Outline of The Holy Bible Deuteronomy: Based On The English Standard Version (ESV)

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1:1-8 The command to leave Horeb
1:9-18 Leaders appointed
1:19-33 Israel's refusal to enter the land
1:34-46 The penalty for Israel's rebellion
2:1-25 The wilderness years
2:26-37 The defeat of King Sihon
3:1-22 The defeat of King Og
3:23-29 Moses forbidden to enter the land
4:1-14 Moses commands obedience
4:15-31 Idolatry forbidden
4:32-40 The LORD alone is God
4:41-43 Cities of refuge
4:44-49 Introduction to the Law
5:1-33 The Ten Commandments
6:1-25 The greatest commandment
7:1-26 A chosen people
8:1-20 Remember the LORD your God
9:1-12 Not because of righteousness
9:13-29 The golden calf
10:1-11 New tablets of stone
10:12-22 Circumcise your hearts
11:1-32 Love and serve the LORD
12:1-28 The LORD's chosen place of worship
12:29-13:18 Warning against idolatry
14:1-21 Clean and unclean food
14:22-29 Tithes
15:1-23 The Sabbatical year
16:1-8 Passover
16:9-12 The Feast of Weeks
16:13-17 The Feast of Booths
16:18-20 Justice
16:21-17:7 Forbidden forms of worship
17:8-13 Legal decisions by priests and judges
17:14-20 Laws concerning Israel's kings
18:1-8 Provision for priests and Levites
18:9-14 Abominable practices
18:15-22 A new prophet like Moses

Based on the English Standard Version (ESV)
19:1-13 Laws concerning cities of refuge
19:14 Property boundaries
19:15-21 Laws concerning witnesses
20:1-20 Laws concerning warfare
21:1-9 Atonement for unsolved murders
21:10-14 Marrying female captives
21:15-17 Inheritance rights of the firstbor
21:18-21 A rebellious son
21:22-23 A man hanged on a tree is cursed
22:1-12 Various laws
22:13-30 Laws concerning sexual immorality
23:1-8 Those excluded from the assembly
23:9-14 Uncleanness in the camp
23:15-25 Miscellaneous laws
24:1-4 Laws concerning divorce
24:5-25:4 Miscellaneous laws
25:5-10 Laws concerning Levirate marriage
25:11-19 Miscellaneous laws
26:1-19 Offerings of firstfruits and tithes
27:1-8 The altar on Mount Ebal
27:9-26 Curses from Mount Ebal
28:1-14 Blessings for obedience
28:15-68 Curses for disobedience
29:1-29 The  covenant renewed in Moab
30:1-10 Repentance and forgiveness
30:11-20 The choice of life and death
31:1-8 Joshua to succeed Moses
31:9-13 The reading of the Law
31:14-29 Joshua commissioned to lead Israel
31:30-32:47 The song of Moses
32:48-52 Moses' death foretold
33:1-29 Moses' final blessing on Israel
34:1-12 The death of Moses 

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