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Alyaa Nur Ghaisani Gumulyo

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TED’s Video titled How to fix a broken education system ... without any more money |
Seema Bansal

Informations :
India has a broken education system that make children there can’t progress properly like the
other kids in other country. Many parents like private school for their children rather than the
public school because the public school is not good for them. Seema Bansal got these
information from Surina Rajan, the Head of the Department of School Education in 2013 in a
state of Haryana. They have set a goal : 80% students from grade I-VIII should be at grade
level knowledge by 2020. The problems from the public school is because the teachers is lazy
or can’t teaching. The NGO has already made a program to fix this broke education system.
The education could use many things in the environment on an activity to teach. Haryana has
made a changes in education that is better than before.

Problems :
1. We often think that it’s very difficult to change a broken government system, but
actually we could.
2. Everything is too bureaucratic and archaic to be able to change
3. The problems of education in India :
- 11 years old kids can’t do any simple addition that usually 8 years old kids do
- In the age of 13-14 they dropped out of school
- 40% parents in India move their kids from public school to private school
- The teachers aren’t teaching
4. The teacher isn’t teaching because they think if superviser come to their school, the
supervisor expected them to supervised toilet and prep the meals
5. The technology in public schools are so minimum

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