Map Composition ERDAS IMAGINE Script

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Create and edit a map composition using ERDAS IMAGINE.


 Microsoft PowerPoint

 Ortho_2009.ecw

 Landparcels.shp

 Parecels_by_area.evs

Thank you for watching this Hexagon Geospatial eTraining module: Creating a Map
Composition with ERDAS IMAGINE. In this module, we’ll see how to create a map
composition and export it into Microsoft PowerPoint.

The Map Composer can be used to create, edit, and print map compositions both quickly and
easily. There are three stages to map composition:

 Map development and design,

 Setting up imagery, and

 Composing and creating a map.

Once created, the map can easily be made into digital or paper copies for quick distribution.

Before creating the map composition, set the map preferences to make creating the map
composition even easier.

1. Open the Preference Editor and select File > Preferences.

2. Expand Applications and select Map Composer.

3. Change the Default Map Directory to the data directory. This is the directory that holds
all of the data you will use in your map.

4. Change the Default Plot Directory to the outputs directory.

5. Click Save and Close.

Creating a Map Composition Using ERDAS IMAGINE

Next, prepare the data for composition.

6. In the viewer, right-click and select Open Raster Layer.

7. Display the image ortho_2009.ecw.

8. In the same viewer, right-click and select Open Vector Layer.

9. Browse to the data directory and select landparcels.shp.

10. Click the Vector Options tab and check Use Symbology.

This allows you to define an .evs file, or symbolgy file. The symbology file will apply styles to
the vector layer based on the feature attributes.

11. Click Set.

12. On the Choose Symbology dialog, select parcels_by_area.evs and click OK.

13. Click OK on the Select Layer To Add dialog.

The Vector Layer is displayed on top of the raster layer with symbology applied to it.

Now create the map composition.

14. From the Home tab, click Add Views > Create New Map View.

This opens a map view with an empty map template defined in the view. Once the map view
is opened, a Layout tab is displayed. This tab contains several map templates in different
forms. Before choosing a template, ask yourself three questions:

 What will this map be used for?

 What are the key pieces of information the map needs to display or communicate?, and

 Who will use this map?

Once answered, you can choose the best template for your application.

15. On the Layout tab, in the Map Template group, select the Geospatial Analysis

16. Double-click on the empty map frame. The map frame is where the imagery is displayed.

You will notice a dialog box open and the cursor changes form. The cursor will appear as a
circrle with a checkmark if the viewer can be copied or as a circle with a line through it if it
can’t. Multiple elements can be added to the map frame to enhance the map.

17. Click inside the View containing the data to load in the map. The Map Frame dialog is
opened, along with a box indicating the portion of the data that will be loaded in the map
frame with the default settings.

When creating a map it’s important not to unintentionally change the map scale, frame, or
area.This is why the Map Frame allows you to choose which to maintain in your map.
Creating a Map Composition Using ERDAS IMAGINE

 The Change Map and Frame Area will hold constant the scale of the data in the map
frame while changing map area and frame area.

 Change Scale and Frame Area will hold constant map area while changing scale and
frame area.

 Lastly, Change Scale and Map Area will hold constant the frame area and change map
area and scale.

18. Select the Change Scale and Map Area (Maintain Frame Area) radio button so the
frame area will stay the same.

19. Drag the box in the 2D View to encompass the majority of the image. Enlarge or shrink
the box by dragging the corners. Some parcels will not be included.

20. When satisfied, click OK on the Map Frame dialog.

All of the data displayed in the 2D view is loaded into the map composition.

21. Close the 2D View.

22. Save your map composition by selecting File > Save As > Save as Map Composition.

23. Name the output

There are a few elements that every map should have:

 Scale bar,

 Legend,

 North Arrow,

 Name,

 Time, and

 Date.

Next, create a map legend.

24. In the Insert Map Element group of the Drawing tab, click the Legend button.

25. Click in the white space between the scale bar and the location map.

As we saw earlier, the cursur will change form to show what can and cannot be chosen to fill
the legend.

26. Follow the prompt and select the main map frame that contains the landparcels.shp
file.The map legend will be created using the attributes of the features in the topmost
layer in the map frame. The Legend Properties dialog displays.

27. In the Basic tab, hold down Shift and select Rows 2 - 4.

28. Select the Title tab and change the Title from Legend to Parcels by Area.

29. Click Apply and Close.

Creating a Map Composition Using ERDAS IMAGINE

30. In order to make room for the legend, delete some of the text from the bottom of the map

31. Click the newly created legend to select it.

32. Resize and move the legend so that it fills in the available white space.

Now make some adjustments to the legend to make it easier to read.

33. With the legend selected, in the Arrange group, select Ungroup twice.

34. Select only the word Symbology and click Delete in the Edit group.

35. From the Modify group, click the Select menu button and choose Select by Box.

36. Draw a bounding box around the remaining legend pieces.

37. Click the Group button in the Arrange group.

Now adjust the title of the map.

38. At the top of the map, click the Title of Map.

39. Delete the existing text.

40. Click Create Text Annotation.

41. Click on the canvas where the text was deleted.

42. Type: Bradshaw Park Subdivision and click Enter.

43. In the next line, type: Cherokee County, GA.

44. Use the tools in the Font/Size group to change the size, color, and style of the font.

45. Now that your map composition is finished, click Save.

Now you’ll send the map to a PowerPoint slide deck. This may be done if you wanted to use
the map composition in a presentation or in paper form.

46. From the Manage Data tab, select Send to PowerPoint > New Presentation.

47. Click Yes if you see a dialog to save all layers.

48. A new PowerPoint presentation is created with the map inserted into the first slide.

Thank you for watching this eTraining module from Hexagon Geospatial. For more eTraining,
please visit

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