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Objective Data  Deficit fluid  After 8 hours Pre-operative Care  After 8 hours of
volume related of nursing Independent: nursing intervention
The patient was to excessive intervention the patient was
conscious but looks blood loss. the patient  Assess and document the  To know the actual unable to normalize
pale. will blood loss blood loss and to her blood volume
normalize determine the and show unstable
her blood appropriate treatment vital sign. She was
V/S taken as follows: volume, needed by the patient. announced dead 3
show October 2013 at
BP: 80/60mmHg improvemen 11:45 pm due to
HR: 71 bpm t in her fluid  Review the records and  This will help in retained placenta,
RR: 12 cpm balance as note certain conditions determining the hypovolemic shock
evidenced such as retained placental management of the secondary to severe
by a good fragments, any laceration, situation thus anemia.
capillary abruptio placenta, etc. preventing further
refill and complications.
stable vital
 Monitor the Vital Signs and  Increased heart rate,
check for capillary refill. low blood pressure,
cyanosis, delayed
capillary refill indicates
hypovolemia and
impending shock.
Decrease fluid volume
of 30-50% will reflect
changes in the blood

 Massage the uterus.  To help expel clots of

blood and it is also
used to check the tone
of the uterus and
ensure that it is
clamping down to
prevent excessive

 Place the mother in  Encourages venous

Trendelenberg position. return to facilitate
circulation, and prevent
further bleeding.

 Provide comfort measure  Promotes relaxation

like back rubs, deep and may enhance
breathing. Instruct in patient’s coping
relaxation or visualization abilities by refocusing
exercises. attention.


 Start 1 or 2 IV infusion(s) of  This is important for

isotonic or electrolyte fluids rapid or multiple
with an 18-gauge catheter infusions of fluids or
or via a central venous line. blood products to
Administer fresh whole increase circulating
blood or other blood volume and enhance
products (e.g., platelet clotting. Note: Each
concentrate, plasma, unit of whole blood
cryoprecipitate) as increases the
indicated hematocrit level by
three percentage

 Administer medication as  To promote contraction

indicated (e.g Pitocin, and prevents further
Methergin) bleeding.

Post Operative Care


 Monitor the vital signs  To rule out for shock.

(pulse, blood pressure,
respiration) every 30
minutes for the next 6
hours or until stable. 

 Palpate the uterine fundus.  To ensure that the

uterus remains
 Check for excessive lochia.  To determine if the
amount discharged is
still within the normal


 Continue infusion of IV  To maintain the

fluids as indicated. patient’s hydration,
electrolyte and blood
sugar level.

 Transfuse blood as
indicated.  To replace the blood
that is lost through
surgery and the
patient’s bleeding.

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