Governments Apology

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Government's Apology to the First Nations

On June 11, 2008 the Canadian government and the Prime

Minister, Stephen Harber, apologized to Canada’s First Nation
peoples for all the hardships that happened through Residential
Schools. The Government admitted that residential schools were
part of the Candian policy that was meant to assimilate the First
This video shows Stephen Harper and
the government apologizing to the First Nations.

“When the school is on the reserve the child lives with

its parents, who are savages; he is surrounded by
savages, and though he may learn to read and write his
The Truth and Reconciliation
habits, and training and mode of thought are Indian. He
is simply a savage who can read and write. It has been
Commission of Canada(TRC)
strongly pressed on myself, as the head of the
Department, that Indian children should be withdrawn
● A truth and reconciliation
as much as possible from the parental influence, and
commission organized by the
the only way to do that would be to put them in central
training industrial schools where they will acquire the
parties of the Indian Residential
habits and modes of thought of white men.”- John A
Schools Settlement Agreement

● TookCompare
7 years and contrast the 2 quotes above. Notice the
to complete 2008-
quote that Stephen Harper says is the total opposite
2015than John. A Macdonald's quote.
These 2 quote being compared can show us how the
government's views on residential school can change
● Mandates to inform all Canadians on what happened in
residential schools
● It will also document the truth of residential school survivors
and anyone affected from residential schools.
● After the TRC closed, it issued a document that identifies 94
“Calls to Action” to redress the legacy of residential schools.

This video explains the

Canada’s cultural genocide of
the First Nations people.

What are some of the 94 Calls to Actions?

Call to actions for medical care for the First Nations: The First Nation
people request that the government gives them health care, medical
supplies and sucide prevention programs. The First Nations also want the
government to monitor First Nations mental health, sucide rates,
addictions,life expectancy and anything that affects the health of First

This video explains the Calls to

Action 19. This video explains
what the First Nations want in
regards of their health.

An Image of a First Nation

going to get vaccinated.

Calls to actions for continued sports for the North American

Indegionous Games: The First Nations calls upon all levels of
government to take action to ensure long-term Aboriginal athlete
development and growth, and continued support of the North American
Indigenous Games. They also call upon the funding of North American
Indigenous Games. This includes funding to host the games and funding
for provincial and territorial team preparation and also travel.

This an image of a Lacrosse

These are just some of the Calls
game. Lacrosse is a team
to Actions. There are many more
sport played with a Lacrosse
Calls to Actions for the First
stick and Lacrosse ball. This
is one of the oldest sports in
North America!
23 Calls to Actions that are currently in progress.
(present time)

1. Commit to funding of $10 million over seven years to the

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation.
2. Develop a reconciliation framework for Canadian heritage
and commemoration
3. Revise the information kit for newcomers and citizenship
test to reflect a more inclusive history of the Aboriginal
Peoples of Canada
4. Develop and fund Aboriginal content in education
5. A national review of museum policies and best practices
6. A national review archival policies
7. Develop and maintain the National Residential School Student
Death Register created by the TRC
8. Archives to provide residential schools records to National
Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
9. Recognize the value of Aboriginal healing practices and use
them in treatment of Aboriginal patients
10. Church parties to the residential schools settlement
and other faith groups to adopt and comply with UNDRIP
11. All faith groups to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery
and terra nullius
12. Faith groups to develop and teach curriculum for all
student clergy and staff who work in Aboriginal
13. Church parties to residential schools settlement to
fund reconciliation and culture revitalization projects
14. Appoint an Aboriginal Languages Commissioner

15. Create university and college degree and diploma

programs in Aboriginal languages
16. Waive administrative costs for five years for revision of
official identity documents
17. Recognize, respect, and address the distinct health needs of
the Métis, Inuit, and off-reserve Aboriginal peoples

18. Provide sustainable funding for existing and new Aboriginal

healing centres

19. Implement Jordan's Principle

20. Enact child welfare legislation that establishes national

standards for Aboriginal child apprehension and custody cases

21. Eliminate educational and employment gaps

22. Develop culturally appropriate early childhood education


23. Enact an Aboriginal Language Act


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