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Edgie Jeric C.



FILM: “I Origin”

Science and religion often go hand in hand in ideology and concepts from
time to time. One`s idea coincides with the other, and groups of ideas clash. The film
shown was an example of how science and religion combat with each other. The
explanation for this claim is that they are not a part of nature; science does not
examine supernatural beings. Science and religion are different in this sense and
approach facets of human understanding in distinct ways. Attempts against each other
to pit science and religion build conflict where none needs to occur. The historical
truth is that science and religion were complementary to each other more frequently,
and the relationship was complex. Both science and religion are critical aspects of
everyday life, and many of the topics in this series discuss issues at the intersection of
science and religion. In the movie this topic between these two categories is shown
and symbolized in a way. Ian Gray the main protagonist represents science as shown
on his belief on data and facts. On the other hand, another protagonist Sofi represents
religion as she clearly guides the main character Ian on to believing that religion
exist. The focus is about the eye which in the movie is signified as the window to the
soul for religion, while on the other side the research being constructed by the
scientist is disapproving the religions theory of creative design. The character is
shown to be playing a somehow “God” role. Researching and creating a way to make
a synthetic eye out of nothing. Even though he himself doesn’t believe in a God he is
depicting similarities of being a God by making something out of nothing which is
one of God`s divine powers by creating his own so called “miracle” in a sense.
Miracles are also depicted and shown all throughout in the movie the first one that I
have noticed was when by he wanted to see the girl he met at the party and by some
sign the numbers 11:11 has been displayed and followed by the character ultimately
leading him into meeting the girl at the party. It can be either chance or coincidence
or ultimately fate that led to these actions. Him as a non-believer of this has a hard
time explaining how this mere coincidence happened. Another “miracle” depicted
was by the statue who had no eyes when it was not pictured but suddenly gained one
when it was pictured. When his girlfriend died his persona dived into an even deeper
depth. His beliefs in the divine have dwindled more. Until one day when he had a
child a striking piece of information was revealed about the concept of reincarnation
or after life. His son had the same iris pattern as one character in the movie who has
died on the same day as his son was born. With the main characters dwindling
idealism on faith, religion, miracles, and the divine this new encounter has given him
another chance to explore again using scientific facts tackling and disproving that this
cannot be possible. In the movie as the two characters converse, in a metaphorical
way it was stated that Ian is limiting his idea about religion like a closed door if he
can open this limitation and by opening the door a light of a whole new perspective or
idea comes through, and at the end of the movie he passes through the door with the
light enveloping him signaling to him opening to his ideology. The movie revolved
around the mystery of the eyes which both views are based upon. For me, this was a
beautiful and subtle trip through the realms of biology and religion in science fiction,
and the film carries an extremely strong emotional weight, regardless of your beliefs.
Reason and faith, like science and religion, are compatible with each other since there
is only one reality. Fundamental religious views are consistent with reason. For
certain convictions, logical support is given. Other convictions can be solely based on
religious beliefs in matters of faith. Religion and science are incompatible indeed.
Both faith and science provide reasons for why there is life and the universe. Science
depends on empirical evidence and observation that is testable. Religion is founded
on individual trust in a creator. This movie has clearly shown and is one of the great
examples of the Philosophy in religion in where it focuses on claims or justification
for God's presence and on explanations of obvious inconsistencies in the description
of God's design. The concerns related to the life and essence of the god will be
discussed and the nature of religious belief will be considered.

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