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Tacogdoy Jolliveen I.



DIRECTION: Name that Drug is the title of this task. For this task you need to use the chart below to
provide information about the drugs.

NAME OF DRUG Street Names How it Used Percentage Effects Health Risk
of Uses

Methamphetamine Shabu Snorted and 23.1 anxiety, Brain

Hydrochloride Injected confusion, Damage
(As of 2015) insomnia, mood
disturbances, and
violent behavior

Cannabis Marijuana Smoked 34.04 Memory loss, Lung

Lung damage, Cancer,
(As of 2014) Heart damage Heart,
Brain, and

Cocaine Snowbirds Inhaled and 1.86 Anger/irritability, Brain

Swallowed Paranoid feeling, Damage,
(As of 2014) Decreased Anoryxia

Ecstacy Vitamin X Swallowed 1.09 nausea Brain

and Injected Damage
(As of 2014) loss of appetite

increased body


Heroin Big H Injected, 1.2 Nausea, vomiting, Brain

Sniffed and and severe Damage,
(As of 2020)
Smoke itching may also Hear and
occur. lung

Inhalants Rugby/Solvent Inhaled 4.7 Hallucinations Brain

and delusions Damage
(As of 2014) Hostility




Severe headaches

Hallucinogens Heavenly Blue Swallowed 3.0 feelings of Brain

euphoria; Damage
(As of 2010)
blurred vision;

sense of
relaxation and


Depressants Rainbows Swallowed 17.3 Lowered blood Heart

pressure Disease
(As of 2010)




Slurred speech


Tranquilizers Valium Swallowed 12.0 Drowsiness, Brain

dizziness, and Damage
(As of 2015) confusion

Problems with
movement and

Slowed heart rate

and breathing,
which may be
worsened if
combined with


DIRECTION: Based on what you have observed from the preceding task list at least 3 facts about VICES

 Vice is a practice, behaviour, or habit generally considered immoral, sinful, criminal, rude, taboo,
depraved, or degrading in the associated society. In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault,
a negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or a bad or unhealthy habit.
 Drugs are chemicals that affect a person in such a way as to bring about physiological,
emotional, or behavioral change.
 ‘Dangerous drugs’ are those that have high tendency for abuse and dependency, these
substances may be organic or synthetic, and pose harm to those who use them
 Drug abuse exists when a person continually uses a drug other than its intended purpose. This
continued use can lead to drug dependence, a state of physical and psychological dependence
or both on a dangerous drug
 Drug addiction is a complex, and often chronic, brain disease. It is characterized by execessive
drug craving, seeking, and use. Addiction is caused by brain changes caused by constant drug


DIRECTION: Answer the following question, use a word process format in making this task.

1. Why it is important to study vice and drug education?

Answer: It is important to study vice and drug education because most of the crimes occured more likely
involved in drug related cases. We often heard ladies being raped, murder, road accident, and robbery
just to mention a few. These crimes oftenly occur because of the influence of vices and drug use. If we
study vice and drug education, we can lessen the crime rate of our country guided by knowledge on vice
and drug education.

2. What are the factors affect a person in engaging to drugs?

Answer: The factors affect a person in engaging to drugs are:

 Peer influence or peer pressure

 Lack of parental guidance
 Curiousity
 Medication

3. Identify drug related crimes.

Answer: These are the drug related crimes:

 Drug Trafficking
 Rape
 Murder
 Wreckless Imprudence
 Homicide
 Drug Smuggling

DIRECTION: Complete the table below by giving an answer on each question.


What is the difference between substance abused The primary difference between substance abuse
and addiction? and addiction is that substance abuse is a
damaging behavior; however, some element of
choice is still involved. Once addiction is in place,
the individual does not choose to actively abuse
substances. Unlike substance abuse, addiction is a
disease. When someone is addicted to a
substance, physical dependence on the substance
is generally present; however, one can be
physically dependent on a substance (as people
may be on certain prescription medications taken
according to a doctor’s instructions) without being
addicted to it

What is Physical addiction? Addictive substances can change chemical levels

deep inside the brain. Most of those changes
concern chemicals that produce a feeling of
pleasure or reward. When those chemical levels
are changed, even if they are changed just a little
bit at a time, they can produce a new normal for
the brain. In time, those brain cells can come to
believe that the drug adjustments are the normal
state of affairs for the brain, and they will call out
for more drugs if none are present. In addition,
according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse,
the brain can develop a tolerance to the substance
of abuse. Small doses just do not produce the
overwhelming sensations the person needs to feel
high and rewarded. The person might need to take
bigger and bigger doses to have the same happy
drug reaction. That tolerance can drive the person
to take more drugs or to take drugs more often. It
is a hallmark of addiction, and it is caused by a
physical change.

What is tolerance? the capacity to endure continued subjection to

something, especially a drug, transplant, antigen,
or environmental conditions, without adverse

What are some warning that someone has a drug While every person’s experience of drug use or
problem? addiction is unique, there are some signs that are
common to many people who abuse substances,
including the following:

1. Intense cravings.

2. Tolerance.

3. Withdrawal symptoms.

4. Physical dependence.

5. Engaging in increasingly risky behaviors.

6. Drug-seeking behaviors.

7. Financial trouble related to drug use.

8. Neglecting responsibilities.

9. Developing unhealthy relationships with those

who support addiction.

10. Isolating behaviors

What can you do to help someone with a drug The only thing I can help someone with a drug
problem? problem is that by telling him or her that if they
will not stop using drugs, it will cost their lives. I
will encourage them to be more active to get
involved in sports, leisures and recreational

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