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Group 4:
1. Endah Maulidiyah (2201417003)
2. Shinta Aisa Damayanti (2201417008)
3. Suciati Ningrum (2201417045)
4. Era Roikhatul Jannata (2201417061)
5. Aulia Widyastuti (2201417110)

School level Elementary School Grade/Age 1/6-7 years old
Subject English Year 2020/2021
Course Literacy Time 2 hours

1. Identify the definitions, meanings, and moral value of the short
2. Mention the moral value of the short story.
3. Comprehend the vocabularies involved in the short story.
1. Write some vocabularies and its meaning in a correct written form.
2. Read the short story in a correct pronunciation and intonation.

1. Teacher greets the students and ask one of them to lead the pray.
2. Teacher checks the students’ attendance.
3. Teacher recalls what they have learned in the previous meeting
Main activities 1. Teacher read aloud a short story entitled “Elephant and Friends” in
front of the class.
2. Teacher asks the students about the story, the characters/animals
involved in the story, and the moral value of the story.
3. Teacher asks the students to read the story sentence by sentence.
4. Teacher and students discuss the meaning of each sentence
together. Teacher also point out some vocabularies used in the
story and discuss it together.
5. Teacher and students discuss the moral value. Teacher tells them
how to point out the moral value.
6. Teacher gives an individual student worksheet. Students are
expected to do it by themselves. Teacher might help the students if
they need some assists on doing the task.
1. Teacher asks the students if they have any questions.
2. Teacher and students summarize what they have learned on the
today’s meeting.
3. Teacher gives the students a homework and brief explanation
about the instructions.
4. Teacher greets the students and ends the meeting.

Elephant and Friends
A lone elephant wandered the forest looking for friends. He came across a
monkey and asked, “Will you be my friend, monkey?” “You are too big and cannot
swing on trees as I do. So I cannot be your friend”, said the monkey.
The elephant them came across a rabbit and asked him if she could be his
friend. “You are too big to fit inside my burrow. You cannot be my friend”, replied the
Then the elephant met a frog and asked if she could be her friend. The frog said
“You are too big and heavy. You cannot jump like me. I am sorry, but you cannot be my
The elephant asked a fox, and he got the same reply, that he was too big. The
next day, all the animals in the forest were running in fear. The elephant stopped a bear
and asked what was happening and was told that a tiger has been attacking all the
The elephant wanted to save the other weak animals and went to the tiger and
said “Please sir, leave my friends alone. Do not eat them”. The tiger didn’t listen and
asked the elephant to mind his own business. Seeing no other way to solve the problem,
the elephant kicked the tiger and scared it away.
He then went back to the others and told them what happened. On hearing how
the elephant saved their lives, the animals agreed in unison, “You are just the right size
to be our friend”.
Moral Value: Friends come in all shapes and sizes!
Learning Media 1. PowerPoint slides
2. Student worksheet

Form Written
Technique Fill in the blanks
Media Student Worksheet

I. Fill in the blanks with the provided words!

Slept Slow Race

The turtle Challenge

Rabbit and Turtle

One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at
the turtle for being so 1. __________. Much to the rabbit’s surprise, the turtle challenged
him to a race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke and accepted the 2. __________.
The fox was to be the umpire of the race. As the 3. __________ began, the rabbit raced
way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought.
The rabbit got to the halfway point and could not see 4. __________ anywhere.
He was hot and tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. Even if the turtle passed
him, he would be able to race to the finish line ahead of him. All this time the turtle kept
walking step by step by step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired he got. He just
kept going.
However, the rabbit 5. ___________ longer than he had thought and woke up. He
could not see the turtle anywhere! He went at full speed to the finish line but found the
turtle there waiting for him.

II. Translate the following words into Indonesian!

1. Rabbit : ____________
2. Turtle : ____________
3. Race : ____________
4. Tired : ____________
5. Slow : ____________

I. II.
1. Slow 1. Kelinci
2. Challenge 2. Kura-kura
3. Race 3. Lomba
4. The turtle 4. Lelah
5. Slept 5. Lambat

Right answer 1
Wrong answer 0
Scoring Guidance  (Exercise I + 2) X 10

Attitude Knowledge Skill
1. Follow the teacher 1. Identify and mention the 1. Write the
instructions and meaning and the moral vocabularies and its
involve in learning value of the short story. meaning in a correct
session. 2. Comprehend the written form.
2. Responsible in vocabularies involved in
carrying out the given the short story.

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