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Comparative Analysis of CBRP, AODV, DSDV

Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sudharsan Engineering College
Sathiyamangalam, Tamilnadu.

Abstract- An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile established infrastructure or centralized administration.
nodes that wish to communicate without any fixed infrastructure Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) are characterized by a
or centralized control. It is a self-configuring network of mobile dynamic, multi-hop, rapid changing topology [7, 8].Such
nodes connected by wireless links the union of which forms an networks are aimed to provide communication capabilities to
arbitrary topology. Therefore, routing in MANET is a critical
areas where limited or no communication infrastructures exist.
task due to highly dynamic environment .Several protocols are
introduced for improving the routing mechanism to find route MANETs can also be deployed to allow the communication
between any source and destination host across the network. This devices to form a dynamic and temporary network among
paper focuses on the three popular routing algorithms Cluster them. It is used in areas of Sensor networks for environmental
Based Routing Protocol (CBRP), a hybrid routing protocol, Ad- monitoring, Rescue operations in remote areas, Remote
Hoc on Demand Distance Vector Protocol (AODV), reactive construction sites, and Personal area Networking, Emergency
routing protocol and Destination Sequence Distance Vector operations, Military environments, Civilian environments. The
Routing Protocol (DSDV), Pro-active routing protocol. This scopes of the ad-hoc network are also associated with
paper provides an overview of these protocols by presenting their Dynamic topology changes, Bandwidth constrained, Energy
characteristics, functionality, benefits and limitations.
constrained operation, Limited physical security, Mobility-
induced packet losses, Limited wireless transmission range,
Keywords-MANETs,Routing P rotocol,CBRP,AODV,DSDV Broadcast nature of the wireless medium, Hidden terminal
problem, and Packet losses due to transmission errors attention
I. INTRODUCTION due to many potential military and civilian applications. A
MANET uses multi-hop routing instead of a static network
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of infrastructure to provide network connectivity.
communication devices or nodes that wish to communicate
without any fixed infrastructure and pre-determined Routing is a core problem in networks for sending data from
organization of available links. It is a self-organizing and self- one node to another. Several routing protocols have been
configuring multihop wireless networks where, the structure proposed for mobile Ad-Hoc networks. In this paper we
of the network changes dynamically. This is mainly due to the present the classification of these routing protocols and the
mobility of the nodes [10]. The nodes are free to move review of a CBRP, AODV and DSDV routing protocols [5, 8].
randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily; thus, the
network’s wireless topology may change rapidly and
unpredictably. This is shown as in the Fig.1.

A. Table Driven Routing Protocols

These protocols are also called as proactive protocols since
they maintain the routing information even before it is needed
Each and every node in the network maintains routing
information to every other node in the network. Routes
information is generally kept in the routing tables and is
periodically updated as the network topology changes. The
advantage is that routes to any destination are always available
without the overhead of a route discovery. Example protocols
Figure 1.Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are DSDV (4), OLSR, and CGSR etc.
B. On Demand Routing Protocols
Wireless Ad-Hoc networks are also called Mobile Ad-Hoc These protocols are also called as reactive protocols since they
multi-hop wireless networks is a collection of wireless mobile don’t maintain routing information or routing activity at the
hosts forming a temporary network without the aid of any network nodes if there is no communication. If a node wants
to send a packet to another node then this protocol searches for

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the route in an on-demand manner and establishes the least two opposite uni-directional links between two
connection in order to transmit and receive the packet. The nodes.
route discovery usually occurs by flooding the route request • Uni-directionally linked, if there is just one uni-
packets throughout the network. Example protocols are directional link between them.
AODV [7, 8], DSR [7, 8], and TORA etc.
The two-hop topology database is build from the information
C. Hybrid Protocols
received by HELLO messages. It contains all nodes that are at
These protocols combine the benefit of both table -driven and most two hops away. The routing process works in two steps.
on demand routing approaches. Hybrid protocols are scalable First, it discovers a route from a source node S to a destination
to network size. Example protocols are CBRP [5], ZRP etc. node D, afterwards it routes the packets [5].
B. Route Discovery
Route discovery is done by using source routing. In the CBRP
In CBRP the nodes of a wireless network are divided into only cluster heads are flooded with route request package
several disjoint or overlapping clusters. Each cluster elects one (RREQ) [5]. Gateway nodes receive the RREQs as well, but
node as the so-called clusterhead. These special nodes are without broadcasting them. They forward them to the next
responsible for the routing process. But clusterheads are able cluster head. This strategy reduces the network traffic.
to communicate with each other by using gateway nodes. A C.Routing and Route Improvement
gateway is a node that has two or more clusterheads as its Due to node movement, disappearance of nodes or failures,
neighbors or when the clusters are disjoints at least one the CBRP includes two mechanisms to improve a route: The
clusterhead and another gateway node. This is shown as in the first is Local Repair and the second is Route Shortening.
• Local Repair
If a connection between two nodes fails, the CBRP is able to
The following states describe the clustering process
repair the route.
depending on the current node state. These states are:
• Route Shortening
Undecided. This means the node does not belong to any Sometimes a node may discover a connection between itself
cluster: this usually occurs if a new node appears in the and another succeeding node of the route that is not its direct
network. Clusterhead. If a clusterhead detects that it has a bi- successor or a connection between two following nodes,
directional link to another clusterhead for a time period, it respectively. This can be done by examining the information
changes its state to member if the other clusterhead has a stored in the two-hop topology database. If so, it shortens the
lower ID. Each member node belongs at least to one cluster. route by excluding the redundant node(s) from the route [5, 6].
A. Routing D.Advantages of CBRP
CBRP uses two data structures to support the routing process: Cluster-based approaches on routing in mobile ad-hoc
the cluster adjacency table (CAT) and the two-hop topology networks are good methods to decrease network traffic and
database. The CAT stores information about neighboring routing overhead.
clusters. This is, whether they are bi-directionally or uni- E. Limitations of CBRB
directionally linked. That means, a cluster is called
Like other routing protocols, CBRP has some limitations and
problems which are disadvantages compared to other
protocols. If networks and clusters become too big, the
overhead per packet increases due to source routing. Another
problem of the CBRP is its support of uni-directional links.
When using a network with 802.11 link layer technology these
links cannot be supported, because the 802.11 protocol knows
only bi-directional links.


The AODV routing protocol is a reactive routing protocol;
therefore, routes are determined only when needed. Fig.3
shows the message exchanges of the AODV protocol. Hello
Figure2. Cluster Based Routing Protocol messages may be used to detect and monitor links to
neighbors. If Hello messages are used, each active node
• Bi-directionally linked, if there is a bi-directional link periodically broadcasts a Hello message that all its neighbors
between two nodes of the clusters, or if there are at receive. Because nodes periodically send Hello messages, if a

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node fails to receive several Hello messages from a neighbor, • No reuse of routing info: AODV lacks an efficient
a link break is detected [8]. route maintenance technique.
When a source has data to transmit to an unknown destination, • The routing info is always obtained on demand,
it broadcasts a Route Request (RREQ) for that destination. At including for common case traffic.
each intermediate node, when a RREQ is received a route to • It is vulnerable to misuse: The messages can be
the source is created. If the receiving node has not received misused for insider attacks including route
this RREQ before, is not the destination and does not have a disruption, route invasion, node isolation, and
current route to the destination, it rebroadcasts the RREQ. If resource consumption.
the receiving node is the destination or has a current route to • AODV lacks support for high throughput routing
the destination, it generates a Route Reply (RREP). The RREP metrics: AODV is designed to support the shortest
is unicast in a hop-by hop Fashion to the source. As the RREP hop count metric. This metric favors long, low
propagates, each intermediate node creates a route to the bandwidth links over short, high-bandwidth links.
destination. When the source receives the RREP, it records the • High route discovery latency: AODV is a reactive
route to the destination and can begin sending data. routing protocol. This means that AODV does not
If multiple RREPs are received by the source, the route with discover a route until a flow is initiated. This route
the shortest hops count is chosen. As data shows from the discovery latency result can be high in large-scale
source to the destination, each node along the route updates mesh networks.
the timers associated with the routes to the source and
destination, maintaining the routes in the routing table. If a V. DESTINATION SEQUENCE DISTANCE VECTOR
route is not used for some period of time, a node cannot be ROUTING PROTOCOL
sure whether the route is still valid; consequently, the node
removes the route from its routing table. If data is _owing and DSDV is a hop-by-hop distance vector routing protocol. It is
a link break is detected, a Route Error (RERR) is sent to the proactive; each network node maintains a routing table that
source of the data in a hop-by hop fashion. As the RERR contains the next-hop for, and number of hops to, all reachable
propagates towards the source, each intermediate node destinations. Periodical broadcasts of routing updates attempt
invalidates routes to any unreachable destinations. When the to keep the routing table completely updated at all times [3].
source of the data receives the RERR, it invalidates the route To maintain the consistency of routing tables in a dynamically
and reinitiates route discovery if necessary. varying topology, each station periodically transmits updates,
and transmits updates immediately when significant new
information is available. Routing information is distributed
between nodes by sending full dumps infrequently and smaller
incremental updates more frequently [6]. Routing information
is advertised by broadcasting or multicasting the packets
which are transmitted periodically and incrementally as
topological changes are detected. For instance, when stations
move within the network [4]. To guarantee loop-freedom
Fig.3. AODV Protocol Messaging DSDV uses a concept of sequence numbers to indicate the
freshness of a route. A route R is considered more favorable
than R' if R has a greater sequence number or, if the routes
A. Advantages of AODV have the same sequence number, R has lower hop-count. The
• Because of its reactive nature, AODV can handle sequence number for a route is set by the destination node and
highly dynamic behavior of Vehicle Ad-hoc increased by one for every new originating route
networks [8]. advertisement. When a node along a path detects a broken
• It used for both uncast and multicast using the ’J’ route to a destination D, it advertises its route to D with an
(Join multicast group) flag in the packets. infinite hop-count and a sequence number increased by one.
Route loops can occur when incorrect routing information is
B. Limitations AODV present in the network after a change in the network topology,
• Requirement on broadcast medium: The algorithm e.g., a broken link. In this context the use of sequence numbers
expects/requires that the nodes in the broadcast adapts DSDV to a dynamic network topology such as in an ad-
medium can detect each others’ broadcasts. hoc network [3, 6].DSDV requires a regular update of its
• Overhead on the bandwidth: Overhead on bandwidth routing tables, which uses up battery power and a small
will be occurred compared to DSR, when an RREQ amount of bandwidth even when the network is idle.
travels from node to node in the process of Whenever the topology of the network changes, a new
discovering the route info on demand, it sets up the sequence number is necessary before the network re-
reverse path in itself with the addresses of all the converges; thus, DSDV is not suitable for highly dynamic
nodes through which it is passing and it carries all networks [6].
this info all its way.

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A. Advantages of DSDV updates are more. But in AODV it doesn’t advertise any
• DSDV protocol guarantees loop free paths [1]. routing updates and hence the throughput is stable. CBRP uses
• Count to infinity problem is reduced in DSDV [1]. two data structures to support the routing process: the cluster
adjacency table (CAT) and the two-hop topology database.
• We can avoid extra traffic with incremental updates
The CAT stores information about neighbouring clusters. This
instead of full dump updates.
is, whether they are bi-directionally or uni-directionally
• Path Selection: DSDV maintains only the best path
linked. Route discovery is done by using source routing. In the
instead of maintaining multiple paths to every
CBRP only clusterheads are flooded with route request
destination. With this, the amount of space in routing
package (RREQ). Gateway nodes receive the RREQs as well,
table is reduced.
but without broadcasting them. They forward them to the next
B. Limitations of DSDV clusterhead. This strategy reduces the network traffic.
• Wastage of bandwidth due to unnecessary B. Conclusion
advertising of routing information even if there is no The study reveals that, DSDV routing protocol consumes
change in the network topology. more bandwidth, because of the frequent broadcasting of
• DSDV doesn’t support Multi path Routing. routing updates and AODV is better than DSDV as it doesn’t
• It is difficult to determine a time delay for the maintain any routing tables at nodes which results in less
advertisement of routes [2]. overhead and more bandwidth. While Compared with AODV,
• It is difficult to maintain the routing table’s CBRP overhead is lower and its throughput is considerably
advertisement for larger network. Each and every higher [9, 11].DSDV routing protocols works better for
host in the network should maintain a routing table smaller networks but not for larger networks. AODV routing
for advertising. But for larger network this would protocol is best suited for general mobile ad-hoc networks as it
lead to overhead, which consumes more bandwidth. consumes less bandwidth and lower overhead when compared
with DSDV routing protocol. My conclusion is that, when
VI. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION compared with AODV and DSDV routing protocols, CBRP
A. Discussion routing protocol decreases network traffic and routing
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