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Using the Main Rating Scale - When To Use Extreme

Ratings (1 & 5)

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While completing tasks, it's important that you answer each question accurately and to the best of your ability by
following the instructions laid out in the project guidelines. In addition, we ask that you pay special attention to the

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lowest and highest ends of the scale for the Main rating ("How much do you want to see this ad in your News
Feed?"), as much confusion has arisen as to when to apply these ratings. Since the guidelines mention the ad
impacting your day for the 1 and 5 ratings, these ratings should be used in rare cases where the ad affects your day
either negatively or positively outside of your News Feed.

The instructions for using the 4 & 5 ratings are as follows:

Choose option 5 (“definitely want to see”) if the ad would positively impact your overall experience - essentially,
increasing the enjoyment you get out of your News Feed or positively impacting your day beyond that story. Choose

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option 4 (“want to see”) when the individual ad is good - you would choose to see it, given a choice - but, it isn’t so
good that it has impacted your experience beyond viewing it.

The standards for using the 5 are harder to meet than the 4 rating. The ad would have to cause a strong positive
emotional response in order for it to be appropriately rated as a 5. Since most ads won't cause such positive
emotions in any way nor do they have the ability to improve your day, you should use the 4 rating far more often. Any
use of the 5 rating should also be sure to explain in the comments what caused the ad to elicit such positive
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The instructions for using the 1 & 2 ratings are as follows:

Choose option 1 ("definitely do not want to see") if the ad would negatively impact your overall experience -
essentially, souring your ability to enjoy your News Feed or your day beyond that story. Choose option 2 ("do not
want to see") when the individual ad is bad - you would choose not to see it, given a choice - but, it isn't so bad that it
has impacted your experience beyond viewing it. For example, a 1-star ad might be one that promotes an ideology
that offends you - imparting your ability to enjoy your News Feed and perhaps even your day.

The standards for using the 1 are harder to meet than the 2 rating. The ad would have to cause a strong emotional
reaction or an actual sense of repulsion in order for it to be appropriately rated as a 1. Since most ads won't cause
offense in any way nor do they have the ability to ruin your day, you should use the 2 rating far more often. Any use
of the 1 rating should also be sure to explain in the comments what caused the ad to elicit such negative emotions.

Please, refrain from giving an ad the 1 rating if the ad is:


• Only mildly annoying

• Not applicable to you
• Just something you wouldn't want to see

If you receive an ad in a foreign language that you cannot understand, it is also appropriate to rate the ad a 1.

DO NOT use the 1 rating just because you think you should use it sometimes. It is possible to never come across an
ad that elicits a strong reaction, and therefore you may never have to use it.

Here are some examples of both when the 1 rating would and would not
be appropriate:
Ad Rater Comment Admin Feedback

This is NOT a reason to apply the 1 rating.

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If you simply don't want to see something, please
"I don' t like to see any ads of cars."
apply the 2 rating. Furthermore, this comment isn't

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very descriptive and should include more detail
about why they don't want to see the ad.

This is a good reason to apply the 1 rating.

"I don't want to see any pictures of dead people!
Let the guy rest in peace already." The photos are shocking content to the rater and
has the potential to offend their sensibilities.

This is a good reason to apply the 1 rating.

99 n"I'm a democrat, and this is a load of crap. I'm

offended by this politically and morally. "

"I don't pay for the home security system we have
and I'm happy with it."
Not only does the rater disagree with the message
of the ad, they may be turned off by firearms or the
overly assertive message on the shirt. If they feel
strongly enough about it, they could apply a 1 here.

This is NOT a reason to apply the 1 rating.

Though the security system doesn't seem to be

useful to this rater, they haven't made a case that
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they ad is bad enough that it makes their feed
considerably worse. The milder rating of 2 would
have been the more appropriate rating.

This is a good reason for the 1 rating.

"This ad is very sexual. I don't find it funny, it's The rater highlighted the off-putting, offensive

actually kind of crass and offensive because it nature of the ad. Since the rater disagrees with the
makes women seem promiscuous." underlying message and feels strongly that they do
NOT want to see ads they consider degrading, the
1 rating is the most appropriate here.

This is NOT a reason to apply the 1 rating.

"I have no clue what this is. I'd hide it if ever saw The rater indicates that they don't know what's

it." going on in the ad. Not understanding something is

not a good reason for giving the lowest rating

This is NOT a good reason to give the 1 rating.

"This is an ad for blue buffalo dog food. I'm very Just because the brand is one that the rater doesn't
specific and only feed my dogs one brand and this care for doesn't mean it significantly affects their
is not it. Do not care to see it in my news feed." Feed experience. None of the lead up questions
indicate they have a major problem with the ad

"You shouldn't have to be beautiful to keep your

This is reason enough to give the 1 rating.
husband interested. This ad sends all the wrong
messages and is offensive to women by claiming
This rater has given two good reasons for the low
their image is all that it's important. It's also
rating: First, that it is deceptive. Second, and more
deceptive and probably doesn't work as well as
importantly, they find it denigrating to women. This
is reason enough for them to give it the lowest

This is reason enough to give the lowest rating.

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Due to its racy and offensive content, the ad could
"This shirt is terrible. I don't think it's funny and I
be offensive to a lot of people, and the rater
would never wear something like this. Only a tool

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happens to be one of them. Since the shirt in the
would find this funny."
ad seemed to elicit a strong emotional reaction, this
ad would be better served with the 1 rather than the
2 rating.

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