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Tuesdays with Morrie

(Movie Analysis)

In this movie, we were taught about life and death lesson. As Mitch Albom learned about
it from his dying former professor, Morrie Schwartz. This movie is not just an ordinary movie,
but instead it is a movie that is full of lessons. This movie taught me alot. One thing that I really
learned was his saying, “Death ends a life, not a relationship.” Death should not be a hindrance
between one relationship and another. We must not be afraid of saying goodbyes. Well, saying
goodbyes are really frightening. But people really do come and go. But as Mitch shares what
Morrie taught him, I got a realization that people really do have limited lives but we must not be
stuck thinking about it because if we do, we won’t be happy or we won’t understand the
happiness we have in our lives.

I can relate Mitch Albom in Functional Theory of Socialization, because as he moved to

Detroit, people there are fond of sports. That’s one of the reasons why he decided to become a
sports analyst and gave up his love in music instead. While, I can relate Morrie Schwatz in Social
Learning Theory by Albert Bandura, because as he gets old, he get interacted with different
environment, from being a son of an immigrant Russian in Manhattan to a college professor.
Morrie adapt the learning he got from his environments, he captured every realization he
encountered as he gets old.

St. Thomas Aquinas’ philosophy of self can be related to Morrie Schwatz’s beliefs.
Because the majority of his beliefs or knowledge were adapted from his own experiences in his
own environment. How his self-knowledge developed was because of his interaction with his
environment or experiences.

My past affects what am I at this state. How I was treated when I was young has a big
impact in developing my self. Just like how Morrie and Mitch changed as they get older. Mitch
grew up loving music and eventually as he experienced how hard it is to live in a crowded city, so
he decided to give up his music career and become a sports analyst instead. And Morrie on the
other side, had a hard time forgiving his own father but as time went by he realized that
forgiving his father would eventually helps him live peacefully.

As Morrie said, “Accept who you are; and revel in it”. Having a hard time accepting our
own self is like living an unhappy life. We must cherish every seconds, minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months and years we have in this world because all of us have a limited time living. So
enjoy life and spread the love.

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