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1. Jessica is_________a brilliant woman that everyone admires her.

2. He made_________an unforgivable mistake that it caused him his marriage.

3. She is__________shy that she would only talk to her parents.
4. The teacher was ___________ tired that she had to dismiss the class.
5. Those shoes are _________ expensive that I can never afford them.
6. I have _________ great memories with her that I will never forget her.
7. They were ______ close to winning that everyone felt disappointed with the loss.
8. He is _______ a clever boy that he can learn multiple languages at the same time.
9. Helen was ________ bored that she started singing to herself.
10. It was __________ expensive vacation that I regret it.
11. You were _________ rude to her that he won’t talk to you again.
12. The student was ________ tired that he fell asleep watching a movie.
13. You are _________ popular that everybody envies you.
14. I have _______ great relatives that I never feel alone.
15. They were ________ hungry that they ate as if they hadn’t eaten anything for days.
16. He is making ________ loud noise that I cannot concentrate on my work.
17. We will be _________far away from you by the time you get this letter.
18. He was ________ fast that I could hardly see him passing by.
19. It was ______ rainy day that it seemed as if the sky was dropping on our heads.
20. The place was _______ loud that we could barely here each other.
21. My brother has __________ interesting stories that you will never get bored listening.
22. The cake is _________ delicious that I can eat it all by myself.
23. My internet connection is ________ slow that I’d rather use a dictionary.
24. Our teacher is ______funny that she always makes us laugh.
25. Adam and his brother are _______crazy people that you never know what they are going to do next.
26. I hope one day I will earn ______ much money that I won't have to work.
27. It was ______ an amazing movie that I saw it four times.
28. My son speaks English ________ fluently that everybody thinks he's an American.

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