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Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II, the queen of England is one of the people with ISTJ

personality type. She is a searcher and the seeker of truth [Shlomo, 2020]. Her

purpose in life is finding the answers to the mysteries of life, while my purpose in

life is not finding answers but to live life to the fullest. Queen Elizabeth II and me

have many similar characteristics in common. One of them includes being well-

equipped to handle her mission, enjoying a fine mind and being an analytical thinker,

capable of great concentration and theoretical insight. Moreover, the queen love

outdoors activities, her horses, dogs and love driving her cars very fast [Tinubu,

2018]. Compared to me, I am actually a home person since it’s comfortable and is

my safe zone, but when there is an activity which I am interested, I would not

hesitated to do so. Although it’s clear that the queen is used to the spotlight, she is

however delighted when she’s not recognized [Roland, 2020], just like me. I also

prefer to blend in and remain anonymous, rather than being known and famous in

the crowd. The queen is a gracious host who enjoys throwing parties [Tinubu, 2018].

She loves receiving guests, and knows how to put people at ease. She is wonderful

at mixing old and new friends. For me, I’m also willing to be the organizer rather

than the participants because being in a place where you knew everyone is better than

being in a new environment. Unlike the queen, I might not be an expert in connecting
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old and new friends but I would try my best when the situation needs it. Another

common personality is being a lone wolf or a person who lives by her own ideas and

methods. I believe since I was young, my parents usually taught me to be self-reliant,

so now I tend to better work alone in my way. Surprisingly, as a lady whose age is

more than 90 years, the queen works 40 hours a week like most young people in their

30s and 40s [Siddiqui, 2020]. She is a hard-working woman with no intentions for

personal gains, unlike others who retire at 65 years, thus being the source of

motivation for those who find excuses to skip work. This characteristic also matches

mine. I’m also a hard-working person who put full effort in the work that I was

assigned. On the other hand, the trait of embracing change is what queen Elizabeth

and I are different. Unlike traditional leaders, Queen Elizabeth II loves to embrace

change and adapt according to changing times [Siddiqui, 2020]. When she ascended

the throne in 1953, she changed the original decision of broadcasting the coronation

ceremony on radio to television. She said she wanted to modernize monarchy and

connect with people at a more personal level and television was the most appropriate

solution to fulfill that goal which I couldn’t agree more. However, if I was to be in

the same situation, I might think differently and stick with the tradition instead

because I might have a fear of change and fear of unpredictable consequences which

I am not capable of handling them. Last but not least, I believe that most personality

traits of queen Elizabeth and I are in common and matches the ISTJ personality type.
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Roland, Elisa. “32 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Queen Elizabeth II.”

Reader’s Digest, 17 Apr. 2020,


Shlomo Tommer []. “Queen Elizabeth II Personality

Profile.” Celebrities Galore - The Spiritual Encyclopaedia Of The Famous, Accessed

22 Sept. 2020.

Siddiqui, Muneeb. “7 Most Successful Leadership Qualities of Queen Elizabeth II.”

Branex, 29 Jan. 2020,


Tinubu, Aramide. “What Is Queen Elizabeth II Like In Person? The Royal

Monarch’s Personality Revealed.” Showbiz Cheat Sheet, 7 Nov. 2018,


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