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● 2019-11-24 ●

Part 1

Copyright The InterStellar Mediator ™ [C]

All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés
Todos los derechos reservados
The InterStellar Mediator
November 3rd, 2019
with the spanish Group A.S.E.H
Alliance Espagnole des Graines d’Etoiles

Transcription of the YouTube Video N° 2

Today is Sunday November 24th, 2019. It is 6pm (Paris).

I am the InterStellar Mediator, Sol 13, Terra 3, Forest Monk, University Professor, Mother
and Author.

“It is the way and the custom when entering my space, that permission be required.”
(Formal presentation of Andromedans when they enter a meeting or a Council)

Andromedan Symbol - Respect (Blue) & Love (Gold)

I am online on Discord, with the Spanish groups Aseh and S&H. This meeting was organized
by Dna and her collaborators. Marissa is translating live from French to Spanish.
Thank you all.

It is a pleasure to be with you today.

Thank you for your invitation, your time, your confidence and your support.

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Participants from the ASEH and S&H groups presented 50 individual questions on the subject
of the Holographic Society.
Suffice to say that this is a very important subject for everyone these days.
The transition to a planetary society is inevitable and everyone wants change and is preparing.
2 sessions of 1 or 2 hours have therefore been planned. I organized the 50 questions into 12
main categories:

SESSION 1 / November 24th, 2019

I - Definition of the word "holographic"
2 - Is humanity ready?
3 - Foundations or basic pillars of this type of society
4 - What are the other stellar holographic society models
5 - Are there already similar models on earth?
6 - How do you set up a holographic society?

SESSION 2 / December 1st, 2019

7 - What are the individual actions to be undertaken?
8 - What are the collective actions that can be implemented?
9 - The transition and the population
10 - Transition and technology
11 - The transition and its drifts
12 - Transition and education

so we’re going to cover the first 6 categories succinctly today, but know that when the 12
strokes of midnight will be ringing at the end of the year passing to the year 2020, I will launch
12 actions, one action per month, for 12 months.
The 12 actions will cover the different themes addressed today.
You will be able to actively participate each month according to your free time.

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What does the term holographic mean, is it a 3D term?

It is a 3D and 5D term. The interstellar races also use the same word.
The etymology of the word ‘holographic’ comes from the ancient Greek prefix ὅλος, hólos
which means ‘whole’. We can can interpret as the concept of non-duality.

It is therefore a society which is based on the notion of wholeness, non-duality, and from a
perspective where all the potentials are not mutually exclusive, but are instead integrated
forming a whole, source of wealth.
It’s a planetary society.

It is also a society that uses 3D technologies, such as computers whose screens would no
longer be flat in 2D, but whose data would float before your eyes presenting natural reality in
a virtual representation, visible in depth, that one can touch, feel, hear, taste or perceive with
all the senses and therefore also the reasoned use of Artificial Intelligence at the service of its
users, oriented towards people and the well-being of populations.


Is our level of consciousness high enough to be ready for a holographic society?

Yes. You are ready. Those who are here are, because you are asking the right questions. You
are the pioneers. You are in front of the ship, the stern in the wind, pointing it in the right

And no. For those who have yet to learn about reality, or those who still find it hard to believe
and difficulty accepting the existence of inhabited worlds and planets, and a cosmos teeming
with life. Those who have not yet understood that life is not the exception, but that it is the

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What are the basic pillars for setting up a holographic society on our planet?

The Foundations of a Holographic society are :

What are the basic processes that must be in place to develop the holographic society from
a 3D scene (the Earth)?

The basis of holographic society is YOU and the equitable sharing of RESOURCES on the
planet. You are the heart and the dynamic of change, you the peoples of the Earth.

Humanity is you. If you change and another person changes, and yet another, and yet
another … ultimately ALL and the entire society changes. The basis, therefore, is you and the
internal transformation that you must make in yourself:

The 3 transformations and the basic concepts are:

PROBITY - MONTHLY STUDY AND EQUITY from the human point of view and from the point of
view of the planet's resources.

remember these 3 words: PROBITY – LOVING KINDNESS - EQUITY

PROBITY means: righteousness, good faith, rigorous honesty, scrupulous observance of the
rules of social morality, or of duties towards others

LOVING KINDNESS means: sweetness of soul which leads to being indulgent, patient, lenient

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EQUITY means: we do not share so that everyone has the same thing (equality) but according
to everyone's needs.

Let's take a concrete example: we cut a cake into X parts:

equality is to give the same share, or the same number of shares, to each child.
                  And it's the same for everyone.

While equity is something different: it's giving a number of shares based on the need of one
or more children. Eg. we would give more to a child dying of hunger in a poor country than to
a child having 3 meals a day.

How to set up a society without money?

Be creative and develop respect, empathy and service to others as core and essential values
of your life.
Do not give up, whatever the difficulties.
There are many videos on YT that you can watch that will give you ideas.
I will also make a presentation on how this system works which is long to explain.


Could you tell us what are the characteristics that define a Holographic Society for other races outside the Earth?

They are the same as those presentedin the LETTER N°6 - the basic principles are the same. It
is a honeycomb structure based on ethical and spiritual values and organized in councils of

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- Besides the Andromedan holographic system, what other holographic systems do the
most well-known stellar races use?
- Do you think that a scalar Holographic Society of the Andromedian type is suitable
for this planet and its inhabitants?
- or do you think that another type would be best suited to the inhabitants of the Earth?
- Are there other types of societies, apart from the Holographic Society, which are used
by the various stellar cultures and which, in the same way, allow a good coexistence between
individuals as well as a successful evolution in the social field?

There are different types of holographic societies that are set up by other civilizations
depending on the resources of their planet, their degree of maturity, wisdom, self-control, or
the already existing system.

It would be a big mistake to copy / paste on earth, a civilization or an extraterrestrial

This would not work since, as at present on earth where the society is not human / Terran
strictly speaking, you would be obliged again to adapt to it rather than to create it on your

- there are royal holographic societies (with a queen or a king) which are composed of
councils from the smallest to the largest with a great council of the planet and a royalty; but
it’s not the Queen who decides.
- or holographic societies with councils like those of the Ummmites with a council of citizens,
then of 1728 representatives, then of 116 representatives, and a planetary council of 4
members instead of 12 in others
- or holographic societies like the one I propose with 12 members by councils linked together
by their spokespersons and where the flows are dynamic and transversal.

I think the basic structure (12 points or dodecahedron or the logo of the High Council of
Andromeda) is a good stable structure, which many stellar civilizations use as a basic model.
It’s a skeleton. Then you have to put in it what is best for earthly human society. This
structure is similar to the eyes of a fly or a set of fullerenes hanging from each other.

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In the new Holographic Society, will the Great Teachings and the principles of Lemuria and Atlantis
be applied again?

I'm sorry, but I cannot answer this question.

Please specify what you mean by "The Great Teachings" and the "Principles of Lemuria and
If these belief systems have disappeared, it is because they were not resistant enough and
probably would not be more suited to the transformations underway.
When you plant carrots you harvest carrots not roses.
When you plant ‘past’, you get the ‘past ’… and you expend your energy maintaining a faulty
system to keep it alive because it fits your belief system.
Here what prevails is the planetary population and the so-called "homo sapiens sapiens" and
the planet on which they live.


Is there currently a practical example on Earth that we can follow?

Yes, there are many, but they are not holographic societies on the basis of a structure with
toroidal dynamics in praesentia. However, we can take inspiration from it and choose the
most promising elements. Here are some examples :

- Findhorn 500 Eco Villages in Findhorn and Moray in Scottland started by Eileen Caddy, Peter
Caddy and Dorothy Maclean,

- Auroville / City of Dawn in India started by French Mira Alfassa (The Mother) designed by
architect Roger Anger in 1965,

- The Venus Project, based on the equitable use of planetary resources, free energy, created
by Jacque Fresco, in Florida in the USA, in the 1990s (and subsequently with his collaborator
Roxanne Meadows),

- The Zeitgeist Movement established in the USA by Peter Joseph,

- The Ubuntu party created in Africa by Michael Tellinger,

- The Free Republic of Liberland, created by Vít Jedlička, on a land between Croatia and

- PROUT : the Social and Economic Theory of Progressive Use social and economic theory
created in 1959 by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar based on cooperatives, spirituality and autonomy.

All of these projects have online sites and videos on YouTube.

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1 / When is it planned to set up a holographic society?

2 / Is it now, in our space-time, in the year 2019?
3 / Who will make the transition from current society to the new holographic society
4 / and how?

A holographic society is not based on a single government. It is not a pyramidal structure but
a set of councils ranging from family councils, to councils of citizens, electing their
spokespersons, forming the council of a community, electing their spokesmen, forming the
council of the village, a city, a region, of a continent and finally of the planet.

A holographic society is like this graph shows: a structure built in honeycombs, with cells
(fullerenes), attached to each other. Each individual, whoever he is, can intervene at the level
of the Council of the Planet, and have laws created to, for example, manage the problem of
the neighbor who makes big pieces of polystyrene after unpacking its refrigerator, in the
village bin normally intended for composting.

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The holographic society is You. When you master yourself, you control, develop, expand
everything you hope to see change in humanity.
You cannot change others. It is their privilege and their responsibility.
But you can act change ‘you’ first and foremost.
The emergence of a planetary society is inevitable, but its various components are being set
up in disorder and violence.

1 / In a future holographic society, what role will the inhabitants of today play,
2 / that is to say that it will be up to us to "sow the seed" or
3 / perhaps simply to prepare the earth for it to be fertile?

1 / sowing the seed: you already have a very active part in it, by getting together, for example,
here on Discord, by asking each other the right questions, by talking about it and thinking
about it together.
Then you can talk about it and discuss it with your relatives, your friends, your neighbors,
your community, get together in family councils of 12 for example, by electing a spokesperson
who will represent you with local associations, or community.
2 / you can also learn to cultivate your garden, on earth and indoors.

Why are the StarSeeds responsible for building the Holographic Society?

The StarSeeds are not strictly responsible for building this society. They take part each in their
own way and according to their life line and their free will.
We will see this point in more details during the next session.


The session is over. I wish you have a good week.

We will meet up
next Sunday December 1, 2019
at the same time, in the same place
to address the rest of the questions, categories 7 to 12,
and in particular individual and collective actions that can be implemented.

T.I.M. - The InterStellar Mediator, Ed.S, MD, FDD ™ ©

Copyright The InterStellar Mediator ™ [C]
All rights reserved – Tous droits réservés
Todos los derechos reservados

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