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Lecture : Dr. Sc. Syahril,, MT

Created By

Name : Khairunnisa Putri

Nim : 1805110844

Class : 6B





In daily activities, what becomes our activity is inseparable from the
concept of heat. Many household appliances are made using heat transfer
principles. Heat transfer is the transfer of energy that occurs in a high-temperature
object or material to a low-temperature object or material, until heat equilibrium is
achieved. Heat transfer is the science of predicting or describing energy transfer
that occurs due to temperature differences between objects or materials. If two
systems with different temperatures are contacted, energy transfer will occur. The
process by which the energy transfer takes place is called heat transfer. Heat
transfer will occur if there is a temperature difference between the two parts of the
object. The heat will move from high temperatures to lower temperatures. There
are three types of heat energy transfer processes. The process is the transfer of
energy by conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction is the process of
transferring heat from a part of a solid object or material to another part. In heat
transfer by conduction there is no metal material that moves. What happens is that
metal molecules placed on a flame hit nearby molecules and give away some of
the heat. The closest molecules are back hit the other nearby molecules and give
some of the heat, and so on along the material so that the temperature of the metal
rises. If the solid is a metal, the transfer of heat energy is aided by free electrons,
which move throughout the metal, while receiving and giving heat energy when
colliding with metal atoms. In gases, heat is conditioned by direct collisions of gas
molecules. Molecules in the hotter part of the gas have higher average energy
colliding with low-energy molecules, so some of the energy of high-energy
molecules is transferred to low-energy molecules Buchori (2004). If the solid is a
metal, the transfer of heat energy is aided by free electrons, which move
throughout the metal, while receiving and giving heat energy when colliding with
metal atoms. In gases, heat is conditioned by direct collisions of gas molecules.
Molecules in the hotter part of the gas have higher average energy colliding with
low-energy molecules, so some of the energy of high-energy molecules is
transferred to low-energy molecules (Klara, 2008). Joseph Fourier was one of
those who studied the process of heat transfer by conduction. In 1822, Joseph
Fourier formulated his law regarding conduction. Many factors affect conduction
events. Among the broad influence different cross sections, the influence of
different cross-sectional areas, the influence of geomery, the influence of the
contact surface, the effect of the existence of insulation and others. In the process
of heat transfer by conduction there is a rate of heat delivery. The heat delivery
rate states how fast the heat is delivered through the medium. There are quantities
that affect the heat transfer rate, namely the surface area of the object, the length
or thickness of the object, the difference in temperature between the ends of the
object and also influenced by a quantity called thermal conductivity (Holman,
Transfer of heat (heat transfer) is scientific to predict the energy transfer
that occurs due to temperature differences between objects or materials. From
thermodynamics have been known that energy that moves in height is called heat
or heat. Moving objects in moving conditions are not just trying to explain how
energy is moving or moving from other things to specific conditions. The reality
here that becomes the target of the analysis is the problem of the rate of
displacement, this is what distinguishes the moving film of the film from the
thermodynamic system. This is because at the time of the transfer process takes
place, the system is not in a state of balance. thermodynamics, rules of
experimentation that are used in the problem of moving calories are quite simple,
and can be easily developed so that they cover a wide variety of practical
situations (Holman, 1983).
Heat is a form of energy that can be moved from one place to another,
but it cannot be created or completely destroyed. In a process, heat can cause an
increase in temperature of a substance and or changes in pressure, chemical
reactions and electricity. The process of heat transfer can be done directly, i.e. the
hot fluid will mix directly with the cold fluid without the separator and indirectly,
that is if between the hot fluid and cold fluid is not directly related but separated
by separator bulkheads. Conduction Heat Transfer is the transfer of heat between
molecules that are close to one another and are not followed by the physical
transfer of these molecules. The molecules of hot objects vibrate faster than the
molecules of objects that are in a cold state. The vibrations that are fast, the
energy is transferred to the molecules around it, causing a faster vibration, which
will give heat. Convection Heat Transfer The heat transfer from one substance to
another is accompanied by the physical movement of particles or substances.
Radiation Heat Transfer is heat transfer without passing through the media
(without passing through molecules). An energy can be delivered from one place
to another (from a cold hot object to cold) with a beam of electromagnetic waves
where energy This electromagnetic will turn into heat if absorbed by other
We use the term “heat” in everyday life as if we knew what we meant.
But theterm is often used inconsistently, so it is important for us to define heat
clearly,and to clarify the phenomena and concepts related to heat.We commonly
speak of the flow of heat—heat flows from a stove burner to apot of soup, from
the Sun to the Earth, from a person’s mouth into a fever ther-mometer. Heat flows
spontaneously from an object at higher temperature to oneat lower temperature.
Indeed, an eighteenth-century model of heat pictured heatflow as movement of a
fluid substance called caloric. However, the caloric fluidcould never be detected.
In the nineteenth century, it was found that the variousphenomena associated with
heat could be described consistently using a newmodel that views heat as being
akin to work, as we will discuss in a moment. Firstwe note that a common unit for
heat, still in use today, is named after caloric. It iscalled the calorie(cal) and is
defined as the amount of heat necessary to raise thetemperature of 1 gram ofwater
by 1 Celsius degree. [To be precise, the particulartemperature range from 14.5°C
to 15.5°C is specified because the heat required is very slightly different at
different temperatures. The difference is less than 1%over the range 0 to 100°C,
and we will ignore it for most purposes.] More oftenused than the calorie is the
kilocalorie(kcal), which is 1000 calories. Thus 1kcalis the heat needed to raise the
temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 C°.Often a kilo-calorie is called a Calorie(with a
capital C), and this Calorie (or the kJ) is used tospecify the energy value of food.
In the British system of units, heat is measuredin British thermal units (Btu). One
Btuis defined as the heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 lb of water by 1 F°.
It can be shown (Problem 5) thatAlso, one thermis 105Btu.

The idea that heat is related to energy transfer was pursued by a number
ofscientists in the 1800s, particularly by an English brewer, James Prescott
Joule(1818–1889). Joule and others performed a number of experiments that
werecrucial for establishing our present-day view that heat, like work, represents
atransfer of energy. One of Joule’s experiments is shown (simplified) in Fig. 14–
1.The falling weight causes the paddle wheel to turn. The friction between
thewater and the paddle wheel causes the temperature of the water to rise
slightly(barely measurable, in fact, by Joule). The same temperature rise could
also beobtained by heating the water on a hot stove. In this and many other
experiments(some involving electrical energy), Joule determined that a given
amount ofwork done was always equivalent to a particular amount of heat input.
Quantita-tively, 4.186 joules (J) of work was found to be equivalent to 1 calorie
(cal) of heat.This is known as the mechanical equivalent of heat

As a result of these and other experiments, scientists came to interpret heatnot as a

substance, and not exactly as a form of energy. Rather, heat refers to atransfer of
energy: when heat flows from a hot object to a cooler one, it is energythat is being
transferred from the hot to the cold object. Thus,heatisenergytransferred from one
object to another because of a difference in temperature.InSI units, the unit for
heat, as for any form of energy, is the joule. Nonetheless,calories and kcal are still
sometimes used. Today the calorie is definedin terms of the joule (via the
mechanical equivalent of heat, above), rather than in terms ofthe properties of
water, as given previously. The latter is still handy to remember:1 cal raises 1 g of
water by 1 C°, or 1 kcal raises 1 kg of water by 1 C°.
Heat Transfer

The heat moves from an object with a high temperature to an object with a low
temperature. There are 3 ways of heat transfer: 1. Convection (flow), 2.
Conduction (conduction), 3. Radiation (emission).
1. Konveksi (aliran)
Is the process by which heat is transferred by the mass movement of molecules
from one place to another. Convection only occurs in substances that can flow
(fluid), namely liquid and gas. There are 2 types of convection, namely natural
convection and forced convection.
In natural convection, fluid motion occurs due to differences in density. In forced
convection, the heated fluid is directly directed to its destination by a blower or
pump. Natural convection occurs for example in house ventilation systems, the
occurrence of land winds and sea breezes, and the flow of smoke in factory
chimneys. For example, forced convection occurs in the engine cooling system in
cars, hair dryers, and reactors in nuclear power plants.
Rinse a fluid through the surface of a hot surface, then the liquid is
transferred to the fluid from the wall by the heat of conduct. This power is then
transported or convected, to the presence of fluids, and diffused through the fluid
by the conductor in the fluid. This type of transfer process is called a convection
heattransfer. (Stoecker and Jones, 1982) If the process of fluid flow is induced by
a natural reaction (free), if it is free, if it is free (natural), it is induced by natural
fluids, if it is free. ). Equal base for calculating heat transfer rate, ie

q = heat transfer rate (W)
h = heat transfer coefficient of convection (W / m2.K)
A = Area of Section (m2)
Tw = Wall Temperature (0C)
Tf = Temperature Fluid (0C)
Convection is the heat transfer of a substance accompanied by the movement of
particles of that substance.
Convection occurs due to differences in the density of substances. You can
understand convection events, including:
1) In liquids due to differences in density, for example water heating systems, hot
water flow systems.
2) In the gaseous substance due to differences in air pressure, for example the
occurrence of land and sea winds, air ventilation systems, to get cooler air in the
room installed air conditioning or fans, and factory chimneys.

From the activities that you do, it can be concluded that, the flow in the glass is
caused by differences in the density of substances. Water that touches the bottom
of the beaker is heated by conduction. As a result of the water receiving heat, the
water will expand and become less dense. The water that is denser at the top is
pushing down hot water upwards. This movement causes a convection current. In
the heated part of the liquid it will have a reduced density so it flows upward. At
the edges of the heated liquid the convection occurs as shown in the figure below.

During the day the land is hotter than the ocean. This causes the hot air on land
will rise and the place is filled with cold air from the sea surface, resulting in the
movement of air from the sea towards the land which is commonly called the sea
breeze. Sea breezes occur during the day, commonly used by traditional fishermen
to return to the mainland.
At night the land cools faster than the ocean. This resulted in hot air on the surface
of the sea water will rise and the place is filled with cold air from the mainland,
resulting in air movement from land to sea which is usually called a land wind.
Land winds occur at night, commonly used by traditional fishermen to go fishing
for fish.
While examples of convection in general are ice cubes that melt in hot water. The
heat from the hot water moves to the ice cubes. The heat moves with the flow of
hot water to the ice cubes. The heat causes the ice cubes to melt.
there are generally, materials that can conduct electric current perfectly (metal) is
a good conductor also for heat and vice versa. Furthermore, if it is assumed to be
an iron or any kind of metal and one end is extended into the flame. It can be
noted how heat is transferred from the heat end to the cold end. If the tip of the
metal rod receives heat energy from fire, this energy will transfer some energy to
the molecules and electrons that make up the material. Molecules 1 and electrons
are heat carriers in the material according to the conduction heat transfer process.
Thus in the process of transporting heat in the material, electron flow will play an
important role.

The problem that should be raised in this observation is why the heat energy flow
rate is different. This is because the arrangement of molecules and also the atoms
in each material is different.

For one molecular solid material the molecules are tightly arranged, in contrast to
a gas phase material such as air. The air molecule is tenuous. But compared to
solid materials such as wood and iron, the iron molecule is denser in its
composition than wood molecules. Wood consists of a combination of chemicals
such as carbon, water vapor, and air that is lifted. Iron is iron. Even if there are
foreign materials, chemical elements of iron are more numerous.
            The rate of heat transfer by convection depends on the surface area of the
object (A) in contact, the convection coefficient (h), time (t), and the temperature
difference (∆T) between the object and the fluid. The amount of heat delivered by
convection can be calculated by the following equation:
P = Q / t  atau P = h A ∆T
The h value is the convection coefficient obtained experimentally and depends on
the shape and direction of the object.
2. Konduksi (hantaran)

Conduction is the transfer of heat that results from direct contact between the
surfaces of objects. Conduction occurs only by touching or connecting hot
surfaces. Every object has a certain thermal conductivity (the ability to transfer
heat) which will affect the heat delivered from the hot side to the cooler side. The
higher the thermal conductivity value of an object, the faster it transfers heat
received from one side to the other. For example, the heat transfer from the spoon
section submerged in hot water to the tip of the spoon held without any particle
Conduction heat transfer is the transfer of energy as heat through a
stationary intermediate process, such as copper, water, or air. In solid objects, the
energy transfer arises because the atoms are at higher temperatures, moving along
with more excited, free-moving metals, making the electrons more closely, at the
same time. contributes to the heat delivery process. In a liquid or gas, molecules
are also active (easy to move), and the signals are also delivered by molecular
collisions (Reynold and Perkins, 1983)
The movement of the condensation and the dimensions is always in order by the
law of Fourier, who in the form of one dimension can be stated as,

where q is the heat current, the thermal conductivity of the medium, A is the
cross-section for the hot flow, and T / drgradient temperature, requires the
insertion of the methode in the same (2.1) to guarantee the heat positive flow q.
The difference in temperature produced from the diffusion of the heat-statist heat
is thus related to the conductivity threshold of the material, the area of cross
section A, and the length of the path L, to

The form of equality (2.2), where and the constant convention, shows that the
broadcasting of the log with the law of the natural flow of electricity through
inhibition, is possible to determine the inhibition of vititral conduction.

Equation (2.1) is the same as about thermal conductivity. Based on this formula,
measurements can be carried out in an experiment to determine the thermal
conductivity of various materials. For low-temperature gases, the kinetic gas
kinetic treatment can be used to predict the values observed in experiments.
(Bejandan Kraus, 1948)
The mechanism of thermal conduction in gases is quite simple. The kinetic energy
of a molecule is shown by its temperature, so that the highest part of the
molecules has a higher velocity than those in the lower ancestral parts.
exchange of energy and momentum. If the molecular mass moves from a low-
pitched area to a lower low-lying region, the tomb of the skin is transporting
kinetic energy to a certain degree of electrical energy.
Energy is delivered in the solid according to one of the following modes: through
traction (latticevibration) or by transporting through free electrons. In a good
electrical conductor, where there are free electrons that move in the lattice
structure of materials, the electrons, in addition to being able to transport
electricity, can carry the energy generator from high-temperature to low-
temperature regions, as in gas. Energy can also be transferred as vibrational
energy in the structure of the earthquake. However, the general transfer of energy
through vibration is not as much as by electron transport. Because of that, a good
conductor of electricity is always a good carrier of copper, like copper, aluminum
and silver. Conversely, a good electrical insulator is an isolator torch (Holman,
The value of the hill will be a change in a change showing the rate of movement
of a person who has experienced it in a change. is a function of temperature, and it
increases a little when the water is good, but it remains constant when it is
neglected. If the conductivity is good, the smaller the amount, the less the heat
flowing through the object.

The heat transfer on a flat wall as shown in Figure 2.1 can be calculated by
applying Equation 2.1.

If Equation 2.1 is integrated:

Then you get

T1 = Left Wall Temperature (0C)
T2 = Right Wall Temperature (0C)
Δx = Wall Thickness (m)
If there is a system that can be more than a germination, for example, a multi-
layered wall (figure 2.5), the flow flow can be described as follows:

 Conducting objects to heat

1. Conductors are objects that can conduct heat.
2. Materials that can be used to conduct heat are metal and glass.
3. Various metals, including aluminum, iron, steel, silver and brass.
      While heat-resistant glass is pyrex.
4. Aluminum is the type of conductive metal most suitable for material for making
tool cook like frying pan, etc.
1. Insulators are objects that cannot conduct heat.
2. Types of insulators, namely:
 Wood, used to make kitchen utensils such as rice spoons.
 Plastic, used to make kitchen utensils such as glasses and plates
 Fabric, used for tool or napkin materials
 Styrofom, used to package food and warm drinks.
Bon Wood, used for grips so they don't heat up quickly, such as kettles and
 Rubber, usually mixed with plastic materials, for example on the iron handle.

 Conduction heat rate

The conduction heat rate is proportional to the surface area of the object,
proportional to the temperature difference between the two ends of the object and
inversely proportional to the thickness of the wall. Can be written with the
Where k is the thermal conductivity of the substance.
The factors that affect the heat transfer by conduction are: [2]
1. Length of the object The longer an object is heated the slower the heat (heat)
that propagates in the object. Vice versa. Mathematically can be written: H ∞ 1 / L
2. Surface area of the object The more surface area of an object being heated the
faster the heat (heat) that propagates in the object. Vice versa. Mathematically can
be written: H ∞ A
3. Types of objects The more a conductor (metal) of an object is heated, the faster
the heat (heat) that propagates in the object. Vice versa. Mathematically can be
written: H ∞ k
4. Temperature difference The greater the temperature difference of two objects
that touch, the faster the heat heat (heat) that propagates in the object. And vice
versa. Mathematically can be written: H ∞Δ T
3. Radiasi
Movement irradiation is energy transfer by propagation of organized photos.
Every object that continues to emit photons carelessly in the direction and time,
and the net energy transferred by these photons is counted as heat. Biloton-photon
are in the range of wavelengths0.38 to 0.76µm, such phototons affect radioactivity
as visible light (can be seen). Contrary to this, the meaning of any organized
photon power, such as radio transmissions, can be seen as microscopic and can be
identified as microscopic and not seen as microscopic. (Reynold and Perkins,
When the photos are transmitted to other surfaces, the photos are well absorbed,
reflected, and then passed through these surfaces. The three surface properties that
measure these quantities are: a. Absorbability, the incoming radiation portion
absorbed reflectivity, the incoming radiation portion reflecte

Is the process of heat transfer (heat) without using intermediaries. Radiant heat
transfer does not require an intermediate, for example you can see how the sun
radiates heat to the earth and fire that radiates warmth to your body. Heat can be
radiated through light waves, radio waves and electromagnetic waves. Radiation
can also be said as heat transfer through media or space which is eventually
absorbed by other objects. Examples of radiation in everyday life can be seen
when you light a campfire, you are near the campfire and you will feel warm. One
more thing, have you ever walked on asphalt without using footwear during the
day? What do you think makes the asphalt hot during the day? because it gets heat
radiation from the sun and a black and dull surface is a good absorbent and
transmitter of radiation,
The rate of heat transmission by black surfaces, according to Stefan is
stated as follows. The total energy emitted by a perfect black surface in the form
of heat radiation per unit of time, each unit of surface area is proportional to the
square of the absolute surface temperature. heat rate of radiation is written by the
equation Where σ is a constant. Stefan Boltzmann with a value of 5.67 x 10-8 W /
m2K4. The equation applies to objects with perfect black surfaces. For each
surface with an emissivity e = (0 ≤ e ≤ 1) has a value between 0 and 1. Whereas a
perfect absorbent object as well as a perfect transmitter, that is a perfect black
object the value of e = 1. and for perfect reflecting objects or white objects (worst
absorbent ) value e = 0.
The science of corporate governance is needed to analyze the process of
the corporate principle of another object or from a part of an object when it is part
of another object. Even though in the thermodynamics of the energy of the
company in the form of the principle of the p changes in temperature occur in the
system. Thermodynamics is only based on the initial state and the final state of the
process in which the energy response in the form of the principle is measured as
the difference between the energy of the system which is in the initial system and
the final state the process, with the energy balance gi. Basically, there is a result of
thermal induction due to thermal imbalance (there is a temperature difference).
The process of correcting the actual services that actually occur is very
complicated and requires a fairly difficult assessment. Therefore various methods
of simplification are carried out in the process of reviewing that by observing
matters that do not affect the overall process. With this basic simplification, the
mechanics of the firm's main ism can be distinguished into three types:
convection, conduction and radiation.
 Conduction The structure of the conduction system, where the process of the
structure of the object occurs between objects or articles that are directly
contacting, attached to one another; there is no relative movement between the
 Convection The division of the convective principle, where the structure
occurs between the surface of a traditional object with a fluid (liquid or gas)
which flattens to touch the surface earlier.
 Radiation The structure of the radiation system is the process of the structure
of the antenna which occurs between the two surfaces without an intermediate
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