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Create a sophisticated chart in the chart APP directly from the command
line. The chart APP combines comprehensive, real time and historical
data with a suite of more than 100 analysis tools. Display charts by the
day, minute or tick in real time and customize the chart for your
specific needs. Company chart view gives you a powerful instant chart
builder, then enables you to compare one company's performance against
another chart, fundamental data, and use a variety of technical

Pre built workflow chart apps, give you instant charting for key data,
such as yield curves or economic indicators. Use icon answers to create
instant technical charts, just type your requirements directly into the
command by using natural language and icon answers responds instantly
with the chart. Export data from chart apps to Excel with just a few
clicks. Browse the APP library or the charting menu to find a list of
all the charting apps available in Bangkok. Icon provides powerful
charting and technical analysis capabilities. You can configure to your
own requirements. You can display charts by the day. Our minute or tick
in real time. The history for some instruments goes back as far as 20
years. Type euro chart into the command line and auto suggest will
return a list of possible matches. We're going to look at a price
analysis chart, select zero equals cht a bar ohlc and 14 days simple
moving average chart is now displayed in chart APP. We can also open a
chart APP via the icon menu, choose chart.

The chart APP populates with the active symbol. You can train directly
from the chart if you have a trading AD, click the trade menu to
activate your trading add on. Splitting a chart is a quick and easy way
to get a more comprehensive analysis of a single instrument.

For example, this single chart currently shows daily price action over
the past 6 months, which is the default setting, open the APP menu and
click split mode, select an option. We'll choose split one by 4. The
single chart has now split into four charts. Each showing data for the
same instrument, but with different intervals. To view price data in an
individual chart, select the chart APP and hover over the date you want
to examine. A tool tip displays the open high low and closing price for
that date. You can also apply trend lines to individual charts. For
example, here we've added a single trend line to the daily chart. We'll
look at trend lines in more detail later in this module. You can
customize the chart quickly by using in place editing.

For example, we can change the start date by clicking the current start
date in the Top right of the chart. We can manually overtake the start
date or click the dropout to pick a date from the calendar. Clicking bar
ohlc will display a list of alternative chart types. Let's change this
chart to a candlestick chart. The chart APP also gives you easy access
to the underlying chart data, click the data window icon in the APP tool
bar, click show all to view the chart data for all days included in the

By default, the dates are listed with the most recent dates at the Top,
click the arrow in the date column to view the oldest dates at the Top
of the list. Double clicking the y axis allows us to edit the range and
scale of the chart. Double clicking the x axis gives us access to the
truck. Our properties and allows us to edit the x axis. You can specify
a start and end date or restrict the display to a specific period. We'll
use the default settings for now, click to apply your changes and return
to the chart. The chart Legend is also customized able. Let's take a
look, click the modified chart properties icon to open chart properties.
Alternatively double click the chart background, use the chart
properties dialogue to customize the chart background, set display
options including grid lines, period markers and chart background
colors. We're going to customize the Legend settings.

So click on the Legend, check the buttons next to the display options
you require. We'll display the Legend in short format, display the
legends on a single line and check Legend space reserve, checking this
and shores, the chart doesn't improve. You can also choose to display
the net change and percentage change over the period chartered. These
will update dynamically as new data comes in, click to save the changes
and return to the chart. The chart Legend now displays as a single line
at the Top of the chart. Press the shift and f 11 keys together to show
or hide the chart Legend.

The icon chart APP gives you the power to create technical analysis
quickly and easily. Chart APP offers a choice of over 100 analysis
types, type a detest chart in auto suggest and select adsg small n dot
decht from the menu. The chart APP opens an ohlc bar chart with a 20 day
simple of moving average and the volume chart. The analysis display may
be different, depending on the type of instrument, we'll press f 11 to
maximize the chart, press f 11 again to minimize the chart. First, we'll
change the period to 1 year, open the range drop down and select 1 year.

 now we'll add another analysis to the chart, open the analysis, drop
down to display a list of the most popular analysis, select Bollinger
bands. You can see the Ballinger bands have been added to the chart as
blue lines, double click one of the boulder bands to edit the
parameters, click to save your changes, to add a trend line to the
chart, open the trend line, drop down menu. We'll choose the line item
to add to the chart, click on your start ., drag the line across the
chart to your endpoint and release.
Now, if you hover over any . on the treadmill, it will give you a date
and a price, click and drag the handles to move the trend line, to make
a copy of the trend line, hold the control key, then drag the trend
line. If you need more help with analysis or trend lines, press f one to
open the online help tool for charts, type faq into the icon search box
to see the charting frequently asked questions and answers. Favorites
are a way of keeping your most frequently accessed apps and views easily
available to open a favorite, the star icon in the icon tool bar and
select an app or.

Favorites are a way of keeping your most frequently accessed absent

views easily available. To open a favorite, click the star icon in the
icon tool bar, and select an APP or view from the list. We're going to
add this chart to our list of favorites, right? Click anywhere inside
the chart and choose file from the related menu. Click favorites, then
add to favorites, give the aid of a name. If you want to add a keyboard
shortcut, keyboard options, press a combination of keys, for example,
shift, control and d check use active symbol if you want the chart to
replace the current price data with data from the active symbol, click
to close the keyboard options dialogue, click add the chart to your

To open the chart again, either click on the star icon, or press the
keyboard combination you specify. Here we have a work space populated
with a chart APP and a quote list. We can link the quote list to the
chart APP, clicking any instrument in the quote list will populate the
chart with relevant data, click the link icon in the Top left quarter of
the quote list and select a color from the drop down menu. For example,
blue. Now do the same with the chart APP, make sure you pick the same
color as the quote list. Apps with the same link color are linked
together. So clicking an instrument in the quote list will update the
chart up with the appropriate data. The chart has updated with data for
the John Menzies group. Let's add a treadmill.

The trend line and any other annotation will stay associated with John
Menzies instrument rather than the chart itself. For example, click
another instrument in the quote list. A trend line disappeared with a
chart updated with a new instruments data. Now click John Menzies again.
The chart updates with the data for John Menzies and the trend line you
drew earlier. You can use icon to perform a relative performance
comparisons and compare the historical performance of two instruments
within a defined time frame. In this example, we'll compare the
performance of an instrument against a market index.

Click the analysis icon on the chart tool bar to open the insert
analysis dialogue, select relative performance from the list of options.

You now need to insert the codes for the instruments you want to
compare. In this case, anglo American and the forty one hundred index,
our first instrument will be Anglo American, start typing the instrument
name to activate auto suggest, and select the instrument code from the
list of suggested matches. Our second instrument will be the 4,100
index. You can adjust the parameters if necessary. We'll specify a date
and adjust the chart x axis, click add, then close to return to the
chart. The data is returned in the chart.

If the relative performance value is above one, the first instrument is

outperforming the second. If the value is below one, that the first
instrument is underperforming, the second, you can also use the relative
performance chart to analyze the ranking of individual groups of stock.
For instance, you could use relative performance to determine whether
the auto sector index is outperforming the bank sector index or vice
versa. You could no problem.

QQ I'm sorry, i'm sorry.

Insert any APP from your desktop into a messaging conversation,

including a chart, quote, quote, list or new story. Open the APP options
menu and click send, click, send to start typing your recipients name.
Auto suggests returns a set of potential matches as you type, click a
match to select it. Add a message, then click share. If your recipients
are icon users, they'll be able to open the original APP, including any
analysis or trend lines you've added. Other users will receive a static
snapshot of the data. You can export data from a chart APP to
microscopic sell quickly and easily by using drag and drop. To do this
click and hold the series you wish to export. And drag it get into a
Microsoft Excel window to Complete the export release the mouse button
and the data will appear. You can also export the chart data as a dot
csv file, you can open an Excel or other spreadsheet package, click the
data window icon in the APP tool bar.

Click show all to view the chart data for all days included in the
chart. Click export to export the data as a dot csv file that you can
open an Excel or other spreadsheet package. You can export the chart
image by right clicking in the chart and selecting edit, then copy
image, switch to your target application and paste the image in. You can
customize most chart features to reflect your company style, or just to
make things clearer for your clients and colleagues, as well as defining
display styles for data and trend lines. You can also edit the chart
properties. In this example, we're going to show you how to add calendar
markers, customize the chart background and more click the chart
properties icon in the APP tool bar, or double click the chart
background to open chart properties, click the grid lines tap, use the
grid lines dialogue to design your chart background, set gridlied
options and set the calendar dividers.

Let's take a look at the zebra striping. First. This displays alternate
intervals in a different color or shade, making it easier for you to
identify time periods on a chart. Can switch this on or off or change
the colors to suit your preference. The dividers dialogue gives you the
option to display vertical dividing lines in a different color at yearly
or weekly intervals, check the options you want to display. We'll add
monthly dividers to this list. The default line color is black. We need
to change this first, open the palette for the yearly line and choose a
color. Click, okay. We'll leave the line style on the default settings
for the yearly dividers. Open the line with drop down and choose a
thicker line, change the line color for the monthly divider. This time
will change the line style to dot it. Click apply to view your changes.

The chart now shows dividers for yearly and monthly periods. This makes
it easier to identify patterns across a time period, as well as period
dividers for yearly monthly and weekly intervals. You can also customize
the analysis to display time periods in alternating colors. For example,
here we have a candlestick chart showing historical price data for BT to
display alternating periods and different colors.

First, select the candlestick analysis, right? Click on the analysis,

and open the analysis properties menu, click the display tab, use the
display dialogue to change any aspect of the analysis. You can change
the placement, the body and line colors and with and make your
customization, your default settings. We're going to amend the
colouring, open the colouring, drop down and select alternating. You can
use the pilots to change the alternating colors to suit your preference.
We'll leave these on the default settings for now. Click to save your
changes and return to the chart. The chart now displays each calendar
month in alternate colors.
analyzing data i

Writer's icon, Microsoft Office.

The formula builder is a powerful graphical interface for creating and

editing data retrieval functions. Use auto suggest features to find
instrument codes and data items, choose from an array of parameters and
layout options to return the data how you want it. Use quick functions
to process data within the function retreelist of peers.

Once you're familiar with the syntax, in cell formula builders, let you
create new functions rapidly. Formula tools, let you quickly change the
layout of existing functions without reopening an interface, toggle
individual functions to suspend and resume updates.

Create functions in two clicks with the speed data, use analytic data
cloud expressions to perform complex calculations on the cloud
streamlining your workbook, capture real time tick data, use the
versatile our history function to return a table of a line to time
series data. Your portfolios and lists are also available on your mobile
devices and an Excel.

Use our search to return a dynamic list of instruments matching

specified criteria. This function replicates the advanced search screens
in the desktop.

For stocks, use the flexible equity screener to create screens. For
example, request all foot see 100 stocks was PE ratio exceeds the sector
average, work constantly enhancing functionality and adding new data
sets. Here's a selection from late 2014, request time series reference
data such as PE ratio for every calendar day, or restrict to trading
days. Search for delisted companies and retrieve selected data sets such
as price history before the delisting date. Use the TR aggregate
function to easily calculate summarized data for a collection of stocks,
switch to audit mode to track the calculations. We've extended the range
of either stated to include chronic estimates. For example, you can feel
expected revenue for company, region and products, analyze equity
investment using ownership statistics. For example, find s and p stocks
with high and play ownership and plot this evolution over time.

Subject to electron connectivity, retrieve a live order book for stocks

and selected markets, choose between full and light views, alter
settings to control update frequencies and all data handling and more
additional content sets and more ways to retrieve data, open the APP
library and activate apps such as deal analytics and data stream.
Video will run through a selection of the poor features of Tom's
corridors icon, Microsoft Office.

Take advantage of integration between the desktop product and the Excel
added drag fields from a quote up to create real time functions, drag a
header to take a snapshot of all fields, drag from a chart up for a
static data to people.

Direct results from saved calculators to create dynamic links. In the

other direction, low the company viewed directly from itself, use data
auditing to you how a figure is calculated and drill down to the
financial statement, create a new list or portfolio from the right click
menu in a few simple steps. The style management database and the
extensive set of advanced financial functions to build your own
calculator is the macro parameter in the TR function to call Abba
routine, and keep your work from running while you're away.

Retreat data and call advent functions programmatic to build advanced

interfaces and automate processes, contribute your prices and other data
to top square servers. Contact your account manager to discover the
benefits and to get on board, contribute from Excel using the rt
contribute function, insert icon charts into your work book, access the
same controls and analysis you are used to from the desktop object and
take advantage of selling me.

You're upgrading from another Thompson orders product, the conversions

rules to automatically update your work books. The more complex files
contact the help desk to get in touch with our migration specialists.

Video will run for a selection of the apps and productivity tools
available with Thompson writers, icon, Microsoft Office.

In addition to core functionality, the atom has its own APP library.
Don't see the APP you're looking for and then contact your account

After restoring your office applications, you are presented with new
controls, activate keyboard shortcuts for actions you perform
frequently. Each installed APP extends the range on offer. These include
actions not available via the menu system, such as the ability to jump
directly to research for the selected stock.

Eye countries has many advantages over excels native, equivalent. Cross
worksheet and cross workbook hierarchies can be covered quickly and
visualized using the principal tree view. Use auto color, the nature of
the data and each cell is instantly recognizable. For example, highlight
all contact you can click through and prove apply rules to the workbook,
the worksheet or just a selection of cells, combine the linking and
presentation tools apps to create a pitch book in PowerPoint, use Excel
to retrieve market data, link tables and charts to your presentation,
and update with the latest results in just a few clicks.

Activate the deal analytics APP to access the deal screener league
tables and volume analysis, return a list of deals. So lead table of Tom
advisors for the number of deals per year for deals meeting specified
criteria. If you are upgrading from Thompson one, then the deal tools
are familiar. You can also take advantage of backwards compatibility.
This short video will show case the best resources to help begin the

I'm Top screeners, I can't make a sound office.

On my health offers a comprehensive Guide to the attic of what's new

page where you discover the latest features as they're released, browse
or search for health topics, or navigate directly from the function
arguments, dialogue, box, online help with you leads to town's guidance
on using the advanced financial functions for pricing and valuation.

Pick start work book development using the template library, browse my
category or search by key word. Also upload your sell files to access
them from elsewhere.

Financial unrest training site to access on demand content. Getting

started modules covered key functionality of the atom, brush up your
workbook building skills with the for Excel skills, content, meeting
courses, our tasks, both by category to the order by complexity. Jump
directly to the course you need by entering keywords in the icon search

All I can't work on that is now available on the product. Has access it
for a personal touch and grow for a live virtual session with one of our
traders. Depending on your location, these may be available in your
local language. Finally, we have highly trained support specialists
waiting to assist you. So please don't hesitate to contact us to, be a
phone or live chat.

Start by defining one or more instruments, reference arrangement cells

by clicking the grid icon, and selecting the required cells. If the
identifies are not bricks, take simple time and select from the
dropdown. If your list contains a mixture of types, select any ticker
time, remove influence by clicking x enter no codes, or search and
select from auto suggest. Instruments box also accepts chain codes, or
you can access your own portfolios, at least. Alternatively, click the
funnel icon to filter for instruments, matching specified criteria.
Available data items are automatically filtered to match the selected
instrument or instruments, search for items by key word. By default, the
Top matches are displayed most over an item to view a description, click
once to view a full description, including the latest results and values
for all subfield such as period and days and currency. Double click the
item to add it to your function, click the newly added field in the
selected items pain to view all data items in the same category. Leave
the standardized income statement folder acted to search in this
category only. The parameters automatically update to match the selected
data item and are used controlling output data to request data for the
last five fiscal years, taking a series and ten to 5 parameters which
appear in the third argument of the TR function are applied to all data

To report the revenue in millions, select the data item. That's at the
scale 2 millions parameters which appear in parentheses immediately
after a data item applied to the preceding item, click layout to open a
dialogue box. If requesting a time series will generally include a
period or date in the row header. We have multiple fields and multiple
instruments. So we'll include both of these and the column header. The
table below shows how the results table will look. If required adjust
the display order by dragging items into place, select the destination
cell where the Top left of the results table will be positioned. This
parameter to make the table start in the same cell as the function.

So far, we've been building atr function to request fundamental data, to

return historical pricing and volume data, click the time series icon,
to return monthly closing prices or equity instruments and select
monthly, click trade price, that double click Top stamp and close,
adjust the parameters and display options as required. For example,
said, TS repeat to know, display a single call up of days, click, insert
to create the function.

A formula builder now comes with its own set of options for controlling
his behavior. For example, you can set the devolved destination to the
cell immediately below the function cell, or remove the offset all
together, as demonstrated earlier, you mostly make time series requests
for multiple instruments that select appropriate default patterns. In
this example, we'll show you how to connect itself to icon, icon
Microsoft Office at it, must be activated before you can use it. When
deactivated any data retrieval functions will return a name or value
error message. In addition, the Thompson Reuters tool bar will be

There are a number of ways to activate the attic. Let's begin by closing
itself, open the Starman, open all programs, then tops and royals. Click
the Thompson voyagers icon, Microsoft, Excel. The chops and voyagers
menu appears confirming the atom has loaded successfully. Let's look at
an alternative method to activate the head and manually click the
office, but open Excel options and select atoms. Open the bandage
dropped out and you and select a common. Click go. The tops and Reuters
icon Microsoft Office added will be unchecked. Check the box and click
to activate it. A Thompson Reuters venue is now active to Complete the
connection, click offline, to go online. What's your online? The tops
and lawyers functions will return the latest data.

The oil overview is the starting point for oil professionals. It

provides instant access to news real time pricing, research, analysis,
forecast and statistics to access the oil overview type crude into icon
search and select from the results.

The oil overview opens to change the energy sector select from the drop
down menu. The overview tab provides the latest oil news. Prices,
forecasts and charts. Click the drop down menu to change the region or
refined products. Select the news tab for the latest oil news, energy
Top news and most red oil news. You'll also have access to commentary
and insight to filter news on specific topics, hit the f nine key. The
news monitor opens type o in the new search, select the Top result of
you international energy news. Click a headline to see the story. The
pricing tab provides real time prices, including Reuters, calculated
swap assessments, as well as commitment of trader reports. Click the
analysis tab for our independent research and forecast Information,
including daily, monthly and special reports.

The production tab provides various production figures, including the

Reuters OPEC crude production survey, as well as the Baker Hughes
recount by region. Click inventories for oil stocks estimates. Let's
look at us crude oil. Coverage includes American petroleum institutes
weekly reports.

Jet scape pushing storage and eia Thompson Reuters is the only market
provider to carry all three services, select flows to analyze oil
movements. This provides a flow assessment of seaborne oil products to
from and within each continent.

The refining tab, let you monitor refining outages, click the dropdown
to choose between iir and Reuters jet scape for the data source. You can
also search for specific refineries as well as access to regional
refinery margins. Select meet the team to find your local energy expert,
click message me to send an instant message, access our data using icon
for Excel. This lets you combine different data sets and build
analytical models. Thanks for watching.

The icon research collection gives you access to. In depth research
reports from over 1,600 investment banks and independent research firms.
And over 15 million reports online.
We provide research from 30 exclusive research contributors, including
Credit Suisse, Barclays, Morgan Stanley, BNP power bar securities, Asia,
santaunder, GCB mcquarrie, and Wells Fargo.

Thompson, Reuters embargo research is one of our most sought after

content sets for customers expanding into markets that are often opaque
and non transparent or who want to stay ahead of trends in their
industry. We have the greatest geographic and industry coverage of
companies, products and markets.

We provide unique insight into your customers and competitors, including

in depth primary research and statistics. Interviews with industry
leaders survey results forecasts, market size, share data and, market
segment analysis, use the research tools and icon to create search
requests based on a wide variety of criteria. You can pinpoint the exact
report you need.

The company views provide access to broker research. This contains real
time research contributed by over 1,600 brokers. Select company research

The first page preview is a great time saving feature. You can click the
camera icon next to any report to quickly read the first page, use the
previous and next buttons to cycle through the first page of each
report, open a full document by clicking the title. From the Top of the
results bar, you have several options, multi select from your search
results to activate the actions menu. From here you can batch print
merge EMAIL, download or add items to your briefcase for offline
reading. Up to 100 items can be batch printed and up to 200 can be bad
saved to your PC you can easily tailor your research results. You can
choose to exclude a broker or add them as a preferred contributor to
exclude a contributor, click the name, then select, add to suppress, can
click analyst names to add them to your favorites, click at the
favorites. Your excluded contributors are removed from the list of
reports. Your favorite analysts are now shown in bold font.

When you do a research search, you'll have the option to only show
reports from your favorites.

Click the gear icon and select research preferences to view and modify
your excluded contributors and favorite analysts. Permission to view
research and estimates from brokers is managed by the contributing
firms, click the gear icon, then select contributor entitlement.

To view all contributing brokers and.

And your current access status to their reports. Click the check box and
select request selected entitlement to contact that contributor and
request access.

This puts you in direct communication with the broker. Click of you.

Push that at any time to check on your.

Outstanding requests, click the closed request radio button to view all
closed request.

The advanced research search, let you find research matching a precise
set of criteria. From the quick search line, you can easily begin your
search by entering a company portfolio, region, country, sector,
industry analyst contributor. Report type or filter. This example will
perform a search for technology reports that were submitted by four and
five star analysts in the last 90 days. That include a mention of the
key word cloud, first type advres in the icon search box, select
advanced research search new the filters and options on the screen that
you refine your search criteria. We'll type technology in the quick
search box and select from the available options. We'll add cloud to the
document key word search box. Now we'll select add criteria and select
analysts. An analyst filter appears. We'll click the four and five star
analyst check box. We'll update the date range drop down to 90 days.

When you're done entering your criteria, click, search, the results are
shown. A document viewer includes intuitive display and navigation
options, such as a snippets view of key word searches. Click the title
of one of your results to see the snippets from your key word search, to
save the search, click, save, give the search a name, to set this search
as a default, click the set as default check box, then click, okay. Your
search is now saved.

Click the arrow next to the save icon to access a menu with additional
options. You can clear your default search switch between saved searches
and load searches. We'll click load. The manager saved searches,
dialogue appears, select the search, then use the icons of the upper
right to copy, edit, or delete the search.

The combination of connectivity across networks and ease of use makes

icon messenger of the essential financial communications tool from your
icon desktop. Play the speech bubble in the tool bar to open messenger.
If you're a standalone user access messenger via your start menu, search
and add contacts from the icon messenger directory of over 300,000
financial professionals. Right? Click a name to add a contact, use the
directory to find an access managed chat rooms, bilateral chats, or
editorial community forums. You have permission to join to make it
easier for contacts to find you.

Update your profile by selecting my profile from the drop down menu. Do
add a contact, simply click on the add a new contact or group i can't,
and type in their EMAIL address.

From the dropdown menu, select the network neuron and click, add
contact. Use messenger on your mobile device, download the icon APP from
your APP store, inside in with your icon or icon messenger credentials,
then use the contact sync feature to add all of your contacts in one
click, to create groups of contacts, click the icon at the bottom of the
contact list and choose create a new group, give the group a name, then
select the context. You want to add to the, to view a context profile,
right? Click the context name. Do you rename a contact with a pen icon?
Type the new name in intimacy? Said personal alerts for individual
users, she'll never miss a message from an important contact. For
example, highlighting their messages in a certain color, or playing a
song when you receive a message to rename a group, click the name, and
select rename group, use the bilateral chat feature to create persistent
chats with internal colleagues or contacts from one other firm. Add
context to the chat by dragging and dropping into your context list.

Kick contacts, Jeff are right clicking on the user and selecting kick
content to re size the texture by box, simply drag it to the desired
size. To see the conversation history, from a contact, click new
conversation history in the message window, other messenger features
would read color alerts to differentiate messages from external
contacts. These appear when you receive messages from outside your firm
in 1 to 1 conversations, bilateral chats. In chat rooms, add a flexible
work space with pop out windows to position your conversations and chats
wherever you want on your screen. The position of these pop up windows
received across a maximum of three screens.

I remembered on reload.

Court next blog in use the quick blast feature to send the same message
to multiple contacts at the same time, or create a persistent last
window to send one to 1 messages to a regular group of contacts. You can
also use the bus feature, grab a contacts attention. Icon messenger also
offers advanced sharing. You can share files, it's in attachments.
Profit share screen shots, as well as choose from the existing board of
protocol, or send others from the standard list to enable high value

Icon users can contact, customer support directly through messenger,

with the customer support contact to start a conversation with live
chats before. Standalone users can access support via contact us. Icon
desktop users can also get further learning near the train again. Thanks
for watching.

I am Caroline woods for Thomson Reuters, recent regulatory

investigations that centered on the unauthorized use of multilateral
chance. Let's help some writers to work with a group of leading
financial institutions to address this issue. Bilateral chats
exclusively available on icon messenger are user creating conversations
that automatically enforce advanced compliance controls.

Thompson Reuters on boarding process creates every user and signs up to

a single company in our database. Only members from one or two companies
can participate in a bilateral chat. Only if there are no other
compliance controls that would otherwise prohibit them. If members of
the bilateral chat attempts to add a user from a third company to the
conversation, the invitation is blocked.

Reading a bilateral chat is as simple as starting a conversation. Click

the create a bilateral chat icon and give it a name. Bilateral chance
always require a name to assist a compliance reporting, then select the
users you wish to invite. Like creating. You can also drive contacts
from your roster on to the bilateral chat to add them to the
conversation. Those invited will see a pop up invitation to join the
chap, or they'll automatically be joined to it if they are a trusted,
existing contact.

Bilateral chats appear in a new folder in your contact roster.

Bilateral chats systematically block an invitation to more than two

firms. If you attend to add a third firm into the conversation, all of
the regular icon, messenger features, such as buzz, chaproom alerts,
personal alerts and merge rooms are available in bilateral chats.
Remember, bilateral chats are exclusively available on icon messenger,
either integrated with an icon or Free and standalone products.

I'm Caroline woods, but i'm surprised.

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