Odor Threshold Determinations of 53 Odorant Chemicals

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Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

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Odor Threshold Determinations of 53 Odorant


Gregory Leonardos , David Kendall & Nancy Barnard

To cite this article: Gregory Leonardos , David Kendall & Nancy Barnard (1969) Odor Threshold
Determinations of 53 Odorant Chemicals, Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association, 19:2,
91-95, DOI: 10.1080/00022470.1969.10466465

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00022470.1969.10466465

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Gregory Leonardos, David Odor Threshold Determinations
Kendall and Nancy Barnard
Arthur D. Little, Inc. Of 53 Odorant Chemicals
In order to assist in assessing potential odor problems arising from chemical manufacturing operations, the
odor thresholds of 53 commercially important odorant chemicals have been determined using a standardized
and defined procedure. The odor threshold data previously available have shown wide variation reflect-
ing the diversity of procedures and techniques used. Factors that may affect the odor threshold measure-
ment include the mode of presentation of the stimulus to the observer, the influence of extraneous odorants
in the presentation system, the type of observer used, the definition of the odor response, the treatment of
the data obtained, and the chemical purity of the odorant. The experimental approach used has mini-
mized these variations. The odoranfs were presented to a trained odor panel in a static air system utiliz-
ing a low odor background air as the dilution medium. The odor threshold is defined as the first concen-
tration at which all panel members can recognize the odor. The effect of chemical purity has been deter-
mined by measuring the odor threshold of materials representing different modes of manufacture or after
purification by gas chromatographic procedures. The threshold concentrations range over six orders of
magnitude. Trimethylamine exhibited the lowest threshold (0.00021 ppm volume); methylene chloride
was not recognizable below 214 ppm. Of the 53 chemicals, sulfur bearing compounds exhibit low thres-
hold values on the order of parts per billion. Aside from the sulfides, it is not possible to anticipate the
odor threshold of a material based on its chemical structure or functionality.

Odor thresholds for 53 commercially affect the odor threshold measurement The experimental procedure used
important odorant chemicals have been include the mode of presentation of the minimizes variation in the factors affect-
determined under controlled laboratory stimulus to the observer, the influence ing the odor threshold by utilizing the
conditions to permit comparison of their of extraneous odorants in the presenta- best available technology and proce-
absolute odor strengths. The odor tion system, the type of observer used, dures for measuring odor. We recog-
threshold data previously available the definition of the odor response, the nize the effect of chemical purity on the
have shown wide variation reflecting treatment of the data obtained, and the odor threshold and have studied this, on
the diversity of procedures and tech- chemical purity of the odorant. a limited basis, by evaluating the odor
niques used. Factors that may affect The experimental procedures used in threshold of the same chemical produced
the odor threshold measurement include determining the odor thresholds include from different starting materials,
the mode of presentation of the stimulus an odor test room offixedvolume (static method of production, or the addition of
to the observer, the influence of extrane- system) and low background odor for stabilizers. Selected chemicals were
ous odorants in the presentation system, presenting the stimulus to the observer. purified by gas liquid chromatographic
the type of observer used, the definition Trained odor analysts, who are capable procedures to note the effect of chemical
of the odor response, the treatment of of describing the character and intensity purity of the material on the odor
the data obtained, and the chemical of odor, were used throughout the study. threshold.
purity of the odorant. The experi- The odor response was defined rigor-
mental approach used has minimized ously by requiring each panel member Odor and the Odor Threshold
these variations. Laboratory deter- to describe the odor quality. By Before describing the techniques used
mination of recognition threshold con- minimizing the variation in procedure, and the results obtained, it is important
centrations is only one type of data re- sample presentation, and panelist, it is to have an understanding of the odor
quired to establish meaningful air possible to use a smaller number of re- sense, what it is, how and what is mea-
quality criteria. sponses. The odor threshold has been sured, and the significance of the odor
In 1967 the Manufacturing Chemists' defined as the first concentration at threshold. At the present time or in
Association asked Arthur D. Little, which all the panel members have been the foreseeable future, there are no
Inc., to determine the odor thresholds of •able to recognize the odor sensation instruments available for measuring
53 odorant chemicals using a standard- that is characteristic of the chemical odor other than the human and his nose.
ized and defined procedure to permit a and have been consistent in their re- The human nose has a well-deserved
comparison of their relative odor im- sponse at all higher test concentrations, reputation as a detector with high sensi-
portance. even when these are presented in a ran- tivity to certain chemicals at extremely
Odor thresholds in the past have been dom fashion to minimize sample order low concentrations. At the present
determined by a variety of methods. bias. time, instruments are available with
This may in part account for the varia- The experimental approach, then, sufficient sensitivity to detect concen-
tion in the reported data.1 Factors that was to determine the odor thresholds of trations of some odorant chemicals (such
a wide variety of chemicals of com- as methanol) that are below the odor
mercial importance using the standard- threshold. An odor measuring instru-
ized and defined procedure. The odor ment must not only parallel the sensi-
Mr. Leonardos, Mr. Kendall and tivity of the human nose but, more
Miss Barnard are Staff Chemists thresholds determined in this study are
with Arthur D. Little, Incorporated, internally consistent and on this basis important its response must parallel the
Acorn Park, Cambridge, Massachu- should find wide use in assessing poten- response of the biological system.
setts 02140. tial odor problems. Odor can be defined as sensations re-

February 1969 Volume 19, No. 2 91

suiting from the interaction of volatile center that just produces a response. liable nor reproducible. It may be
chemical species inhaled through the Concentrations of odorant chemical be- affected by subtle changes in back-
nose, making contact with the olfactory low this point will be judged not odor- ground odor, and by its very nature, is a
area and registering in the brain. Not ous. The concept of threshold, to be poorly defined odor response. Interest
all chemical compounds impinging on effective, requires a rigorously defined on the part of odor research workers has
the olfactorium produce the odor sensa- response. In the odor literature, there switched to the recognition threshold
tion. Odor may be considered as hav- are essentially two thresholds. Some concept which affords a better definition
ing at least two parameters—quality investigators have defined threshold as of the odor change. The statement,
and intensity. Both of these pa- the point where there is a detectable "We feel comfortable with the known,"
rameters are of importance in the odor difference from background. Another could be extended to "and the recogniz-
threshold measurement. The qualita- definition of threshold is the minimum able" when applied to measuring odor
tive aspect of the odor sensation may be identifiable odor (MIO) or recognition thresholds.
described in associative terms (odor threshold. Both may be properly con- The odor thresholds determined in
character notes) or broadly as hedonics, sidered odor thresholds. However, it this study are derived under near-ideal
i.e., "like-dislike." The lay observer has been our experience that the detec- conditions of low background odor. It
has a tendency to give a "like-dislike" tion threshold (first change from back- is not known what the effect on the odor
response. Through training, experi- ground) is less reliable and difficult to threshold is as a result of the interaction
ence, and attitude, the odor analyst will reproduce as it relies on a poorly defined of other odor contributing materials in
describe the odor sensation in terms of judgment of the observer. Often there the environment. In the real situation,
familiar qualitative experiences like is confusion as to the definition of the a high background odor partly through
fatty, sour, sweet, which are termed first change as well as changes that can the mechanism of adaptation becomes
odor character notes. occur in the background odor. The the reference point against which
Food flavors which are largely aromas recognition threshold, on the other changes are perceived.
are comprised of complex mixtures of hand, utilizing trained observers, al- It is likely that the odor thresholds
hundreds of chemicals which act as lows for a rigorous definition of the odor determined in this study may be lower
stimuli to the human sensor}^ organs. response. The recognition odor thresh- than those determined under environ-
Some of the chemicals are directly old can be defined as the first concentra- mental background conditions in view
identifiable, but most are either buried tion at which an observer can positively of their being determined under near-
in a complex blend or are read by the identify the odor quality of the odorant ideal conditions. However, we would
human system in combination as a char- chemical and is consistent in his re- like to point out the possible influence
acter note. These principles have sponse at all higher concentration levels. on odor threshold of varying back-
evolved into a method of measuring Some experimental work3 carried out ground odors to which the lay popula-
flavor and odor—The Flavor Profile previously at ADL suggests, that for a tion is subjected. The human reacts to
Method2—that has been successfully limited number of odorants over a change, and odor problems occur as a
used for solving flavor and odor prob- range of concentrations, it is possible to discernible change. At the present
lems for some 25 years. Odor char- distinguish by triangulation a difference time, the degree of this discernible
acter notes may be attributed to the in intensity produced by an increase of change is not known. This study
odor of a single chemical or an inte- concentration of approximately 60 per- should give some indication as to the
grated response to a mixture of chem- cent. Thus, there are 25-30 just-notice- extent of potential odor problems as a
icals. Reference to these chemicals or able differences (JND). The JND is de- result of chemical manufacturing opera-
mixtures of chemicals allows for the de- fined as the minimum change in con- tions.
velopment of a common terminology in centration which can be recognized
describing odor. "Single" chemical statistically as a difference in odor in-
compounds may be described with one tensity. In practice, most organoleptic
or more character notes, depending on methods of flavor and odor analysis rely The chemicals obtained represent the
the nature of the chemical and the pres- on a seven to nine point intensity scale. highest purity commercially available
ence of impurities. The use of trained The threshold intensity is regarded as a from large scale production. Addi-
analysts who describe the odor response fixed concentration with other intensity tional samples of carbon tetrachloride
allows for increased confidence in assess- ratings representing a range or spread of and toluene representing different modes
ing data obtained for determining odor concentrations. Based on our observa- of production or starting material were
thresholds. In most threshold studies, tions in this work, it is probable that the evaluated. Samples of styrene with
emphasis has been placed on the in- odor threshold for an individual observer and without inhibitor were evaluated to
tensity of the odor response and not for a chemical may show some variation. note any effect on the odor threshold of
enough on the quality of the odor re- However, it is not likely that such the inhibitor. In addition, two samples
sponse. variation will be significantly greater of hydrogen sulfide were evaluated.
The second parameter of the odor re- than an order of magnitude. In this
sponse is the intensity (strength of re- study, concentrations evaluated occur Test Room
sponse). Although there is consider- in equal logarithmic steps somewhat The odor test room offers the conve-
able argument, intensity is generally greater than two JND's. nience of presenting the odor stimulus
accepted to be a logarithmic function of The detection threshold has been re- simultaneously to a group of analysts
the concentration of the chemical species lied upon to a great extent in the past. in a low odor background. The test
(as expressed by the Weber-Fechner This has been defined as that concentra- room consists of two chambers — an
Law). The Weber-Fechner Law has tion of odorant which produces the first antechamber and the test room — with
found wide application in the senses of change in odor over background. It is supporting equipment such as fans,
sound and sight and appears to be possible that much of the literature data ducts, and activated carbon filters for
applicable to the sense of smell. As although reported as detection thresh- removing odorized air and introducing a
with all biological systems, the response olds are in reality recognition thresholds controllable "odor-free background"
to odorants is not elicited at all concen- due to misinterpretation of the odor that serves as a dilution system.4 The
trations. Threshold is defined as the response. It has been our experience test room and antechamber are lined
degree of stimulation of a nerve or nerve that the detection threshold is not re- with polished aluminum that has been

92 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

shown to be relatively nonabsorptive to solvents used were other liquid mate- be present for all the odor examinations
odorant materials. Influent air that is rials whose odor properties had been scheduled for the day, as a different con-
used to purge the room is passed through studied within the program. Usually centration was evaluated at each ses-
a bank of activated carbon filters, cir- ethanol or mcthanol were used. The sion. The panel members were not in-
culated through the antechamber and dilutions were made in such a manner formed of the concentration of the
test room by five electric fans, and ex- that the amount of solvent present in chemical in the test room. A concen-
pelled through an exhaust port in the the test room was considerably below tration range was selected that was
ceiling. The test room has a volume of threshold. thought to include the threshold con-
approximately 500 cubic feet (13,200 Solid materials used to odorize the centration. The order of presentation
liters). test room were introduced in two ways —• of concentrations was on a random
The antechamber serves as a buffer injection of a solution containing the basis. The panel members did not
between the test room and the external dissolved solid or by volatilizing a make continuous observations; each
environment and serves to acclimate weighed amount with a flow of hot air. observation was separated by a mini-
the panel members to the relatively As an example, phenol was dissolved in mum of 25 minutes which was the time
odor-free conditions prior to each test odor-free water, and the appropriate necessary to purge the room and intro-
exposure. volume of the phenol solution was in- duce a new concentration of material
The chemical to be studied is intro- jected into the test room. Other solids into the test room. Olfactory fatigue
duced quantitatively at the appropriate were weighed into a suitable receptacle is thus no factor in the observations.
concentration level into the test room by which was placed in the test room, and The concentration levels examined
a variety of methods depending on its volatilized by a flow of warm air pro- for each chemical are increased in equal
physical properties. Three electric fans vided by a hot air fan. Usually five logarithmic steps. It is presumed that
circulate the odorant for five minutes, minutes was sufficient to volatilize the odor is a logarithmic function of con-
after which time the fans are shut down solid material. centration. The concentrations ex-
and the air in the test room is allowed to Gases were diluted with odor-free air amined were multiples by ten of 1, 2.1,
come to rest. The panel members enter in a dilution apparatus outside the test and 4.6 ppm (by volume). The large
the test room from the antechamber and room. The apparatus consisted of incremental steps in concentration were
make their individual odor observations three glass dilution bulbs which could selected so as to make the odor changes
describing the odor character and the be evacuated to as low as 0.01 mm Hg more evident and minimize the effects of
intensity of each odor character note by a mercury diffusion pump coupled individual variation.
that may be present. Upon completion to a liquid nitrogen trap. The three The results obtained from each pan-
of the analysis, the test room and ante- glass bulbs were used to prepare inter- elist were examined separately. A posi-
chamber are purged with the carbon- mediate dilutions of the gas. A 1.3 tive response is indicated for each con-
treated air for twenty minutes. In liter glass bulb was attached to the centration at which the panelist de-
only a few instances was the twenty- apparatus, evacuated, and then charged scribed the odor of the chemical. As
minute purge period inadequate for with a precisely calculated pressure the concentration level was varied at
odor removal. In these cases, purging from one of the three dilution bulbs. random, the threshold concentration
was continued until the room was odor The charged 1.3 liter bomb was then for each subject was determined by
free or a complete wash-down of the brought to atmospheric pressure with noting the positive responses as a func-
room was required. odor-free air. The contents of the 1.3 tion of the concentration. The thresh-
liter bomb were then swept into the test old was taken as the lowest concentra-
Odorization of the Test Room room with compressed air. tion at which the panelist could define
The chemicals evaluated included the odor and that which could be con-
liquids, gases, and solids. The air in Odor Panel sistently recognized at higher concen-
the test room (volume of 13,200 liters) A trained panel of four staff members trations.
served as the dilution medium. Liq- of the Food and Flavor Section of The threshold concentration for each
uids were injected into the test room Arthur D. Little, Inc. was used for chemical is compiled in this manner for
using Hamilton (Gas Tight) micro- determining the odor threshold of each each panel member. The odor thresh-
syringes. The syringes can accurately chemical. Panel members were selected old reported is the concentration at
deliver as little as 0.1 ul of material and from a pool of approximately fifteen which all four panel members could
are used extensively in gas chromatog- observers with more than one year of positively recognize the odor of the
raphy. To obtain the desired concen- analytical odor work. Only one chem- chemical.
tration of odorant chemical in the test ical was observed per day. Prior to the Three chemicals were selected for
room, the "Conversion Tables for Gases test room observations, the panel study to note the effects of the purity of
and Vapors" (Handbook of Physics and examined the odor over water at various the chemical on the odor threshold.
Chemistry, 44th edition, 1962, p. 2288) dilutions to become acquainted with the Toluene, styrene, and tolylene diiso-
were used to convert from ppm volume odor type and to develop a common cyanate were purified on a gas chro-
to milligrams of chemical per liter of air. terminology for describing the odor. matographic column (20' x 3/8" 50%
The total milligrams of material re- Each chemical was examined at a SE-30 on 80/100 Chromport XXX,
quired for the test room were calculated minimum offivedifferent concentrations preparative) under isothermal condi-
by multiplying the mg/liter by test in the odor test room. The first odor tions. The chromatographic column
room volume. The specific gravity as observation of the day for the odor effects a high plate efficiency distilla-
supplied by the manufacturer was then panel was a determination of the back- tion. Nitrogen was used as a carrier
used to calculate the volume of liquid ground level of the test room. These gas at a flow rate of 110 ml per minute.
odorant chemical to be injected into the sessions were included to ensure that the A number of repeated injections and
test room. As little as 0.1 jul of liquid room was not contaminated and also to collections were made to amass sufficient
odorant could be directly injected into acquaint the panel members with any quantities of purified material for the
the test room. Liquids whose threshold background odors that are inherent to odor test room study.
concentration was such that an injection the room. The background odor was Results
of less than 0.1 n\ was required were usually described as very slightly musty. The odor threshold reported for each
diluted in an appropriate solvent. The Each panel member was required to chemical is the concentration at which

February 1969 Volume 19, No. 2 93

Table I. Odor thresholds in air (ppm volume). all panelists recognize the odor. All
concentrations are calculated as parts
. Chemical Odor Threshold Odor Description per million by volume. The minimum
0.21 Green sweet,
threshold observed was with trimethyl
Acetic acid 1.0 Sour amine at 0.00021 ppm (0.21 ppb).
Acetone 100.0 Chemical sweet, pungent Methylene chloride was not described
Acrolein 0.21 Burnt sweet, pungent below a concentration of 214 ppm. The
Acrylonitrile 21.4 Onion-garlic-pungency 53 compounds studied represent a range
Allyl chloride 0.47 Garlic-onion pungency.'green of six orders of magnitude in threshold
Amine, dimethyl 0.047 Fishy concentrations (Table I). Odor de-
Amine, monomethyl 0.021 Fishy, pungent scriptions (other than chemical name)
Amine, trimethyl 0.00021 Fishy, pungent used to describe the odor quality of the
Ammonia 46.8 Pungent
odorant chemical are included in Table
Aniline 1.0 Pungent
4.68 Solvent
Benzyl chloride 0.047 Solvent Sulfur Containing Compounds
Benzyl sulfide 0.0021 Sulfidy
As a group, compounds with the sulfur
Bromine 0.047 Bleach, pungent
0.001 Sour
atom in their structure have the lowest
Butyric acid
Carbon disulfide 0.21 Vegetable sulfide
thresholds of the compounds evaluated
Carbon tetrachloride (chlorination of CS2) 21.4 Sweet, pungent (Table II). All the sulfides with the
Carbon tetrachloride (chlorination of CH4) 100.0 exception of carbon disulfide and sulfur
Chloral 0.047 Sweet dioxide have threshold concentrations at
Chlorine 0.314 Bleach, pungent the parts per billion level.
Dimethylacetamide 46.8 Amine, burnt, oily Hydrogen sulfide gas from a cylinder
Dimethylformamide 100.0 Fishy, pungent exhibited a lower threshold than hy-
Dimethyl sulfide 0.001 Vegetable sulfide drogen sulfide gas produced by acidify-
Diphenyl ether (perfume grade) 0.1
Burnt rubbery
ing sodium sulfide. The discrepancy in
Diphenyl sulfide 0.0047
Ethanol (synthetic) 10.0 Sweet
the determined odor threshold for the
Ethyl acrylate 0.00047 Hot plastic, earthy two hydrogen sulfide samples may be
Ethyl mercaptan 0.001 Earthy, sulfidy due to impurities that are present in the
Formaldehyde 1.0 Hay/straw-like, pungent samples used; further studies are being
Hydrochloric acid gas 10.0 Pungent pursued to determine the factors ac-
Hydrogen sulfide (from Na2S) 0.0047 Eggy sulfide counting for this discrepancy between
Hydrogen sulfide gas 0.00047 samples. It is of interest that carbon
Methanol 100.0 Sweet disulfide, sulfur dichloride, and sulfur
Methyl chloride (above 10 ppm) dioxide affect the other chemical senses
Methylene chloride 214.0 (taste and feel) as well as having odorous
Methyl ethyl ketone 10.0 Sweet
Methyl isobutyl ketone 0.47 Sweet
Methyl mercaptan 0.0021 Sulfidy, pungent Nitrogen-Containing Compounds
Methyl methacrylate 0.21 Pungent, sulfidy Of the 53 odorant chemicals eval-
Monochlorobenzene 0.21 Chlorinated, moth'balls
uated, trimethyl amine exhibited the
0.0047 Shoe polish, pungent
Paracresol 0.001 Tar-like, pungent
lowest threshold (0.00021 ppm). Di-
Paraxylene 0.47 Sweet methyl formamide is recognizable at
Perchloroethylene 4.68 Chlorinated solvent 100 ppm. The nitrogen-containing
Phenol 0.047 Medicinal compounds indicate the wide range of
Phosgene 1.0 Hay-like threshold concentrations that can occur
Phosphine 0.021 Oniony, mustard (Table III).
Pyridine 0.021 Burnt, pungent, diamine
Styrene (inhibited) 0.1 Solventy, rubbery Oxygenated Compounds
Styrene (uninhibited) 0.047 Solventy, rubbery, plasticy Table IV lists the odor thresholds of
Sulfur dichloride 0.001 Sulfidy oxygenated compounds according to
Sulfur dioxide 0.47 chemical class. Extent of oxidation of
Toluene (from coke) 4.68 Floral, pungent, solventy the ethanol series (ethanol, acetalde-
Toluene (from petroleum) 2.14 Moth balls, rubbery hyde, acetic acid) does not appear to
Tolylene diisocyanate 2.14 Medicated bandage, pungent
have an affect on the odor threshold
21.4 Solventy
trend. One might expect a lower
a threshold as the oxidation state is in-
Other than chemical name
creased. Chloral (trichlorinated analog
of acetaldehyde) does have a substan-
tially lower threshold (0.047 ppm) than
Table II. Odor thresholds — sulfur Table III. Odor thresholds —nitrogenous
acetaldehyde. Considering other chlo-
pounds (ppm volume). compounds (ppm volume). rine-containing compounds studied, it is
not possible to make a generalization as
Hydrogen sulfide (cylinder) 0.00047 Trimethyl amine 0.00021 to the effect of chlorination on the odor
Dimethyl sulfide 0.0010 Nitrobenzene 0.0047 threshold.
Ethyl mercaptan 0.0010 Monomethyl amine 0.021
Sulfur dichloride 0.0010 Pyridine 0.021 Unsaturated Compounds
Benzyl sulfide 0.0021 Dimethyl amine 0.047 The presence of unsaturation in an
Methyl mercaptan 0.0021 Aniline 1.0 odorant chemical is not associated with
Hydrogen sulfide (Na2S) 0.0047 Acrylonitrile 21.4
Diphenyl sulfide 0.0047 Ammonia 46.8
low threshold concentrations (Table V).
Carbon disulfide 0.21 Dimethyl acetamide 46.8
Ethyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate
Sulfur dioxide 0.47 Dimethyl formamide 100.0 are isomeric, however, the threshold
concentrations are quite different. The

94 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association

Table IV. Odor thresholds — oxygenated odor descriptions do differ (see Table I).
compounds (ppm volume). odor response provide consistent and
This disparity points up the difficulty of internally comparable data for one
Carbonyls making extended generalizations per- parameter of odor. These recognition
Chloral 0.047 taining to the odor threshold based on threshold concentrations demonstrate
Acetaldehyde 0.21 similar chemical structures. the broad range in sensitivity of human
Acrolein 0.21 olfaction to various chemical structures
Methyl isobutyl 1ketone 0.47 Benzenoid Compounds
under ideal test conditions.
Phosgene 1.0 The effect of substitution on the It should be noted that, in addition
Formaldehyde 1.0 benzene ring also produces a wide varia-
Methyl ethyl ketone 10.0 to the threshold concentration for a
tion in odor thresholds Table VI. given chemical compound, there are at
Acetone 100.0
A single methylation of the benzene least three sensory attributes and two
Esters ring (toluene) lowers the threshold one
Ethyl acrylate 0.00047 psychological parameters to be con-
concentration step. Further methyla- sidered in evaluating its contribution to
Methyl methacrylate 0.21
tion (p-xylene) succeeds in lowering the odor problems. The three sensory
Carboxylic Acids
odor threshold by an order of magnitude. attributes are: (1) the change in intensity
Butyric acid 0.001
Acetic acid 1.0
The —CH2CI group (benzyl chloride) (odor strength) with concentration;
produces an odor threshold that is 100 (2) the qualitative character of the
times lower than benzene. The only odor; and (3) the type and degree of
Phenol 0.047
generalization possible with benzenoid- interaction with other odorants. Psy-
Ethanol 10.0 type materials is that substitution on chologically, people react either posi-
Methanol 100.0 the ring reduces the odor threshold by tively or negatively to odor types —
as much as a thousandfold depending on they like or dislike them. A problem is
the nature of the group added. usually associated with those that
Purity of the Chemical people dislike. Secondly, people react
Table V. Odor thresholds —variously Odor thresholds of samples purified more strongly to things that are differ-
substituted ethylenic compounds ( p p m
by gas liquid chromatography show ent and, therefore, what is normal or
slight differences, if any, from the start- expected is frequently accepted be it
Odor ing material. With tolylene diiso- good or bad.
Thresh- cyanate, the prime effect of the purifica- The work discussed in this paper is a
Chemical R Group(s) olds
tion appears to eliminate or reduce sub- first step in providing basic informa-
Ethyl acrylate -C:OOC2H6 0.00047 sidiary odor character notes and leaves tion on a number of chemicals which
Styrene —CeHs 0.047 a sharper odor impression of the prime are industrially important. The recog-
Acrolein —HC:O 0.21 odor character note. In this case, nition odor thresholds reported in this
Methyl meth- —CHs, 0.21 purification did not affect the recogni- study were developed under ideal lab-
acrylate —C:OOCH 3 oratory conditions and are not recom-
Allyl chloride —CH2CI
tion threshold. Table VII lists the
Tetrachloroethylene —CI(4X) 4.68
odor thresholds of chemicals before and mended for air quality criteria and
Trichloroethylene —CI(3X) 21.4 after purification. standards since no effort was made to
Acrylonitrile —C=N 21.4 Toluene (from coke) purified chroma- define the degree of objectionability of
tographically has a slighly lower odor the odorant chemicals. Future phases
threshold; styrene, however, on purifica- of this program will attempt to provide
tion showed a higher odor threshold. data on the other aspects of the problem,
Samples of carbon tetrachloride and such as the method of sample presenta-
Table VI. Odor thresholds'—variously
substituted benzenoid compounds (ppm toluene representing different modes of tion, the use of untrained observers, the
volume). manufacture do show variation in the change in intensity (and quality) with
odor threshold concentration (Table I). concentration, and the odor interactions
Odor with typical impurities.
Thresh- Carbon tetrachloride manufactured by
Chemical R Group(s) old the chlorination of carbon disulfide has a Studies are presently being conducted
lower threshold (21.4 ppm) than carbon to determine and compare the odor
Paracresol —OH, —CH 3 0.0010 tetrachloride produced by the chlorina- thresholds of selected chemicals ob-
Nitrobenzene —NO2 0.0047
Phenol —OH 0.0470
tion of methane (100 ppm). Toluene tained from various methods of odor
Benzyl Chloride —CH2CI 0.0470
produced from coke has a slightly higher presentation. These include the syringe
Styrene —CH:CH 2 0.0470 threshold concentration (4.68 ppm) dilution method and a dynamic (odor
Monochlorobenzene —Cl 0.21 than toluene produced from petroleum hood) method of odor presentation.
p-Xylene —CHs, —CH 3 0.47 (2.14 ppm). The odor character notes In addition, the effect of varying types
Aniline —NH 2 1.0 (Table I) used to describe the two sam- and levels of background odor on the
Toluene —CH 3 2.14 ples reflect the difference in mode of recognition odor threshold are being
Benzene 4.68 manufacture. The purity of the chem- evaluated.
ical can affect the odor quality as well as
the odor threshold. Thus it is difficult References
to predict with any certainty the role 1. Adams, E. M., "Air Pollution Abate-
Table VII. Odor thresholds of chemicals that impurities present in the compound ment Manual—Physiological Effects,"
purified by GLC. may play in affecting the odor threshold. Gosline, ed., 22-26, Ch. 5, Manual
Sheet p. 6, Manufacturing Chemists'
t o l y l e n e diisocyanate 2.14 ppm Conclusions
Assoc, Washington (1951)
Tolylene diisocyanate* 2.14 ppm
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February 1969 Volume 19, No. 2 95

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