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Mitch T.

BSA 301


What would be our life without Jesus? What path should we take if we don’t have
someone who we can ask for guidance, support and wisdom? Our life would be entirely
meaningless without God. He is our direction, our savior and everything so therefore it is
just right to give something in return to our almighty Father through following His words
—just like the Commandments and Beatitudes. If we live our life following the words of
God, then surely we have peace and bountiful blessings in our life.

If we have rules, policy or law in this temporary world, we also have to follow the word
of God because if we fail to follow the rules here on land, we may charge with penalties
or punishments, same as to God. If we fail to follow His words, God may feel unhappy
for us/you and we may look sinner to Him. Yes, I admit that before we came into this
world, we are already a sinner but it doesn’t mean that you will constantly do something
bad, rather be good and follow the goodness of Jesus Christ for there we lived a happy
and blissful life.

The Commandments and the Beatitudes teaches me to always choose to be good one just
for our self but to others because God will always have a heart on those people who
follow His word. I admit that I commit sin and have neglected some of the
commandments, but never did I turn my back to God. I give my hand to those who
needed me and became selfless to myself also where I would not mind if I have nothing
left for as long as I can help and give it to other people, their smile on their faces is
enough for me.

I am always thankful that I lead a beautiful life where I am surrounded by loving and
caring people. I have my family who guided and supporting me and God for reminding
me to follow his path and words to lead a fruitful and blissful life. 

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