Introduction of Project Management

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PM = Structured approach
2. Outline planning and control techniques
• Software
3. Projects today are more complex - therefore
the ability to plan and control projects has
become critical to an organization's success
4. Requires a toolkit:
• PC; Org charts; WBS; Bar charts; Histograms;
Cash flow; Etc.
5. PM = Single point of responsibility
❑ PMI - 'a temporary endeavour undertaken to
create a unique product or service. Temporary
means that every project has a definite end.
Unique means that the product or service is
different in some distinguishing way from all similar
products or services'

❑ Turner - 'an endeavour in which human, or

machine, material, and financial resources are
organised in a novel way, to undertake a unique
scope of work, of given specification, within
constraints of cost and time, so as to deliver
beneficial change defined by quantitative and
qualitative methods'
❑ Burke - 'a beneficial change which uses the special
project management techniques to plan and
control the scope of work in order to deliver a
product to satisfy the client's and stakeholder's
needs and expectations'
-Start and finish
-Life cycle
-Non-repetitive (unique tasks)
-Resources from various allocations
-Single point of responsibility
-Team roles & relationships
Project management is
“the application of knowledge, skills,
tools, and techniques to project
activities to meet the project
requirements” (PMBOK Guide)
❑ Make a project happen!
❑ Needs and expectations invariably
involve balancing:
-stakeholders’ requirements
❑Every project is constrained in different
ways by its
➢Scope goals

➢Time goals

➢Cost goals

❑It is the project manager’s duty to

balance these three often competing
❑Phases of the project
➢ Called project life cycle
➢ Consists of (amongst others): WBS, CPM, Resource
leveling, Earned value, Configuration control
❑Fundamental to:

➢ Establish who the stakeholders are

➢ Analyze their needs and expectations
➢ Define the project scope
➢ Define the project objectives
❑ Management-by-projects
-More organisations are achieving goals
through project orientated management
-The approach encourages:
➢ organisational flexibility
➢ decentralised management
➢ an holistic view of problems
➢ goal-orientated problem solution
❑General management
-The successful project manager must be
a good general manager
-Skills: leadership, communication, team
-Support skills
❑Technical management
-Technical aspects must also be managed
in order for a project to be successful
❑The environment influences the project and the
management thereof
❑Projects don't take place in a vacuum

❑Projects affect/are affected by:



➢organizational structure

➢market requirements

➢market structure



➢rules and regulations

❑ Knowledge areas describe the key competencies
that project managers must develop
➢4 core knowledge areas lead to specific project
objectives (scope, schedule, cost, and quality)
➢5 facilitating knowledge areas are the means
through which the project objectives are achieved
(resources, communications, risk, procurement and
stakeholder management)
➢1 knowledge area (project integration
management) affects and is affected by all of the
other knowledge areas
Ten key areas:
➢ Project Integration
➢ Project Scope Management
➢ Project Schedule Management
➢ Project Cost Management
➢ Project Quality Management
➢ Project Resources Management
➢ Project Communications Management
➢ Project Risk Management
➢ Project Procurement Management
➢ Project Stakeholder Management



❑Means of achieving the deliverable objectives:


➢Human Resource



❑Enables the development of work standards and procedures
which are specific to the project

-Forms basis of the project plan

-If you cannot estimate and measure it, then how can you
manage it?
-Current project performance = estimate for future projects
-Project data must be collected for future estimation
❑Data capture

-Accurate data is paramount to the success of the project


-Co-ordinates all resources

❑Response Time
-Performance feedback that is timely is vital for effective project
-Frequency is addressed to meet the demands and requirements of
the project

-projects are best measured through determining the trends of:

Time; Cost; Performance
❑Reporting Interfaces

- Project reporting : WBS

-Corporate reporting : OBS

-Project manager is the client's single point of contact

-Provides all info pertaining to the project
❑ The selection of the project manager is key to the success
of the project
❑Outlined in the project charter

❑Some roles:


➢operational flexibility

➢ability to ; anticipate problems; integrate project

stakeholders; get things done; negotiate and persuade;
review, monitor and control; manage within an
environment of constant change; keep the client happy
❑understand the environment within which the project is
being managed
❑Stakeholders are the people involved in or
affected by project activities
❑Stakeholders include

➢the project sponsor and project team

➢support staff




➢opponents to the project

❑Project management tools and techniques
assist project managers and their teams in
various aspects of project management
❑Some specific ones include
➢Project Charter and WBS (scope)
➢Gantt charts, PERT charts, critical path
analysis (time)
➢Cost estimates and Earned Value Analysis
➢Agile and Scrum
❑ Bosses, customers, and other stakeholders do not
like surprises
❑Good project management (PM) provides

assurance and reduces risk

❑PM provides the tools and environment to plan,
monitor, track, and manage schedules, resources,
costs, and quality
❑PM provides a history or metrics base for future

planning as well as good documentation

❑Project members learn and grow by working in a

cross-functional team environment

❑Much of the knowledge needed to manage
projects is unique to PM
❑However, project managers must also have

knowledge and experience in

➢general management

➢the application area of the project

❑Project managers must focus on meeting specific

project objectives
Source: Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® guide).
2017, Project Management Institute Project Management Institute (PMI)

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