Thesis Statement

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Do challenges faced by the farmer of Butig, Lds, affect their production? Indeed,
challenges do affect the farm production in Butig Lanao del sur. Farm production
possessed several problems and it’s a common wide challenge that our farmers of
today’s facing. Farmers are the backbone of our country, they firmly work in their field
to yield maximum production for gratifying the food demand of the nation, and for our
local farmers here in Butig, they exert superb effort to provide the food demand of our
town and neighboring municipalities. Regardless of the effort exerted in farming, our
local farmers are still struggling because of the various challenges they faced in their
farming. Thus, challenges caused poor quality of their farming output. This paper is
designed to identify the different challenges faced by the farmer of Butig Lanao del sur
and this also aimed to emphasize on what among these challenges affect the most in
their production.
Butig is undeniably known for its largest agricultural land, which is why the main
livelihood of its people is in farming specifically rice and corn farming. aside from the
largest farmland we produce high quality of harvested products. In fact, we became the
main supplier of rice in our neighboring municipalities here in Lanao del sur. However,
despite of this abundance of farmland and quality of products, our farmers still have
problems encountered in their field. Climate change yet one of the challenges faced by
the farmers of Butig Lanao del sur, it holds a real threat in agricultural industry not just
in our town but all over the country. As we all know, agriculture is highly reliant on good
weather, including high and low temperatures, rainfall and wind intensity and many
other variables. Moderate warming and rainfall may help to grow plant but having
floods and severe drought is another story to the local farmers. Above average rainfall
can cause flooding, it can severely impact the farming output. Harvest can be delayed,
crops and pastures can ben submerged and killed and caused spoilt to the quality of
production. Recently we experienced heavy rains which resulted in flooding in our
Malaig river, and at present we experiencing rain due to typhoon Auring. According to
the farmer that we interviewed. “successive rains indeed affect my planted crops which
is the rice crops, due to this heavy rain, thus planted crops almost drowned and swept
away.” (anonymous, 2021), “I’m afraid that I might have nothing to reap during the
harvesting season. “he added. The statement affirmed that climate change does really
impact in productivity of our local farmers. Another challenge is the soil physical
degradation, it refers to the declined in soil condition caused by its improper use and
poor management. Due to the vast land in our town, there are some land that rarely
cultivated, unused and not well cared of. So, when it uses to as farm land it gives
difficulty to produce a quality output. Pest and diseases yet another challenge for the
farmers of Butig, specifically rats. Rodents can consume vast quantities of grain and rice
crop, causing loss of both food and income for the farmers. At present many of our local
farmers are struggling because of the damaged caused by the rodents to their farm
field. A farmer said “Our efforts and expenses turn to nothing because of that pest
rodents” (anonymous, 2021), “We expect to reap good quality of crops this coming
harvesting season but unfortunately, rodents had already harvested our crops.” He
added. The same grievances for other local farmers of Butig Lanao Del Sur. Though they
have some alternatives to handle these problems, they still considered these as
hindrances to their agricultural field.

The data gathered affirmed that our local farmers do faces challenges in their field.
Thus, challenges have a big impact in their farm production. Pest that bring diseases and
consume their crops are known to be the main problems of our local farmers. Climate
change is yet another challenge for the farmers, as it brings severe flooding and drought
that caused damage to their crops and farm land. Soil degradation is another hindrance
to achieve their expected outputs or production. Despite of these trials, our farmers are
firmly working to serve the food demand of our nation. As quoted” At least once in your
life you need a doctor and a lawyer but you need a farmer three times a day.”
(anonymous). We must learn to appreciate them, and give value to their works as it’s
the main treasures of our nation. Farming is not simple as just planting and harvesting, it
requires excessive effort, many factors need to consider in order to produce such quality

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