with china.

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• Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus

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Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus
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Sruthi said: (Mon, Jun 14, 2010 01:02:34 AM)

As all of us know,Venus is the second brightest natural object next to moon. It is named after a
Roman Goddess.It is a symbol of love and beauty.All these are the inborn characteristics of a
Woman. So Woman must have been from Venus!

Rate this: +3 -0
Ankita Agrawal said: (Sun, Aug 1, 2010 01:02:06 PM)

Yes I do agree with my friend, Venus is the symbol of love and beauty like this mars represents the
man because mars is all red and vibrant and men are also very strong like mars and they have
rigid qualities unlike a woman. A woman is very emotional but men are very practical!

Rate this: +2 -1
Hari said: (Thu, Aug 5, 2010 05:38:45 PM)

I'm sorry my friend i can't agree with your words. Women are emotional but not practical. No doubt
they are love and beauty at the same time they are against what my friend!

Rate this: +1 -1
Sanvi said: (Fri, Aug 6, 2010 09:02:46 PM)

I dont agree with Ankita that men are practical while women are emotional. It cannot be
generalised. It can even be the other way round.

Geneticaly men and women are wired in such a way that they handle things differently, have
different emotional quotients,have different ways of looking at same things, expressing feelings.

They are definitly very different from each other- thats the very beauty of being human. Women
are an epitome of love and empathy while men symbolise bravery and chivalry.

But in real world, this is not always the case, women can be stronger than men and can be more
practical when it comes to certain things..

I think both of them are from earth and nowhere else.. they complement each other.

Rate this: +6 -1
Rajesh said: (Mon, Aug 9, 2010 06:43:00 PM)

Sorry Sanvi, I feel your are very much emotional, take things simply.. I also agree that the
womens have the buety of venus, but i don't agree with the statement womens are not practical,
may be they can reach the level of thoughts of a men, but they have their own way of practical

Rate this: +0 -1
Jagdeep said: (Mon, Aug 16, 2010 02:31:13 AM)

I agree that women are the symbol of love and beauty. However you all should know that the
emotional character of women balance our world. As a matter of concern men are stronger and
practical from their birth and women are beauty, emotional from their birth.

So the comment is correct however attitude of both men and women change by the environment
and society.

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Pankaj Kumar said: (Mon, Aug 16, 2010 03:36:17 PM)

"Men are from mars and Women are from Venus " if we leave all the exceptions and talk about
generality this quote is true. We should agree with this thinking and accept this truth.Sorry friends
if you r getting anything wrong in this.

And also i would like to pay your attention on this quote that it does not really mean that they have
come from mars and Venus. It's an ornament by which they have been compared according to
their natural quality.
I really salute to the person who discovered this quote:)

Rate this: +1 -3
Aman said: (Mon, Aug 23, 2010 11:49:57 AM)

Yes friends, men and women are to different creature of god. Both are complement to each other.
It is not hardly truth men are always stronger or practical then women. Its depend upon society
and cultural in which we lives. Women is also a matter of contemporary since starting. I concur the
discrepancy between men and women and i would like to favour these quote.

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Ankur said: (Thu, Sep 2, 2010 06:48:39 PM)

I agree with the words of @Aman. Both men and women complement each other. Even if their
quailities are different from each other, but survival of one without other is impossible. Nature have
decided the roles for both. Circumstance of one's living also decide his/her nature. I truly go by the

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Sirivandana said: (Fri, Oct 22, 2010 01:37:34 AM)
Hey Rajesh what Sanvi told was in a formal way. She expressed it in a well manner. I agree with
her that both are from earth. What I feel is that women are much matured in their thoughts than
men, which means that they can handle situations much better than men without any emotional
traumas. Speaking much more precisely it depends on a particular individual, how he have been
brought up, his/her childhood days etc. To face a particular situation.

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Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus

@ : Home > Group Discussion > Creative Topics - Discussion Room
Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:

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Sruthi said: (Mon, Jun 14, 2010 01:02:34 AM)

As all of us know,Venus is the second brightest natural object next to moon. It is named after a
Roman Goddess.It is a symbol of love and beauty.All these are the inborn characteristics of a
Woman. So Woman must have been from Venus!

Rate this: +3 -0
Ankita Agrawal said: (Sun, Aug 1, 2010 01:02:06 PM)

Yes I do agree with my friend, Venus is the symbol of love and beauty like this mars represents the
man because mars is all red and vibrant and men are also very strong like mars and they have
rigid qualities unlike a woman. A woman is very emotional but men are very practical!

Rate this: +2 -1
Hari said: (Thu, Aug 5, 2010 05:38:45 PM)

I'm sorry my friend i can't agree with your words. Women are emotional but not practical. No doubt
they are love and beauty at the same time they are against what my friend!

Rate this: +1 -1
Sanvi said: (Fri, Aug 6, 2010 09:02:46 PM)

I dont agree with Ankita that men are practical while women are emotional. It cannot be
generalised. It can even be the other way round.

Geneticaly men and women are wired in such a way that they handle things differently, have
different emotional quotients,have different ways of looking at same things, expressing feelings.

They are definitly very different from each other- thats the very beauty of being human. Women
are an epitome of love and empathy while men symbolise bravery and chivalry.

But in real world, this is not always the case, women can be stronger than men and can be more
practical when it comes to certain things..

I think both of them are from earth and nowhere else.. they complement each other.

Rate this: +6 -1
Rajesh said: (Mon, Aug 9, 2010 06:43:00 PM)

Sorry Sanvi, I feel your are very much emotional, take things simply.. I also agree that the
womens have the buety of venus, but i don't agree with the statement womens are not practical,
may be they can reach the level of thoughts of a men, but they have their own way of practical

Rate this: +0 -1
Jagdeep said: (Mon, Aug 16, 2010 02:31:13 AM)

I agree that women are the symbol of love and beauty. However you all should know that the
emotional character of women balance our world. As a matter of concern men are stronger and
practical from their birth and women are beauty, emotional from their birth.

So the comment is correct however attitude of both men and women change by the environment
and society.

Rate this: +0 -0
Pankaj Kumar said: (Mon, Aug 16, 2010 03:36:17 PM)

"Men are from mars and Women are from Venus " if we leave all the exceptions and talk about
generality this quote is true. We should agree with this thinking and accept this truth.Sorry friends
if you r getting anything wrong in this.

And also i would like to pay your attention on this quote that it does not really mean that they have
come from mars and Venus. It's an ornament by which they have been compared according to
their natural quality.
I really salute to the person who discovered this quote:)

Rate this: +1 -3
Aman said: (Mon, Aug 23, 2010 11:49:57 AM)

Yes friends, men and women are to different creature of god. Both are complement to each other.
It is not hardly truth men are always stronger or practical then women. Its depend upon society
and cultural in which we lives. Women is also a matter of contemporary since starting. I concur the
discrepancy between men and women and i would like to favour these quote.

Rate this: +0 -0
Ankur said: (Thu, Sep 2, 2010 06:48:39 PM)

I agree with the words of @Aman. Both men and women complement each other. Even if their
quailities are different from each other, but survival of one without other is impossible. Nature have
decided the roles for both. Circumstance of one's living also decide his/her nature. I truly go by the

Rate this: +0 -0
Sirivandana said: (Fri, Oct 22, 2010 01:37:34 AM)

Hey Rajesh what Sanvi told was in a formal way. She expressed it in a well manner. I agree with
her that both are from earth. What I feel is that women are much matured in their thoughts than
men, which means that they can handle situations much better than men without any emotional
traumas. Speaking much more precisely it depends on a particular individual, how he have been
brought up, his/her childhood days etc. To face a particular situation.

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Is God Male?
@ : Home > Group Discussion > Creative Topics - Discussion Room
Points to remember before you participate in this disuccsion:

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Venkatesh said: (Sun, Jun 27, 2010 01:36:30 PM)

I am happy taking initiate to this topic. My point of view God is not a human being , it is a Power,
so there is no question, Whether God is a Male or Female.

Rate this: +10 -0

Manish said: (Mon, Jun 28, 2010 12:22:12 PM)

Dear Venkatesh, im agree with your openion. God is a Super Power, No man or No woman there.

Rate this: +3 -0
Pramod said: (Wed, Jul 14, 2010 06:00:42 PM)

God is a super natural power we can only experience it and based on individual's belief.

Rate this: +1 -0
Shiva said: (Sun, Jul 18, 2010 01:10:02 PM)

There is no question, Whether God is a Male or Female.

Bcoz...God means.. faith in us... believing.. So no question of he/she..god is "it".....

Rate this: +2 -0
Raju said: (Sun, Jul 18, 2010 01:30:03 PM)

Hi friends you said God is power but my opinion god is super power so we dont say god is men or

We always worship the God.

Rate this: +2 -0
Krishnakiran said: (Tue, Jul 20, 2010 10:35:38 PM)

god is what ever it may be thats not question god is powerful and also very important to each life

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Jyothi said: (Fri, Jul 23, 2010 11:37:49 AM)
According to my opinion god is a creator there is no question, whether male or female

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Sabarivel said: (Sun, Jul 25, 2010 10:38:49 AM)

No where in god that's time how can we say whether god is he/she. We should make a life
wonderful with ourself.

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Karen said: (Thu, Jul 29, 2010 11:35:08 AM)

God is what we believe He/She is..

People can pray to Shiva, they can pray to Lakshmi..
I think at the end of it all prayers are heard by one supernatural power that we believe exists..

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Gowri said: (Thu, Jul 29, 2010 02:55:29 PM)

In my point view god is person who always have a touch with us just like mom, hence god is

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Rajashree M Nair said: (Thu, Jul 29, 2010 03:51:11 PM)

God means the positive energy in us..its neither male nor female..has no shape or size.
Its a fact god resides in male and female and its male positive energy god is male and if its female
positive energy god is female.

That is god is our inner strength.

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Rajashree M Nair said: (Thu, Jul 29, 2010 03:55:41 PM)

Gods adopts the shape of person he resides in i feel god is the positive energy in us.

So he can be male or female..The goodness in us is GOD

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Sindhu said: (Thu, Jul 29, 2010 08:42:13 PM)

In my point of view god is a supernatural power... may be a male or female depends on ones

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Jacki said: (Thu, Jul 29, 2010 08:45:08 PM)
According to my point of view, GOD must be male, reference to bible verse: the holy book indicates
GOD by "HE".

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Divya said: (Fri, Jul 30, 2010 12:12:16 AM)

According to me, GOD is the one who created both men and women!! GOD is not us(human being)
and needs no column to fill in his gender..

Rate this: +1 -0
Ameya said: (Fri, Jul 30, 2010 01:23:17 AM)

I belive there is no such a thing GOD. If there is such a thing then why cant we see it. And things
we cant see is our imagination and imagination have no any gender or may have depends on
imaginer. isn't it???

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Mano said: (Fri, Jul 30, 2010 02:43:08 PM)

God only created a male and a female.

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Bharath said: (Fri, Jul 30, 2010 10:38:09 PM)

I think we didn't understand the question "IS god male" means whether male dominates for
everything as god dominate everyone. According to me both male and female are treated as god as
they have a equal power.

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Premnath said: (Fri, Jul 30, 2010 11:07:25 PM)

God is nothing that we creates ourself. To control ourself from bad things for example the person
who believe gods means they get afraid while doing some bad things to other. Finally i like to say
god is not the male or female it is our thinking only.

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Chandana said: (Sat, Jul 31, 2010 11:50:42 AM)

I think there is no such thing like god. God means creater to ourself. We cannot see the god,
because its a power. So we cant say god is male or female.

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Mrudu said: (Sat, Jul 31, 2010 03:12:00 PM)

God is the creator.. God is the synonym of love, affection, care.. qualities which define
motherhood. Hence for sure god is female !!!
Rate this: +1 -2
Udhaya said: (Sat, Jul 31, 2010 10:16:13 PM)

God is not a human being. He is creating the world. He is the wonderful power. We cannot specified
whether god is male or female.

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Saifullah said: (Sun, Aug 1, 2010 09:27:59 PM)

Who is God? What has He revealed about Himself? To begin with, whenever He refers to Himself in
parental terms, He always addresses Himself as "Father," never "Mother." He calls Himself "a
Father to Israel,"1 and in one instance, when His "children" were particularly disrespectful to Him,
He said to them, "A son honors his father, and a servant his master. If then I am the Father, where
is My honor? And if I am a Master, where is My reverence?" 2

His prophets acknowledged Him as Father by saying, "You are our Father, we are the clay, and You
our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand,"3 and "do we not all have one Father? Has not
one God created us?"4 Never once does God refer to Himself as "Mother" and never once is He
called such by the prophets to whom He spoke. Calling God "Mother Nature" is comparable to
calling your earthly father "Mom."

Rate this: +1 -1
Thanumoorthy said: (Mon, Aug 2, 2010 12:43:43 AM)

God is virtual soul. It is define only by human begins. We believe god is male, that soul is male, we
believe god is female that soul is female.

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Vijay said: (Thu, Aug 5, 2010 04:25:40 PM)

There are two Gods in the world. One is male, and other is Female. They are our Parents. They are
giving us to the world. Parents are the God.

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Guzhali said: (Thu, Aug 5, 2010 08:03:04 PM)

God means love. People who love and kind to other will be god. So God may be male or female.

Rate this: +1 -0
Sonia Sharma said: (Thu, Aug 5, 2010 09:36:56 PM)

When we call this God word, we get a strength from our inside. So God is a collection of words like
strength, love, faith and main thing to fight with problems.

Rate this: +1 -0
Cindrella said: (Thu, Aug 5, 2010 10:17:44 PM)
Of course, god must be a male, because, from gramatical point of view,the word god denotes male
gender, goddess means a female

Rate this: +2 -1
Ruchi said: (Fri, Aug 6, 2010 03:41:57 PM)

God is within all of us. Its our whole thought process, our beliefs, our values, our soul, our internal
strength to love, create, heal, believe, decide between right and wrong, make a difference.. God is
you, me, everybody, everything that has everor will ever exist on the universe and beyond.

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Bilal said: (Fri, Aug 6, 2010 11:46:20 PM)

For Muslims,

He is Allah, The One.

Allah, the Self-Sufficient upon Whom all depend.

He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is none comparable to Him.

Rate this: +2 -0
Kadar said: (Sat, Aug 7, 2010 05:30:11 PM)

I agree all your valuable talk but father and mother are the gods.

So god is both male and female. So, dont think that god is either male or female.

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Shivakarthi said: (Sat, Aug 7, 2010 07:59:08 PM)

Speaking soul wise, God is the only male and all other living beings in this world are his females!
be it a man, women, child or even a granny.. as a soul all are female and the only male is god who
pulls us all towards him at the right time!

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Priya said: (Mon, Aug 9, 2010 01:41:39 PM)

I think god is male. From past we can see that wives consider there husbands equal to the god.
Our myth says man is a god and woman is a goddess. Man who has responsibility of all family,
society just like god is considered to be god.

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Bharath said: (Tue, Aug 10, 2010 10:01:40 AM)

Hi Priya, you are correct in one way, but god goddess both these words are used by our people to
make good society showing that for every bad work done by you will be seen by some supreme
power which will punish you badly, and every society should have some rules and regulation for
correct society for that reason our ansisiters used god and goddess name to maintain those rules.

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Shree Ganesh Mall said: (Tue, Aug 10, 2010 11:04:00 AM)

According to me God is male or female it's depend on you What do you realize? What do you
believe? Because according to your beliefe god will be realize by you. So many of us realize God as
male but many of us realize as female.

Rate this: +1 -0
Rilvan said: (Tue, Aug 10, 2010 03:51:02 PM)

According to me God is Everything and everywhere.......

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Jesibala said: (Tue, Aug 10, 2010 03:58:47 PM)

To my point of view god is a power for doing anything we can. It is not a visible one, but we can
feel that in our heart. Some of them believe "work is the god". I am also agree with this. So i can
believe and feel "GOD IS POWER".

Rate this: +3 -0
Suresh said: (Tue, Aug 10, 2010 10:46:48 PM)

God is a male, because they only have the tendency to help others when someone falls.

Rate this: +3 -6
P.K. Mahato said: (Fri, Aug 13, 2010 01:48:23 AM)

I see god in every poor ang hungry children. and we know that chikdren can be a boy or girl. So
god god exist in both form.

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Luvleen Mishra said: (Sun, Aug 15, 2010 12:35:44 AM)

God means "ARDHANARESWAR" he guides us as father and also she cares for us as mother. So in
my opinion god is combination of male and female and due to which the world is created.

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Manoj said: (Tue, Aug 17, 2010 02:38:46 PM)

God is great, it is a power so no question should be there for male or female.

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Durga said: (Tue, Aug 17, 2010 06:26:06 PM)
Can anyone tell me what is God and show me where is God and how God looks like?
I know nobody can... so it proves that god is nothing but our believe and it differs from persons to

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Al.Ramasamy said: (Wed, Aug 18, 2010 12:15:52 PM)

God is apart from human, he is infinity. The stills of gods are drawn by human , so we thinks god is
like human. We can't see god, he invisible.

But god is powerful than human. God is Hope for human, we hopes god, we belives god is here,
but we saw a god from helpers, donors, etc.

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Pratiksha said: (Wed, Aug 18, 2010 05:54:14 PM)

God,is in everything, everywhere, everybody, either he or she as trust towards oneself, that make
him or her to overcome any situation. Nobody knows, gender of almighty, God necessarily, wanted
to make us believe that there is no difference between male or female. Every male will think GOD
must be male & every female must think of vice-versa. But,God is the only belief which make us
survive with our own desires & trust cann't be differentiated as he/she.

Rate this: +2 -0
Siva said: (Wed, Aug 18, 2010 08:02:33 PM)

God is the thing, We believe that something will save us and it help to our life to lead without any
mishap. Hence the god is something we believe. So there is no point of male or female.

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Mohammed Basheeruddin said: (Thu, Aug 19, 2010 03:26:30 PM)

No one can predict that god is a male because god himself not disclose as a male the god is knower
of all the things, its our faith and what we believe that god is there with us all the time but god is
eternal, forever and everlast but not a male.

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Vimala said: (Fri, Aug 20, 2010 03:57:11 PM)

Hi everybody, let me explain something dont get confused with eternal power and god ,whenever
our conscious picks us or point out our own positive and negative when you believe that ur being
watched out then its exactly your the one GOD by soul. So according to me both the genders goes
hand in hand.

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Joseph said: (Mon, Aug 23, 2010 02:05:22 PM)

According to me God is male or female it's depend on you What do you realize? What do you
believe? Because according to your beliefe god will be realize by you. So many of us realize God as
male but many of us realize as female.

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Satish said: (Wed, Sep 15, 2010 12:14:34 AM)

I go with what Cinderella said. Its too obvious that god is certainly male. He is the who have
created the entire universe. Other goddesses as well. !.

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Sivakumar said: (Tue, Sep 21, 2010 11:59:34 AM)

God is like a confident and universal truth. It is depends upon a our soul (feeling). As of my feeling
is confident and universal truth. We cannot perfectly derived male/female.

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Lalitha said: (Thu, Sep 30, 2010 12:52:22 AM)

According to me god is everybody's third eye. Which is presented in our inner thoughts. So it
depends upon our mind to use it in positive aspect. There is no such gender for our inner thoughts.

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Madan said: (Sat, Oct 2, 2010 11:00:09 PM)

GOD is male. As God is a Super Power and it is every where and it is in our inner soul. So there is
no point of Male or Female. But we can take other dimension of this topic as Male is dominant in
this world. But in today's secnario its not 100% true. As Indra Novie Pesico CEO, Chandra kocher,
Shila dixit and many more come in power and show that female are also as equal as male.

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Sarvan said: (Thu, Oct 7, 2010 10:10:38 PM)

I didn't see god in my life, but I saw the beautiful nature around me. I believe the nature more
than GOD.

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Riya said: (Wed, Oct 20, 2010 10:13:28 PM)

GOD can be a male or a female. In support of this statement I must say that GOD is nothing but
the divine power present in ourself. This power always shows us the right path that we should
follow but often we ignore this power or might be unaware of this power. But as the society is male
dominated so its natural that we believe that GOD IS MALE. Hence we should believe in ourselves
and realize the divine power present in us and respect it as well.

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Vivek Chauhan said: (Thu, Oct 21, 2010 10:48:18 PM)
Well said Riya !.

I would add to her as in : GOD has not been seen by anyone. God is in every smile in this world.
Imagine a small child smiling at you, that experience brings you close God. A old person blessings
lovingly is where the God is. God is everywhere one can experience the truthful happiness.

YES to all, God is SUPER POWER, but I would say THE GOD is an Experience like nothing ever

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Barid said: (Mon, Nov 1, 2010 10:24:41 PM)

He only created the gender and he gave the realization of social gender and maintain the social

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Aysha said: (Sun, Nov 7, 2010 01:46:03 PM)

God is not a male or a female. It is a super power. He is the creature of all the nature.

And no men or women have that super power. Believe in God there is no one like him.

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All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull

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Nandini said: (Wed, Jun 30, 2010 05:17:50 PM)

I am happy to taking initiative to this topic. In my opinion absolutely all work and no play makes a
person dull. Because of restless work our mind will feel some stress. So to overcame this situation
we have to play for some time. Then only we feel relief, otherwise it makes us dull and dim.

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Shaik said: (Thu, Jul 29, 2010 08:34:55 PM)

Hi nandu i join my hands towards your view... exactly the restless mind will soon rest in
health is formost important to do our job well.. If we are fit(both physically and mentally) then we
can crack the job easily... so only even industries conduct some fun events and outings...

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Madhu said: (Mon, Aug 16, 2010 07:42:54 PM)

Yes friends!! Its a obvious phenomenon that going on and on doing work 24X7 will drive a person
to feel depressed and agitated. A person will be mentally disturbed if he is not allowed to relax.
This sitution goes right to all walks of life from school going kids to working people. Both work and
play must go in balanced proportion to achieve what we want in ease.. So its always "A SOUND

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Mani said: (Tue, Aug 17, 2010 09:40:19 PM)
If the work we are doing is our passion, I m sure that it wont make us dull even if we work round
the clock.

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Sowmya said: (Thu, Aug 19, 2010 12:04:05 AM)

Hi friends, i agree with mani as we have to work round the clock as clock is best example as it
works 24X7. If doesnt works like we would not aware of time working is has become a passion, we
have to work till the death time as lead to development of the country too.

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Santhosh R said: (Fri, Aug 20, 2010 02:45:38 AM)

Hi friends, yeah surely if u have passion, we can work for hours, but we are not meant to be
machines!! we are humans. We need to keep our mental and spiritual body fit so that we can
deliver our best when we work!!! Once if we keep a balanced schedule on our work and enjoyment,
we can develop ourselves and through which country also can develop!!!!

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Pratiksha said: (Sat, Aug 21, 2010 04:50:28 PM)

Obviously, as we refresh our PC or laptops after doing a lot of work on it so as to attain a lot of
work again from it, same matters for our mind & body. After a lots of work we need some
refreshment even if the work is enjoyable, many of us love to do our work but some change really
worth after a lumpsum of work so that when we return to our work, we do it with our full potential.

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Reeta.Singh said: (Sun, Aug 22, 2010 11:01:27 PM)

Yes it is important to engage ourselves in some sort of sports everyday to refresh our mind...
instead of joining gym and all we should engage ourselves in some outdoor games which are
interesting as well as cheaper then gyms and other health clubs.

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Praveen Reddy said: (Sun, Aug 29, 2010 01:16:19 PM)

Hi friends, I agree with you, but guys "PASSION" is the other name of restless working, so no rest

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Swarupa said: (Mon, Oct 4, 2010 09:54:43 PM)

I agree with you @nandu why because restless work leads to depression. We should have some
refreshment in our work. With dedication towards work (passion) also our mind will be tired. We
should play some games to refresh and we will get interest to do more work by that refreshment.
We will become active.
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Niraj said: (Sun, Dec 5, 2010 01:56:59 PM)

If you able to convert your work into your hobby then you ll get expert into your work. You ll
became successful in that field. There will be demand of you into that job from all sides. But if you
continuously working for 24 hours then your personal life may get effected. You cant be able to do
another job. Relation may get break. More than money life is more important.

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