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Name Suciati Ningrum

NIM 2201417045
Title An Analysis of Subtitling Strategies and Accuracy in "Up" Movie
Ruang Lingkup Movie Analysis, subtitle strategies, translation
Theoretical According to Gottlieb (1992), there are 10 kinds of subtitle strategies.
Based Used 1. Expansion (Expansion is used when the original text requires an explanation
because of some cultural nuance not retrievable in the target language) ex: I have
fried rice for brunch today > Saya makan nasi goreng untuk makan sebelum
tengah hari hari ini.
2. Paraphrase (Paraphrase is used when the translator needs to change the structure
of the subtitle so that it could be easily understood by the reader) ex: How can I
defeat the natural-born fighter? > Bagaimana aku bisa mengalahkan petarung
berbakat itu?
3. Transfer (Transfer is used when the translator translates the text directly
and accurately, without changing the structure of the original text)
4. Imitation (It is used to to maintain the original form, usually for names of people
or places) ex: We are in Monumen Nasional > Kita berada di Monumen Nasional
5. Transcription (It is used if there is an unusual case in the text when it uses
third language or nonsense language) Ex: I’ll go. Au revoir! > Saya akan pergi.
Sampai jumpa
6. Dislocation (when the original employs some sort of special effect, e.g., a
silly song in a cartoon film where the translation of the effect is more important
than the content) ex: Ding-dong. I know you can hear me. Open up the door, I only
wanna play a little. > Ding-dong. Ku datang padamu. Bukalah pintu. Tak
mungkin sembunyi dariku.
7. Condensation (Condensation is used when the translator needs to miss some
unnecessary utterances to make the translated text briefer, without losing its
message) I beg your pardon, are you thinking that the real culprit is me?
8. Decimation (it is used when the characters speak fastly in the dialogue so that the
translator needs to condense and simplify the unstructured written text) ex: What
should I do to the tomato? Should I cut it? Or what? > Harus kuapakan tomatnya?
9. Deletion
Deletion is used when some parts of the text need to be completely deleted
without losing any information from the source text. Ex: come on!come on! You
can do it >> Ayo! Kamu bisa
10. Resignation (Resignation is used when there is no translation solution can be
found and the meaning is inevitably lost) Ex: Bruh..> -

According to Nababan (2012), accuracy It refers to what extent

a translation fits with the original text. There are 3 category of accuracy, they are
accurate, less accurate, and in accurate.

Type of Qualitative research

Research (Subtitling strategies by watching, comparing the SL subtitle and TL subtitle)
(Accuracy level by giving questionnaire to 15 English students who had watch
“Up” movie)
Background of The reason the researcher choose movie “Up” as the object of the study is it is a
the study/ family movie that appropriate for any age. This movie won 2 category at academy
reason for awards 2009 as best animated feature and best picture. This movie is about an
choosing the elderly widower named Carl Fredricksen (Ed Asner) and an earnest boy named
topic Russell (Jordan Nagai). Carl ties thousands of balloons to his house and sets out to
fulfill his dream to see the wilds of South Americaand complete a promise made to
his late wife, Ellie.
Moreover, this movie has not been used in the research before that related to
subtitling strategies and accuracy levels. The researcher wants to analyse the
subtitling strategies that used in this movie, the researcher also wants to practice her
understanding about subtitling strategies by analysing this movie. In addition,
this study also investigate about the accuracy level of the subtitle in this movie.
The Indonesia Subtitle of this movie is is taken from This subtitle
was created by Sukair []
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