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G. NARAYANAMMA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE Peserve weqwisewvrent ivy Hoe Bitton of unit commitment problem: |Selectoo of beck unit/unite among allthe available units rte supply a load ts called unit commitment. By only sunvin the most econommeal unit or combination of units, tre load com be supplied by these uvtits pa ee closer to its best efficiency, Spinning ecewe isthe teu used to deehibe the total omo lof generation available, from alll unite cynchronized on the Leystem, mvinus-Hre presentload amd loses being supplied. gnoiag leserve ust be coasted <0 that the loss of. ene oF more nits does not causetoo fara dvop un system Freqyency, TE one uh ic host, Howe wwst be ample sesewe outhe other units to male up forthe loss ty a specified Tue period. SHioming yuewe wk be capable of waking up the los of the wot heamily loaded unit Magnven peniod of Tue, Spinning reseed wast be spread around the povoer system Ho avoid brane esion system iitations andte allow vewiour | powts of Hie system be sun as islands, should they became elechtealdy disconnected. ‘ Dicewse bisetly. veriou: conshatute iwapoced voile sohsu ut committer problery, ~ Scanned with CamScanner We following cue Hie constraints yovolved iy A unitt-commrnitinent peeblern, D Unit conshertuts D) System condraints D @nvieonwem tal conctred vile 4) Network constrain 5) Gast conchratnts: Unit consharruts ae the sonevronnits assodated witl % gery units System conshrednts ase categorised at load tonthetints and e because He apunning weserve- conshoint, load conctratuts avis load com be steady on chanigung « Spioriieg ryesewe constroivits wefersto selection of 07 aachtonal unit te supply He oad so- Haat ewe If, ove of Hern fails to opera, the rhowe will 2 able te its. rovolve cladtup cot omd sunning K@ supply te load -Gst conshat cost. : Thesmal unit constrataks : Thennal unite usualdy sequine & 70° 4o pperate them, expecially volien tumed 0 andtumed off. Bthermal unit com vinderyo Bs only gradual demperoture changes, ama thie transdates voto & K Tame peod of some hours weqytied to boivig the unit online As aresule of such oesidtvone Wothe operation of a thenmel plant, vonsous conskroinile once, ucla Ass ! 4 a Mivawers up true t Once the units yunning, it ghould vol be tua ae Mim dovon me, : Ouce He unit dlecounemtith tere is. A before it eam 6 Scanned with CamScanner © Creve constrerinte + TE a plant concicte af woo or more writs, Urey comnot bots be | a SOuae Fie, SHiiee, -Waeie: ave Vick enough ceo | Member 40 attend both units vobile ston. | A Sberit-vap cost : Becaxe the temperature and Press ve tuened on att Ofte Hhestial unit wit be wioved slovoly, a certatn omourrt oF every must be expended to bring the unit on-line Tic Cmergy aloes ok resulting any « MW generation from the wit omd te bavuglet voto te unib commituient problems ag stont-wp cock 2D] a Explain PHority list method of uit comm tturerrts Priority Ust mettiod te Hie Staplat unit commitwent solution wethod. Th prtovity list wetliod, Ure Patorthy order vill be giver for each unit based ov 1 produdiion cock. The unoct efficient unit is loaded fist then follovoed by te leu efficient unit. ] The lead number ty the Prrovity Uist gives the wiock efficiont , Ceconouneal) unit. Algoritun for Po ovity Uc meHnod. | D Determine. the hourly laad forecast for Hae verct 92, hours. D Give. priority order to lie unite boced on the unit combinations. >) forthe finst dotewal, delesmine the nouber of unite wequined comy marimiun loed amd te Planing Duerwve- Lp Compare the number of uistte runes with mitrivwwm nunbey L Te Scanned with CamScanner LES HAethe number of unite wequlaed Wy He vert Louw is greater than the vot usite everentty munting Hie dhatup te wit according to Hie paiovityy licks A Ththe wiviiaw n0-of. units Acq Bian those running bo praent hou, Then, determine solrether atsoppm oul nuuiber Unit in the preseul group vill leave the Supply load oma spiniing wesewe + Alec ,cleleswine te number af how would be needed agaa Pe H ic less tay dovortfAwe of unit, they, wed vig the next hour ts (ess ten brut dover Me unit £ He Wighest paosity genertien te ws H before volmels the Grit iy covffanve vita Hae bat ose alze, Alou too costs, ) Sum of heudly prodiuchon Me unit a ay) By Howsly produckion cost orth unit ght devon +4 tod up cost of the units ; a4 dguifieamt c0wing ig Hae, ren auatclovon the viriks Repeat the procedure forte viext 92, brows. Delervine the priory leet usung full load average production cast forte date gen below. 4 Loading onites fuel cath parrcumetey [Uaioe pin AM an bp Ce Fal cost cosh for the next 4 hous voit i) ahuting down the unit, r i‘ i 100 400 0006 71 G00 If 50 300 ear. & 400 pas 150 500 “0.008 6 5oo -o it 4 abc saa Scanned with CamScanner . NARAYANAMMA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE Also, obtain opftoum unit committment EoD Core eS demand of F3= C088 +SR*SROBE 500+ GP, +0" ot Putte cosh 12 4.1 Fuelcost 2 = 1.0. Fuel cost 3= 70 } *. Fullload average produckon cost for pao, \ Aunvib 4 > Goo+ 1(402) 4008400) it | 4/00 = BI 11-49. b) units = tiene) RD = 14e Dysib a. ets xbO ee UL Scanned with CamScanner A poh ca ; poiovty order for Hrere vnits bated on Hoe owerage produdion Cost is as follows, 3 unit R/O Min mn m 3 m 150 pe Rate a 50 300 u S55 44 100 40° 8. 5D 2 300 Bah tig Unit uamitment ible for cuefewat onde TStal mraxtmy Load onit che MP combtualien penning M2 Mn dor 4 For combiiatio) ‘onto, 15d 300 200 ,<300 ay 38 eG Foo Sfp $47? oa. {any ge0 2°? * Se 1200, qoo totaleotks B+ AANK IAA 93-2 bb) CAPD > totaleost= 09.954 SROs O53. AER YEG ; 2 F202) Aeros) > otoleosts 1454+ 243-95 882 f 2) Po(D4en(y) 2 totaleost= 62.25 491-3 = 99-55 ti © F241) 4Fo(0) > totaleost- 92 +O =Fa The office chotee of unit comuituent fv a combination of init 2 23 rin RGA, 88-2, 24°55,40) > Spe Q7-45. Ae jue y P20) oma F300) ; e follovoing possibilites are considered for aload olemomad £2 for unit aha 667 : A) F2(0) 4 FOS) > total cost = 0+ Rasa - Fase 6D") ¥) F2(1) 4 Fa(2) > trtaloast« 99.954 Ag.g- “iags 65-45 } F2 (D4 PHO Stotaleosts ust HERD > CRABS 6 6 a) F2. (QA FIO) > costs 29.0540 3 68-98 i agi asa Ee 5 ad — Scanned with CamScanner ati re ee a, a G. NARAYANAMMA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE ae aoe Si see Be ot, for a load of 2Mn, He opitwum chotce would be Bue E win {73-05-7005 68-4568.) - m5 [Les F2CO* (GJ The Pollewsiing possibilittes auc te sol Ppaleadiot oMuausO Units d unity axe a F2lo) L ra(e) 2 oosbs OF 49-22 492 b) fod) & Es) > cost= 22:954 G8D1-3= 413-55 ©) F2g) 2F3(o) 2 Gos = ABt0= 45 “for aload ef amin, the optimum Chote voould be min {49-0,2,3-55/454- 439 [rey Fr@)4e3 (gy) The following possibilities are concidesed fora. load of IM ne vot unit 32g ‘ a) F2(0) $530) 5 cost = 81-3 « b) F2(t) RF3(0) > Gosh = 2995 A Theopfioung choice af for a load of IMO would be FS Yerooug unit3s STEP Unit g fs aleo committed alon 4 voith unitg4+3- Z load of 4Mv the follovoviig possibilities ar eomsidnd i 4 7 ake BD FiO) Fy,(4) > cost + O+ BRE. 2 Oph 87.95 Bi () Foals) Soest 92-45 + DD = WEP 98°F ° Fro) & Fa) > cosb= A St 43-02 A] ‘ a) FG) 3-F23 (1) 2 cost 72,05 49132 94-35 eB) ei) 2-93) > casb= A240 a AA 2, Scanned with CamsScanner Fence, the offtuum chotes fora bad of AM is win {88-2, aK, ] MN 9G-35, 49-24 = Bee B95 5 * A load of M19 on unib2 4a load df. OM on Units would j be the most ecouewttal choice -pra load demand of 41M) A What is Cregy Managament Qysteuns (eg)? Anat ave (tS major function in Tooer- system operation Aeortral 2 cooretinct aud a9 Ems 8 the peveese of moevitrsua, the gemercitioy, Lransuist0n and disthbation Of electrical mea TEis perfowned atte cere’ called Qystera Gaabro) Centre's, by¢ a computer syctem called Cmts. The Functone of energy management systems aves Doster load forecasting B Wit com tementt DAirel scheduttug to plants 4) Mycho Thermal ech edutt 5) MW mterchouge cabal 8) Transurtesion lass winitwizatey j i D Seeersty tonshrartt itematel, ® Maiutanence ae q) Produ chen cost caloulatror , ) Explain the hardware components and functional aspect: of SADA system Ca fundhonal block agra ro, SCADA Is a device amd the procedure for covbrol fing, ove oY — more xemote stations froma master conte lation’ A tupical SEBDR (, Supervisory Contyvl and Data AeapAlcitvon ) ; i: Scanned with CamScanner G. NARAYANAMMA. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE system cousicte of digital control device sensing anc telemetry device, Lworway comm vustecition: Coommun' calvon \ | 23) Prom omel to master statrons amd the xemot \ controlled statins - iia ae ye OSE re, e— Comp uber Mocens at master [7 shetvon, Grornunt cation linet Pie croricaiere Lo Pmalog - an. Remo ratte sbalvey, scpPDA torte chang conbrd aenewtor Control clouteata Naa Covtrol (edd Scanned with CamScanner The digital conlrel device of a scare sistem conta: vf Conten! computers and teamimals for data display ond ery » Blso, Hoe gensing amd lelemelry device has seniors, Dhe omd B06 converters , actuators relays che tolida ave used at He remote station fo sense opercitn alewn condifiovie amd ty keep dene active such at ekvoviit breakers: The communicafay clewice Consids of the modems omoal the Communication link. Modems ove modulators and democulortore voiteh are used to tranwib data omd the 6 communticatn links ave vaco, phase line, microyoowe lnk amd pover lune. ete. chee 3 eek aes fn aod applications of SADA, 9 Control ama indizaben of Hie. position of: a two ovthree position Gevice- ; D State ceileoy witout conbol, D Quo! woithoub indi wlio, A) Alanna Sensi i ct pol sorb! of meta, station, iHictton omel Ga Of sequevices of. evens aca risition from meteia olevices- , 2 vsebul 9 eneiattgaing bn generation rhowsuiion ulvon bf, electsse power » ; Scanned with CamScanner 2 Wornportatvey ¢ SCADA sutterve ave also em “el yewt brett Ugh vyetovne to monitor and trot fe Uolabes ) Oftomd ae tromsports SADA syctarnt ore ernployer . oland gp tndustey fara 4 ona wowitonag P A pump shatione electseal elements leak, delecton o yoo vera other fimpottiomt funchone. 4) Manufacknna: scapa susteng Is ured tn maanufe bndusties for ee an automahoin processes. Scanned with CamScanner

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