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Water & Water Supply for
Fire Fighting
Supplying Water for
Fire Protection Systems:
The Elevated Water Tank
The Underground Water Reservoir

Types of
Fire Protection Systems:
Dry Standpipe System
Wet Standpipe System

Wet Standpipe System with Siamese Connection

Automatic / Sprinkler System
Water & Water Supply for
Fire Fighting

Dry Standpipe System

No longer being utilized in new

buildings, provided other systems
are employed (otherwise must
be installed in buildings 4 levels CONNECT TO
or more)

The standpipe is a pipe installed in buildings not as part of the

water supply or waste disposal system but primarily for use as
water conveyor in case of fire
How it works: a standpipe is connected to the building exterior
(max ht.= 1.20M) for connection to fire department
As much as possible, standpipes should be located in stairway
Water & Water Supply for
Fire Fighting
Wet Standpipe System
How it works: a piping network (line is directly connected to
the main water line) connects to all levels of a building (at least
1 standpipe on each level)

Wet standpipes shall be constructed of wrought iron or

galvanized steel

The number of wet standpipes shall be determined so that all

portions of the building are within 6.00 meters of a nozzle
attached to a hose 23 meters long

The minimum diameter for a wet standpipe is 51mm for those

less than 15 meters form the fire service connection. For those
more than 15 meters from the fire service connection, the
minimum diameter is 63mm
Water & Water Supply for
Fire Fighting
Wet Standpipe System with Siamese Connection
How it works: a piping
network directly connected to
the main water line, connects
to all levels of a building;
additionally, a Siamese
Connection is located outside
the building for additional
water supply
Water & Water Supply for
Fire Fighting
Automatic / Sprinkler System
There are two general types of Automatic Sprinkler Systems:
the Automatic Wet and Automatic Dry
Smoke Detectors &
Sprinkler Heads
Spacing of Sprinkler Heads:
Spacing of Sprinkler Heads
Light Hazard Occupancy 20 square meters
Extra hazard Occupancy 10 square meters

Special Installation Requirements

At least one fire department connection on each frontage
A master alarm system valve control for all water supplies other
than fire department connections
Special fire walls between protected areas
Sloping water proof floors with drains or scupper to carry away
waste water
Smoke Detectors &
Sprinkler Heads
Types of Sprinkler Heads

Upright- used above piping

when piping is exposed

Pendent- projects through

a finished ceiling when
piping is exposed

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