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Treaty 7

● Happened in 1877
● The Black Foot Confederacy was involved in Treaty 7
● Occurred in Southern Alberta
● The reason why Treaty 7 happened was because the
government needed to bring Southern Alberta to

Treaty 7 occured in Southern


Why did the First Nations Signed Treaty 7?

The First Nations signed Treaty 7 because their people were suffering. The
first reason they suffer is because their food supply is going low. The
buffalo in the area was disappearing which resulted in many First Nations
starving. The second reason why they suffer is because of the smallpox
disease. The smallpox disease was killing many of the First Nations that
live in Southern Alberta. The last reason why the First Nations were
suffering is because of the American Whiskey Traders. In addition to that,
the Americians introduced whiskey to the First Nations, and the First
Nations became addicted to drinking whiskey. This unhealthy addiction
had a negative impact on the lives of many First Nations.

The whiskey that Americans gave to

the First Nations contained chewing
tobacco,red pepper,soap,molasses Imagine how hard it will be to
and red ink. These ingredients made get out of a dangerous
the whiskey dangerous and very addiction!
Chiefs that agreed on signing Treaty 7
Unlike Treaty 6, many chiefs liked the idea of signing Treaty 7 because
they knew that their people would die if they did not get support from the
Canadian government. Many leaders like Crowfoot signed Treaty 7
because of the devastating effects whiskey had on his people.

An Image of Crowfoot

How much Money did First Nations get from

Treaty 7?
If you are a man, child, or a woman you will get payments of $12.
If you are chief you would get annual payments of $25. If you
were a minor chief you would get an annual payment of $15.
Everyone who lives in the reserve will receive an annual
payment of $5.

Before money was worth way

more than it was today. For
example, 5 bucks today will get
you a few candy bars, but 5
bucks in the past can get you
gardening tools.
What did the First Nations get
from signing Treaty 7?
From signing Treaty 7, the First Nations got 6.47km of land (per family of 5),
guns, tools,$2000 dollars worth of ammunition,and cattle (2 per family of 5).
Also every 3 years Chiefs would get new clothing and a new suit. Another thing
that the First Nations get is protection against the Americains. The Canadian
government will send the NWMP ( North-West Mounted Police) to put an end to
the whiskey trade and stop Americains from interfering with the lives of the First

A image of Treaty 7.
Throughout Treaty 7, families of
5 will receive 6.47km of land.
Every Chief in Treaty 7 will receive
a Winchester rifle. To operate this
gun you would pull the lever and

The First Nations

will receive $2000
dollars worth of
ammunition a year.
This image shows
ammo for a
Winchester rifle.

A First Nation family of 5

would receive 2 cattle. If you
wanted 3 cattle you would
want to have a family of 10 or
Every 3 years a Chief would get a new
suit. Do you think the Canadian
government is trying to assimilate the
First Nations by making the Chief wear
western clothing instead of traditional

The Canadian Government sent

the NWMP to put a stop to the
Americain whiskey trade.

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