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Skills in Science Fiction Game

Academics [SMARTS]
Reflects knowledge of liberal arts, social sciences, literature, history, archaelogy. There is also a
new use of this skill – see below.

Battle [SMARTS]
This is used for general military knowledge (weapon types, identification, assessing feasibility of
a specific attack or defense plan), and used heavily during Mass Battles.

Electronics [SMARTS]
Using control panels such as sensor systems. Scanning a planet for life, communication tasks,
rely on this task. Similarly, using a transporter to beam the away team uses this skill, too.

Computers/Hacking [SMARTS]
Tasks involving working against a computer or computer system rely on this skill. So, when
Anders was trying to manipulate the doors, it is a Hacking check.

Piloting [AGILITY]
Flying a shuttle or a spacepod uses this skill.

However, during the first phase of a Spacehip to spaceship combat (maneuvering the ship to an
advantageous position prior to full on engagement) we will use BATTLE or ACADEMICS
(Astrogation). We will handle this as a Chase Scene until both ships land on the same Chase
square. During this phase, other members of the crew can make necessary preparations (guns
charging up, power systems distribution, shields preparation, etc). Once the ships engage, we we
move to second phase, where Chase rules as usual start involving Piloting skill for Maneuvering,
while rest of the crew uses their own skills each round.

New Skill use: Academics for Astrogation [SMARTS]

This skill is now expanded to be used when plotting the best course to a destination. Failure may
result in getting lost, taking longer time to arrive or in case of Critical Failure, landing in the
midst of something dangerous. In first phase of Chase, success/failure is relative to what enemy
dose, leading to shift in advanage.

Repair [SMARTS]
This skill is used for tasks fixing mechanical problems. Repairing an electronic device uses
lower of ELECTRONICS or REPAIR. So, fixing a broken warp engine is REPAIR, and fixing a
broken transporter is lower of Electronics or Repair.

Research [SMARTS]
This skill used when searching through archives, logs, or any written source of information.
Where applicable, may substitute another skill pertinent to task, esp. if it is higher, such as
ELECTRONICS when searching through a captain’s log, or HACKING for list of
communications stored in a computer system, etc.

Science [SMARTS]
This is used for Engineering tasks, or hardware. Any task that requires machinery/hardware use,
including spaceship engines is done via engineering. Anything related to software uses
HACKING. So, diverting energy via hard cable or manual override requires SCIENCE task.
Doing it from the bridge or other electronic input is done by HACKING. In case a computer wiz
trying to stop or disable engines, he uses HACKING, and the engineer fighting it at the engine
room uses SCIENCE to resist it. If someone has WEIRD SCIENCE skill (and Arcane
Background Edge), he can use this skill, instead of Science.

Shooting [AGILITY]
This skill is reserved for hand held weapons. However, when using gunnery of a spaceship, there
is this rule: A member of the crew is designated as the Gunmaster at the beginning of the
campaign who uses his SHOOTING skill for these guns, too as they are considered to have the
specific training. Anyone else shooting these guns does so with -2, due to lack of that training or
expertise. Those crewmates make a SMARTS check at the end of each such Encounter. Success
means they remove the penalty, and Raise earns a benny.

Captain should have Academics [Astrogation], Pilot, Battle and have some dice in others
Engineer (Scotty) should have Science, Repair, Electronics primarily and Hacking secondary
Science Officer (Spock) should have Academics, Electronics, Research, then Hacking secondary
Security Officer (Chekov) should have Battle, Shooting, Astrogation (he also was navigator)
then electronics
Medic (Bones) should have Healing, Research, Science, Knowledge [Medicine], then Electronics
Helmsman should have Piloting, Astrogation, Electronics then Hacking
Comm officer should have Hacking, Electronics.

Also, Core skills are expanded. All Starfleet Personnel get the standard core skills, and add
certain skills to these core skills in order to reflect their training, as follows:

Starfleet Security Officer gains 3 of any of the following as additional Core Skills: Fighting,
Battle, Shooting, or Intimidation.
Red Starfleet Shirts begin the game with one extra Combat Edge and also have the following
Edge in addition to usual number of starting edges:
Look out Sir!: 
Once per encounter, the Red Shirt Security officer may throw herself in harm’s way and take
damage intended for someone within 6 yards of her. The original damage inflicted is applied
instead to the Officer, and the target of her protection is knocked prone.

Starfleet Engineer gains 3 of any of the following as additional Core Skills: Electronics,
Science, Repair, Hacking or Research.
Starfleet Engineer is always considered to have Arcane Background [Weird Science] edge, but
does not gain any powers. Instead, has the Gadgeteer Edge (page 46) and rolls Science to
determine outcome. Remember, Trappings are always mechanical/electrical/warp field
manipulation in nature.
Starfleet Command Officer gains 3 of any of the following as additional Core Skills: Pilot,
Battle, Academics, Electronics, Science.
Starfleet Command Officer also starts the game with either Common Bond (p50) or Command
(p45) Edge in addition to usual number of starting edges.

Navigations Officer gains 3 of any of the following as additional Core Skills: Shoot, Pilot,
Battle, Academics
Starfleet Navigation Officer starts the game with Marksman or Ace Edge in addition to usual
number of starting edges.

Science Officer gains 3 of any of the following as additional Core Skills: Science, Electronics,
Academics, Hacking, Repair, Research
Starfleet Science Officer starts game with Scholar or Jack-of-All-Trades Edge in addition to
usual number of starting edges.

Medical Officer gains 3 of any of the following as additional Core Skills: Healing, Science,
Electronics, Survival, Hacking, Knowledge [Medicine].
Starfleet Medical Officer starts the game with Healer Edge in addition to usual number of
starting edges.

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