San Agustin Elementary S.Y. 2020 - 2021 Grade Vi NAME: - DATE: - SECTION

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SAN AGUSTIN ELEMENTARY _____5. What does the figurative language in this text suggest?

urative language in this text suggest? “For many runners who

S.Y. 2020 -2021 prefer running barefoot but still want some support and protection, minimalist shoes are the
GRADE VI best thing since sliced bread”.
A. The shoes are an awful invention.
NAME: ____________________________ DATE: ______________ B. The shoes are a fabulous invention.
SECTION: ________________________ C. The shoes are as soft as freshly baked bread.
D. Runners enjoy sliced bread after they compete or exercise.
ENGLISH _____6. “The lighthouse’s horn moaned, and the sound traveled through the thick fog,
reaching the sailors who were enveloped in the grayness”. What does the underlined
I. Analyze the sentences properly, then choose the best answer by writing the phrase mean?
letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet. A. The horn made a long, low sound.
B. The sailors moaned when they saw the lighthouse.
_____1. Laughter is sunshine; it chases winter from the human face. What does the text C. The sailors were complaining because they were lost.
suggest? D. The size of the lighthouse caused the sailors to moan.
A. Laughter is a human trait. _____7. What does the simile in this song suggest? You're as cold as ice; you're willing to
B. Laughter can brighten people's moods. sacrifice our love.
C. Laughter cannot worsen people's moods. A. The song is about someone who is guilty.
D. Laughter can affect people in different ways. B. The song is about someone who doesn't care.
_____2. What does the figurative language “Ten thousand daffodils I saw at a C. The song is about someone who is blissfully in love.
glance, tossing their heads in sprightly dance” suggest? D. The song is about someone who is cold and needs a jacket.
A. There are a lot of daffodils. _____8. I lost my way; she said she'd stay. But lately I've been living with a ghost. What
B. The speaker was watching nature. does this metaphor mean?
C. The daffodils were a beautiful sight. A. The speaker is haunted by the ghost of the woman he loves.
D. The daffodils were moving in the wind. B. The speaker feels lonely because the woman of whom he speaks turned into a ghost.
_____3. What does the personification in this text suggest? The trawler plunged into the C. The speaker feels lonely because the woman of whom he speaks is not there anymore.
angry swells of the dark, furious sea. D. The speaker feels confused because the woman of whom he speaks said she'd stay, but
A. The sea is fierce. he's living with a ghost now.
B. The trawler is expensive. _____9. The woman’s face launched a thousand ships. Her beautiful looks caused conflict
C. The sea was deep in color. to men.
D. The sea is tranquil and calm. A. She was busy.
_____4. Cellphones once cost an arm and a leg, but today, majority of the people can B. Her beauty caused a war.
afford them. What does it mean when they say “cost an arm and a leg”? C. She caused ships to sink.
A. Cellphones were once very expensive. D. She was a witch that destroyed a thousand ships.
B. Everyone owned cell phones at one point. _____10. It took him eons to give the answer. Everyone got already bored.
C. Cell phones were once popular items to trade. A. He is tired.
D. People used to pay for cell phones by cutting off their arms and legs B. He moves slowly.
as payment. C. He thinks deeply before talking.
D. It takes him a long time to answer.

II. Write S on the blank if the sentence is simile, M if it is a metaphor, H if it is a hyperbole, I _____7. Bookworm g. become very rich
if it is an irony, and E if it is a euphemism. _____8. Zip our lips h. very busy
_____1. I’ve read this book a hundred times. _____9. Burns the midnight oil i. not correct
_____2. My hands were as rough as a sandpaper after gardening without gloves. _____10. Cloud nine j. in trouble
_____3. The name of America’s biggest dog was “Tiny”.
_____4. Samantha is having a senior moment that she did not bring her V. Choose the answer inside the box. Write the letter of the correct answer.
_____5. Every Tuesday, the sanitation engineer empties the garbage bins. A. Visual Media E. Characterization I. Setting
_____6. You are a solid rock I can lean upon in times of trouble B. Blocking F. Light J. Acting
_____7. Those twin girls are two peas in a pod. C. Direction G. Set - up
_____8. A traffic cop gets his license suspended because of unpaid parking D. Picture Analysis H. Dialogue
_____9. My birthday will never come!
______1. The relationship of the camera to the camera.
____10. I have a mega amount of homework to do.
______2. The process by which the writer reveals the personality of the character.
______3. The process of making sure that every component of a movie runs smoothly.
III. Read and analyze the sound devices used in the sentences. Write O –if the sentence is
______4. It is an important aspect for shaping meaning in films.
ONOMATOPOEIA, AL – if it is ALLITERATION, C – if it is CONSONANCE and AS - ______5. This includes facial, expressions, body language and delivery of lines.
ASSONANCE. ______6. It is also called set design.
__________1. The pop of the firecracker. ______7. The exchange of spoken words between two or more characters in a film.
__________2. I love to ride a boat at night. ______8. It both time and geographic location within a film or within a work of
__________3. A wicked whisper came and changed my life. film.
__________4. The car screeched on the pavement. ______9. Sources of information in the form of visual representations.
__________5. Little Larry like licking the sticky lollipop. ______10. The extraction of meaningful information from images by means of
__________6. He stood on the road and cried. processing techniques.
__________7. The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.
__________8. The buzz of a bee. I. Write R if the sentence is real or factual and MB if the sentence is made believe or
__________9. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. non – factual.
__________10. The light of a fire is a sight.
_______1. Dairy cows give milk.
IV. Match the meaning of the idiomatic expression from Column A to Column B. Write the _______2. The farmer planted pizza and hamburgers.
_______3. The pig said, “Let’s go to the dance tonight!”
letter in the blank before the number.
_______4. The green tractor ran out of gas.
_____1. From rags to riches a. very kind _______5. The chicken laid golden eggs.
_____2. Heart of gold b. study late night _______6. The goat and the sheep got married by the big tree.
_____3. As busy as bees c. very easy _______7. Four little ducks swam in the pond.
_____4. Barking up the wrong tree d. extremely happy _______8. The farmer’s wife baked a banana cake.
_____5. In hot water e. loves to read book _______9. Rain made the roads muddy.
_____6. It was a piece of cake f. be quiet _______10. Two crickets sang “Mary had a little lamb”

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