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The different types of literature out there there's a lot but luckily, they all fit

under just three major genres the rest are all subgenres and even the subgenres
have subgenres.
first can be defined as a form of literature that follows a normal progression of conversation and syntax think about how
you have a regular conversation with people most people aren't speaking poetically with one another that would get
annoying rather quickly.
 THE NEWS- which is the announcing of daily incidents or updates within government culture industry etc.
 BIOGRAPHIES- tell the story of someone's life
 ANECDOTES- which are made up by people in order to teach a lesson or illustrate a point to one's audience
 ESSAY- typically illustrates the thoughts of an author on a specific issue event or philosophy.
 ORATION- this is basically a speech and caters to the intellect emotions in will of the audience.
 NOVELS - a novel is generally, long in narrative it tells a story with characters a plot and a setting
 SHORT STORY a short story is a narrative story that is short like a story you could read to someone in just a short
amount of time over coffee or tea however even though they are shorter they still contain characters a plot in a
 FABLES- if able is also a story that is passed down a fables overall purpose is to teach a lesson however all the
characters in a fable are things that can't normally talk a fable is about animals, plants or forces of nature that
can talk and act like humans
 LEGENDS- legends are about real-life people and what they did legends always have an important purpose but
facts are always a little exaggerated to make them more interesting and exciting.
 PLAYS- tell a story with scripted dialogue but are meant to be performed on a stage with actor, vocalists, props
and so on the

poetry is a literary piece which uses rhyme rhythm and other styles in order to convey strongly a feeling or idea.
there are two main types of poetry with several types of subtypes within each the two main types of poetry are lyrical
poetry and narrative poetry.
 LYRIC POETRY- is a type of poetry intended to be sung with an instrument however the definition has expanded
to just be anything that expresses the feelings and emotions of the poet
 CORRIDO- is a popular type of poetry or song that typically has a measure of eight these poems are
generally about suppression historical events in what daily life is like for servants
 ODE- and ode has no specific structure however classic ODEs typically contain three big parts the
strophe the antistrophe in the epode. ODES are typically spent praising an event or individual ina very
emotive and intellectual way
 ELEGY this is a rather downcast type of poem and allergy conveys feelings of sadness heartache and
suffering also it generally conveys a theme of death.
 AWIT- generally contains four stanzas with twelve syllables in each stanza AWIT translate to mean song
it is written with an intent of being sung an AWIT tells a story and each stanza is a grammatically correct
 FOLK SONGS- folk songs are made to represent a very specific culture or region folk songs are typically
songs that are passed down from generation to generation these are very short poems and can be
written about pretty much anything
 SONNETS- a sonnets adhere to a very specific form they all contain 14 lines now there are different
types of sonnets but they each follow a specific rhyme scheme and structure.
 PSALMS- psalms are a type of lyrical poetry that expressed thoughts and emotions and light of truth
about God psalms are meant to extol and glorify God.
 NARRATIVE POETRY- is when a very influential phenomenon or incident is being described this may be
something that happened in real life or it could be imaginary.
 EPIC- an epic is a classical kind of poetry that found its beginnings in Greece epics contained a legendary
hero like gods and goddesses, the hero contains some type of superhuman strength and valor the action
of the hero is typically spread out across multiple settings and contains an exaggerated writing style
 BALLAD- now a ballad is actually intended to be a song but it is a type of narrative poetry because it is
driven by a plot and contains multiple characters a ballad is broken up by four-line stanzas and contains
a rhyming scheme it tells a story by laying out all the crucial events in detail.
 METRICAL TALE is a long story written in verse form it typically contains a plot characters a theme and a
setting a metrical tale can be fiction or nonfiction and can have a range of topics generally the topics are
loved stages of life or a longing for adventure.

alright now on to drama we'll be taking a look at four different types farce melodrama comedy and tragedy
 FARCE- is written with the intent to be acted out on stage or in film they are meant to engage the audience with
embellished exaggerated and wildly unlikely situations a farce incorporates a lot of physical humor which just
means that they use their bodies in a ridiculous way for Laughs
 MELODRAMA- a melodrama is specifically written to attack the emotions melodramas plays a heavy focus on
plot rather than the characters themselves often times you will see melodramas used in operas.
 COMEDY- has also found its origin in Greece comedies refer to a work that is designed to evoke laughter it was
originally used in ancient Greece in the form of political satire in order to sway the minds of the voters.
 TRAGEDY- a tragedy is centered around various types of human suffering typically there's a main character who
is at the top and eventually plummets to the bottom a tragedy is designed to evoke feelings of pity and/or fear
in an audience.


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