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Sedimentological evolution of Sele Formation deep-marine

depositional systems of the Central North Sea
Shell International Exploration and Production Inc., Shell Technology
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Abstract: The Paleocene –Eocene-aged Sele Formation is developed across the basinal region of
the Central North Sea. The section comprises a number of deep-marine fan systems that expanded
and contracted across the basin floor in response to relative sea-level changes on the basin margin
and fluctuating sediment yield off the Scottish landmass modulated by climate and hinterland
uplift. Persistent sediment entry points to the basin resulted in the development of discrete axial
and transverse fan fairways with a geometry dictated by an irregular bathymetry sculpted by differ-
ential compaction across Mesozoic faults, halokinesis and antecedent fan systems. A high-resol-
ution biostratigraphic framework has allowed the evolution of fan-dispersal systems in response
to these effects to be tracked across the basin within four genetic sequences. The proximal parts
of the fans comprised channel complexes of low sinuosity, high lateral offset, and low aggradation.
The development of these systems in a bathymetrically confined corridor of the Central Graben (c.
65 km wide), combined with high sediment supply, resulted in the eventual burial of any under-
lying relief. The behaviour of sand-rich reservoirs in this region is dominated by the permeability
contrast between high-quality channel fairways and more heterolithic overbank regions, with the
potential for early water breakthrough and aquifer coning in the channel fairways, and unswept
volumes in overbank locations. Compartmentalization of compensationally stacked channel
bodies occurs locally, with stratigraphic trapping caused by lateral channel pinch-outs, channel-
base debrites, mud-rich drapes and abandonment fines. Towards the southern part of Quadrant
22, approximately 150 km down-palaeoflow, the systems became less confined and in this
region are dominated by channel–lobe complexes, which continued to interact with an irregular
bathymetry controlled by antecedent fans, mass-transport complexes and halokinesis in the form
of rising salt diapirs. Reservoirs in this region are inherently stratigraphically compartmentalized
by their heterolithic lithology and compensational stacking of lobes, and further complicated by
structuration and instability induced by the diapiric or basement structures needed to generate a
trapping structure in these settings.

The Sele Formation, spanning the Thanetian (c. Formation at mid-/late Danian, c. 63 Ma, and
56.8 Ma) through to the Ypresian (c. 55 Ma), com- top Balder Formation at mid-Ypresian, c. 53.6 Ma)
prises a series of deep-water turbidite systems that are recognized across the basin (Ahmadi et al.
located within the Central North Sea region (Fig. 2003). This sand-prone interval forms a regional
1) and contains some of the most prolific hydro- hydrocarbon migration pathway, as well as assisting
carbon reservoirs in the basin (Deegan & Scull in regulating the pressure regimes in the deeper
1977; Isaksen & Tonstad 1989; Mudge & Copestake Central Graben formations (Ahmadi et al. 2003;
1992a, b; Vining et al. 1993; Bowman 1998). Four Robertson et al. 2013).
distinct sandstone members are identified within The Sele Formation was deposited as part of
the Sele Formation (cf. Hempton et al. 2005): the the post-rift fill of the North Sea following a suc-
Forties, Bittern, Cromarty and Gannet Sandstone cession of Jurassic extensional events (Stewart
members (Fig. 2), which broadly correspond to dis- 1987; Morton et al. 1993; Fraser et al. 2003), and
crete fan systems or phases of fan activity across the the main depositional centres located in the Central
basin. These sandstone members are bracketed by Graben during the Paleocene were largely a product
regionally extensive seismic reflectors (top Ekofisk of thermal subsidence and differential compaction

From: McKie, T., Rose, P. T. S., Hartley, A. J., Jones, D. W. & Armstrong, T. L. (eds) 2015.
Tertiary Deep-Marine Reservoirs of the North Sea Region. Geological Society, London,
Special Publications, 403, 63– 98. First published online April 16, 2015,
# 2015 The Author(s). Published by The Geological Society of London. All rights reserved.
For permissions: Publishing disclaimer:
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Fig. 1. Maps showing the depositional extent of the Sele Formation in the Central North Sea. (a) Gross depositional
setting of the Paleocene in the North Sea region (modified from Ahmadi et al. 2003). (b) Schematic summary map
(modified from Hempton et al. 2005) illustrating the gross distribution of various fans that comprise the Sele Formation.
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of the Jurassic rift-fill (Morton et al. 1993; Jones & time. Based on these maps, a range of channel fair-
Milton 1994; Bowman 1998; Jones et al. 1999; ways and depositional lobes are identified through-
Koša 2007). The location of a hotspot under East out the Central North Sea, providing greater
Greenland during the Danian–Thanetian (c. 65.5 – insight into the sedimentary processes that occurred
55.8 Ma) resulted in thermal doming, and the during their deposition and their interaction with
uplift of the Scottish landmass and East Shetland basin-floor relief. This regional overview provides
Platform by more than 2 km (Den Hartog Jager the context for an examination of field-scale archi-
et al. 1993). This doming (White & Lovell 1997), tectural styles in order to illustrate the impact of
together with Atlantic rift margin uplift (Doré these regional processes on reservoir behaviour.
et al. 1999; Mudge & Jones 2004), tilted these plat-
forms towards the east, creating the main source of
high sediment yields that entered the Central North Lithostratigraphy
Sea via the Outer Moray Firth and along conduits
sourced off eastern Scotland (Fig. 1a) (Jennette The Sele Formation, together with the Balder,
et al. 2000). Beauly and Dornoch formations (Fig. 2), form the
The doming resulted in the oceanographical Moray Group of the Central North Sea (Bowman
restriction of the Central North Sea, and anoxic con- 1998). Biostratigraphic analysis of the Sele For-
ditions prevailed in the basin during the deposition mation has been complicated by deposition in a
of the Sele Formation (Bowman 1998). Uplift also setting characterized by high sedimentation rates
induced local reactivation of Palaeozoic and Meso- and basin restriction, which induced a bottom-water
zoic faults, and differential subsidence along the oxidation crisis that marks the boundary between
flanks of the intrabasinal highs that defined the the bioturbated Lista and laminated Sele formations
underlying Central Graben rift system (e.g. Jaeren (Mudge & Copestake 1992a). The anoxia limited
and Forties–Montrose highs: Fig. 3), prior to the faunal abundance and diversity, a condition that per-
deposition of the Sele Formation (Thompson & sisted until the Early Eocene (Bowman 1998). It
Butcher 1991; Galloway et al. 1993; Den Hartog could be said that unit delineation is thus more
Jager et al. 1993; Koša 2007). Halokinesis in the readily achievable using palynology, referencing
basin was marked by the ascent of diapirs of Zech- marine dinoflagellates and terrestrial pollen and
stein halite (Fig. 3), initiated in the Triassic and spores. The Sele Formation is present throughout
ongoing until the Miocene (Davison et al. 2000), the central part of the North Sea Basin, passing
with many diapirs occurring adjacent to, or directly westwards and northwards in the UK sector into
above, large Mesozoic normal faults. In many situ- the siltstones and sandstones of the more marginal,
ations, local-scale bathymetric relief at diapir crests deltaic Dornoch Formation. The transition from
influenced the deposition of these turbidite sand- finer-grained and basinal, to coarser-grained and
stones, which locally thin towards the diapir crests deltaic facies is rapid and corresponds to the basin-
(Davison et al. 2000; Hempton et al. 2005). In addi- wards limit of clinoform progradation seen on
tion to bathymetry controlled by ascending diapirs seismic profiles. Where basinal mudstone facies
and reactivated faults, relief associated with earlier are dominant in the Sele Formation, sediment thick-
Danian–Selendian-aged Maureen and Lista For- nesses are typically in the range 30–50 m, but
mation mass-transport deposits and fans (cf. increase to over 200 m where the Forties Sandstone
Mudge 2014) also controlled the distribution of Member (Fig. 2) is fully developed.
the Sele Formation gravity flows. However, as depo- Using gamma-ray (GR) motifs, Knox & Hollo-
sition of the Sele Formation continued, this relief way (1992) recognized that it was possible to ident-
was progressively infilled and the fan systems ify three informal subdivisions of the Sele
were less confined (Johnson & Fisher 1998). Formation (Figs 2 & 4) designated from oldest to
Whilst the broad distribution of the sand-prone youngest as Sele S1, Sele S2 and Sele S3, with
Sele systems has been identified (Ahmadi et al. further subdivision of unit S2 into ‘a’ and ‘b’ sub-
2003; Hempton et al. 2005), and the location of units. Each of these units is also locally associated
channel- and lobe-prone fairways has been deli- with a sandstone member.
neated, the details of the sedimentological evolution
of these systems has been less well understood. This Sele S1 Unit: Forties Sandstone Member
paper uses a UK-based industry dataset of well and (c. 56.8– 55.7 Ma)
seismic-reflection data in order to present: (1) a new
division of the Sele Formation based on the identifi- The Sele S1 Unit contains the most areally extensive
cation of maximum flooding surfaces (MFSs); and and thickest deep-water sandstone member of the
(2) a series of facies-distribution maps of the Paleo- Sele Formation, namely the Forties Sandstone Mem-
cene gravity-flow systems bounded by these flood- ber (FSM). The FSM is restricted to the Central
ing surfaces, illustrating their evolution through Graben, is over 200 m thick along reaches of the
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Fig. 3. (a) General map of the North Sea showing the location of the study area (black square) and (b) structural
configuration of the Central North Sea showing the location of Jurassic faults and basins, salt diapirs, and composite
outline of all Sele Formation sandstones (after Fraser et al. 2003; Koša 2007). WP, Western Platform; FMH, Forties–
Montrose High; JaH, Jaeren High; JoH, Josephine High.

NW–SE axis of the fan (Knox & Cordey 1992) and Sele S2 Unit: Cromarty and Bittern Sandstone
is around 260 × 80 km in areal extent (Fig. 1) (fig. members (c. 55.7– 55 Ma)
10 in Mudge 2014). The FSM comprises fine- to
coarse-grained, moderately to poorly sorted sand- As noted above, it is possible to subdivide the Sele
stones, interbedded with dark grey siltstones and S2 into S2a and S2b subunits:
mudstones (Knox & Cordey 1992). Where the
underlying Lista Formation is dominated by mud- † Sele S2a Subunit (c. 55.7–55.2 Ma): this subunit
stones, the lowermost boundary of the FSM is nor- tends to comprise dark grey, well-laminated,
mally taken at the first occurrence of sandstone. high-gamma mudstones that separate the more
If, however, the section overlies the intra-Lista, sand-prone, low-gamma S1 and S2b units (Figs
Mey Sandstone Member, the boundary is based 2 & 4). The base of subunit S2a is commonly
on the first downhole occurrence of both the Bathy- expressed by a gamma-ray maximum, which
siphon acme and Spiroplectammina spectabilis corresponds to the marine flooding event that
acme biozones (Knox & Cordey 1992). Green and followed the deposition of the FSM (Neal
red mudstones of Lista age are commonly found 1996; Jennette et al. 2000). An associated sand-
in the lowermost parts of the FSM in parts of the prone fairway within the S2a subunit is found in
southern Central Graben, and their presence is the area around the Bitten Field (Bittern Sand-
ascribed to sediment reworking. Laterally, the FSM stone Member, UK Blocks 29/1a and 29/1b:
pinches-out against the deltaic Dornoch Forma- Hempton et al. 2005). These sandstones have
tion in the west and the basinal mudstones of the previously been attributed to the Cromarty Sand-
Sele Formation in the east that drape the intraba- stone Member (cf. Ahmadi et al. 2003). Where
sinal highs. developed, the sandstones tend to display a

Fig. 2. Comparative sequence stratigraphy for the Paleocene of the Central North Sea. (a) Examples of the various
published sequence stratigraphy charts used to define the Paleocene interval (Top Ekofisk to Top Balder) in the Central
North Sea (after Ahmadi et al. 2003) (Vining et al. 1993; Dixon & Pearce 1995; Ahmadi et al. 2003; Gradstein et al.
2012). (b) Chronostratigraphic chart for the Sele Formation defining the basin-wide genetic sequences used to delineate
the various sandstone members found within the Sele Formation. The sea-level curve is modified from Neal (1996).
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Fig. 4. Gamma-ray, neutron density and neutron porosity wireline logs from wells 29/3a-5 and 29/3b-4, located near
the Starling Field (Fig. 1), showing the Paleocene– Eocene lithostratigraphy and the character of the biostratigraphically
constrained T-sequences. Scale in ft.

blocky gamma-ray motif (e.g. well 29/3a-5 & Copestake 1992a) has been mapped predomi-
in Fig. 4), resulting from the partial confinement nantly in UK Quadrant 21, although thinner,
and amalgamation of sand-rich channel –lobe time-equivalent sandstones occur in the SE part
deposits. of Quadrant 22 (Knox & Holloway 1992).
† Sele S2b Subunit (c. 55.2 –55 Ma): this subunit These thinner sandstones could be sourced
comprises grey, variably siliceous, low-gamma from the west, but are more likely to correspond
mudstones with thin, sporadic tuff layers in the to the distal part of the main Cromarty fan
basal part of the unit (Fig. 4). Thick sandstones system, extending down from the NW (Fig. 1).
are locally developed within subunit S2b (Cro-
marty, Hermod and Flugga Sandstone members). Sele S3 Unit: Gannet Sandstone Member
The Hermod and Flugga Sandstone members (c. 55– 54.9 Ma)
are located in the South Viking Graben and are
not discussed in detail here. The Cromarty Sand- Knox & Holloway (1992) describe this unit as being
stone Member (Knox & Holloway 1992; Mudge characterized by high gamma-ray values, and
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consisting of laminated mudstones with sporadic abundant Spiroplectamina spectabilis –Rhabdam-

tuff layers that increase upwards in abundance and mina spp. These assemblages are indicative of
thickness. The top of the unit is identified by a pelagic deposition in an oxygenated, quiescent, rela-
marked downhole increase in gamma-ray API tively deep-marine environment. Moreover, the
(American Petroleum Institute) values and decrease dinocyst assemblage of the uppermost Lista For-
in sonic velocity. The base is marked by a rapid mation is comprised of common to abundant Areo-
upwards increase in gamma-ray values (Fig. 4). In ligera gippingensis, which, unlike other species of
the southern parts of the Central North Sea (e.g. the genus, is interpreted to represent offshore
well 29/9a-1), a thin sandstone unit occurs (Knox pelagic deposition (Heilmann-Clausen 1985, 1994,
& Holloway 1992), informally termed the ‘Gannet 2007). In addition, despite the abundance of A.
Sandstone Member’ (Fig. 2), taking the name from gippingensis, the gonyaulacoid fraction of the dino-
the Gannet D Field, where it is best developed. cyst assemblage is dominated by the outer neritic
dinocyst genera Spiniferites spp., as reflected by
the high S/A index (Spiniferites/(Spiniferites +
Genetic sequences Areoligera)), which is generally indicative of a
transgressive environment (Sluijs et al. 2008).
The Paleocene –Eocene sedimentary interval in the These sediments record a low-order transgressive
North Sea has long been regarded as having been and highstand systems tract (a MFS is picked which
deposited during a period of low-order relative coincides with a gamma-ray peak and, where data
sea-level fall (Haq et al. 1987; Mudge & Copes- are available, the peak in S/A index within the
take 1992a, b; Dixon & Pearce 1995; Neal 1996) pelagic shale interval), marking the precursor to
in response to the thermal uplift of Scotland and subsequent lowstand conditions of the Sele For-
the East Shetland platform (White & Lovell 1997; mation fan-system deposition.
Bowman 1998; Ahmadi et al. 2003; Mudge & Jones
2004). Enhanced sediment supply to the basin floor
probably occurred during higher-frequency low-
T65 Sequence (Sele S1 (partim)/
stands embedded within falling stage, lowstand and Dornoch Formation)
early transgressive sequence sets. More recently, the The T65 Sequence is marked by a significant de-
Paleocene –Eocene interval has been interpreted crease in the S/A index, an onset of inner neritic
globally as being deposited during a relative sea- dinocysts and an influx of the freshwater algae
level rise (Sluijs et al. 2008; Kender et al. 2012), Pediastrum spp. with abundant bisaccate pollen,
underscoring the profound impact that uplift of the characterizing a transition from pelagic shales of
basin margin had on long-term accommodation the Lista Formation to either heterolithic depos-
trends of the North Sea Basin. its or channelized sands of the Forties Sandstone
In order to constrain the Central North Sea Member. A low-order sequence boundary is infer-
stratigraphic architecture and enable more precise red near the base of this section, marked by basin
mapping of gross depositional environments, a restriction and influx of voluminous sediment
new genetic sequence stratigraphic interpretation gravity flows. During lowstand, the majority of the
of basin-wide MFSs has been defined, combin- Western Platform was apparently exposed and was
ing sedimentological, wireline and palynological either eroded or bypassed during this time. On the
data (e.g. Eldrett et al. 2014). Genetic sequences shelf, this sequence boundary is locally marked by
based on flooding surfaces are considered to have incision of the marginal deltaic systems of the
greater utility and applicability in this basin-floor Lista Formation. The incised material was trans-
setting. Within the Sele–Dornoch formations, five ported basinwards and deposited as mass-transport
main genetic sequences are identified, with a deposits in the basal part of the main Forties Sand-
sixth sequence attributed to the Balder–Beauly stone fairway. The interval is characterized in the
formations. Nelson Field by abundant reworking of older Lista
Formation palynomorphs and associated organic
T60 Sequence (uppermost Lista Formation) material (Jennette et al. 2000; Kunka et al. 2003).

Although this interval is stratigraphically older than T70 Sequence (Sele S1 (partim)/Dornoch
the Sele Formation (Fig. 2) and is not explored
further here, it is important in that it defines the
basin character prior to Sele deposition (Koša The T70 Sequence is defined at its base by a high
2007). The section is composed of green, lightly gamma shale where present (T70 MFS), and its
bioturbated claystones containing a Chondrites– top by the T75 MFS. The T70 Sequence may have
Zoophycos ichnofacies, with abundant deep- a sharply based, locally sand-prone log motif,
water agglutinated foraminifera characterized by reflecting erosion into the underlying shales. The
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sequence is characterized by a dominance of Apec- Sandstone Member (Sele S2a Unit), the Cromarty
todinium paniculatum –parvum dinocyst types, Sandstone Member (Sele S2b Unit) and the
and the abundance of terrestrial derived spores (Del- Gannet Sandstone Member (Sele S3 Unit). The suc-
toidospora, Crassoretriletes, Polypodiaceiospor- cession is very well defined biostratigraphically,
ites) and pollen (Interpollis, Bombacaceae). The with the T80 MFS characterized by abundant Pter-
sequence is recognized from most wells in the ospermella spp. and large Leiospheres. The T80
Central North Sea, although it can be highly con- maximum flooding surface is identifiable by the
densed or partially absent in some due to erosion highest gamma-ray API values within the high-
by the subsequent T75 Sequence sands. gamma shale of the Sele S2a Unit. This section is
expanded on the Jaeren High, comprising solely of
T75 Sequence (Sele S1 (partim)/Dornoch mudstones. The top of this sequence is marked by
the high-gamma shales of the T90 MFS.
The early rise of relative sea-level during the latter
part of the low-order Sele T75 lowstand marked Sele Formation sedimentology
the re-establishment of sediment accumulation on To refine the understanding of the sedimentological
the Western Platform, with continued fan sedimen- evolution of the Sele Formation and associated
tation within the basin. The onset of low-order trans- reservoir properties across the North Sea Basin,
gression is identified by the increase in the outer the core sedimentology was characterized in a man-
neritic dinocyst Spiniferites spp. and an increase in ner that can be upscaled to interpret wireline log
the S/A index. An associated gamma-ray peak can data and regional seismic profiles. The successions
be identified within the Forties Sandstone Member are described here in terms of basic lithological
from numerous wells across the Central North Sea groupings (lithofacies), assembled into bed-scale
area, although in many cases this T75 MFS shale groupings of depositional processes (facies) and
is also eroded (Fig. 2). into large-scale genetic elements (facies associa-
The T75 is characterized by the consistent tions). These genetic elements then form the basis
occurrence of more brackish marine taxa such as for mapping the gross depositional environment
Pterospermella spp., and the more fully marine within the genetic sequence framework.
Apectodinium assemblage dominated by the spe-
cies Apectodinium homomorphum. The dominance
of A. homomorphum is a good regional correla- Lithofacies
tion event and is associated with a global sea-level The Sele Formation comprises intercalations of six
rise (Sluijs et al. 2008; Kender et al. 2012). In the principal lithofacies: ‘clean’ sandstones (Sm, Sl);
Bressay area of the East Shetland Platform, it is argillaceous sandstones (AS, AM); thinly bedded
these transgressive systems tract sands (Teal Sand- (,0.03 m thick), mud-prone, heterolithic deposits
stone Member), dominated by Apectodinium homo- (Ml); and mudstones (M). These lithofacies are the
morphum, which initially infilled previously incised principal groupings that can be identified from wire-
canyons. In addition, the dominance of the regional line log data, and form the basic building blocks for
marker Apectodinium homomorphum (90% of total bed-scale depositional process interpretation.
assemblages recovered) in the transgressive depos-
its of the Doel borehole (Dutch sector North Sea: ‘Clean’ sandstones. These are 0.2 m to several
Steurbaut et al. 2003) also enables correlation with metres thick, and comprise pale yellow to beige-
equivalent transgressive deposits identified beyond coloured sandstones with an arkosic framework
the Central North Sea. This low-order transgressive mineralogy consisting of quartz, lithic fragments
sequence is bounded at its base by the T75 MFS and (.5%) and feldspar (between 5 and 15%) (Fig.
at the top by the T80 MFS, which flooded the North 5a, c). Grain sizes can vary from very-fine- to
Sea Basin and resulted in the cessation of fan coarse-grained sandstone, with modal values in the
deposition. fine-lower to fine-upper range, and matrix clay
content of ,25% (Davis et al. 2009). Massive clean
T80 Sequence (Sele S2– Sele S3/Upper sandstones (Sm) are typically structureless (Fig. 5a)
or have horizontal/low-angle, clay-rich dish struc-
Dornoch Formation) tures that occasionally oversteepen or are disrupted
The T80 low-order highstand sequence comprises and cross-cut by vertical dewatering pipes (Fig. 5c).
the upper part of the Sele Formation (Sele S2 and Centimetre- to several decametre-thick intervals
S3 units) and the shelfal equivalent upper Dornoch of pebbly sandstone lags, ranging to clast-rich
Formation. Within this highstand, high-frequency sandstone, are commonly observed at the base of
fluctuations in relative sea level resulted in the thick (.1 m) clean sandstone beds. The clast-rich
deposition of basin-floor fans including the Bittern sandstone is characterized by the presence of
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Fig. 5. Examples of the descriptive Sele Formation lithofacies from: (a) structureless sandstone (Sm); (b) laminated
sandstone (Sl); (c) dewatered sandstone with pipe and indistinct dish structures; (d) sand-prone, argillaceous sandstone
(AS); (e) mud-prone argillaceous sandstone (AM); (f) mudstone (M); and (g) sand/silt laminated mudstone (Ml).
Scale bars 0.05 cm long.

floating, coarse-grained sand, granules and mud- Argillaceous sandstones. These are common
stone/carbonaceous clasts (0.02 m to more than throughout the Sele Formation (Fig. 5d, e). These
0.1 m long). Laminated, clean sandstones (Sl) sandstones are similar in framework mineralogy to
are defined as thinner sandstone beds (up to the Sm and Sl lithofacies described above, with
0.5 m), exhibiting indistinct, horizontal to low- grains tending to be moderately to poorly sorted
angle lamination and/or climbing current-ripple and subangular. Thin-section analysis shows that
cross-lamination (Fig. 5b). Small-scale trough and/ these lithofacies have a significantly higher percen-
or planar cross-bedding are rare. Such beds occur tage of clay-sized material dispersed within the
either at the tops of sandstone (Sm, AS, AM) beds matrix, accounting for a darker colour in the drill-
or interbedded in mudstone lithofacies. core (Davis 2012). Based on the proportion of
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clay-sized content, it is possible to subdivide the Thin beds (,0.2 m) of argillaceous sandstone are
argillaceous sandstone into: (1) sand-prone, argilla- locally present, but these represent a very minor pro-
ceous sandstone (AS) characterized by a clay-sized portion of the overall association.
content of 25–35% (Fig. 5d); and (2) mud-prone On wireline logs, amalgamated sandstones form
argillaceous sandstone (AM) with a clay-sized equally monotonous, blocky, low-gamma intervals
content of more than 35% (Fig. 5e) (Davis et al. up to 150 m thick with few breaks in log motif.
2009). While the AS lithofacies is more argillace- Higher gamma-radiation spikes mark the location
ous than the Sm examples, it often has patches or of mudclast concentrations and argillaceous sand-
pods of Sm sand interspersed throughout its thick- stone units, which locally punctuate these intervals,
ness. The AM lithofacies is dark grey in colour, and the position of rare shale drapes.
superficially resembling a mudstone. However, on ASF is interpreted to consist of successions of
closer inspection, the presence of outsized grains top-cut-out Bouma sequences (Bouma 1962), repre-
give these deposits a gritty feel to the touch and a senting sand deposition from high-density turbidity
‘starry night’ texture is apparent. The argillaceous currents in a setting conducive to the generation
sandstone lithofacies can be structureless, banded, of sand-on-sand amalgamation, and the bypass or
or contain sandstone and mudstone clasts (0.02– removal of finer-grained and argillaceous gravity-
0.1 m long or larger in some thick units) dispersed flow deposits and hemipelagic material. Areas
throughout the beds (cf. Haughton et al. 2003; of ‘channelization’ or axial flow within a proximal
Davis et al. 2009). Towards the top of the beds, channel –lobe setting (Fig. 7) would be sites where
mudstone clasts are commonly supplemented with such processes would operate (Prélat et al. 2009;
organic fragments (a few millimetres to several Grundvåg et al. 2014). Abrupt increases in either
centimetres long). grain size or the abundance in floating clasts are
interpreted to represent amalgamation surfaces
Mudstones. Mustones (M) are typified by sporadic between discrete sediment gravity-flow events,
packages of dark grey to black, flat laminated mud- and can mark the boundaries to large-scale architec-
stone ,30 cm thick (Fig. 5f). Locally, some of the tural units (e.g. channel-fills, recording the removal
mudstones that occur at the top of a thicker ‘clean’ of former shale drapes and the erosion of the mud-
or argillaceous sand bed can appear massive and prone overbank material). Locally, such monoto-
contain silt grains. Trace fossils are rare to absent, nous successions also occur in laterally constrained
and thin limestone beds are locally common. In or ponded areas, where sand-bed amalgamation and
some intervals (decimetres to several metres thick), stripping of fines can occur (e.g. Bittern Field).
mudstones are interbedded with closely spaced,
thin sand/silt beds (,2 cm) forming a thinly Heterolithic deposits (HSF). This facies forms units
bedded, heterolithic lithology (Ml) (Fig. 5g). The up to 20 m thick, and consists of clean sandstone
sand–silt beds/laminae are commonly organized (Sm & Sl) and argillaceous sandstone (AS, and
into systematically thinning- and fining-upwards AM) beds interbedded with mud-prone lithofacies
intervals (cf. Stow & Shanmugam 1980). These M and Ml (Fig. 8). Sm beds are 0.1–0.5 m thick,
lithofacies occur either isolated within mudstones are commonly characterized by sharp and planar
or on top of sandstone (Sm, AS, AM) beds. bases, and, in some cases, can form amalgamated
packages up to 1 m thick. The basal contact of the
Sele Formation facies Sm beds is typically planar, with mudclasts locally
The lithofacies described above can be rationalized concentrated at their base or dispersed in thicker
into a series of recurring facies, which can be ident- amalgamated packages. These mudclasts are com-
ified in core and have sufficiently distinctive wire- monly associated with an increase in grain size
line log motifs to enable their identification in the and abundance of finely comminuted carbonaceous
absence of core. fragments. Stratified sandstones (Sl) occur either as
discrete sandstone beds interbedded with mud-
Amalgamated sandstones (ASF). This facies associ- stone lithofacies, or as a cap to thicker, ‘clean’ and
ation is dominated by ‘clean’ sandstone lithologies argillaceous sandstone units. The stratification com-
(Sm and Sl), forming packages of amalgamated prises planar horizontal, low-angle and/or climbing
sandstone ranging from tens of metres thick in the current-ripple cross-lamination. Small-scale trough
proximal parts of fan systems (e.g. 100 –150 m and/or planar cross-bedding is rare. Argillaceous
thick in the Nelson and Forties fields), to 1–10 m sandstone packages range from 0.05–1.5 m in
thick in the more distal parts of the fan (e.g. the thickness and are commonly associated with an
Fram, Starling and Pierce fields: Fig. 6). The basal underlying Sm bed. The transition between the Sm
contacts of the units are typically sharp to erosive, and AS or AM lithofacies can be either sharp,
and can locally show foundering and loading into loaded, gradational or, in some cases, marked by
the underlying, mudstone and argillaceous units. banded fabrics that straddle the transition (Davis
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Fig. 6. Illustrative graphic log and example core photographs of the amalgamated ‘clean’ sandstone facies (ASF).
Scale in ft.

Fig. 7. Conceptual depositional model for the distribution of facies within the Forties Sandstone Member based on the
region around the Everest Field area, where the distribution of the lobe complexes was controlled by regional
bathymetry, mass-transport complexes and local diapirism, which resulted in the divergence of the fan and formation of
splay-like lobe complexes around the diapir. MTC, mass-transport complex; ASF, amalgamated sandstone facies; HSF,
heterolithic deposits; HMF, hemipelagic mudstone facies.
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Fig. 8. Illustrative graphic log and example core photographs of the heterolithic sandstone facies (HSF). Scale in ft.

et al. 2009). It should also be noted that at the tran- In contrast to the ‘clean’ sandstone lithofacies,
sition between the Sm and argillaceous sandstone the high clay content (.25%) in the argillaceous
lithofacies, mudstone is typically absent, suggesting sandstone beds indicates that turbulence in the
that both ‘clean’ and argillaceous sandstone are depositing flow had been significantly hindered,
genetically linked. The top of these packages are suggesting deposition from a cohesive laminar
defined by intervals of massive mudstone (M) or flow (Lowe & Guy 2000; Talling 2013). Markov
planar horizontally laminated mudstones and silt- chain analysis shows that the argillaceous sandstone
stones (Ml) usually ,0.2 m thick (Fig. 8). lithofacies most commonly occurs on top of massive
These intervals are typically trendless, or can ‘clean’ sandstones without an intervening mudstone
locally show subtle upward increases or decreases facies, suggesting a genetic link between them
in the sand/shale ratio (1– 10 m thick), which on (Davis et al. 2009; Davis 2012). Such depositional
logs is represented by a serrate log response with successions are similar to the ‘linked’ debrites
local cleaning- and muddying-upwards motifs. described by Haughton et al. (2003), and they are
The laminated mudstone intervals interspersed interpreted to be the product of single hybrid or mul-
with discrete sand-prone beds in this facies sug- tiphase gravity-flow events, consisting of turbulent
gest that sedimentation was intermittent, with epi- and laminar-flow components (Haughton et al.
sodes of hemipelagic sedimentation punctuated 2003, 2009; Talling et al. 2013).
by deposition of event beds (base-cut-out Bouma
sequences) of lower energy and commonly more Hemipelagic mudstone facies (HMF). This facies
dilute flows than the amalgamated sandstone facies. ranges in thickness from 0.5 to 3 m, and consists
Deposition probably occurred in a less frequently exclusively of M and Ml lithofacies. More hetero-
disturbed, more distal environment (Fig. 7) such as lithic intervals are commonly expressed by siltstone
would occur on lobe fringes or the outer portions beds 0.003–0.03 m thick, and, less commonly, by
of levees, channel wings and interchannel areas very-fine-grained sandstones and isolated intra-
(Stow & Piper 1984; Prélat et al. 2009). clastic, mud-prone sandstone beds ,0.3 m thick
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(Fig. 9a). Carbonaceous fragments are commonly et al. 1999). Large-scale (.10 m thick) DF pack-
found along mudstone bedding planes. ages can be identified and mapped on seismic-
These deposits represent episodes of minimal reflection data as mounded units consisting of
gravity-flow sedimentation, which allowed signifi- chaotic internal seismic reflections.
cant deposition of anoxic, hemipelagic mudstones. Similar facies have been discussed by Tripsanas
The thin siltstones and sandstones represent the et al. (2008), and are interpreted to represent land-
most distal expression of dilute turbidites. Such slide and debris-flow deposits. Packages of DF com-
deposition could occur at locations remote from monly occur within the Sele Formation, and are
active fan deposition or during episodes of minimal most commonly adjacent to areas where halokinesis
fan activity (Stow & Piper 1984; Prélat et al. 2009). was active during deposition.

Deformed facies (DF). Packages of deformed facies Injected Sandstones (ISF). These represent a remo-
consist of blocks of contorted, folded and deformed bilized modification of a channel (or lobe) parent
M, Ml, AS, AM and Sm facies, with evidence of sandbody and, as such, do not constitute a deposi-
liquefaction and auto-brecciation, forming intervals tional facies per se but are briefly mentioned here
up to 40 m thick (Fig. 9b). The blocks are either in as a locally important characteristic of the Sele
contact with each other or floating in a structureless Formation in core and seismic. More detailed
mudstone to mud-prone, sandstone matrix. Such descriptions of these features in the Sele Formation
packages of deformed facies are characterized by are documented by Morton et al. (2014). In core,
sharp and truncational bases and sharp contacts. they comprise clean to mud-rich, structureless to
Core-based identification of this facies is rela- undulating, laminated sandstones cross-cutting stra-
tively straightforward but, in the absence of core, tigraphy with evidence of fluidization. Angular to
this facies can show similar log motifs to the hetero- elongated, sheared mud clasts of similar lithology
lithic association (Fig. 10). Dipmeter or borehole to that of the host mudstone are commonly incor-
image logs, however, may reveal the chaotic porated. The contacts of such beds range from
nature of the bedding in these intervals (cf. Rider low angle to highly inclined relative to the host

Fig. 9. Illustrative graphic log and example core photographs of: (a) hemipelagic mudstone facies (HMF); and
(b) deformed facies (DF). Scale bars on the side of the photographs are 1 ft long.
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Fig. 10. Wireline log and core photographs of a deformed facies zone from a hydrocarbon field located in the proximal
part of the T70 Sele Formation. The black box on the log shows the extent of the slumped interval, and the red box
denotes the interval from where the core photographs are taken. The well intersects at a high angle to bedding (c. 608),
and therefore shows the irregular and contorted nature of the bedding. While the logs apparently show the interval to be
shale-prone, the photographs indicate that the interval has a significant proportion of sandstone present.

bedding, and they can be sharp, crenulated or display similar log motifs to in situ heterolithic
indented. Geometrically, sand injectites occur in deposits. Large examples may be seismically resol-
the form of dykes and pillars (aperture of the order vable (e.g. Huuse et al. 2004), displaying saucer
of a few mm to more than 10 m), sills (a few centi- and conical geometries cross-cutting stratigraphy
metres to decametres thick and a few decametres to in section, and lacking clear depositional geometries
more than 100 m wide), and extrusions (0.1–0.75 m in plan view (Szarawarska et al. 2010). Their gener-
thick and 0.3–3 m wide, and, in rare cases, can be ation implies significant overpressure within the
up to 3 m thick and hundreds of metres wide). sandbody, possibly via a regional aquifer, and
In a similar manner to the DF facies, injected sealing by enclosing mudstones, with hydrofractur-
sandstone facies can be distinct in cores, but their ing potentially triggered by seismicity, and leading
identification in well logs is challenging as they to fluidization and injection (Huuse et al. 2005;
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Hurst et al. 2005, 2011). These features, where net channel fairways and lobe settings within the sand-
rock volume is large enough, can form viable reser- stone members of the Sele Formation are described.
voirs (Schwab et al. 2014).
Channel fairways
Facies associations and genetic elements
Channel fairways are characterized by a domi-
Whilst core is invaluable in understanding bed- nance of thick packages (up to 150 m) of amalgam-
scale depositional processes, the gross depositional ated sandstone facies (ASF), locally punctuated
mapping of the Sele Formation systems requires vertically by heterolithic deposits defining abandon-
a simplified approach using log-based facies ment-fills (HSF and HMF). When such packages are
motifs, which can be consistently recognized across constrained by biostratigraphic data, they tend to
the basin (Fig. 11). The lithology-based sand-rich show the convergence of markers, indicating the
(ASF), heterolithic (HSF) and mud-dominated rapid lateral pinch-out (within decameters to a few
(HMF) facies described above translate readily hundred metres) into adjacent thinly bedded hetero-
into distinctive log motifs, although complications lithics (Fig. 11a, c). High-resolution biostratigraphic
arise in the identification of subseismic, allochtho- data also indicate that amalgamated channel sand-
nous, mud-rich, deformed facies (DF) and injection stone packages can be floored by a hiatus record-
features (ISF) in the absence of information from ing both erosion and sediment by-pass. The log
dipmeter or borehole image logs. In the following motif of these channel fills is commonly charac-
sections, the criteria used for the identification of terized by a clean, blocky to muddying-upwards

Fig. 11. Schematic cross-sections illustrating the nature and distribution of sedimentary packages within the Sele
Formation: (a) distribution of Palaeogene fans and mass-transport complexes; (b) gamma-log correlations of the
transition from the channelized proximal Sele Formation to the lobe-dominated distal region; and (c) & (d) architectural
elements from the proximal channelized (e.g. Nelson Field) and the distal, weakly channelized lobe (e.g. west of
Scooter Field) areas. In (d) dark grey shading indicates heterolithic facies, light grey shading represents
amalgamated sandstones.
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motif due to a typical succession comprising pebbly fig. 12 in Rose & Pyle 2014). In plan view, attribute
sandstones passing upwards into clean sandstones maps show the lateral trace of such channels, typi-
and, ultimately, laminated mudstones and fine-scale cally indicating low-sinuosity bodies, with widths
heterolithics towards their variably preserved aban- ranging from several hundred metres to several kilo-
donment top. metres, that form a dense cross-cutting network of
The architecture of thicker channel bodies ribbons with limited evidence of lateral accretion
(.5 m thick) within these fairways can be resolved (Fig. 13) (cf. fig. 27 in Kunka et al. 2003; fig. 8 in
in seismic data as distinct (sand-filled from well Rose & Pyle 2014; figs 7 & 9 in Thomas &
data) erosional features, the boundaries of which Hartley 2014). Heterolithic fairways separating the
are characterized by thinning into channel wings channel bodies are locally present, and these are
or ill-developed levees (Fig. 12) (fig. 9 in Thomas interpreted as the remnants of levees or, more prob-
& Hartley 2014). Internal reflections within the ably, interchannel sheet deposits.
thickest (.30 m) channel bodies are common, and Channel fairways were assembled in three
represent the contacts of subsidiary channels (cf. stages: erosion and transmission; backfilling; and

Fig. 12. Example from the channel-dominated Pierce Field, showing: (a) the Forties Sandstone Member isochrones on
a 3D representation of the T65 MFS (modified from Scott et al. 2010): and (b) seismic-reflection profile to the north of
the diapirs in (a) flattened to the Top Forties (T80 MFS) with interpretation of the depositional architecture below.
Numbers 1– 4 indicate the migration of the channel forms within a channel fairway.
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Fig. 13. Rendering of combined horizon slices of a high-definition spectral decomposition volume from the Nelson
Field area extracted at 24, 33 and 39 ms below the top Forties (T80 MFS), showing the anastamosed, multilateral
planform pattern of multiple channels.

abandonment (cf. Clark & Pickering 1996; Gardner metre-scale heterolithics (HSF) and/or hemipelagic
et al. 2003). Gravel, sandy gravel and debris-flow mudstone facies (HMF), characterize the more
deposits, together with local-scale landslides (het- sand-prone intervals. Heterolithic facies (HSF and
erolithic and deformed facies), characterize the HMF) dominate in more mud-prone settings. Verti-
minor deposition and preservation that occurred cal trends in the sand/shale ratio, bed thickness and
during the initial, largely erosional stage of a chan- grain size define the coarsening/thickening- and
nel complex. Thick, amalgamated, largely structure- fining/thinning-upwards packages a few metres to
less sands (ASF) were deposited in the backfilling tens of metres thick. The lateral transition from
stage, and hemipelagic mud, dilute turbidites and sand-prone to mud-prone facies is typically grada-
muddy debris-flow deposits dominated in the final tional, and biostratigraphically constrained pack-
abandonment stage. At a smaller scale, the infilling ages that demonstrate these trends can commonly
of the channel fairways was not a monotonous be traced over several kilometres (Fig. 11d). Ero-
and uniform process, but took place through the sional hiatal surfaces are relatively uncommon at
cutting and plugging of multiple subsidiary chan- the base of amalgamated sandstones in these set-
nels (‘channel forms’: Deptuck et al. 2007). tings, in contrast to the sand-rich channel fairways.
The heterolithic lithology of these intervals
Lobe complexes induces a characteristically serrate log response
lacking the thick, blocky motifs seen in more chan-
Lobe complexes are characterized by a variably het- nelized successions. In seismic-reflection data, lobe
erolithic lithology, forming intervals of up to 200 m complexes are recognized as lenticular seismic
thick. Several metre thick (up to 10 m) amalgam- packets (10–40 km long, 5– 30 km wide, up to
ated sandstones (ASF), bounded by thin-bedded, 40 m thick), consisting of discontinuous to wavy,
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semi-parallel reflections of low to high amplitude The lobes were compensationally stacked, and their
(Fig. 14a). Onlapping and downlapping configur- distribution and shape constrained by pre-existing
ations are typically observed. Although lobe com- morphology, locally resulting in thick accumu-
plexes are ideally fan shaped, where confined, lations (Fig. 11d). Vertical trends indicate lateral
their geometry will have been shaped by any pre- lobe migration, expansion or contraction (cf.
existing bathymetry (Fig. 7). Prélat & Hodgson 2013), controlled by channel
These weakly confined deposits record depo- avulsion, bathymetric constraints and sediment
sition of sheet-like beds in a setting characterized supply. Sand-prone intervals were probably depos-
by stacked terminal lobes, forming lobe complexes. ited in more axial locations, with minor scouring

Fig. 14. Seismic-reflection profile and interpretation from the distal Sele Formation (a) north of the Starling diapir and
(b) across the Starling diapir, showing the deformation of the succession by salt diapirism. Note that the Forties
Sandstone Member preserves a near-constant thickness across the diapir, and mass-transport deposits (MTDs) of the
Maureen Formation and the confined May (Lista Formation) fan system extend across the diapir with only minor
thinning, indicating that the major uplift of the diapir occurred after the deposition of these intervals. MTC, mass
transport complex.
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and channelization. Mud-prone examples record additional criteria need to be employed in their
deposition in more marginal and distal locations. differentiation in the absence of core data. Chaotic
or disorganized dips in image logs or dipmeter,
Mass-transport deposits sequence duplication and sudden cut-offs, abrupt
facies changes and a lack of organized sequences
Mass-transport deposits (MTDs) consist of a large in the log data (e.g. gamma ray) of multiple adjacent
variety of deformed lithologies, with great variabil- wells, combined with the assessment of the seafloor
ity in their vertical and areal distribution (cf. Tripsa- palaeotopography during the time of deposition
nas et al. 2008). Although the dimensions of MTDs (e.g. proximity to a steep slope or diapir), are criteria
vary significantly (a few hundred metres to hun- that can be used for their determination (cf. Barker
dreds of kilometres in length and a few to several et al. 2008).
hundred metres thick: Canals et al. 2004; Twichell In seismic-reflection profiles, MTDs are rep-
et al. 2009), the sediment failures recorded within resented by lenticular packages of low- to high-
the Sele Formation are, in general, of small size amplitude, incoherent reflections, with concordant
(several hundred metres to a few kilometres wide to erosional bases. Such lenticular packages are com-
and up to a few decametres thick), and commonly monly linked to upslope evacuation zones, which
occur either in channel fairways (e.g. around the represent the origin of the sediment failures. Flow
Nelson and Forties fields: Hempton et al. 2005; and concentric lines, thrusted faults, rafted blocks,
Rose & Pyle 2014) or adjacent to diapirs (Hempton and basal erosional striations and grooves are com-
et al. 2005). Sediment failure on the channel monly observed features in attribute maps (e.g.
walls and on channel –levee systems is a commonly amplitude, coherency and spectral decomposition:
observed process in many modern systems, caused cf. Posamentier & Kolla 2003).
by overloading due to high sedimentation rates and
oversteepened channel walls (Piper et al. 1997;
Deptuck et al. 2007). In a similar manner, uplifted Sele Formation fan distribution and
diapirs also resulted in oversteepened slopes, evolution
which were commonly affected by sediment failures
(e.g. Fig. 15) (Tripsanas et al. 2004). Erosion at the Since the large-scale distribution maps of the
base of MTDs is common and ranges from a few Sele Formation in the pioneering publications of
centimetres to several metres of excavation into Rochow (1981), Reynolds (1994), Ahmadi et al.
the underlying formations (Tripsanas et al. 2008). (2003) and Hempton et al. (2005), there have been
The log motifs of MTDs resemble those of few attempts to depict in detail the areal dis-
heterolithic sandstone packages and therefore tribution of the sedimentary facies within the Sele

Fig. 15. (a) Semblance map 20 ms above the Top Chalk surface showing the development of multiple head scarps and
mass-transport complexes (MTCs) on the flanks and foot of a diapir in block 29/3. (b) Seismic reflection profile
(location indicated in (a)), and interpretation showing MTCs in the Maureen and Sele formations. MTC, mass
transport complex.
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Fig. 16. Summary maps of gross depositional setting showing the distribution of Sele Formation T65 –T80 fan systems
(cf. Fig. 2b) within the UK Sector of the Central North Sea: (a) T65, (b) T70, (c) T75 and (d) T80 intervals. NWP,
Northwest Platform; N, Nelson Field; F, Forties Field; E, Everest Field; A, Arbroath Field; Me, Merganser Field; Ma,
Machar Field S, Scooter Field; St, Starling Field; G, Gannet Field; B, Bittern Field; Pu, Puffin Field; P, Pierce Field;
K, Kyle Field; Fr, Fram Field; Hu, Huntington Field; Ar, Arran Field.
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Fig. 16. Continued.

Formation and their evolution through time. build on these earlier publications. The well data
Through a detailed analysis of the biostratigra- were integrated with a regional three-dimensional
phy and gross-facies composition in 743 released (3D) seismic volume to generate a series of gross
wells in the UK sector of the Central North Sea, depositional environment maps for the main Sele
higher-precision maps are presented here that genetic sequences (Fig. 16), defined by the
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biostratigraphically constrained MFS framework blocks is limited) suggests that flows became
illustrated in Figure 2. unconfined at this location.
For all genetic sequences (Fig. 16a, d), the Sele † The eastern channel complex is located within
Formation systems appear to show six consis- and to the east of the Nelson Field. This com-
tent depositional fairways aligned with tempo- plex is interpreted as having fed sand to widely
rally persistent sediment entry points. Although dispersed and thinner lobes to the east of the
the boundaries, extent and facies composition of Arbroath Field in blocks 22/18, 22/19, 22/23
these fairways vary from sequence to sequence, and 22/24. Possible fill and spill of this lobe
their linkage to constant sediment sources through- complex occurred into blocks 22/24 and 22/
out the deposition of the Sele Formation allows 30, across to Merganser –Scoter and SE into
each fairway to be referred to in a consistent man- Quadrant 30. The Machar salt diapir and part
ner throughout the subsequent discussion, enabl- of the Josephine High (Figs 3 & 16a) appear
ing comparison between fairways and sequences. to have constrained the eastwards extent of this
Three fairways are identified as having been lobe system, although the lack of preserva-
sourced from the north and ran axially along the tion may also be a reflection of subsequent ero-
basin, trending to the SE: two fairways sourced sion of these T65 sediments from the Josephine
from the Shetland Platform (‘Western’ and ‘East- High.
ern’ axial fairways), and a ‘Northern West Platform’
(NWP) fairway, which broadly tracked the western The fourth, east axial fairway is constrained by the
margin of the former west Central Graben. The Forties–Montrose and Jaeren highs. The main
remaining three fairways were transverse in orien- fairway apparently did not flow directly into the
tation and sourced from the Western Platform depocentre of the eastern Central Graben, although
Shelf, trending from west to east. These ‘side-fans’ this may be an artefact of limited well penetrations
(cf. Hempton et al. 2005) are named after fields that to demonstrate the full extent of this interval. Two
they cross-cut: the T (Teal), G (Gannet) and B lobe storeys in this fairway occur across the
(Bittern) fairways. Everest Field, while channelized deposits are
located near Huntington, through Arran and feed a
lobe complex that extends down to the Pierce area,
T65 Sequence (Sele S1/Dornoch Formation) covering blocks 22/20, 22/25, 23/16, 23/21 and
The areal distribution of the T65 system comprises 23/22.
four sand fairways (Fig. 16a) originating from the The fifth sand fairway originates from the
NW shelf and trending to the SE (axial fairways), Gannet–Guillemot cluster (G fairway) and fed a
and one ‘side-fan’ fairway originating from the side-fan. The main T65 fairway seems to be
Western Platform trending to the SE. present through the central part of the Guillemot
The NWP fairway, which occurs along the West- Field, and a second feeder channel with relatively
ern Platform margin (21/7 area), is a channel –lobe thick T65 sands is also interpreted to be present to
complex characterized by thick channelized sands the south on the Gannet Field. The associated lobe
in more proximal regions, which are interpreted to complex trends to the north and west of the Starling
be the feeder system to more mud-prone, hetero- salt diapir. To the south, all coeval shales
lithic lobe sands seen in blocks 21/13, 21/14 and are condensed.
The channel-dominated western axial fairway T70 Sequence (Sele S1/Dornoch
bifurcates into two discrete channel complexes in Formation)
the vicinity of the Forties Field:
Six fairways are interpreted to source the more
† The western complex runs across the Forties areally extensive T70 fan system (Fig. 16b). The
Field and to the west of the Nelson Field. distribution of the NWP axial fairway is similar to
These channels are interpreted as having fed that of the T65 Sequence, consisting of thick
restricted lobe complexes in blocks 21/15 and channelized sands that fed lobe deposits in blocks
21/20. The main feature of this fairway is the 21/13, 21/14 and 21/19. A single, major channel
effect of the remnant Lista Formation palaeo- complex defines the west axial fairway, which
bathymetry in Block 22/16, which apparently extends to the SSE through the Nelson Field down
constrained and funnelled flow through this to the Montrose and Arbroath fields, where there is
region, resulting in further channelization/ a transition from channel- to lobe-dominated facies.
slumping and erosion of the underlying Lista/ These channels fed an extensive lobe complex to the
Mey sandstones. The development of a widely SE of Quadrant 22, towards the Merganser and
dispersed lobe complex in blocks 22/21c, 22/ Scoter areas. The lobe sands extend to Machar and
22b and 22/22d (although well control in these onlap onto the Josephine High.
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Side-fans are interpreted in blocks 21/28 and fairway to the Jaeren High, with thinning over the
21/29 (Gannet – Guillemot), 28/4 (Bittern), and Forties– Montrose High. The west axial fairway,
21/23, 21/24 and 21/25 (Teal): extending southwards through the Nelson Field
towards the Starling area (broadly tracking the
† The G side-fan is interpreted to trend to the SE of west Central Graben), consists of amalgamated
Banff, being partly deflected by the mounding channels that eroded and cannibalized the older
along the west axial fairway, and forms lobes T70 sands and shales. These channels supplied sedi-
across the Starling structure to pinch out at the ment to lobe complexes across Quadrant 29 (e.g.
northernmost extent of the Fram Field. Fram and Puffin). The east axial fairway (through
† The B side-fan trends eastward towards the main the eastern Central Graben) consists of both
Bittern Field and then into the basin, forming channel and lobe deposits from Everest through to
lobes pinching out onto the Kyle salt diapir. Pierce (Scott et al. 2010), which eventually pinch
There are only a small number of well pen- out in Quadrant 30. These sands also extend further
etrations of the T70 fan into the Bittern area south and east into the Norwegian sector.
because of the subsequent erosion by the later
T80 Bittern Sandstone Member. The lower- Again, three main side-fans are recognized:
most Bittern Sandstone Member contains evi-
dence of extensive reworking of T70 (and T75) † The G fairway corresponds to the side-fan sys-
palynomorphs. tem near the Gannet and Guillemot clusters.
† The extent of the T side-fan is poorly constrained This system is extensive and merges with the
by few well penetrations, but appears to be a main NW–SE axial fairway, becoming part of
smaller system. an amalgamated channel –lobe system.
† The B fairway originates in Block 28/4 and
A major east axial fairway is also identified between trends to the east into the basin, forming lobes
the Forties–Montrose and Jaeren highs (Huntington pinching out onto the Kyle salt diapir. The main
trend). Numerous T70 channels are identified in the fairway is eroded by the subsequent Bittern
southern part of the Everest Field, across Hunting- Sandstone Member, which contains evidence
ton and through the Arran and Lomond fields. of extensive reworking of T70 (and T75)
These channels are amalgamated and eroded into palynomorphs.
the underlying and adjacent lobes. Towards Pierce, † The T fairway forms a poorly constrained T75
T70 channels were funnelled through remnant Lista side-fan, and is interpreted in the same location
(T60) palaeotopography and active salt diapirs, as the T70 side-fan, covering the Teal Field
resulting in the rechannelization of parts of the area and pinching out towards Gannet D.
T70 lobe system (cf. Scott et al. 2010). Later canni-
balization of the lobe complex is noticeable towards T80 Sequence (Sele S2: Sele S3/Upper
Quadrant 30, with additional feeder channels ident-
ified. The T70 sands pinch out onto the Josephine
Dornoch Formation)
Ridge to the south. West of the Forties and Nelson fields there are ex-
tensive T80 channels (Fig. 16d), originating from
T75 Sequence (Sele S1/Dornoch Formation) the western shelf (NWP axial fairway). These chan-
nels trend NW –SE and fed an extensive lobe com-
The subsequent T75 succession was deposited as plex. The lobe complex becomes apparent east of
relatively coarser-grained, glauconite-rich sands the Gannet Cluster, being widely dispersed with
within the basin (Jennette et al. 2000), whilst the thinner sheet-like sands to the SE corner of Quad-
shelfal region of the Western Platform ceased to rant 22, and being constrained to the east of Banff –
be an area of net erosion and shows the onset of pres- Starling –Fram by the basin palaeobathymetry.
ervation of shallow-marine deposits of the Dornoch The B side-fan represented the main west–east
Formation deltaics. The distribution map of the fan system during T80 times and, as mentioned above,
complex shows that it is composed of six main fair- substantially erodes into the underlying Forties
ways (Fig. 16c). sandstone. The main fan extends east towards the
The distribution of the NWP axial fairway is, Kyle salt diapir. However, further channel-like fea-
again, similar to that of the T65 Sequence, consist- tures extend to the east and potentially fed lobe
ing of thick channelized sands that fed lobe sands sands identified in and around the area of the
in blocks 21/13, 21/14 and 21/19. The west and Puffin Field. In this interval, the high abundance
east axial fairways were the most prevalent fea- and thickness of planar-stratified and current-ripple-
tures in the Central North Sea during this time. laminated sandstones, together with evidence of
Both were characterized by a NW –SE orientation fluctuating flows in the form of alternating ero-
and extended laterally from the Western Platform sion and deposition or fluctuating bedform types,
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may be consistent with hyperpycnal flows originat- persistent, NW–SE orientated, axial fairways.
ing from the adjacent Dornoch delta (cf. Mulder This is most apparent in the distribution of the
et al. 2003). highly elongate character of the axial T65 sandstone
Originating from the Western Platform, the T80 fairways, indicating flow confinement within
G Fairway comprises the Bittern –Cromarty and restricted topographical lows (Fig. 16a). In the
Gannet sandstones, the latter primarily restricted to distal regions, the Merganser – Scoter–Machar salt
the north of Gannet C and across Gannet B. This diapirs and part of the Josephine High divide two
sand fairway is deviated around the Gannet A NW– SE-orientated depocentres, which represent
Field diapir. the southward extension of the west and east axial
sandstone fairways (Fig. 16a, d). The absence of
Bathymetric control in the distribution T65 sandstones on and to the east of the Machar
salt diapir and part of the Josephine High supports
of Sele Sandstone members the notion that the west sandstone fairway was con-
A depth map taken at the top of the chalk (as a crude strained to the east by bathymetry (Fig. 16a). The
proxy for initial basin configuration) shows that the development of significant T70 and T75 lobe com-
thermal subsidence of the Central North Sea and plexes in these areas suggests that T70 and T75
differential compaction of the underlying Mesozoic flows were mostly depositional in nature, and thus
sedimentary pile acted to define a broadly elliptical- erosion of the T65 sediments by subsequent flows
shaped depocentre, with dimensions ranging from events is considered unlikely.
approximately 65 km wide in the northern, channel- The east axial fairway preserves an almost con-
dominated region to 120 km in the southern, more stant width of 15–25 km throughout its length in
lobe-dominated region (Fig. 17). In addition to this all sequences, and the extent of the channel com-
large-scale, asymmetrical basin configuration, the plexes in this fairway is attributed to its confined
Sele Formation gravity flows encountered a num- nature between the remnant topography of two
ber of bathymetric features that controlled the devel- large-scale Mesozoic structures (cf. Fraser et al.
opment of sandstones across the basin floor. 2003). In contrast, the west axial fairway is 20 –
In the more proximal regions, differential com- 30 km wide at its northern part and, to the south of
paction and minor fault movement across the the Arboath Field, it expands to a width of about
Forties–Montrose and Jaeren highs, in combination 45 km. The development of channel –lobe com-
with remnant Lista Formation bathymetry, resulted plexes in sequences T65–T75 at the point of widen-
in the segregation of gravity flows originating ing in the west axial fairway suggests that here the
from the East Shetland Platform into distinct and system reached a critical threshold (slope v. lateral

Fig. 17. Isobath map from the top Chalk Group, showing the location of early Tertiary salt diapirs (black shaded areas),
topographical highs and major faults in the Central North Sea (CNS). FMH, Forties– Montrose High; JaH, Jaeren
High; JoH, Josephine High; MaH, Mandal High.
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Fig. 18. Attribute maps from the distal region of the Sele Formation showing: (a) a semblance map displaying the
distribution of the Maureen Fan and a massive mass-transport complex to the SW; and (b) a minimum-amplitude map
showing the overlying Sele Formation depositional systems that have been subtly steered by the relief on the underlying
Maureen Fan and mass-transport complex (MTC) features.

migration space v. sediment supply), where chan- Impact of sea-level changes and sediment
nels were released to acquire a distributary charac- supply in the distribution of Sele
ter. Channel–lobe complexes in the west axial
T65–T75 sequences display a distinct bifurcation Sandstone members
to the south of the Scoter and Starling diapirs The overall architecture of the Sele and Dornoch
(Fig. 16a, c). This bifurcation is attributed to the formations is consistent with deposition during a
remnant bathymetric expression of the underlying low-order falling stage, lowstand and early trans-
Maureen Fan (Figs 18 & 19), confirming the obser- gressive cycle of relative sea-level change, with
vation of Kilhams et al. (2014a) that inherited sea- individual fans likely to have been driven by higher-
floor morphology of the Maureen and Lista fans frequency fluctuations in relative sea-level (Jennette
and MTCs had an impact on the distribution of the et al. 2000) and climate-enhanced sediment supply
Forties Fan. (Kender et al. 2012; Eldrett et al. 2014). The distri-
It is observed that the NWP axial fan lies on top bution maps of the Sele Formation systems indi-
of the Maureen Fan in the area between the Mergan- cate progressively larger deep-sea fan complexes,
ser –Scoter and Starling diapirs (Fig. 16d). This is with sediment supply inferred to be highest dur-
attributed to the aggradation of the thick T70 and ing the lowstand T70 and early transgressive T75
T75 west axial fan systems around the remnant sequences.
Maureen Fan (Figs 18 & 19), leaving this region Deposition of the initial, T65-aged sandstones
as a subsequent low to be infilled. The impact of (Fig. 16a) occurred during falling sea stage, as the
the inherited Forties Fan topography on the distri- basin became restricted. The formation of elongated
bution of the T80 fan systems is also apparent channel and channel –lobe complexes is attributed
in the positioning of the T80 channels in Quadrant to a sediment supply that was unable to infill
21 towards the western part of the basin, offset to the irregularities on the basin seafloor, resulting in
the axial T65–T75 systems. The topography of a bathymetrically controlled confinement of the
these earlier fans may also have provided some con- flows. The deposition of the T70 sequence occurred
finement to flows from the B and G side-fans, which under low-order lowstand conditions and wide-
were apparently deflected into an axial orientation. spread basin-margin exposure, possibly enhanced
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Fig. 19. Interpreted and uninterpreted seismic-reflection profile showing the distal Sele Formation thickening to the east
and west of the underlying Maureen Fan. MTCs, mass-transport complexes.

by a high-frequency fluctuation in relative sea level Sediment supply in the T, G and B side-fans from
and/or increased sediment supply (due to enhanced the Western Platform continued due to ongoing
weathering and erosion of the exposed Scottish– shelfal erosion and bypass.
Shetland hinterland: Kender et al. 2012; Eldrett The T75 Sequence is interpreted to reflect a high-
et al. 2014). This increased sediment supply, frequency fluctuation around a low-order transgres-
together with partial bathymetric infill by the pre- sion, supporting the interpretation of Jennette et al.
ceding T65 fans, allowed the lateral mobility and (2000), who suggested shelfal sand instability
amalgamation of the T70 channels and overall during initial sea-level rise as the mechanism for
expansion of the fan systems. These channels incised the extensive deposition of glauconitic turbidites.
and eroded into the underlying T65 and T60 (Lista Within the Forties Sequence, the T75 is the most
Formation) sequences, resulting in local Forties– geographically extensive, reflecting an increased
Mey sand juxtaposition and the reworking of Lista sand supply, potentially from more dispersed, mul-
palynomorphs into younger Forties sandstones. tiple catchments during this time.
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The glauconitic nature of the T75 section, and the geochemical signature matching that of the side-fan
volume of sand deposited, presents a paradox. The systems trend. However, this is identified as a sand-
section might be predicted to be smaller than the stone contained within a remobilized package of
T70 section, transitional in scale to the T80 as it Lista-aged sediment (i.e. T60 pre-Sele Formation).
was probably deposited during a low-order trans- This indicates that Lista fan systems sourced by
gression where reduced sediment supply might be the Western Platform Margin could have extended
predicted. The glauconitic sands would imply a significant distances into the Central Graben. It is
source area of relatively condensed, shallow-marine possible that, in addition to the mounded topography
sands. Glauconite would be unlikely to form under by the axial Sele Formation fan systems, inherited
conditions of high sedimentation rates as it requires bathymetry from Lista-aged side-fans also resulted
slightly reducing conditions in a substrate exposed in the limited eastwards extent of the subsequent
to prolonged access to marine porewaters (i.e. low side-fans into the Central Graben.
sediment aggradation) (Odin & Matter 1981).
Given the volume of sand shed into the basin, and
the requirement for this to have been sourced from Sele reservoirs
a thin shelfal veneer, it follows that the sediment
source must have occupied a large area. A shallow- The early Cenozoic deep-marine reservoirs in
marine shelf composed of transgressive sands must the Central North Sea show three main trapping
therefore have covered large areas of the Western mechanisms: tectonic/compaction-induced anticli-
and Shetland platforms during high-order transgres- nal traps; salt-induced anticlinal or pierced traps;
sive and highstand conditions, which was largely and stratigraphic traps (Ahmadi et al. 2003; Under-
reworked during the lowstand. The biostratigraphic hill 2003; Hempton et al. 2005). However, many
data also suggest a more oceanographically open reservoirs show a combination of factors, with inter-
basin, possibly exposed to tidal circulation, and nal stratigraphic trapping being particularly com-
stands in marked contrast to the terrigenous-rich, mon. The reservoir sections can be rationalized
fluvial deltaic material that supplied the earlier into three end-member architectural types that define
sequences. the first-order controls on sandbody geometry, con-
The T80 systems were deposited during the nectivity and quality: channel- and lobe-dominated,
rising limb of the low-order sea-level cycle and which are palaeogeographically constrained; and
show a marked reduction in size relative to the remobilized and injected, where depositional archi-
older fans, consistent with a sediment-starved, tecture and heterogeneity are to varying degrees
broadly transgressive setting where sediment was reconfigured by post-depositional processes. This
increasingly trapped in shelfal settings (Dornoch discussion will focus on the former two, which are
Formation). directly linked to the gross depositional settings
described above, and the local impact of syndeposi-
tional halokinesis.
Basinwards extent of the side-fans
From the maps shown in Figure 16, it can be seen Channel-dominated settings
that the side-fans sourced by the Bittern, Gannet
and Teal fairways were generally active throughout The Nelson (Whyat et al. 1992; Kunka et al. 2003),
the deposition of the Sele Formation. Despite the Forties (Wills 1991; Rose & Pyle 2014), Montrose,
fact that there is a general assumption that these Arbroath and Arkwright (Hogg 2003) fields are
fans extend significant distances into the Central examples of channel-dominated reservoirs located
Graben, as far as the Scoter Field (Fig. 1b), their along the west axial fairway. No large faults are
actual extent has never been fully understood. observed in these fields, which have an anticli-
Work by Morton (1979) and Morton et al. (2004) nal closure with a relief of up to 200 m resulting
has shown that the chemical composition of garnets from the differential compaction of the underly-
differs between the lateral (Gannet and Bittern) ing Jurassic claystone formations (Hill & Wood
and axial (Forties and Cromarty) fans of the Sele 1980). Gannet C and E diapir-associated fields (cf.
Formation, allowing them to be distinguished from Hempton et al. 2005), located in the G sandstone
each other. Based on the geochemical analyses of fairway, are representative of ‘side-fan’ channel-
several cores and cuttings from wells to the east of dominated reservoirs (Fig. 16).
Scoter Field, Borella (2011) and Kilhams et al. The high sand/shale ratio seen in these settings
(2014b) showed that garnets in the sandstones had might initially suggest good connectivity between
a composition similar to that of the axial fan sys- the sandbodies of different channel systems (Fig.
tem, suggesting that the outer boundary of the side- 20a), and commonly this initially appears to be the
fans was located further towards the west (Fig. 16). case, with an apparently well-connected architec-
Borella (2011) does cite one garnet sample that has a ture resulting in high flow rates and an efficient
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Fig. 20. Geoseismic schematic diagrams illustrating conceptual models of sandbody architecture in four end-member
reservoir types from (a) channel-dominated, (b) lobe-dominated, (c) diapir-modified and channel-dominated, and
(d) diapir-modified, lobe-dominated settings.

sweep of the channel axes, albeit with the potential levee and abandonment fines, can be conducive to
for aquifer ingress edgewise along these higher- leaving channels that are not fully connected to
permeability axes or coning vertically through the main reservoir interval. This may lead to com-
erosionally amalgamated stacks (Hogg 2003). How- partmentalization of individual sandbodies that
ever, the permeability contrast (typically several require additional data (e.g. 4D seismic, fluid geo-
orders of magnitude) between the high-quality chemical data and material balance from production
sands of the main channel axes and the poorer- history) to detect, and dedicated wells to access.
quality, heterolithic channel wing, overbank and
levee facies generally tends to leave bypassed and Lobe-dominated settings
unswept hydrocarbons in these overbank locations
(potentially detectable with 4D seismic data). In As sediment gravity flows expanded outwards from
addition, mudclast lags, mud-prone debrites and areas of flow restriction or channelization into the
channel-base mud drapes around second-order more distal, lobe-dominated parts of the Sele fans,
channels (cf. Deptuck et al. 2007; Barton et al. the resultant event beds thin and widen, the pro-
2010), together with erosional remnants of mud- portion of shale interbeds increase, and clean sand-
rich levee and interchannel deposits, locally act as stone is replaced by argillaceous sandstone and
flow barriers and baffles that can impede the effi- mudstones (Fig. 20b). Reduced depths of channeli-
cient sweep of the channel axes (e.g. Gill & Shep- zation and scouring (usually less than 5 m deep),
herd 2010). Channel bank failures are common in combined with increasingly sheet-like geometries,
such settings and can be a locally prominent com- mean that these thin-bedded lobe reservoirs can be
ponent of the channel-fill (Hogg 2003; Kunka vertically compartmentalized, depending on the
et al. 2003; Rose & Pyle 2014), leading to locally degree of sand-on-sand amalgamation from small
isolated (albeit relatively small) volumes. channels and scours (cf. Manzocchi et al. 2007),
Despite the dominance of four-way closure on which would be more common in axial and proxi-
trapping, the stratigraphic pinch-out of channels mal locations. In addition, compensational stacking
has been proven as a locally efficient trapping mech- of lobe complexes can result in rapid lateral pinch-
anism in some locations (e.g. Rose & Pyle 2014) out of sand-prone packages and lateral compartmen-
within these reservoirs. An architecture comprising talization (Prélat et al. 2009). These thinly bedded
the compensational stacking of channel bodies that reservoirs can also be vulnerable to compart-
pinch-out laterally into heterolithics, combined mentalization via fault offsets and clay smearing,
with channel-base drapes (Barton et al. 2010) and although modelling suggests this might not affect
interleaved erosional remnants of interchannel, sand-on-sand juxtaposition for small throw faults
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(Manzocchi et al. 2007). The main architectural Definition of net pay in lobe-dominated settings
elements cannot typically be resolved in seismic- (and in interchannel heterolithics) can be proble-
reflection data in these settings, and high-resolution matic. When conventional wireline logging suites
biostratigraphic and/or chemostratigraphic corre- are run in these thin-bedded reservoirs, calculation
lations, supported by organic/inorganic geochem- of net reservoir, based on a v-shale cut-off, can com-
ical and dynamic indications of connectivity, can monly underestimate the proportion of potential
only partially address the inherent uncertainty in reservoir present within a formation. In the exam-
reservoir description. ple shown in Figure 21 taken from a thin-bedded

Fig. 21. A wireline log suite from a field located along the distal margin of the Sele Formation. (a) A selection of
conventional wireline logs and the position of the cored interval. (b) Simplified graphic log from the cored section,
together with an illustration of how the total sand count decreases between core, OBMI log and that derived
from a standard log suite V-shale cutoff as the resolution of the tool decreases.
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reservoir in the distal Forties Fan, a traditional compartmentalization beyond that already intro-
v-shale net flag count over the reservoir interval duced by hemipelagic shale interbeds.
suggests that there is 58% net sand: although, an Many of the more distal, lobe-dominated reser-
Oil Base Micro-Imager (OBMI) log significantly voirs rely on deformation by salt diapirs to create
increases the net reservoir count to 65%. How- a trapping structure, where syndepositional relief
ever, a direct sand count from core over the same might be expected to have impacted reservoir archi-
interval gives a net sand proportion of 83% by tecture. In the case of the Scoter Field, minor thin-
capturing thinly bedded turbidite sandstones below ning of the reservoir thickness on the top of the
log resolution (c. 0.3 m), which still qualify as structure suggests that, although the diapir might
net pay. have had a small or episodic impact on the seafloor,
The Everest Field, located at the eastern edge of it did not impose any significant changes on the flow
the east axial fairway close to the Jaeren High properties of the gravity flows (Hempton et al.
(Fig. 16), is an example of a lobe-dominated reser- 2005). However, in other examples, diapir growth
voir where the trapping structure is a combination had a significant impact.
of a stratigraphic pinch-out to the east onto the
Jaeren High combined with tilting to the west, due Syndepositional, diapir-modified settings
to differential subsidence (O’Conner & Walker
1993). The Everest Field exploits a bifurcated The ability of rising salt diapirs to impact on the
sandstone fairway comprising two lobate features initial distribution and emplacement of sediment
separated by a NW –SE-trending palaeohigh (Fig. gravity flows is a function of the rate of ascent of
7). The eastern lobe complex is interpreted as a the diapir v. the sediment aggradation rate, com-
frontal splay complex, whereas the western lobe bined with the magnitude and height of the imping-
complex is more sand-rich, general comprising ing sediment gravity flows (Kneller 1995; Kneller &
good-quality, amalgamated and erosional, sheet- McCaffrey 1995; Brunt et al. 2004). If the relief of
like sandstone packages (O’Conner & Walker 1993). the diapir expressed on the seafloor was greater
Amalgamated clean sandstone (AS) beds, while than approximately half the height of the sediment
dominant along the axis of the eastern lobe of the gravity flow, then the flow would have been
field, are typically less than 4 m thick and rapidly forced to diverge around this topography with
grade laterally into HSF and HMF beds before limited deposition on the crest (Brunt et al. 2004).
pinching-out onto the eastern structural margin of Flow obstructions also result in changes in the
the Central Graben (Davis et al. 2009). The prefer- hydraulic regime of the flows, which may either
ential deposition of linked debrites (hybrid-flow locally accelerate and become erosional (e.g. Trip-
deposits) at these locations results in a rapid sanas et al. 2012) or decelerate and deposit small
reduction in reservoir quality. In addition, the dom- transient lobes (e.g. Gee & Gawthorpe 2006). The
inance of extensive mud-prone deposits at the distal distribution of sedimentary facies can be complex,
fringes of the lobe complex also have a significant with units rapidly thinning- and shaling-out
impact on reservoir quality, reducing the overall against the diapirs, ponding in salt withdrawal mini-
net pay and increasing the potential for vertical basins or ‘shadow-zones’ developing where only

Fig. 22. Conceptual geoseismic model from the Pierce Field showing the infilling pattern of the channels to the west and
east of the Pierce diapirs, constrained by the relief on underlying mass-transport deposits and that generated by the
ascending diapirs. From core, it is observed that the diapir uplift induced sand injection in their immediate vicinity.
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hemipelagic sediment collected (Fig. 20c, d). How- flow barriers due to their typically mud-rich,
ever, if sedimentation rates were much greater than impermeable nature, they also have the potential
the rate of ascent of the seabed perturbation, then to have initially deflected sand-rich gravity flows
this can be rapidly buried and cease to have an around their topography, thereby increasing the
effect on subsequent flows. degree of reservoir variability at the flanks of
Bathymetric irregularities and diapiric highs the diapir (Hempton et al. 2005). Although mass-
forming at the fringes of fan systems are expected transport complexes are typically mud-rich and
to have a larger impact on sand distribution due to non-reservoir, some larger examples are hydro-
the lower sediment aggradation rates in these set- carbon bearing and have shown production. How-
tings, where even minor bathymetric expressions ever, they are typically statically and dynamically
may not be completely infilled. This is apparent isolated, so volumes are minimal and production
from the common dog-leg orientation of the lobes rates decline rapidly over very short time intervals.
in the distal members of the fan systems (e.g. the
distal T65 west axial fairway fairway in Fig. 16a).
For example, bathymetric relief from the Fram Conclusions
diapir apparently resulted in the blockage of the
southwards propagation of the T70 west axial fan Deposition of multiple Sele Formation fan systems
(Fig. 16b) and induced the bifurcation of the T80 occurred during a low-order fall and rise in relative
B side-fan (Fig. 16d). The Banff diapir, located at sea-level punctuated by higher-frequency sea-level
the western edge of the west axial fairway, had suf- cycles and fluctuations in sediment yield and type.
ficient seafloor expression to result in the eastwards During low-order fall, the basin underwent oce-
diversion of the Forties Fan with negligible to little anographic restriction, shelfal areas were generally
reservoir deposition on and to the west of the diapir exposed and large sediment yields from uplifting
(Figs 16b, c & 19). source terrains shed voluminous quantities of terri-
The Pierce Field, located on the east axial fair- genous material into a stressed, anoxic to dysaerobic
way of the Forties Fan (T70 and T75 sequences) in basin. During low-order rise, the basin acquired nor-
a relatively marginal setting, is an example of sedi- mal marine salinities and sediment supply included
mentation across a complex bathymetry affected resedimentation of glauconitic material from epi-
by antecedent Lista deposits and bathymetry induced sodically inundated shelves, together with localized
by two adjacent rising diapirs (Fig. 12). The diapirs hyperpycnal input from shelfal deltas. Persis-
protrude through the Sele Formation in this loca- tent sediment entry points resulted in the repeated
tion, and seismic data highlight ‘channelized fair- advance and retreat of fan systems along broadly
ways’ wrapping around these (Scott et al. 2010). similar trends, although these were subject to deflec-
Wells logs and core indicate that the channel fair- tion by the bathymetric expression of earlier fans,
ways are characterized by thick, amalgamated sand- mass-transport complexes and rising salt diapirs. The
stone facies (Fig. 22). Post-depositional sand proximal fan regions comprised large-offset, low-
injections (0.01–0.1 m and rarely up to 1 m in thick- aggradation channel complexes of low sinuosity,
ness) are evident in the cores from the Pierce which form highly productive reservoirs, although
Field, and they are anticipated to have affected the extreme permeability contrasts between channel and
connectivity between the sandbodies. However, overbank facies, combined with compensational
towards the crests of the diapirs, well data show stacking of variably baffled and sealed channel
that there is a transition to finer-grained, more het- bodies, result in unswept and isolated intervals that
erolithic facies. The divergence of the channels require targeted infill wells. In more distal regions,
and the fining of the sediment towards the crests of lobe-dominated settings form heterogeneous, strati-
the diapirs indicate that they had a seafloor expres- graphically compartmentalized reservoirs that can
sion sufficient to strongly influence flow (Birch & have an intimate relationship between the diapirs
Haynes 2003; Scott et al. 2010). In this situation, forming the reservoir structure and the reservoir
with channel sandbodies wrapping around the facies, which may have been profoundly affected
diapir structure, reservoir fluid movement in the by seafloor topography during diapir ascent.
field follows the higher-permeability, lateral deposi- Andrew Hurst and David Mudge are thanked for their
tional trends rather than being driven by vertical insightful reviews and for persisting with an earlier
buoyancy or gravitational forces (Scott et al. 2010). version of the manuscript.
Further complexity in such fields arises from
the development of common sediment failures
in the underconsolidated deposits on the flanks of References
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transport complexes at its foot. Although MTCs Stanworth, C. W., Kugler, K. A., Kristensen, J.
directly impact reservoir architecture by acting as & Fugelli, E. M. G. 2003. Paleocene. In: Evans,
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