B. How To Write Event Advertisement

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How to write event advertisement

How to write an event ads? Simple. First be clear about the purpose of your
proposed advertisement. There can be several different reasons for advertising, so
make sure you know exactly what you want the reader to do as a result of seeing
your ad. Also, be sure about who it is you want to address and what will appeal to
them - and what might put them off.
Do not begin work on your event advertisement without taking time to decide
on your basic objectives first. You may want to appeal to the trade to the public.

Below is the basic format you can use to write event advertisement.
[Event Headings]
[Event Title]
In addition to text, you can give reliable picture that represent the event being held.
[Audience Target]
Write to whom specifically the advertisement is directed to, If the ads if for public,
you can say something 'open for everyone' or something like that.

[Event Body]
Explain what is being advertised. If you advertise event, tell what is the event and
what will be doing in the event. The date, time and place also listed here. There are
events that probably inquire the participant to bring certain items, so state here too.
For example, if the event is music party, the participants maybe required to bring
musical instrument with them.

[what you will get' Section]

This part, you need to write the advantages of joining the event or the facility the
audience will get in it. The advantages ranging from prizes until social contributions:

[CP / Contact Person]

Contact Person, the number, person, or address you can reach if you want to join or
simply wanting to get information about the event. It is important to make sure you
state them.
Tips to Write a Good Announcement

Don't forget to tell people what they want to know about the event. In the
Attention Era, time Is precious and if you fail to give them what they need to know
for their decision, they'll decide not to go.

1. Checklist of information:
a. Who is hosting the event
b. What the event will be
c. Where it will be
d. When (date and time) then event will be taking place
e. Why it's going on (transparency is key)

2. Bring the energy

Nobody wants to go to a boring event, and that starts with your
announcement. Bring the energy! Don't be boring. Don't make the announcement
long. Be excited!

3. Make something free

Using the word “Free” somehow with your announcement will get people's
attention. People love free events, but they really love free food. If you can have free
food at your event, do it. As silly as it sounds, events with free food always seem to
do better. Furthermore, if you have free food at your event, make sure to tell people
in your announcement!

4. Show photos from past events

In the event world, past performance is a good indicator of future
performance if you've had a great event in the past, make sure to share pictures or
video to prove it.

5. Make it social
Help people connect to your people and event on social media. Give them
links, hashtags, or QR code, etc. This will help people connect early while they're still
deciding and keep them engaged once they've made the decision.
After reading the tips about how to write an announcement, you'll be able to
write any kind of announcement with style and ease.
People write announcements for many reasons. Just some types of
announcements that people write include public service announcements, high school
graduation announcements, college graduation announcements and more.
No matter which kind of announcement you need to write, you will find the
following tips useful. Remember to tailor the tips to the specific announcement you
need to write, and get on your way.

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