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This investigation work hopes to show how Chetan Bhagat through his
episodic capacities depicts changing young people in India in this globalized
world. The young period exhibited in fictions has sentiment competition,
meanwhile it is genuinely avid and needs to do everything that is possible to
climb business venturing stool as higher as could be permitted. Fictions of
Bhagat show techno-pleasing young people, taking enthusiasm for change,
use and spread of it. Through particular scenes, Bhagat has underlined
discernable differentiation between young and old time where energetic period
in examination with old one is inventively more participative. Nearby being
competitive,ambitious, and techno-quick, period in Bhagat's fiction is in vogue
too. The overall example has not left overall population untouched. On
account of free drawing nearer of characteristics, groups, dresses, and living
inclinations for western world, reason of Indian culture has been massively
influenced. To open up declaration of aim of writing my thesis on hopes,
aspirations and problems of youth today and to choose Chetan Bhagat’s
novels for base of thesis, is clearly this, that Chetan Bhagat’s writings/ novels
are based on similar problems. There is some connection in his way of writing
that very closely appealed to me and I strongly felt to write on above
mentioned issue.

The youth today is quite energetic, creative, innovative, vibrant and ready to
do anything to achieve their desired goal. But along with all these positive
qualities, youth today is desperate, directionless, manner less, rude and
egotistic as well. They are not quite clear about their roles and responsibilities,
rather they are quite aggressive when they fail to get what they are looking for
or expect to get from someone and somehow when they don’t get it, they
become restless. Chetan Bhagat- banker turned novelist wrote his first novel”
Five Point Someone”, in 2004 , which proved to be great success and even
adapted into Bollywood movie “Three Idiots” as well and thereafter he kept on
writing one after other novel; all based on single thread line- Youth He,
perhaps, personally has gone through many of problems or he came across
those young people who were facing problems and aspirations which play as
main flavour of all his novels. He is even considered to be role model by many
young people. His composition style is generally comparative in all four books.
On other hand, it is seen that reality of books steadily continued expanding.
Every novel has essential character set. The hero is extremely ordinary sort of
kid whom any Indian young person can identify with. He is moderate as far as
musings and sees and is not very self-assured. Then again, rationalist position
of Lead character in 'Three Mistakes' is special case. In addition, exceptional
significance to sex is given in each of his books. The companions of hero are
likewise of exceptionally normal nature. The young ladies in books are
demonstrated in virtual subjugation by their individual families. Yet even young
ladies can be effectively contrasted with normal Indian young lady. In this
manner, books have no odd characters and are truly situated in run of mill
Indian setting. The characters are all run of mill neighborhood characters and
this is thing that makes books success.

Chetan has evoked real feeling with youthful. His stories and characters are
so direct and useful that anyone, especially youthful, can relate them to their
own lives. His stories make youth bright, beyond any doubt and awakened. It
talks reality people like them going up against issues and overcoming them.
That moves more young time closer to inventor. Additionally, their fondness
for inventor is in light of fact that he perceives what their torment is. Chetan's
books are lunacy among perusers stretching out from thirteen to thirty years.
Bhagat brings exceptionally significant issues up in his books like – Parental
weight, familial responsibilities, sexual introduction parts, dating, sex,
medications, suicide thus on what else, essentially every immature issue is
had tendency to in his books and that moves passionate reaction amidst him
and his perusers.
Chetan regularly interfaces with his perusers either by passing on locations on
current issues of youth, or staying to meet them in individual or in touch and
responding to inquiries of his perusers through his site. Along these lines, he
has found that while people read his books for purpose of amusement, to
various books mean impressive measure. People have said that they have
ended up being better people in wake of examining his books and that they
see him as decent sample. Yet, Chetan before long doesn't envision that he
justifies that much love, yet does feel that his life fits in with his perusers. To
make them happy – whether for impeccable incitement or being positive effect
in their life – is his major goal of life.

In same light first novel of maker oversees issue of today's building

understudies in India who get into country's top University, just to oppose
disabling quality of insightful contention. The essayist has, from his immediate
experience, clearly portrayed ragging, lodging life, work weight from higher
force, extending suicide cases, fantastic criticism on preparing structure in
India taking after all around landed IIT system that has covered understudies'
inventiveness by driving them to regard audits more than whatever else;
inadmissible indicating and different assignments adding to their hardships,
while so far putting aside couple of minutes to benefit as much as possible
from one's adolescence.

Various specialists and investigators assume that Chetan Bhagat's fiction is

invigorating to peruser as it is successfully understood and quickly open to
individuals as rule. Peruser is motivated with Bhagat's stresses over
globalization, changing urban substances, Socio-Economical, Political and
creative changes in India. This examination work uncovers understanding into
Bhagat's presentation of energetic Generation in India. The energetic period
demonstrated in Bhagat's episodic world has sentiment contention, meanwhile
extraordinarily forceful and needs to do everything that is possible to climb
livelihood venture as high as could be permitted. Close by being forceful, extra
determined and techno-wise, they are sharp too. Beyond question creating
cognizance of advancement and usage of it have unquestionably displayed
India to another environment. This change has happened as expected as
result of strong wish of youths to share in mechanical rebellion that is going on
all around world. In Bhagat's fictions perspectives of youth towards love,
marriage, and sex is practical and every so often extraordinarily
accommodating. Bhagat through his fictions portray rapidly creating urban
groups and urban zones close by all overall variables, impacting life,
experience, dreams, and dispositions of todays youth. Urban milieu is
standard concern of Chetan Bhagat.

Youth investigators are progressively talking about another stage in life course
in middle of pre-adulthood and adulthood, stretched period of semi self-
governance, differently called "post pre-adulthood," "youth," or "developing
adulthood". Amid this time, youngsters are moderately free from grown-up
obligations and ready to investigate differing profession and life choices.
Evidence "rising grown-ups" in their 20s vibe neither like grown-ups nor like
young people; rather, they view themselves as in few routes like each. In
meantime, given wide mixed bag of saw and real alternatives accessible to
them, move to adulthood has turned out to be progressively "de-organized"
and "individualized". Youth may start to make duties to work and to noteworthy
others, yet these are more provisional than they will be later. Employments are
more inclined to be low maintenance than at more seasoned ages, especially
while advanced education, need for developing number of youth, is sought
after. There is expanding occupation among youngsters in employments
constrained by contract, indicated as unforeseen or brief. Such occupations
are regularly acquired through interim employment administration
organizations. Youngsters are additionally progressively cohabiting before
marriage or as distinct option for marriage.

This developed time of youth or post puberty is loaded with experimentation,

proposing that connecting vocation readiness to military administration may be
appealing to more extensive age scope of youth than among customarily
focused on 17–18-year-olds who are simply leaving secondary school
(particularly stretching out to youth in their initial and mid-20s). In any case,
shouldn't something be said about their estimations of citizenship and
patriotism? Are adolescents roused to serve? Are their guardians and advisors
steady? Arrives framework that channelizes their vitality, enthusiasm and
potential? These are absolute most genuine inquiries to be contemplated and
to be replied. I figure, it would not be embellishment in event that i say that
Chetan Bhagat's books are skilled to recommend some sensible answers for
issues and goals of adolescent. I had visited libraries of colleges and
extension libraries of my area to find out relevant material related to my
research topic in form of books of authors other than Chetan Bhagat who have
worked on similar issues. Along with that I have read research articles – both
available in those libraries as well as online articles. I have read journals on
related area of my research. The problem is universal and genuine one. The
problems and aspirations of youth have been crumpled since ages and there
is no second opinion about it that issue remains in coming years too, as there
will certainly be generation gap and hence issue will definitely be there. The
future research scholars may re-work on similar issue and may be possible
that they find something new.

Set against this backdrop, this research work attempts several objectives.

1. To find out - Is youth clear headed, confused, pessimistic or optimistic?

2. To explore - why there is no consolidation amongst youth as compared

to earlier ages i.e. they are isolated and aimless.

To study reasons for moral decline amongst youth, their opportunism,

selfishness and cut throat competition. Any research project should be based
on certain new discoveries and relate to development of knowledge. This
research project has also been based on comparative study of various Indian
and foreign writers to find worth and draw comparison between their and
Chetan Bhagat’s works. The topic for my research work is about hopes,
aspirations and problems of youth. The youth today has quite high hopes and
aspirations. It would not be exaggeration to say that their hopes are beyond
seventh sky. They wish to be rich and successful with snap of finger or to say
that they expect overnight miracle to happen so that they may realize their
dreams. These high hopes and aspirations may lead them to wrong track. In
order to become rich they may land themselves into big trouble. The paragon
of this trouble may be taken as juvenile delinquency.

In simple words, teenagers may indulge themselves in certain kinds of crimes,

just to be rich overnight and when they realize what has happened or what
they have done, it is too late for them to regress back. And, to talk about their
problems, there is long list. On top – they are pushed to follow study courses
and academic programs without their personal interest and will. By then they
are dependably under weight to come up to cravings of their gatekeepers.
Sometimes they fail to realize their parents’ dream due to inability to meet
deadlines or some other reasons and hence they become dejected,
disappointed and demoralized. Some of them choose to commit suicide too.
Another problem is unemployment.

There are many youngsters who are highly qualified or skilful in particular art,
but they are unable to get employment at all or as per their specialization and
consequently they get restless. Many of them may try their hands at politics or
may become puppets in hands of politicians. Then there is problem of love-
marriages or to say inter-caste marriages. Parents today allow their children to
study in co-education institution, allow them to travel across country or even
abroad as well, let them work in MNC’s where people of different regions and
beliefs work together, but when question of love-marriage with counter-part
from another caste, religion or state comes, then parents try to take control
over their children Sand never allow them to go ahead with idea of inter-caste
marriage. They strongly oppose this marriage and even emotionally blackmail
their children. Some may cross all limits of sanity and may stoop down to level
of inhuman activities i.e. killing of counterpart as well and this process has
been given name – Honour-killing when there is no honour in it.

Thus it can clearly be observed that State of Indian society at present is quite
miserable. There are so many social evils and problems in our surroundings.
Since time immemorial, many social workers or better to say society well-
wishers have put forth their ideas regarding one thing or other by means of
their writings about these social problems. They have tried their best to bring
these social problems into lime light so that people may come to know about
these problems and to find out solutions to same. Many have suggested
probable solutions or suggestions to improve while others have just raised
problems and left them to public to find way out for these problems. That is
why I have chosen my topic of research On Hopes, Aspirations and Problems
of The Youth as Discussed In The Novels Of Chetan Bhagat, and I have try
my level best to co-relate some other eminent authors as well who have
worked on same or similar issues.

His “Five Point Someone” was adapted to “Three Idiots”, His “One Night @
The Call Centre” was adapted to “ Hello”, likewise his “Three Mistake of my
Life” was adapted to “Kai Poche” and his pure autobiographical novel “2
States: The Story of My Marriage” has been recently adapted to Bollywood
with similar name – “Two States”. Chetan Bhagat is columnist in Hindustan
Times and many other leading newspapers and magazines. He has also been
honoured for his effective and efficient works.

To open up declaration of aim of writing my thesis on hopes, aspirations and

problems of youth today and to choose Chetan Bhagat’s novels for base of
thesis, is clearly this, that Chetan Bhagat’s writings/ novels are based on
similar problems. There is some connection in his way of writing that very
closely appealed to me and I strongly felt to write on above mentioned issue.
The youth today is quite energetic, creative, innovative, vibrant and ready to
do anything to achieve their desired goal. But along with all these positive
qualities, youth today is desperate, directionless, manner less, rude and
egotistic as well. They are not quite clear about their roles and responsibilities,
rather they are quite aggressive when they fail to get what they are looking for
or expect to get from someone and somehow when they don’t get it, they
become restless. Youth examiners are dynamically discussing another stage
in life course amidst adolescence and adulthood, drawn out time of semi self-
principle, distinctively called "post youthfulness," "youth," or "rising adulthood".
In midst of this time, adolescents are tolerably free from adult commitments
and prepared to examine arranged occupation and life decisions.

Confirmation "rising adults" in their 20s vibe neither like adults nor like
youngsters; rather, they see themselves as in couple courses like each.
Meanwhile, given wide grouping of saw and genuine options open to them,
move to adulthood has ended up being logically "de-composed" and
"individualized". Youth may begin to make obligations to work and to huge
others, however these are more theoretical than they will be later. Businesses
are more disposed to be low upkeep than at more settled ages, particularly
while propelled training, requirement for creating number of youth, is looked
for after. There is extending work among youths in occupations confined by
contract, implied as sudden or impermanent. Such occupations are routinely
obtained through impermanent job organization associations. Youths are also
logically cohabiting going before marriage or as alternate choice for marriage.

This opened up time of youth or post pre-adulthood is stacked with

experimentation, recommending that interfacing calling wanting to military
organization may be charming to more broad age extent of youth than among
for most part centered around 17–18-year-olds who are just leaving optional
school (especially contacting youth in their starting and mid-20s). Be that as it
may, shouldn't something be said in regards to their estimations of citizenship
and patriotism? Are young people enlivened to serve? Are their watchmen and
aides unfaltering? Arrives system that channelizes their essentialness, vitality
and potential? These are indisputably most honest to goodness request to be
considered and to be answered. I figure, it would not be frivolity if i say that
ChetanBhagat's books are capable to suggest some sensible responses for
issues and objectives of youth.

Chetan Bhagat- banker turned novelist wrote his first novel” Five Point
Someone”, in 2004 , which proved to be great success and even adapted into
Bollywood movie “Three Idiots” as well and thereafter he kept on writing one
after other novel; all based on single thread line- YOUTH. He, perhaps,
personally has gone through many of problems or he came across those
young people who were facing problems and aspirations which play as main
flavour of all his novels. He is even considered to be role model by many
young people.

State of Indian society at present is quite miserable. There are so many social
evils and problems in our surroundings. Since time immemorial, many social
workers or better to say society well wishers have put forth their ideas
regarding one thing or other by means of their writings about these social
problems. They have tried their best to bring these social problems into lime
light so that people may come to know about these problems and to find out
solutions to same. Many have suggested probable solutions or suggestions to
improve while others have just raised problems and left them to public to find
way out for these problems. My topic of discussion is HOPES, ASPIRATIONS
AND PROBLEMS, and I have try my level best to co-relate some other
eminent authors as well who have worked on same or similar issues.

To open up i would like to state those problems which are constantly haunting
our society and especially youth, namely-first- High hopes and aspirations;
these hopes and aspirations are particularly related to their professional and
financial growth. The youth today is mad after getting rich soon, they assume
that there must be overnight miracle and something out of this world should
happen that makes them rich and affluent. This makes their life problematic-
as has been said by Francis Bacon “Riches hinder man from leading virtuous
life.”Of Riches (1612, much enlarged 1625)
The young people are highly crazy to become rich soon and thus they indulge
themselves into wrong means of earning money. The youth today does not
realise that excessive wealth is of no use. Nor should money be sought for
ostentation and show. But this fake show off is another obsession of youth
today. Then one must distinguish between honest and dishonest means of
seeking money. Honest methods, though they show results slowly, should be
followed in getting rich. As has been opined by Francis Bacon in his essay ‘Of
Riches’- Jupiter being chief God,Of Riches (1612, much enlarged 1625)
represents virtue and when money comes from virtuous ways, it comes slowly.
Fraudulent methods are devil’s ways and should not be followed, though they
make one rich quickly. Again to quote Francis Bacon – Pluto, God of
underworld, place of people who have died, sends riches quickly. One can
associate Pluto with Devil and hence with sinful practices, for one gets riches
quickly if one gets them from Devil i.e. through crooked and dishonest
methods. The youth must understand that wealth must be acquired honestly,
spent slowly, distributed cheerfully and given up without regret.

Secondly, infatuation, or in words of youth today- ‘love’ for their age- mates.
This is very rampant problem amongst young people. They fall in love with
someone in fraction of second and assume in their minds as if they are made
for each other. Many of them fail to share these soft but deep rooted
feelingswith their counterpart which results in frustration. In fit of frustration
they commit criminal acts; like throwing acid on face of girl they loved and who
refused their proposal; or abducting girl on refusal of accepting their love and
then going for gang rape and worst thing to mention they may even stoop to
lowest level of making video clip of this misdeed and later on black mail girl on
basis of that video-clip and hence taking her for granted. This makes life of
that girl no less than living hell and ultimately victimised girl commits suicide...
thus it can be said here that in actual life of man, however, love brings
mischief, either as allurement or as violent passion.
Excess of love distorts man’s judgement and he indulges in hyperbole and
exaggeration. Even most vainglorious man does not think so highly of himself
as lover thinks of his beloved. It has been rightly said that it is impossible to
love and be wise at same time. This folly of exaggeration is quite apparent to
beloved. One, who does not return love of man, feels contempt for him and
his flattering protestations. Apart from this fact that even most ardent love may
waste itself on unresponsive object; there are other losses that love entails. As
story of Paris and Helen- wikipedia illustrates, Paris, by choosing Helen, lost
wisdom and riches.Love shows itself at height of its ardour in times of
prosperity or great adversity when weakness of man is greatest. Love is result
of folly. If man cannot resist love ,he should keep it within limits and keep it
apart and isolated from serious affairs of his life. If it is allowed to interfere with
serious business it will play havoc with man’s fortune and defeat his ends.

In Bhagat's fiction perspective of youngsters towards love, marriage, and sex

is not in any way excited, in spite of what may be normal it is really nice. Love,
as it is instinctual feeling, energetic period feels vibrations of it now and again
yet expression ofit and passing on of their fondness associations have without
doubt changed. As we find in his fictions, there are worship suggestions and
rejections of them however everything is taken firmly or say in matter-offact
way. That is reason they appreciate sex sometimes. Along these lines his
fictions depict youth reality that young period is more for warmth social unions
than in sorted out ones. The air of this period towards sex is not weighed
down with fault. They look at sex as strategy for imparting their love for their

Bhagat takes life for bliss not for concealment. He prompts people "to stop
looking at delight and fulfillment as sin. Human life is limited and in case we
loathe our time here, what is reason for it". While depicting this agreeable
reality Bhagat also shows to us flimflam occasionally committed by eccentric
minded youth. People are such awesome measure of fancied by word love,
that sometimes love relations start even between people calling and tolerating
erroneously numbers. He says, "Our old-fashioned messages, for instance,
Upanishads look at sex in anexplicit way. The Mahabharata implies Drupadi's
polyandry. The asylums in Khujaraho leave little to innovative capacity". With
creating urbanization and globalization different open entryways have opened
up all around. Men and Women are no more seen through old presentation
which checked men as prevalent and women as less than impressive. In this
overall environment, so far belittled women are given their due spot and
profound respect. With their own specific insightfulness and limits they are
seen to be working shoulder to hold up under with men. For sure, regardless
of possibility that there ought to emerge event of social unions, now young
women confirm their own specific slants and choices. Women work even in
night shifts. They pick up their own specific living and settle on calling choices.
Steps towards women reinforcing can be seen to be quickening. With
ceaselessly creating overall scene, among distinctive branches of
globalization, "Consumerism" turned out as one of genuine sprawling things.
In Bhagat's Call Center novel consumerism is examined as abnormal
behavior: kind of fever to get hold of things, when you don't even need them.
To imbue and development this behavior occasionally see associations offer
all kind of nonsense considerations. The unpretentious view of creator at one
point undoubtedly makes us to consider junk sensible that we have been
wandering in. In this way narrative works of Bhagat mirror changing urban
substances in globalizing India. Bhagat unpretentiously portrays rapidly
creating urban groups and urban zones close by all overall components,
affecting life, experience, dreams, and perspectives of today's youth. He
effectively depicts women fortifying as one of helpful results of globalization,
meanwhile, consumerism, breaking down qualities, and rising purposes
behind alert and nerves of urban Indians as part of negative branches of it can
not make tracks in opposite direction from his infiltrating discernments.

This examination work hopes to show how Chetan Bhagat through his
recounted capacities depicts changing adolescents in India in this globalized
world. Fictions of Bhagat show techno-pleasing youngsters, taking enthusiasm
for progression, use and spread of it. Through particular scenes, Bhagat has
underlined substantial qualification between young and old time where
energetic time in connection with old one is mechanically more participative.
Close by being engaged, objective situated, and techno-canny, period in
Bhagat's fiction is in vogue as well. The overall example has not left overall
population untouched. In view of free drawing closer of characteristics, outfits,
dresses, and living affinities for western world, reason of Indian culture has
been uncommonly affected.

In Bhagat's fiction perspective of youngsters towards love, marriage, and sex

is not in scarcest degree energetic, out of blue it is really nice.

Bhagat takes life for joy not for restriction. He prompts people "to stop looking
at happiness and pleasure as sin. Human life is limited and if we hesitant our
time here, what is motivation behind it". While depicting this satisfactory
reality. Bhagat in like manner uncovers to us trash as rule gave by capricious
minded youth. People are such incredible measure of fancied by word love,
that once in while love relations start even between people calling and getting
inaccurately numbers. In Bhagat's Call Center novel consumerism is
investigated as strange behavior: kind of fever to get hold of things, when you
don't even need them. Episodic works of Bhagat mirror changing urban
substances in globalizing India. Bhagat inconspicuously portrays rapidly
creating urban groups and urban zones close by all overall variables, affecting
life, experience, dreams, and attitudes of today's adolescence. He effectively
outlines women fortifying as one of useful results of globalization, meanwhile,
consumerism, dissolving values, and rising explanations behind alert and
nerves of Indian youth as rate of negative branches of it can not make tracks
in opposite direction from his infiltrating recognitions.

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