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Bismil Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Nahmaduhu Wa Nusallee Alaa Rasoolihil Kareem

I, sincerely and humbly as one of the members of Maulana Okarvi

Academy [Al-Aalami] present this First English Translated Edition of
‘URS SHAREEF MAGAZINE’ 2021 as a Gift to the English Readers and
Fans all over the World.
Honorably and Lovingly Dedicated to the Beloved Father of Khateeb
e Millat the Orator of the Nation Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani
Okarvi the Greatest Orator Khateeb e A’zam Hazrat Allaamah
Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Allaah have mercy on him].
I have tried my best to render this translation to the best of my abilit y
… any mistake, spelling errors I might have committed I apologize and
ask for forgiveness in advance. Maulana Okarvi Academy [Al-Aalami]
is not responsible for any of my mistakenness.
Please also check the Urdu Version here…
if any reference/ translation needs validation.
I will be grateful if any errors in translation have been pointed out
for correction…at
Jazaakumul Laah Khaier
Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaa Nir Raheem

At the Appeal of Maulana Okarvi Academy [Al-Aalami] and the Majority of Ahl-
e-Sunnat Haqeeqi,

Every Year, in the month of Rajab on the third Blessed Friday

[Jumaah tul Mubaarak]

Annual International Khateeb e A’zam Da

International Day of the ‘Greatest Orator’
[Khateeb e A’zam]

is celebrated. In all the Mosques of Ahl-e-Sunnat and Centers [Jamaa’at] in the

country and abroad, the Imaam’s and Honorable Orators [Khutbaa e Kiraam] pay
tribute homage and express their love/devotion to, the Reviver of the true Sunni
Path [Mujaddid-e-Maslak Ahle-Sunnat], benefactor of country and nation, lover of
the Holy Prophet [Aaashiq e Rasool] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], devotee of
the Companions and the Progeny of Batool [Muhibb-e-Sahaabah Wa Aal-e-Batool],
Beloved of Saints, [Mahboob e Auliyaa] Greatest Orator [Khateeb e Aazam] Hazrat
Al Haaj Allaamah Qiblaah Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Qudus Sirrah] in
their Friday sermons and for forwarding the reward of reading [Ieesaal e Sawaab]
offer Faatihah Khuwaani for him.

This act of theirs is both an expression of love, devotion/respect to the Benefactor

and devotees of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at and also a support for the Sect of Truth
[Maslak e Haqq].

If Allaah Almighty wills, [In Shaa Allaah Ta’aalaa] as usual, this year too, on the third
Thursday and Friday of the month of Rajab, the annual two-day Central Holy Urs
Celebrations will be held at the Jaamiah Masjid Gulzaar-e-Habeeb [Sallal Laahu Alaieh
Wa Sallam], Gulistaan-e-Okarvi [Soldier Bazaar], Karachi. You are requested to
celebrate the day of Hazrat Khateeb A’zam Pakistan ‘Yaum e Khateeb e A’zam’
[Allaah have mercy on him] in the Religious Centers, Mosques, and Madrassas of Ahl-e-
Sunnat on
Friday, March 5, 2021
for the forwarding the reward to the Greatest Orator of Pakistan and be rewarded
from Almighty Allaah.
[Jazaakumul Laah Ta’aalaa]

[Be sure to send newspapers and magazines details/snippet of events held in this
regard for publication]

Contact: 0092 21 32256532

Mobile: 0306-2208613 / 0312-2882252

The Great Reformer [Mujaddid e Maslak] of Ahl-e-Sunnat sect the Great Lover Aashiq e Rasool
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], the Greatest Orator [Khateeb e A’zam] Hazrat Allaamah Maulana
Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Allaah have mercy on him] passed away from this temporary world [daar
e faani] to the eternal abode [khuld e bareen] on 21 Rajab 1404 H according to 24 April 1984. On
his second Holy Annual Urs Shareef Celebration, a comprehensive book "Khateeb-e-Pakistan-In
the eyes of his Devotees/Followers" [Apnay Mu’aasireen ki Nazr May] was published. It included
observations and impressions from Government Officials, Scholars and Religious Leaders, Poets,
Writers, and his Supporters.

A collection of writings on Hazrat Qiblaa Aalam Khateeb e A’zam [Allaah have mercy on him] so far
is ready for publication. We request to send us your observations and impressions [prose and
poetry] about the Religious and National services of Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam Pakistan [Allaah have
mercy on him] his unparalleled oratory, innovative and revolutionary work for the Sect of Truth,
[Maslak e Haqq] Country and Nation’s building and development, other perpetual charities,
political and social endeavor’s and research about himself/caste and attributes without delay. If
you have any of his speeches, writings or pictures preserved, be sure to provide us with a copy.
We will be grateful to you for that.

Maulana Okarvi Academy [International]

53-B, Sindhi Muslim Housing Society [S.M.C.H], Karachi – 744000
Phone: +92 [021] 3452 1323, 3452 5343

The People of Faith [Ahle Ieemaan] the People of love/Devotees [Ahle Muhabbat],
who would like to participate in the annual Urs Ceremony collectively for delivery
of Reward of Reading [Ieesaal e Sawaab], are requested to recite the Qur'aan e
Kareem, Durood-Shareef, Kalimah-e-Taiyyibah and other various ‘Auraad o
Wazaa’if and send us the correct details in writing so that the great Benefactor of
Religion and Nation [Deen O Millat] may be rewarded with as many good
deeds/reward of Ieesaal e Sawaab as possible.

If special arrangements are made for the recitation of the Qur'aan in Religious
Madrassah during the days of Urs Shareef, it will certainly be very Blessed and

May Allaah reward you.

[Jazaakumul Laah]


Mujaahid of Ahl-e-Sunnat, International Preacher of Islaam, Orator of Nation,

[Khateeb e Millat] Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi [Madd Zillah Al A’li]
teaches/preaches [Dars] of the Holy Quraan e Kareem every Friday before Prayers
at Jaame Masjid Gulzaar-e-Habeeb [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], Gulistaan-e-Okarvi,
Karachi. On the 21st night of every month, after the Ishaa Prayers, the Khatm-e-
Ghausiyah is recited at the Holy Shrine [Mazaar Shareef] of Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam
[Allaah have mercy on him]. In addition, on the 11th night of every month, there is a
‘Spiritual Gathering’ [Ruhaani Ijtimaah] of the Giyaarahween Shareef.
[There is enclosed/veiled [Baa Pardah] sitting arrangement for Ladies]

For the past few years, Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi's lesson of the Qur'aan
[Dars e Quraan] has been recorded. All these CDs are available at Maktab Gulzaar-
e-Habeeb [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], Gulistan-e-Okarvi [Soldier Bazaar], Karachi. In
addition, arrangements have been made to broadcast the sermons live on the
Internet, these are also being stored on YouTube.

In the name of Allaah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

As Salaatu Was Salaamu Alaiekaa Yaa Rasoolal Laah Waa A’laa Alaiekaa Wa’ As
Habeeka Yaa Habeebal Laah!

Peace and Blessings be upon You, O Messenger of Allaah, and upon Your Family
and Your Companions, O Beloved of Allaah!


Respectfully with Folded Hands…

Allaah Ta’aalaa [Jallaa Shaanahu] is the Creator of the Universe, the True Divinity.
All Virtues and Praises are suitable to Him, He is the Only Non-Participant, [Wahdu
Laa Shareek] He has no Beginning and no End, He is Self-Existing. His every
Perfection/Excellence [Kamaal] is personal and real, not given by anyone, not in
anyone's possession and control. He does not need anything in any way, there is
no concept of compulsion, disability, a weakness for Him, He is so Pure [Paak] that
no one is as Pure as Him. It is not possible to even think of a defect in Him. He is the
Real Owner, [Maalik e Haqeeqi] He is the Most Merciful [Rahmaan] and the Most
Compassionate, [Raheem] this whole Divine Powerful Creation belongs to Him. In
everything there is a Manifestation of His Power [Qudrat kay Jalwaay], He is the
Giver, [Mu’tee] He gives to whomever He wills, as much as He wills, no one
excellencies [kamaal] can be considered perfect/given without His
granting/bestowing. The Manifestations of His Self/Essence, [Zaat O Sifaat]
Attributes, Names of Allaah Kareem [Asmaa ul Husnaa] and Actions/Movements of
Allaah Ta’aalaa are all over the Universe. He is Blithe [Bay Parwaa] but is
Kind/Benevolent, [Kareem] there is no one as Kind as Him, His Benevolence
[Naimat] and Blessings [Barkaat] cannot be counted.
Knowledge about Him [His Maarifat] cannot be fulfilled [Haqq Adaa].

It is a Great Grace [Ahsaan e Azeem] of Allaah Ta’aalaa that for the sake of whom
Great Honorable Being He created this Universe; He gave us His that Sacred
Honorable Beloved. We got to know Allaah Ta’aalaa only through our Most Beloved
Honorable Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], our Faith [Ieemaan] in Almighty
Allaah and our relationship with Almighty Allaah is due to our Holy Prophet [Sallal
Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. The Highest, Most Beloved and the Last Prophet of Allaah
Almighty is our Beloved Honorable Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], He is
the Perfect Manifestation [Mazhar e Kaamil] of the Essence and Attributes of
Almighty Allaah, He is the Clear Proof of the Quintessence/Essence of Allaah
Almighty. With Allaah Ta’aalaa bestowal [Ataa] His Perfection and all His
Excellencies [Kamaalaat] is comprehensive and complete. He is the Best and
Highest of all in Almighty Allaah's creation. He is Unique and Unparalleled; He is the
Sovereign/Crown Owner of the Universe. [Taajdaar e Kainaat] He is a Mercy for the
Worlds [Rahmatul Lil A’laameen], an Intercessor for the disobedient, a Redresser
for the helpless, Allaah Almighty has made Him perfect, there is no limit to His Glory
among Allaah's creation. Our Allaah Almighty has taught us His Manners [Adaab],
His Love and Reverence are obligatory upon us. Allaah Almighty has given us the
glad tiding of His Special Closeness/love [Mahboobiyat] in His Court for following
the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] perfectly with love. Only by being
Faithful to the Last Honorable Prophet of Allaah [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] there is
Victory, Prosperity and Happiness and Mercy for us in this World and the Hereafter.
The security of our Faith and the goodness of the World and the Hereafter for us
lies in Love/Devotion and respect for the Noble Parents [Waalidaien Kareemaien]
of the Holy Honorable Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] – Mercy for the Worlds,
Intercessor for the disobedient], the Holy Wives, [Azwaaj-e- Mutarhiraat] the
family of the Holy Prophet [Ahle Baiet] and the Noble Companions [Sahaaba e
Kiraam] [Allaah have mercy on all of them].

We got this education and training, true cognition [sahee irfaan], and awareness
from Qiblaah e A’lam Hazrat the Greatest Orator; Khateeb e A’zam Reformer of
Ahl-e-Sunnat Sect; Benefactor of the Country and the Nation; our Mentor; the
Lover of Holy Prophet, the Companions descendants of Batool; Beloved of Saints
[Mahboob e Auliyaa] Hazrat Allaamah Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi; [Allaah
have mercy on him]. Our perseverance in Religion, Faith, Maslak e Haqq Ahle Sunnat
Wa Jamaa’at and the great passion and enthusiasm for its services is due to our
devotion, and utmost respect and love for him.

Our Benevolent Guide /Mentor [Murshid Kareem] was undoubtedly a countless

Blessing from Almighty Allaah for us. Allaah Ta’aalaa blessed him a lot, he was a
living image of the Muslims of the early centuries. Undoubtedly, he was a true,
perfect exemplary and Ideal lover/devotee of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa
Sallam]. Every relation/association [Nisbat] of the last and most Beloved Honorable
Messenger [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] of Allaah Ta’aalaa was dearer to him. It would
not be wrong to call him the Ship [Kishta] of Love of Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh
Wa Sallam]. He was an Ideal/exemplary and Memorable figure in the service of
Religion and sect [Deen O Maslak], of Country and Nation [Mulk O Millat]. He made
many sacrifices in the Path of Truth [Raah e Haqq] and endured immense

He was every moment of his life with each breath and self a sincere tireless,
striver/champion [Mujaahid] at all times. He remained Beloved and Respected in
every Seminary [Dargaah] and Courts [Baargaah], and every Monastery
[Khanqaah]. Despite the many problems and the scarcity of resources, he has made
significant strides/accomplishments. He was a ‘Promise Deliverer’ Man of action
for the sect and the Nation [Maslak o Millat]. He was popular with ideal centrality,
respect/honor, and love. Without the media, the World knew and recognized him.
Praise be to Allaah, [Al Hamdu Lill Laah!] his fame and popularity were such that
people were jealous of him, he was undoubtedly true narrator of the Quraan Al
Kareem. His multi-faceted attributes/qualities and multi-faceted
services/contribution were acknowledged by all. He was also a source of pride for
his Teachers and Mentors/Guides [Mashaa’ikh]. His services to the protection of
the belief in the end of Prophet-hood [Khatm e Nabbuwwat], the Honor of the
Prophet-hood [Namoos e Risaalat], and the Respect and Reverence [Ta’zeem o
Takreem] of the Companions [Sahaaba’s] and the Holy Family [Ahle Baiet] are

In addition to establishing and sponsoring hundreds of Mosques and Holy/Religious

Institutes [Madrassah’s,] he has done enviable work of countless perpetual
charities. He was the ‘Title’ and ‘Identity’ of the Sect of Truth
[Maslak e Haqq] in his time. He was very hardworking, he performed the duty of
maturing/correcting beliefs, rectifying circumstances, and deeds in all directions,
and made millions of people drunk/tippled [Sarshaar] with the Love of the Holy
Prophet [Ishq e Rasool] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and made them the devoted
soldiers of protecting the Honor of the Prophet-hood [Namoos e Risaalat]. He had
a humble temperament, simple nature and a Pious/Soofie [durvesh] character, he
had such qualities of morals and habits that he captivated the hearts of the people.
He collected and earnt happiness and blessings and continued to spread and secure
good deeds throughout his life. In a short span of 55 years, he worked alone for
centuries, presenting the position of truth and truthfulness with courage and
fortitude at every moment and in every phase. He was the founder of Ahl-e-Sunnat
Wa Jamaa’at and the first Ameer. He proved to be an ideal and worthy of leading
discipleship [qaabil e taqleed] and by the Grace of Almighty Allaah he will remain
Unforgettable [Na qaabil faraamosh]. The Ahle Sunnat …. Sunnis still pay homage
and tribute and express love for him.

Despite passing 38 years, we have not been able to do anything remarkable for our
Benefactor and Mentor/Guide Hazrat Qiblaah e A’lam [Allaah have mercy on him]. Every
year we admit our shortcomings and feel ashamed, wishing we could do some
service. We are incredibly happy that the son and successor of our Great Orator,
Khateeb e A’zam Hazrat Qiblaah A’lam… Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
[Khateeb e Millat] has not only kept the Name of his Brilliant/Competent Father
[Allaah have mercy on him] Enlightened [Roshan] but has rendered innumerable services
in many ways. Due to his significant work for the Religion and the sect of Ahl-e-
Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at, he is called and considered as the capital/wealth of Ahl-e-
Sunnat and the Universal Spokesman, of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at.

He has been the best Sunni Ambassador in the world. Praise be to Allaah, [Alhamdu
Lill Laah] this is the Bounty [Faizaan] of the Last Messenger Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu
Alaieh Wa Sallam] and the prayers of the Elders/Pious Predecessors that by the name
of Khateeb e Millat they introduce and express their Belief and Faith [Aqeedah o
Maslak]. This magazine is also compiled every year thanks to his attention.
This year, the devastation of the coronavirus was severe, we were weak and
frightened, but the Orator of the Nation Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
strengthened our courage and by the grace of Allaah Almighty, this magazine was
compiled even in these circumstances. We pray to Allaah Almighty to bestow His
special blessings on Khateeb e Millat Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
through the charity/means [sadqah] of His Beloved and Honorable Prophet [Sallal
Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and to protect him from the evils of envious, adversaries and
opponents and grant him long blessed life. Aameen

The contents of the book series ‘Al-Khateeb’, the Annual Urs Commemorative
Magazine "Dast Basta" [Respectfully with folded arms] are much appreciated.
Some friends described most of the content under this title as ‘Evergreen’ and
suggested that the most popular content be stored in a separate book. We are
happy that our hard work pays off. We have seen that many Scholars, Religious
Leaders, and other friends express their observations/views and opinions about our
Great Orator Khateeb e A’zam Qiblaah e A’lam [Alaieh e Rahmaa] with great
devotion and love during their meeting with Orator of the Nation [Khateeb e Millat]
Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi. It would be nice if they could all write down their
memories /recollections. In this way, not only will they be passed on to all people,
but also the notable deeds of the Great Orator and the narrations of his exemplary
services will be preserved. We hope that they will all respond to our request.
We publish this magazine every year to connect with lovers and devoted people
[Ahle Muhabbat] and to encourage them to celebrate the Annual International
Greatest Orator Day [Yaum e Khateeb A’zam]. We strive for maximum efforts and
rewards in gathering the Ieesaal e Sawaab. Praise be to Allaah Ta’aalaa
[Alhamdu lil Laah], we have succeeded in this.

In all over Pakistan and more than forty countries, friends give/send the reward
after reciting/doing the Qur’aan Khuwaani and Faatihah Khuwaani in gatherings of
Ahl-e-Sunnat Mosques, Madrassas, Institutions, Monasteries and Homes. We also
get information reading details from many people through telephone, email, SMS,
Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.

In South Africa, Hazrat Al-Haaj Peer Muhammad Qaasim Ashrafee, Al-Haaj

Ibraaheem Ismaal Qaadiree, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Akbar Hazaarvi and
Maulana Haafiz Muhammad Ismaaiel Hazaarvi and in the United States, Al-Haaj
Muhammad Parvaiez Ashraf and Saiyyid Shameem also published annual
advertisements for Great Orator Day [Yaum e Khateeb e A’zam] in newspapers. In
India, Hazrat Maulana Mahboob Aalam Rizvi and Hazrat Maulana Liaquat Razaa
hold Urs celebrations in various cities. Hazrat Al-Haaj Peer Saiyyid Munawar
Husaien Shaah Jamaa’ati from Birmingham, UK said on the phone that every year
he organizes Qur'aan recitation [Quraan Khuwaani] in the Monastery [Khanqaah].
In Birmingham, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Bustaan-ul-Qaadiree also used to
express his devotion and love every year and used to send us newspaper clippings
containing the news of the events held. From Bangladesh Hazrat Maulana Saiyyid
Abu Al-Bayaan Haashmi also call and give us details.

From America, the efforts of Saiyyid Munawar Husaien Shaah Bukhaari,

Saahibzaada Dr Usmaan Alee Siddeeqi, Al-Haaj Muhammad Pervaiz Ashraf,
Saahibzaada Muinuddeen, Maulana Maqsood Ahmad Qaadiree, Muhammad Ilyaas
Husaien, Saiyyid Muhammad Islaam Shaah, Maulana Qaari Muhammad Younis, Al-
Haaj Chaudhry Abdul Hameed, Janaab Saabir Alee Haqqaani, Dr Zia-ul-Haqq Ziyaa,
Al-Haaj Ghulaam Farooq Rahmaani and Muhammad Shafeeq Mehr efforts are also
Commendable [Qaabil e Qadr] in this regard.
Muhammad Naseem from Australia also sends details through email.

Among the lovers/followers and the devotees who presented the reward at the
Central Annual Urs celebrations last year, were…

Janaab Shaiekh Omar Alee [Rawalpindi]; Al-Haaj Peer Khaalid Ashrafee [Okara]; Al-
Haaj Shaiekh Muhammad Ashraf and friends [Peer Mahal], Markaz-e-Faizaan-e-
Madinah - Dawat-e-Islaami [Karachi], Al Haaj Muhammad Anwaar aka Okarvi
[Karachi], Maulana Qaari Gul Jahaan Siddeeqi [Karachi], Sons of Maulana Qaari
Ghulaam Abbaas Naqshbandi [Alaieh Al Rahma] [Naushehra Warkaan, Mirpur],
Haafiz Muhammad Naasir [Karachi], Shaiekh Naiek Muhammad [Sharqpur
Shareef], Haaji Muhammad Aarif Barkaati of Barkaati Foundation [Karachi], Peer
Muhammad Raashid Aiyyoob Qureshi [Karachi], Maulana Qaari Muhammad
Hafeez [Lahore], Haafiz Muhammad Shafeeq Noorani [Multan].

Several women [khuwaateen] and many friends presented the gift [hadyaa] of
significant number of complete Qur'aanic recitations. And the biggest gift of
Benediction [Durood Shareef] was from Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Women Council. Here
are the record/details of the 37th Annual Urs Shareef Mubaarak which was
published in various prominent newspapers, magazines and journals of Pakistan
and India:

“The 37th Annual Two-Day Central Urs Mubaarak of the Founder of Jamaat-e-Ahl-
e-Sunnat, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Allaah have mercy on him] was
celebrated at Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Mosque, Gulistaan-e-Okarvi [Soldier Bazaar],
Karachi as on 12 and 13 March 2020 with great devotion and respect under the
auspices of Maulana Okarvi Academy [International] and Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Trust.
On this occasion, the Annual commemorative magazine of the book series "Al-
Khateeb" was published. A large number of Scholars, [Ulamaa] Religious Leaders
[Mashaa’ikh] and other devout/dedicated men and women from Pakistan and
abroad attended the Urs Shareef Mubaarak Celebrations. Various monasteries,
Seminaries, Sunni organizations and circles laid flower wreath and flowers sheet
[Chaadar] at the Sacred Blessed Shrine [Mazaar Shareef] of the Greatest Orator
Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam [Allaah have mercy on him].

The special ‘Decorative Sheets’ with Arabic Inscription [Chaadars] sent from the
Shrines [Mazaaraat] of Hazrat Saiyyidnah Dataa Ganj Bakhsh and Hazrat Shayr-e-
Rabbaani Sharaq Puri [Allaah have mercy on them] were laid by Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab
Noorani Okarvi along with Scholars, Religious Leaders, and other devotees at the
Sacred Shrine of his Holy Parents [Waalidaien e Kareemaien] [Allaah have mercy on them]
and inaugurated the Urs Shareef Mubaarak. At the time of laying the Floral Sheet
& the Decorative Sheets [Chaadars], ‘Naat Shareef’, Remembrance of the Divine
Name [Zikr e Ism e Illaahie], and Salaat o Salaam… was read/recited. According to
the announcement of Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi, instead of placing more
Chaadars on the Sacred Shrine, all the devotees distributed clothes to various
deserving people for the reward of the Great Orator [Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam]. The
Orator of Ahl-e-Sunnat Peer Barrister Saiyyid Waseem-ul-Hasan Shaah Naqvi Haafiz
Abaadi, Haaji Muhammad Haneef Taiyyab, Muftee Muneer Ahmad Saeedi,
Maulana Aashiq Husaien Saeedi, Saiyyid Rafeeq Shaah, Soofie Muhammad Husaien
LaKhani, Engineer Saiyyid Hammaad Husaien, Saahib Zaada Farhat Hasan Khan
Noori and others apart from Orator of the Nation [Khateeb e Millat] Allaamah
Kaukab Noorani Okarvi addressed the gathering.

Speakers in their speeches said that the Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam Maulana
Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Allaah have mercy on him] was undoubtedly gifted by the
Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. The qualities that nature bestowed him
gave him the power and ability to conquer hearts and minds, he was loved and
respected in every Court, Seminary, and Monastery, he was a true Lover of the Holy
Prophet [Aashiq e Rasool] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and he was popular and
beloved in the court of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], which is why he
was appreciated/respected in all directions. Due to his tireless struggle without the
abundance of electronic media and resources, he gained the ideal fame and
popularity that is still alive and flourishing today. The Benefit [Faizaan] of his multi-
talented personality and multifaceted/comprehensive services to Religion and
Nation continue to this day and will continue onwards. In Shaa Allaah! With regard
to the Love of the Prophet [Ishq e Rasool] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and the Chapter
of Honor of the Prophet [Namoos e Risaalat] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], he remained
a ‘Man of the Field’ and a Leader of the Caravan to be followed with determination
and perseverance. Truthfulness and Honesty were his mottoes, he was a
trendsetter and epoch-making personality. The world was jealous of him because
of his virtues, his teachers and Religious Leaders were proud of him, he was the
Trust and Pride [Iftikhaar] of Ahl-e-Sunnah Wa Jamaa’at. His tireless efforts for the
Revival of Religion and the Sect of Truth [Maslak e Haqq] are unforgettable. He did
exemplary work for the preservation of Beliefs [Aqaaid] and the Reformation of
Deeds [Islaah e A’maal]. His sincerity, kindness courage and perseverance made
him prominent. He was one of nature's privileged class, he did so much work
singularly alone that he was looked upon with envy. He set trend and mind, he did
his part that if we cannot grow it, we should at least make it keep going.

He was the leader of the Caravan in Tehreek-e-Pakistan, Tehreek-e-Tahaafuz-e-

Khatam-e-Nabuwwat, Tehreek-e-Difaá Pakistan, Tehreek-e-Nifaaz-e-Nizaam-e-
Mustafaa, Tehreek-e-Ittehaad-e-Muslimeen. He gained an ideal reputation without
electronic media, he continued to prevent sedition/insurgency [fitnaah’s], Sunnis
will continue to be proud of him. He was the Forerunner of Light and the Beacon of
Illumination. As well as being the ‘Sovereign’ in the Region of Oratory, [Aqleem e
Khitabaat] he was also an Ideal Researcher and Writer, every one of his writings
was successful and popular. He was a valuable Guide/Leader and he rendered
invaluable services to the beloved homeland and the Nation of Islaam. His
Masterpiece “Zikr-e-Jameel” is a Blessing to the Nation. His fame and popularity
are still exemplary today and it is the Benefit [Faizaan] due to his truthful and good
quality personality that he got a son like Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi who is
today the undisputed, favorite, and Proud Leader of Ahl-e-Sunnat in all directions.
Devotees from all over the world stay connected to the Urs Shareef Celebrations
through the internet. Floral sheet [Chaadar] were laid at the end by Gulzaar-e-
Habeeb Women's Council. Sajaadaah Nasheen of Ajmer Shareef offered Special
Faatihah Khuwaani at the Shrine of Hazrat Khawajaah Ghareeb Nawaaz for the
Forwarding the Reward [Ieesaal e Sawaab] of the Greatest Orator,
[Khateeb e A’zam].

In the Auspicious Gathering [Ijtimaah] Forwarding the Reward

[Ieesaal e Sawaab] ….
Gifts [Hadiyaa] of Holy Quraan finished 306,030 times and recitation of 2,668,789
Quraanic Soorah’s; 916,565 Qur’aanic Verses; 2,207,469,301 Durood Shareef;
16,020,754 Kalimah Taiyyiba’s; 169,086 Beautiful Names [Asma e Husna], 764,264
Istighfaar, 57,100 Quraanic Chapters [Paraah’s]; Millions of miscellaneous Divine
Words Recitation and Allaah’s Praises; various Recitals and Zikr; [Kalmaat and
Tasbeehaat] innumerable Tawwaafs,
[Circumambulating of the Kabaah] Umrahs, congregations were presented.

Devotees performed Umraah and Tawwaaf in Makkah Mukkarramah for the

reward and also offered Faatihah Khuwaani at the Holy Shrine [Rauzaa e Rasool] of
the Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. The role of Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Women's
Council was prominent in the delivery of the Forwarding of the Reward [Ieesaal e
Sawaab]. The closing prayer was offered by Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani

On Friday, March 13, the Annual International Day of Greatest Orator [ Yaum e
Khateeb e A’zam] was celebrated in Mosques and Sunni centers in 43 countries
around the world with Great Devotion and Respect, and Faatihah Khuwaani was
recited collectively for the Forwarding the Reward of Ieesaal e Sawaab.

In the Celebrations of Central Urs Shareef Events, Maulana Haamid Razaa Meharvi,
Maulana Akhtar Qaadiree, Saahibzaada, Farooq Haider Shaah Hamdaani, Maulana
Muhammad Shareef Naqshbandi, Peer Saabir Zamaan, Muhammad Aatif Billu, Al-
Haaj Taufeeq Qaim Khani, Al-Haaj Iftikhaar Qaim Khani, Saiyyid Muhammad
Junaied Shaah, Saahibzaada Dr. Muhammad Subhaani
Okarvi, Saahibzaada Hamid Rabbaani Okarvi, Al-Haaj Javaied Iqbaal, Muhammad
Aftaab Iqbaal, Saiyyid Aadil Shaah Ishaaq, Al-Haaj Muhammad Zafar Alee, Haafiz
Muhammad Nadeem, Shaiekh Khaleel Ahmad, Asaama Razaa Qaadiree, Shaiekh
Jameel Ahmad, Zubaier Ishaaq, Maulana Aiyyub-ur-Rahmaan Okarvi, Maulana
Muhammad Ishaaq Madani, Maulana Ashraf Gormaani, Ameer Baieg Masoom;
Maulana Muhammad Abdul laah, Allaamah Mairaaj-ud-Deen Akthar Al-Qaadiree,
Allaamah Ghulaam Muhiuddeen, Maulana Akram Rizvi Akthar Al-Qaadiree, Peer
Saiyyid Mukhtaar Shaah, Dr. Saiyyid Anwar Niaazi, Tallat Muhaafiz, Muhammad
Khaalid Razaa, Saiyyid Samee Ul laah Husaieni, Saiyyid Aslam Ghazaalee, Saiyyid
Saaqib Alee, Muhammad Iqbaal, Muhammad Nabeel Razaa, Saleem LaaKhani,
Maulana Qaari Zia Ul laah Naqshbandi, Qaari Ghulam Qaasim Awaiesi, Qaari
Muhammad Ameen Siddeeqi, Maulana Abdul Azeez Qaadiree, Qaari Muhammad
Asghar Saeedi, Ghulaam Husaien Mughal, Maulana Muhammad Shafee Noorani,
Shaiekh Muhammad Shakeel Okarvi, Al-Haaj Rafeeq Sulaiemaan, Nabeel Qaadiree,
Haaji Javaied Muárfaani, Maulana Muhammad Rafee Ul laah Qureshi Qaadiree,
Shaiekh Muhammad Aftaab from Bangladesh; Mirza Muhammad Irshaad Mughal,
Muhammad Naasir Qaadiree from Lahore; Muhammad Khaleel Mughal from
Gujranwaala; Maulana Zuhaieb Qaadiree, Saiyyid Ikhlaaq Shaah, Shaahzad Qureshi,
Sameer Razaa, Muhammad Nabeel Razaa, Mufti Muneer Ahmad Saeedi, Allaamah
Muhammad Aslam Saeedi, Maulana Muhammad Aasif Saeedi, Qaari Muhammad
Ashraf Saeedi, Maulana Muhammad Taariq Naqshbandi, Allaamah Muhammad
Absar, Al-Haaj Mukhtaar Ahmad Ramzaan, Iqbaal Ahmad, Saiyyid Rehaan Alee
Chishti, Saiyyid Umair Shaah, from Bazm-e-Faizaan-e-Warisiaa, Al-Haaj Abdul
Maajid Waarsi and friends; Anjuman Mujahideen-e-Mustafaa’s Muhammad Akbar
Naqshbandi, Waqaas Mustafaa and many dignitaries participated.

Anjuman-e-Talaaba-e-Islaam and Bazm-e-Faizaan-e-Warsiaa held Urs celebrations

at their centers. Newspapers and magazines published special articles on the
occasion of the Annual International Day of Greatest Orator [Khateeb e A’zam] and
television channels aired special programs. If Allaah Almighty wills [In Shaa Allaah],
the thirty-eighth annual Urs Shareef of Greatest Orator [Khateeb e A’zam] will be
celebrated on the third Thursday of the month of Rajab dated
04-05 March 2021.

[Report: Hameed ul laah Qaadiree, Haider Alee Qaadiree]

Saahibzaada Peer Barrister Saiyyid Waseem Al Hasan Shaah Naqvi, son of Orator of
Islaam Hazrat Maulana Peer Saiyyid Hasan Shaah Haafizabadi [Allaah have mercy on
him] was invited for the first time in the 33rd Annual Urs Shareef and the audience
appreciated and liked him very much. After that, he was constantly invited.
Devotees from the country and abroad took part in the celebrations of the Annual
Urs Shareef Event and in 43 countries of the world and every small and big city of
the country, the Annual International Day of Great Orator [Khateeb e A’zam] was
celebrated for the delivery of Forwarding the Reward [Ieesaal e Sawaab]. 92 TV
channels also paid special tribute to the “Sabh-e-Noor” Program.

Apart from Orator of the Nation [Khateeb e Millat] Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab
Noorani Okarvi, other Scholars also participated in the program hosted by Justice
Naazir Ahmad Ghaazi. Daily Jang Karachi; Daily 92 Karachi, Lahore; Daily Nawaa-e-
Waqt Karachi, Lahore; Monthly Aqeedat [Hyderabad]; Weekly Arz-e-Paak
[Hyderabad]; Weekly Caravan-e-Watan [Hyderabad] and various magazines
published special articles and advertisements for the Annual International Day of
Greatest Orator [Khateeb e A’zam].
In the Mosques and Centers of Ahl-e-Sunnat around the world, Scholars, Religious
Leaders, [Ulamaa Mashaa’ikh] Teachers, students; heads and members of various
organizations and other devotees celebrated the 37th annual International Day of
Great Orator on March 13, 2020. Al-Haaj Saiyyid Asad Alee Shaah Bukhaari and
members of Riaaz-ul-Jannah circle in Peshawar; Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Iqbaal
Chishti, Haafiz Muhammad Akram, Soofie Al-Haaj Sardaar Muhammad in Okara;
Haakim Shaiekh Muhammad Saeed, Al-Haaj Shaiekh Manzoor Ahmad and his
friends in Sahiwaal; Shaiekh Muhammad Khaleel in Pattoki; Haafiz Muhammad
Shafeeq Noorani in Multan; Junaied Razaa Qaadiree and Gulraiez Qaadiree in
Bahawalpur, Al-Haaj Khawaajah Muhammad Naeem and Mian Arsalaan Iqbaal in
Sialkot; And in Lahore from Achara Maulana Qaari Muhammad Hafeez, Qaari
Muhammad Naeem, young leader Janaab Muhammad Nawaaz Kharl, prominent
personality regarding Naat congregations Janaab Maalik Muhammad Khaleel,
Shaiekh Faisal Zaheer, Shaiekh Umar Alee, Shaiekh Aqeel Ahmad, Qaari
Muhammad Yoonus Qaadiree of Ichraa – Lahore; Mr. Maulana Qaari Mazhar
Abbaas and his friends in Rawalpindi and surroundings; celebrated the Annual
International Day of Great Orator and arranged for delivery of forwarding the
Reward [Ieesaal e Sawaab]. Janaab Saiyyid Abdul Majeed Waarsi of Bazm-e-
Faizaan-e-Warsiaa in Karachi expressed his devotion.

The Annual International Day of Great Orator was also celebrated under the
auspices of Sahar Foundation and a special program was organized in which the
Vice-Chairman Janaab Saiyyid Rafeeq Shaah and others addressed the gathering,
prominent news items were published in the newspapers of this program. In Britain
Peerzaada Misbaah Al-Maalik Luqmaanvi, Al-Haaj Mufti Mahboob-ur-Rahmaan,
Maulana Qaari Hafeez-ur-Rahmaan Chishti, Al-Haaj Muhammad Irfaan
Naqshbandi; of Tehreek-e-Fikr-e-Razaa in India Janaab Muhammad Zubaier
Qaadiree, Maulana Ghulaam Mustafaa Rizvi, Shaiekh Fareed Nisaar Hyderabad
Deccan; Muhammad Mustafaa and his associates, Hazrat Peerzada Muhammad
Abdul Baaqi Ashrafee and his acquaintances, Hazrat Maulana Liaquat Razaa,
Maulana Mahboob A’lam and his Disciples [Mureedaien];From Bangladesh of Razaa
Islaamic Academy Maulana Muhammad Badee-ul-A’lam Rizvee, Maulana
Muhammad Abdul laah, Ahsaan-ul-Uloom Jaamia Ghausia [Chittagong] Maulana
Abu-al-Bayaan Haashmi, Maulana Muhammad Abdul Mannaan; From Australia
Maulana Iftikhaar Hazaarvi, Rajaa Abdul Hameed, Muhammad Naseem Khan,
Maulana Muhammad Nawaaz Ashrafee; from Mauritius members of Sunni Society
Maulana Maqbool Ahmad Ashrafee, Orator Maulatina Saiyyidah A’kifaa Rizvi; Al-
Haaj Mansoor Razaa Qaadiree in Zimbabwe; From Durbin – South Africa Maulana
Muhammad Banaa Shaafee’ Qaadiree, Al-Haaj Ahmad Rasheed, Al-Haaj Ibraaheem
Ismaal Qaadiree, Tanveer Haashim Mansoor, Members of Razaa Academy Janaab
Maulana Aftaab Qaasim, from Cape Town Hazrat Al-Haaj Peer Muhammad Qaasim
Za’algawankar Ashrafee, Al-Haaj Muhammad Ishaaq Ashrafee and Maulana
Muhammad Muhsin Ashrafee, Head of Darul Ul Uloom Pretoria South Africa
Maulana Mufti Muhammad Akbar Hazaarvi, Maulana Haafiz Muhammad Ismaaeel
Hazaarvi and their friends/associates, Al-Haaj Zaahid Ibraaheem Kareem, Al-Haaj
Abu Bakr Kareem in Pretoria – South Africa; Maulana Aslam Sulaieman, Al-Haaj Dr.
Abdul laah Mansoor in Johannesburg – South Africa; from America Al-Haaj A. Laiq
Baig, Janaab Ghulaam Farooq Rahmaani, Saahibzaada Dr. Usmaan Alee Siddeeqi,
Al-Haaj Muhammad Parvaiez Ashraf, Muhammad Shafeeq Mehr, Al-Haaj Chaudry
Abdul Hameed and brothers, Saiyyid Munawar Alee Shaah Bukhaari, Muhammad
Ilyaas, Maulana Maqsood Ahmad Qaadiree; further friends from Malaavi, Re-
Union, Spain, Re Union, UAE, Kuwait etc. informed us about the details regarding
celebrating Annual International Day of the Greater Orator [Khateeb e A’zam]
through telephones, emails and letters. May Allaah Kareem accept and honour the
efforts of the friends and raise the ranks [darajaat] of our Respected Great Orator
Qiblaah e A’alam Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam
[Allaah have mercy on him]. Aameen.

The commemorative magazine of "Book Series Al-Khateeb" on the Annual Urs

Mubaarak is published about one and half to two months before the Urs Shareef
as it has to reach the people in more than 50 countries. For this we spend a lot of
money on postage. We are deeply sorry when magazines sent to some people
come back only because their postal addresses have changed, and they have not
sent us new addresses. All people who receive the magazine each year must notify
us of a new address if their address has changed.

Last year, on the eve of the 37th anniversary of the Urs Shareef Mubaarak, the
Corona Virus had caused a stir in the world, two days after the Urs celebrations, all
celebrations and congregations were banned, even the ‘Ascension Congregations’
[Jashn Mair’aaj Un Nabee] of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] could not
be held in Karachi. When the lockdown started, some people in the Media started
demanding closure of Mosques in such a way that if the Corona Virus spreads, it
will spread only from the Mosques and only the worshipers will spread it. Media
houses were open, the markets were crowded during buying and selling hours.
Social media was full of pictures showing people gathered at various places without
any distance and without any precaution. Dozens of cameramen were seen making
videos of people without face masks urging others to follow SOPs [A Standard
Operational Procedure]. Hundreds of people gathered without distance at press
conferences and meetings, but there was talk on TV channels only of closing
Mosques although worshipers took many precautions including sanitizers. The city
of Karachi was "Locked Down" due to the Corona Virus, then some relaxations were
made, and times were set. The police got opportunities to take bribes, there was
no time limit for anyone who delivered the demanded bribe to the police station.
There were also rumors of the Rulers extorting money from merchants. It turned
out that "corruption" is the current currency, and this trend increases during the
torment and suffering. This state of faith, moral depravity in this nation heralds the
“news” of further ruin. Those who attributed the Virus to illicit profiteering and
adulteration were also among those who sold masks of Rs. 5 for more than Rs. 50.

The Corona Virus was called a torment [azaab], and those who called the ‘Hijaab’
and veil as evil and cruel were also urging people to cover their faces. Sounds of
purity and cleanliness were coming from all sides. Shaking hands and hugging were
strictly prohibited. By making ‘Social distancing’ between children and adults
mandatory, the atmosphere of fear and violation of moral values was increased.
Some were killed without physical death by these distances. For a while, people
forgot some open sins, but kept on committing sins. Azaans [Call to Prayers] to
ward off the plague/pandemics were given but still did not make them a true
worshiper [namaazi].
Shia congregations, rallies and processions in Karachi were free of the Corona Virus
because the ruling class was involved. Congregations on the ‘Night of Ascension’
[Shab e Mai’raaj], the Night of 15th of Shabaan [Shab e Baraa’at] and Friday were
banned. For the first time, Mosques were closed, and prayers were offered from a
distance after the ban. Educational institutions remained closed. The Provincial and
Federal Governments had been at odds over the lockdown. There was a lot of
accusation and discussion. Many people became unemployed, many went
bankrupt. The government did announce a small amount of aid, but not for
everyone, and the announcement was only temporary and political.
Police, Hospitals, and cemeteries people collected thousands of rupees for each
deceased, there were conspiracies to prove that every patient had the same
Corona Virus. Funerals and burials were also made difficult. The prices of nigella
seeds [kalongee] and sanna makki etc. rates were also increased. In this
turmoil/commotion, some individuals, organizations, and welfare workers played
a significant role, they provided free rations and support services. "Influential"
people did arbitrary for corona-infected people from Iran and played a role in
spreading the Virus. The Virus is said to have originated in China but spread in all
directions in a short time. According to the media, more than 8 crore people
became infected with the disease and 19 lakh people died. Few calls this ‘Virus’ a
natural disaster and many calls it a human conspiracy. The facts and details show
that this is not a ‘Pandemic’ but a ‘Plandemic’ [not a Global epidemic, but a planned
epidemic]. There are also conflicting reports/news about vaccines. The world is in
the grip of this epidemic and now the second wave is proving to be more deadly
and dangerous. There are a lot of opinions according to the number of people. It is
being said that this is a war between the two "Great Powers" of the world. Some
say that Bill Gates statement cannot be ignored, the talk of depopulation,
controlling the human mind and changing the world system and environment is not
baseless. If it was a disaster, why didn't it happen in many countries like it did in
other countries?

There are several question marks. The flight operation stopped, then resumed with
some caution, then that precaution went away. Hotels, halls, many sectors were
affected. Those sitting together in a car, kept people in the distance in the queues
and waiting areas. New strains/forms of the Virus are now being reported in the
UK. The borders of European countries are being closed to each other. What is the
mystery of this Virus? What is going to happen? Everyone is worried. What kinds of
stories of human helplessness were written? What else is not witnessed by this
"Advanced" World? Do not know if anyone has learned anything or people will be
intoxicated with misery like those who did not learn a lesson even after seeing the
corpse of Pharaoh [Firaun]. Protect us O' the All-Protecting One.
[Al Amaan Al Hafeez]

The saddest and most shocking thing for the Believers was that the two Sacred
Places [Haramaien Shareef] remained closed to pilgrims for many months and only
locals were allowed to perform Hajj. Healing water [Aab e Shifaa] like Zamzam was
Even in the disturbing environment of the Corona Virus, Orator of the Nation
[Khateeb e Millat] Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi remained in constant contact
with the people on social media, who guided the people and performed welfare
services as well. His sermons continued on social media as there was no Friday
congregations. During the month of Ramadaan, daily question and answer sessions
were held on social media, which has been continued on a weekly basis since then.

Every Thursday night, this two-hour session titled "Hum aur Aap Maulana Okarvi
ke Saath" became popular all over the world. Even in the first decade of Muharram,
the speeches of the Orator of the Nation were made throughout social media.
Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi gave live sermons on various YouTube
channels and Facebook pages in various countries like UK, Canada, South Africa,
Last year in the 37th Annual Urs Commemorative Magazine "Book Series Al-
Khateeb" we included an article with respect to the position of the Orator of the
Nation Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi about the Companion [Sahaabi e Rasool]
of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], Ameer Muawiyaah and attributes of
Sayyidinaa Abu Bakr Siddeeque [Allaah have mercy on him] which the Scholars and
people from all over the world appreciated and called it a good endeavor. In the
messages we received it was said that this article is incredibly careful, appropriate,
comprehensive, and excellent for resolving disputes and repelling sarcasm. Praise
be to Allaah, [Alhamdu Lil Laah] Orator of the Nation, [Khateeb e Millat] Allaamah
Kaukab Noorani Okarvi has gained prominence, popularity, and admiration/love
[mahboobiyat] among the Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at. He has the command and
steadfastness in the Sect of Truth [Ahle Haqqq], and people trust him. May Allaah
Ta’aalaa protect him on behalf of the charity [sadqah] of His Beloved and Last
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and save him from the evil of the enviers and mischief-
maker Aameen.

One of the great tragedies that taken place since last year is that the True Believers
[Saheeh Al Aqeedah], Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at, had clashed. Some time ago there
was a slogan "Innocent, Innocent, Muaawiyah, Muaawiyah". The slogan had just
started to stir up that it was taken up rectified [Ruj’oo] and it did not escalate. Then
how did these two questions were asked, why were they asked? [1] Getting married
on 10th Muharram, Ashuraa day. [2] Did Hazrat Imaam Husaien perform the last
prostration with Ablution [Wuzuu]? Why were these questions included? What was
the compulsion [majboori]? Was there a "Personality" target or was the objective
something else? In any case, the intensity and severity of such questions are
extraordinary, it requires great care. On the other hand, the inappropriate remarks
made by Maulana Dr Muhammad Ashraf Aasif Jalaalee, Chief of Idaraah Siraat-e-
Mustaqeem - Lahore about Lady of the Universe, Lady of Paradise, [Makhdooma e
Kaa’inaat Khatoon e Jannat] Saiyyidah Tayyibaah Taahirah Hazrat Faatimah [Allaah
have mercy on her] gave a great shock and caused chaos and provocation all over the
world. As soon as Orator of the Nation [Khateeb e Millat] Allaamah Kaukab Noorani
Okarvi heard this sentence, he wrote on social media:
Take back the words “Lady of the Universe [Peace be upon her] was wrong” [may
Allaah forbid] that has been said. May Allaah forgive. Everyone appreciated this
sincere writing and said that if it had been acted upon immediately, the matter
would have ended there and then but it did not happen. Confusion grew in
explanations and debates and the matter reached to sedition and disorder. In
response, the Rawaafiz, Shias, had openly committed the worst insults/offences
they had never dared to commit in Pakistan before. The Kharjees played their
game. The rulers helped the criminals to escape. No immediate action was taken
against the culprits. Shias lodged FIR against Dr Jalaalee. The Sunni scholars tried
hard to persuade Dr Jalaalee Saahib to take back his inappropriate words to save
the Sunnis from mischief, but no such attempt was successful. Dr Jalaalee was
arrested. On the other hand, there arose factions among the Ahl-e-Sunnat which
continued to deteriorate with each passing day. Edicts [Fatwaas] were published,
conferences were held, interviews were held, what happened requires lengthy
detail. When Dr Jalaalee was released four months later, his tone and demeanour
had intensified, with no apparent tendency for a solution. We pray to Allaah
Ta’aalaa [Allaah Karay] …. may this dispute end soon and may there be no
division/sedition among the Ahl-e-Sunnat and may no personalities be lost.

Our demand for repentance and recourse to Dr Muhammad Ashraf Jalaalee in

accordance with the Shariah requirements for the harsh callous controversial
statements about Saiyyidah Faatimah the Lady of Universe [Allaah is well-pleased with
her]. and the scientific betrayal as well as the interpretation mistakes, still remains.
But we express complete impunity for the excesses committed by others in the
registration of FIRs and the limits being exceeded in the demand for adding 295C
in the legal provisions. May Allaah Almighty protect us from mischief and Mischief-
monger through the charity of His Beloved [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and keep us
steadfast on the true sect of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa-Jamaa’at.

On Ashuraa 10 Muharram 1442 AH, the participants of the Shia procession in

Karachi dared to send curse [laanat] on the Honorable Noble Companions
[Sahaaba e Kiraam’s] by taking their names on a loudspeaker near the Tibet Center
building on MA Jinnah Road. Such despicable audacity in the Islaamic Republic of
Pakistan was unbearable for the Believers [Ahle Ieemaan]. There was constant
insolence from the Shias. In the Sindh Provincial Assembly, the title of Hazrat
Saiyyidah Faatimah [Radiyal Laah Anha] was deliberately written "Mother of the
Prophets" [Ummal Anmbiya] and then various excuses/justification were
given/made. In Shia congregations, [majaalis] very wrong words were said for
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique [Allaah have mercy on him]. The daughters of the Prophet [Sallal
Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] were denied, and the Honorable Wives [Azwaaj e Rasool] of the
Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] were humiliated. Of course, this was open
terrorism [dashat gardi], but it was not immediately acted upon by the
government. The humiliation of the Judiciary, the Forces, the Parliament is
probably considered more important than the Honor of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu
Alaieh Wa Sallam], [Namoos e Risaalat] the Honor of the Noble Companions and the
Holy Family [Ahle Baiet], so immediate action is not taken. Even the cover of a book
is not allowed to come out in public if it is considered inappropriate with reference
to an institution. But the requirements preserving of Honor and respect for
Faith/Religious Matters [Ieemaaniyaat] are not met by the rulers.

Believers [Ahle Ieemaan] protested the insults, and rallies and gatherings were held
across the country. A historic rally was held in Karachi, the Believers fully
demonstrated the requirements of honour. The Grand Mufti [Mufti e A’zam] of
Pakistan Mr Muneeb-ur-Rahmaan, Maulana Saiyyid Shaah Abdul Haqq, Maulana
Saiyyid Muzaffar Husaien Shaah, Mufti Aabid Mubaarak, Maulana Ashraf
Gormaani, Saahibzaada Rehaan Naumaani, Dr Saiyyid Abdul Wahaab Akram
Qaadiree and others worked day and night. The orator of the Nation [Hazrat
Khateeb e Millat] played an excellent role in keeping the Scholars [Ulamaa] united
on this occasion and also took a significant part. The day after the rally, the
Deobandi Wahhaabi community staged a protest, but along with the Honorable
Companions, they tarnished the environment by supporting Yazeed Paleed. How
heartbreaking it is that in this God-given kingdom obtained in the Holy name of
Islaam, the insulters/insolent of the Companions and the Holy Family are so
rampant/unchecked. Protect us O’ the All-Protecting. Al Amaan Al Hafeez.

In France, the heinous, nefarious, and worst conspiracy was re-hatched to create,
and display "sketches" attributed to the Holy Prophet, Seal of the Prophet-hood,
Mercy to the Worlds, Sovereign of the universe [Taaj daar e Kainaat] [Sallal Laahu
Alaieh Wa Sallam]; and the French President justified it as "freedom of expression" and
kept it continued. Not only Muslims around the world, but also some Non-Muslim
personalities opposed and condemned it to be called 'freedom of expression'.
Protests were conducted in the Muslim world against this most insolent, worst
form of terrorism and extremism. The incumbent Prime Minister has stated his
position on Islamophobia in the UN forum and the government has somehow
spoken out against this insult and insolence in a mixed way. Except for the President
of Turkey, no bold/courageous statement has been heard.

Some Muslims boycotted French products, while others expressed their grief and
anger by trampling on a picture of the French president. Ameer ul Mujaahideen
Hazrat Maulana Khaadim Husiaen Rizvi, the Guardian of the Honor of the Prophet
[Namoos e Risaalat] in Pakistan, played a significant role in this regard. In the last
four years, he has gained fame and popularity for his love and respect for the last
Prophet of Allaah Rasoolal Laah [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. With the arrest of Ghaazi
Mumtaz Qaadiree, this Free Man [Mard e Qalander] raised his voice. And this
challenge became so powerful that the flag-bearers of the "State of Madinah" could
not accept it. In four years, seemingly crippled but full of courage and fortitude, this
man, with sincerity and truth, spread the awakening movement in all directions,
which deprived the worldly rulers and strangers of sleep.

The government cracked down on those who chanted “Lab Baiek Yaa Rasoolal
Laah”, Long Live the Sovereign of the Seal of Prophet-hood" in the Islaamic Republic
of Pakistan. In the same country, those who speak "My body, my will" and protest
against Nikaah were given facilities and media coverage. Own minister was fired
from the ministry for speaking out against the Hindus. Not only that, but the
insolent ones/the insulters of the Companions and the Holy Family [Ahle Baiet],
were given leverages, but what oppression was not inflicted on the
Lovers/devotees/enthusiasts [Ushaaq,Mahboobaan] of the last Prophet

[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]?

The Prime Minister took the "credit" for the release of the accursed Asiyaa Maseeh
while sitting in the United States and insulted/snubbed those who spoke of the
Honor of the Prophet [Namoos e Risaalat] by calling them a "Small Class" [Chotaa
Sa Tabqaa]. He himself has spoken inappropriately about the Holy Prophet.
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and His Honorable Companions [Allaah have mercy on them].
The Prime Minister's favourites/yes-men described/favors Imraan Khan's status
after God [Khudaa] and many of his Ministers are accustomed to
"Misbehaving/Insulting" [Bad Zubaani] with Religion and the Believers. Obviously,
Islaam and the Sacredness and the Greatness of Religion have no special
significance for the Rulers. They just love their power/position/reign. For 22 years,
what the Prime Minister has spoken out against and promised as well and claimed
to change them, he has done every such thing himself without hesitation.

He entertained the people by talking about the "State of Madinah" and kept paving
the way for Atheism [Laa Deeniyat] in the country. The Kartaarpur corridor, the
construction of a Hindu temple, the organization of other people's festivals, the
appointment of Qaadiaani’s, the deletion of the words of the end of Prophet-Hood
from textbooks, conspiracies against the end of Prophet-Hood in the Ministry of
Religious Affairs, etc. are open facts and realities. He cares less about the people
than he cares about his dogs. What did the Rulers not accuse Maulana Khaadim
Husaien Rizvi of? For what crime was he imprisoned for many months? How and to
what extent were many Clerics and Campaigners/Activists of Tehreek-e-Labbaiek
were tortured for what reason? How were they treated when they called for a sit-
in [Dharnaa] for the Honor of the Prophet-hood
[Namoos e Risaalat]?

Was there any effort left to rain tear gas and thousands of shells? Did those who
took the name of the Last Prophet of Allaah Ta’aalaa deserve this very treatment?
Is it a crime to guard the Honor of the Prophet in Pakistan? Is it terrorism for
Muslims to show their Religious pride against the insolent/Insulters and express
devotion for the Prophet? No such "treatment" took place with the participants of
the 126 days sit-in, which was full of dancing, singing and absurdities. It is worth
observing if the children of this country are the only ones who were subjected to
the worst acts of terrorism in the Army Public Schools. Aren't the other children
killed in different educational institutions the children of this country too? The
difference between Malaala and Aafiya Siddeeqi is a double standard. If there is
"Freedom" here, it is only for "Others". The duplicity/hypocrisy of the Rulers is not
a secret. If Maulana Haafiz Khaadim Rizvi was just as the Rulers used to call him,
then why did they condole on his death with regret? Why did they call him the
Lover of the Holy Prophet [Aashiq e Rasool]? And now why are IDs being blocked
for posting about him on "Facebook"? Isn't this happening at the behest of the

What the Prime Minister contemptuously called a "Small Class", [Chotaa Saa
Tabqaa] the ideal crowd at Maulana Khaadim Husaien Rizvi's funeral must have
opened his eyes. This funeral was the funeral of many people. The Prime Minister
is kindly requested to stop repeating the words of the State of Madinah. He does
not even know the alphabet of Governance, what does he know what were the
rules and regulations [usool o qawaaid] of the state of Madinah?

This country was founded in the name of Islaam and this "Small Class" is the class
whose elders sacrificed for the establishment of this country. Now, this class wants
the practical implementation of the System of Mustafaa [Nizaam e Mustafaa] [Sallal
Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] here. Only the true slaves [sachay ghulaam] of the Holy
Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] will prevail [sarfaraaz] here, only the Faithful of
Islaam and the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] will be honoured because
this is the general declaration by Nature [Qudrat].

Kee Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] Say Wafaa Tounay Tou Ham Teraay Hayn

If You are Loyal to Muhammad [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], We are Yours.

Ye Jahaan Jeez Hai Kiyaa Lauh o Qalam Teraay Hayn

What Is the Value of This World, The Tablet and The Pen Are Yours!

Those who carry the begging-bowl [Kasaa] of others will end up in the loss of this
world and the Hereafter. In Shaa Allaah Ta’aalaa.!
The consequences of the atmosphere of intolerance and violence that have been
created among Sunnis over the years are extremely dangerous. It is not a bad thing
to disagree with someone's method or strategy, but the style of disagreement
adopted by the violent, ignorant, and rude people of this Nation is certainly against
the teachings of our ancestors [islaaf]. Undoubtedly, the Religious and National
services of the Sunni Scholars and Religious Leaders [Mashaa’ikh] are as obvious as
daylight. Any of their political decisions may be disagreed but being personal or
boycotting them or insulting the sacred relationships such as mother, sister,
daughter etc. is condemnable as much as possible. We hate such stinking thoughts
and express revulsion.

O Allaah show us the Truth as Truth and render us help to follow that and show us
falsehood as falsehood and help us to avoid that.

Facebook is probably used by everyone who has it in their phone sets. There used
to be some people who used to write a diary and keep it a secret from others, now
maybe everyone wants to advertise everything. Surprisingly, people upload
pictures of their household ladies on Facebook and even of mothers who had veiled
for a lifetime. Some of our Dear [Piyaraay] Naat reciters do not even think that they
distort their own identity. Contrary to their visage/appearance on the stage with
caps [topee] and Dastaar, why on Facebook do they upload their photos of their
"Having fun" [tafreeh] with naked head, in others' garments styles, in a mixed
crowd and in inappropriate places? It gives a negative impression to those who give
them love and respect considering them as the Encomium Reciter of the Seal of
Prophet-hood [Khaatamun Nabiyyeen], [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. If they disguise
themselves as Naat Reciters to some extent on the stage or in congregations, then
by showing their inappropriate appearance on Facebook in other places, they show
that they are "imposters" and they have no sanctity [taqaddus] of Naat Reciting;
Naat recitation has no "Effect" in his personal, private, and practical life; their
speech, mannerisms, style, temperament are completely different. I wish they
consider Naat Recitation as "Blessing" and make themselves the practical figure of
this Blessing in every way.

The "visitors" who have the privilege of visiting a ‘Holy Place’ [Ziyaarat Gaah]
should not post their pictures on Facebook, as it would appear rude rather than
respect to the Holy Place, or it will give the impression of a Holy place as a place of
entertainment. It is also becoming common for Religious gatherings to display
colourful pictures, advertisements and panaflex on the stage of gatherings, which
is by no means correct and desirable. It is also not a good tradition to put the badges
containing the image of one's own Mentor [Peer’s] on the chest. We must avoid
these things.
Without a "Biometric" thumbprint, a National Identity card is no longer issued, and
the thumbprint is stored on a computer. Why the need for repeated biometrics
everywhere, at every stage, even after issuance of Identity card? People are being
bothered for it a lot; in many places, it is obligatory to pay a fee for it. What does it
mean to create hassle instead of simplifying in presence of availability of multiple
technologies? In some government agencies, even after submitting all the
necessary basic documents once, the same documents are repeatedly requested
again and again. Important documents of the people would have kept safe in those
institutions by asking for them every time. God [Khudaa] knows, they are sold as
trash or are wasted in some way. It is doubtful that the staff members would have
provided it to anyone else. Their behaviour not only hurts people, but it also makes
their important documents insecure.

In Madinah Cemetery "Jannat Al-Baqee", to arrange for the construction of the

tomb of Hazrat Saiyyidah Faatimah Zahraa, Lady of the ladies of the World and of
Paradise, the daughter of the Leader of the Prophets, wife of the Leader of Saints,
the Mother of the Leader of Martyrs [Allaah have mercy on her] a written resolution was
read out in the Sindh Assembly to contact the Saudi government. In this resolution,
the Lady of Paradise was called "Mother of Prophets". This serious mistake was
made by the writer, provoker of writing and the reader, and by all the members
who listened but remained quiet. There is a clear Islaamic belief that no Non-
Prophet can be equal to a Prophet and no wrong relationship or rank can be said
or written for anyone. Hazrat Saiyyidah Faatimah is, of course, "Mother of Imaams
of the family of Prophet", Mothers of Hazrat Imaam Husaien, Lady of the ladies of
the world [Saiyyidah Nisaa Al A’laameen]. Every member of the Assembly should
repent for saying, writing, and listening to her as "Mother of Prophets" and should
apologize to Allaah Almighty, His Prophet [Rasool] and all the Prophets as well as
the Lady of the Universe [Saiyyidah Kainaat]. [Allaah have mercy on her]. Admit that we
made this terrible mistake, and we all apologize to everyone for it. May Allaah
forgive us [It should be noted that the Shias people consider Master of the Universe
[Maulaa’e Kai’naat’ Hazrat Alee [Allaah have mercy on him]] to be superior to all the
Prophets [Salutation upon them] after the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]
and the Imaams of the Holy Family [Ahle Baiet] to be superior to the Prophets.
Shia Imaam Khomeini wrote:

"One of the requirements of our Shia religion is that the rank of our Imaams is such
that no close [Muqarrib] Angel or Prophet can attain it".
[Wilayaat-e-Faqeeh: Page 58, Azaadi Press, Qom Sahraa Raah Museum]

Ma’aazal Laah [We seek Allaah’s protection]

Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi has been informing for a long time that
there is a conspiracy of enemy elements to introduce Secularism in the country. For
this, first of all, the Islaamic Scholars are to be made controversial among the
people so that the confidence of the people may be eroded from them, and the
Religious Faith Honor [Ieemaani Ghaierat], pride and sentimentality among the
people may be lost or diminished. Every day a new topic, a divisive issue should be
highlighted to increase sedition and disorder. Such people to be introduced as
Scholars due to whom a negative impression may be created. The insolence to be
increased through provoking a new topic, any controversial statement. The motives
for these conspiracies are the Jews and their agents, the Qaadiyaani’s. In this case,
we all need to be incredibly careful and cautious. May Allaah Almighty [Jallaa
Shaanahu] protect our Faith [Ieemaan] with the charity [sadqaah] of His Beloved
Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and defeat the enemies of Islaam, Muslims
and Pakistan.

The National Assembly of the Islaamic Republic of Pakistan has passed a law that
the title “Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen” must be said and written for the Holy Prophet
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. But despite the reminder, the Prime Minister said only
"yes, yes [jee jee]" and did not call himself the title of
Will there be no grip on this? Why was declared Qaadiyaani appointed as DG of
FIA???? Why is a Hindu temple being built without the approval of members of the
National Assembly???? The incumbent Prime Minister is requested not to use the
word state of Madinah as he is constantly insulting these words. May Allaah
Ta’aalaa [Jallaah Shaanahu] save us from incompetent Rulers and enemy of the

The Muslims of Pakistan may be under the impression that the current Rulers of
the Islaamic Republic of Pakistan will take effective action regarding the Honor of
the Prophet [Namoos e Risaalat] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], the Honor of the family
and Companions [Namoos e A’ale Ashaab e Rasool] of the Prophet, the Honor of
the Spouses and the Children of the Prophet [Namoos e Azwaaj o Aulaad e Rasool]
in accordance with Faiths pudency/honour [Ghaierat e Ieemaani] the teachings and
rules of Shariaah and will surely punish the insulters of the Holy Family and the
Companions. Although the Doctrine of the Finality of Prophet-Hood [Aqeedah
Khatam e Nabuwwat] has been repeatedly attacked by Government officials in the
past two years, the Prime Minister took credit for freeing and expelling the
accursed Asiyaah in the United States, gave key positions to the Qaadiyaani’s, used
words of humiliation for the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and words of
cowards [buzdil] and looters [lootmaar] for the Honorable Noble Companions and
did not repent or apologize... Earlier, he himself had said the word "crazy" for the
Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] Ma’aazal Laah [We seek Allaah’s protection].

How gentle and diligent he is for Hindus and Sikhs is clear from the temples in
Kartaarpur and Islamabad…. No action has been taken against the persistent
insolence of Shia Zaakireen’s in the country, but it has been heard that only
government officials helped these insolents to flee out of the country…. In this
situation, it can be said that this sectarianism and its tension is being carried out
under a systematic plan to achieve a nefarious purpose. It is not far-fetched that
this is a conspiracy of the enemies of Islaam and Muslims against the only Islaamic
country with nuclear energy. The Hybrid War is also going on, it could be a part of
it…. Believers must be careful and cautious. May Allaah Almighty thwart every
conspiracy and plotters and destroy and annihilate the enemies of Religion and

Makkah and Madinah of the Sikhs. Appeal to the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister
of Pakistan Imraan Khan during his speech in Qatar yesterday said that Makkah and
Madinah of Sikhs are in Pakistan. Although, he has every right to say whatever
comes to his mind because he is the Ruler, and all the others are his subject/citizen
[riaayaa]. He may change the history. He may call Hazrat Ieesaa [Jesus] [Salutation
upon Him] unpopular [ghaier maroof]. He may call his every step the Principle of the
state of Madinah. He has a large number of supporters on social media who justify
his every step. Nevertheless, he is with biting lips kindly requested that if he does
not disregard/disrespect the purely/solid [khaalis] Religious Terminology of Islaam,
it will be a great favour [aien nawaazish]. Makkah and Madinah are not just the
names of cities, but they have the status/title of the two Sacred places [Hareemaien
Shareefaien], with many Islaamic terms/designation [ahkamaat] attached to them.
They have a status of Worship [Ibaadat] and Reward [Sawaab]. You must give
facilities to the Sikhs, make them happy but all this can be done even without
Islaamic and Religious terms, they will be more happier with this. For them, the
words of Makkah and Madinah may not be of much importance, you may use their
own terms. Worships, terminologies have different places in every Religion. You
cannot call a bhajan song same as prayers. It is not appropriate to call the festival
of Kumbh synonymous with Hajj.

In the same way, the concept of singleness does not emerge from the names of
Allaah Ta’aalaa and Bhagwaan. It is as if today's Prime Minister would be called the
Caliph of the Muslims [Khaleefah tul Muslimeen] or the President is called the King
[Baadshaah Salamat] and the people are called slave [ghulaam]. Of course, this
would not be appropriate because the concept of these positions is not like that at
all. Similarly, it is not appropriate to call the Holy places of the Sikhs as Makkah and
Madinah. The words of Janam Bhoomi and Janam Istahaan are appropriate.

The position of the Prime Minister requires that his words should be very serious
and measured. Admittedly, now the Religious class of the country is so
frightened/disquieted and perhaps numb that it does not take notice of such
things. You have unlimited powers but still, we will dare to ask.
The Prime Minister proves the "U-turn" as good, but forgets that what he has
fought against for 22 years, how can the same wrongdoings be considered good?
He calls himself the Prime Minister of the common man, is that why he has made
the life of the common man difficult? Because he is not the Prime Minister of the
rich [ashrafiyaa], the rich are out of his control. His Ministers and advisers are
always on hand to expose the evils of the opposition, maybe they get paid for this

Respected Khaleel Ahmad Ranaa of Jahaniaan Mandi is well known in the Scholarly
circles of Ahl-e-Sunnat for his research and writing services. He told the Orator of
the Nation Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi that his masterpiece book ‘White &
Black’ [‘Safaied O Siyaah’] contains various comments of people about Hazrat
Maulana Shaah Ahmad Razaa Khan Barelvi [Allaah have mercy on him]. Although they
have been copied with confidence in the published books, some of their
impressions have not been researched and verified. Therefore, it would be
appropriate not to include unverified excerpts in your research and excellent book.
The orator of the Nation [Khateeb e Millat] thanked Janaab Ranaa and promised
that he would not include unverified comments in his book in future editions. The
orator of the Nation has regretted to his readers and asked for an apology. Praise
be to Allaah, [Alhamdul Lil Laah Ta’aalaa] Orator of the Nation takes great care in
this matter and does not commit a mistake by not admitting his mistake. For our
readers, we are listing here the names of those about whose comments Mr Khaleel
Ahmad Ranaa has pointed out that these are not researched and verified.
[1] Mr. Shiblee Naumaani [2] Mr. Saiyyid Sulaiemaan Nadvi [3] Mr. Anwar Shaah
Kashmeeri [4] Mr. Aizaaz Alee Deobandi [5] Mr. Shabbeer Ahmad Usmaani

In addition, wherever the Orator of the Nation has committed mistakes in his
writings and speeches in the recent past, we are republishing his position and
apology so that there is no room for any objection.

The unfortunate person of the Shia community who sent "curse" Ma’aazal Laah
[We seek Allaah’s protection] on the Noble Honorable Companions [Allaah have mercy
on them] in the procession on the Day of Ashuraa, that insolent does not know that
Allaah Ta’aalaa is pleased with those Companions of the Prophet [Ashaab e Rasool]
and has promised them of good [bhalaai]. And in the Hadees Shareef, the "curse"
is sent and ordered to send to those who backchat [laaf zani] about the
Companions [Allaah have mercy on them]. Undoubtedly, every insolent one who is
disrespectful to the Holy Family and the Blessed Companions of the Holy Prophet
is cursed, corrupted, mischievous, a terrorist and an enemy of Religion and Nation.

The Shias are well aware that the People of Truth [The Ahle Haqq] the Ahl-e-Sunnat
Wa Jamaa'at have great Love and Devotion/Reverence for the Holy Family, the
Noble Wives and Children [Ahle Baiet e Athar-Azwaaj o Aulaad] of the Last Prophet
[Nabee e Kareem] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] of Allaah Ta’aalaa [Jallaa Shaanahu]
and for all His Honorable Companions and do not tolerate any arrogance or
rudeness towards them. Ahl-e-Sunnat demand from the Rulers that they should
make it obligatory to respect the sanctities of Islaam in every possible way and
punish every insulter/disrespectful person without delay and demand from Shias
not to be insolent or insulting towards all the Mothers of the Believers, [Ammhaa
tul Mumineen] the Wives of the Holy Prophet [Ajwaaj e Rasool], all the Daughters
[Binaat e Rasool] of the Holy Prophet and all the Companions [Ashaab e Rasool]
[Allaah have mercy on them] of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. Only peace
and order in the country and a pleasant environment can improve the economy
and society. Instead of emphasizing on the multiplicity of individuals in celebrating
the Chehlum of the Martyrs of Karbalaa, emphasis should be laid on the teaching
and encouragement of the sacredness of Islaam, the love and greatness of the
Noble Family and Blessed Companions of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa

At a congregation in Multan, in response to the banner of "Unity of Ahl-e-Sunnat"

[Atehaad e Ahle Sunnat], we say: Praise be to Allaah [Alhamdul Lil laah Ta’aalaa].
The People of Righteous Belief [Saheeh ul Aqeedah] the People of Truth [Ahle Haqq]
the definition of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaa'at has not changed, nor have the Ahl-e-
Sunnat changed. According to the teachings and writings of Leader of Researchers
Shaah Abdul Haqq Muhaddis Dehlvi and Imaam of Ahl-e-Sunnat Hazrat Maulana
Shaah Ahmad Razaa Khan Barelvi [Allaah have mercy on them].
Only the Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at adhere to the beliefs of truth. May Allaah
Almighty grant us perseverance and steadfastness through the charity [sadqaah]
of His Beloved [Habeeb e Kareem] the Last Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam].

In the Islaamic Republic of Pakistan, slander against the righteous Caliphs [Khulafaa
e Raashideen] and Companions [Ashaab] of the Holy Prophet Rasool e Kareem
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and the Figure/Persona of Chastity and Purity [Hazrat
Saiyyidah Aaishaah Siddeeqah] whose pious testimony was given by Allaah
Almighty Himself, is a severely serious matter [Radial Laah Anhum Ajmaaeen]. There will
be no peace in the Dear Homeland [Watan e Azeez] if the perpetrators of severe
insults are not brought to justice. Does any doubt still remain that the deniers of
the end of Prophet-Hood and the hostile forces are working against Islaam in this
The orator of the Nation Hazrat Khateeb e Millat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
had sent an important letter to Hazrat Allaamah Saiyyid Riaaz Husaien Shaah. Shaah
Saahib sent a reply to that. The letter of the Orator of the Nation and the reply from
Shaah Saahib are being presented to the readers as these are.
Letter from Orator of the Nation:

Dear Brother [Baradar Garaami] with Extended Titles [Wasee Al illal Alqaab] Hazrat
Allaamah Saiyyid Riaaz Husaien Shaah, Saahib, Hifz Allaah Ta’aalaa

Greetings Salaam Masnoon

Hoping you are doing well.
Recently the “Personalities” who have visited your organization, you must have
removed the "reservations" for them.
How good it would be for you to write your position clearly about the Companions
of the Holy Prophet, [Ashaab e Rasool] Hazrat Ameer Muawiyaah and Hazrat Abu
Soofiyaan, [Radial Laah Anhumaa] so there is no room left for the true righteous
believers [Saheeh ul Aqeedah] of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa Jamaa'at to have any
doubt/negative opinion about you.
The request of this Incompetent [Naa laaiq] is based on sincerity, hope you will
soon share your heartfelt writing. May Allaah Ta’aalaa reward you.
[Jazaakumul Laah Ta’aalaa]

Sincerely! Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Ghufira Lahu

Dated: 5 October 2020

[I tried twice or thrice to contact you but could not be succeeded]

Reply Letter from Hazrat Allaamah Saiyyid Riaaz Husaien Saahib:

Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaa nir Raheem

In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Reference No. LER 130/20

Date: Monday 23 Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1442 AH

Respected [Muhtaram Janaab] Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi

Zeeda Majdukum…

Peace and Allaah’s Blessings by upon you…

[As Salaam Alaiekum Wa Rahmatul Laah Barakaatuhu!]

Your loving letter was received a few days ago. I wanted to send an answer
immediately, but a sudden stroke of paralysis made me helpless. You have spoken
about old devotion and you have shown sincerity and respect/reverence over the
phone. Dear, [Muhtaram] the people you are talking about are mine, not strangers,
they are my lovers. They have been with me/ associated with me for more or less
25 years during my Party Leadership [Jamaati Qiyaadat]. They have rewarded me
kisses on my hands and feet in my love. I cannot be ignorant of them and I cannot
imagine my life and death away from them. But it is true that you are the one who
has written me a letter first. Sir [Janaab], I am not the greatest of the Scholars in
my ranks, but I am the smallest. Every follower who says with open heart ‘Yaa
Rasoolal Laah’ [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] can ask me anything. Praise be to Allaah
[Alhmadu Lil Laah]. I have led the party of Ahl-e-Sunnat for 25 years by signing the
oath. I have resigned from the organization position due to sickness and illness.

You have asked me about Hazrat Abu Sufiyaan and Hazrat Ameer Muawiyaah [Allaah
be pleased with them] that what do I believe and what views I have about them? Dear
Kind, Love Giving [Muhabbat Nawaaz] Kaukab, do I also need to explain about the
Companions [Sahaabah’s] and Holy Family [Ahle Baiet] are the names of Sacred
Institutions/Entities [Idaara]. If we do not respect these Excellent Beneficial
[Fazeelat Ma’aab] institutions, then the whole chain of rules and prohibitions will
be disrupted/dislocated. What will we do, who teaches Literature/Art Books
[Kitaab e Funoon] and Ahadees. What will we do with hundreds of Ahadees and
Jurisprudential Rulings [Ahkaam]? To me, silence, and respectful quietness [pur
adab khamoshi] on the matter of disputes of the Companions [Allaah be pleased with
them] is the way to the development of Islaam. I openly state that all the
Companions [Allaah be pleased with them] and all the Great Stars [Azeem sitaaray] you
have named and some of whom you have not mentioned are the Custodians of the
Nation’s Ship. We are nothing without them.

My real sadness is that I have explained it in the great meetings of Great Scholars,
especially in the one-time meeting of 100 Scholars called by especially Shaah
Turaab-ul-Haqq Qaadiree [Allaah be pleased with him] and Peer Ghulaam Siddique
Naqshbandi, my reference is in the records of the internet.
I think you should urge your friends [ahbaab] to let the Sadaat and the Nobles
[Ashraaf] live and not force them to be dissenter and preeminent, they are fed-up
of these diseases and have trust in undersigned [Raaqam Al Huroof] as before. I
want to live and die with you. Our love for Alee Maulaa is natural [Allaah be pleased
with them]. You are all our allies. Understand the real story that the Jews are the
enemies of Alee [Allaah be pleased with him] and they are pouring money like water so
that Alee, Alee's name is not mentioned in the world. Believe me, there is a history
of the family of Hazrat Muawiyaah [Allaah be pleased with him], we acknowledge it.
Spain, Andalusia, Cordoba, and Sicily became the cradle of knowledge. At least
when I talk about Alee's [Allaah be pleased with him] love, it should not be considered
teasing anyone. I am not only the forerunner of the greatness of the Companions
of the Holy Prophet [Allaah is well pleased with them] but also their servant [khaadim].

You get my signature on the “Bahaar-e-Shariah” of President Shariah. It will be easy

for me to do so, and I am still the flag bearer of the thoughts of Hazrat Faazil e
Barelvi [Allaah be pleased with him]. Now this chain of oppression which is going on for
Sadaat should also come to an end. You have spoken about Peer Saiyyid Irfaan
Shaah, he is my teacher's son. We have had organizational differences, but I have
never insulted him. Now I am behind him, may Allaah bless him with health. We
are all within the framework of Ahl-e-Sunnat. We are not rebellious. Please
advocate on my behalf that my sixty thousand sermons, teaching statements,
series of meeting discussion, when do I boast that all these are gold nuggets?
Maybe compatibility with the spirit of Islaam is broken from somewhere, I
apologize to Allaah for my sins committed and not committed. Especially the books
containing commentaries, interpretations, and explanations, if the order is issued,
I can throw myself in the pond, but can someone tell me the way to the street of
Shaah Shams Tabraiz. From now on, I would not like to say or discuss anything
about such sick thoughts which are nothing but whispers/murmurs. I assure you
once again that I want to live and die within the frame of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa
Jamaa’at. May Allaah Ta’aalaa protect our intentions and grant us in the world the
sword of Alee [Allaah be pleased with him], its need and understanding of his wisdom.
If you ever visit Rawalpindi, give me a chance to serve. I am ready to pay the debt
of your love. The friends of Karachi are also my own. Accept the gift of Peace and
Mercy for them and forward to them. One thing I did not remember, I also write its
roar/murmur[zamzama] and present its words [nazr e harf] to you, please do not
try to relate us with those who keep Yazeed acquitted [bara’at] of the crime of
martyrdom of the Imaam. I do not give Edict [Fatwaa zani] even on such a mind but
I leave the matter to Allaah.
Mr Kaukab, your letter is a fresh startle breeze of old fragrances for me. Keep
mixing the essentials of love in your prayers. If by any compulsion you feel
compelled to publish your letter with my reply, I reserve the right to publish your
golden words and my dust particles for the sake of argument. Greetings
[Was Salaam].

Well-wisher and prayer seeker

Saiyyid Riaaz Husaien Shaah
Supreme Patron,

[Sarparast A’laa, Idaraa e Taleemaat Islaamia Pakistan]

In the previous issue, Orator of the Nation [Hazrat Khateeb e Millat] had promised
that he would write the reason for not writing in the book series "Naat Rang" and
for his disagreement with Saiyyid Sabeeh Rahmaani. See his post:

Every Muslim is well aware of what is and how much is the importance of Islaamic
Beliefs and ideologies. Beliefs [Aqaaid] need firmness/stability. "Total
reconciliation" [Salaah Kulli] means the reconciliation and rapprochement between
people of the same Faith [Aqeedah] but to be reconciled with someone with any
kind of Faith [Aqeedah], cannot be called "total reconciliation" [Salaah Kulli],
because it is not a valid act according to the Shari'ah rules of faith. What does it
mean to be reconciled to an unbelieving person or group? This means acceptance
of unbelieving as correct and such a person will not remain a true Believer and a
true Muslim. Agreeing to disbelief is also disbelief [Al Razaa Bil Kuffar Kuffar].
Whoever considers Qaadiyaani, Mirzaaee, Ahmadi, Lahoree as Believer and
Muslim, will he himself remain a Believer [Mu’min] or a true Muslim? Similarly, one
who would consider the perpetrators/offenders of insults about the Holy Prophet
Rasool e Kareem [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] as Believer, [Mu’min, Saint [Walee] or
true Muslims, what will he be called? Supporting the insulter/offender [gushtaakh]
would be help to the offender. I have elaborated a lot in detail on this in my books
Deoband se Bareily [Facts] [Haqaaiq] and ‘White and Black’ [Safaied aur Siyaa].
It is by the bounty and Grace of Allaah Almighty [Jal Majda’hu Al Kareem] that He
has Blessed me, the sinner, by the means [sadqaay] of His Last and most Beloved
Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], with the happiness/fortune [saa’dat] of being
steadfast and keeping perseverance [istiqaamat] in the sect of Ahl-e-Sunnat Wa
Jamaa’at [Barelvi], and this is the Prayer that this Happiness [Saa’dat] lasts forever,
may my Faith [Ieemaan] be safe and may Allaah Kareem protect me from the loss
of this Blessings [Zawaal e Naimat]. By Praise be to Allaah, this tainted sinner has
no flexibility/leeway [lachak] in the matter of Beliefs [Aqaaid] and do not make any
concessions in this regard. What should be concessions regarding Faith and Beliefs
[Aqaaid] and why? I do not care if anyone dislikes my words or mannerisms. I
become indifferent to such a person until he repents and corrects himself.
I am also Blessed with the Blessings of the training of my perfect model of
excellence [Baa Kamaal] Respected Father, Teachers and Mentors [Mashaa’ikh]
that I do not hesitate to apologize even for an unintentional mistake and do not
feel insulted/offensive in settlement reconciling. It should be noted that this
tainted sinner does not claim of knowledge at all, I am completely at fault, but I am
interested in the rightness of truth and the invalidation of falsehood, I do not mean
to offend or humiliate anyone. Praise be to Allaah [Alhamdu Lil Laah] for His

I practice love and hate for the sake of Allaah and His Prophet, and I want to abide
by this rule by the Grace of Allaah Kareem.

[This magazine also includes my previous writings in this regard]

Let me mention briefly narrate the words of my Dear Father [Abbaa Jaan], [Qiblaa
Rahmaa] two or three days before his death, referring to the heartbreaking tragedy
that took place in the Badshaahi Mosque in those days, he was saying these words
with sad/heartbreaking tone in the hospital:
"I used to disagree, now I hate".
[The heartbreaking tragedy was that the Deobandi’s said "Murdaa Baad" during the
congregation in response to the voice of "Naára-e-Risaalat" by a Sunni Barelvi.]
Ma’aazal Laah [We seek Allaah’s protection]

My Dearest Father [Abbaa Jaan-Qiblaah Rahmaa] was embodiment a man of

determination and perseverance. There was perfect excellent harmony in his heart
and tongue [qalb o lisaan], he was the flag-bearer of truth and truthfulness. My
Dearest Father [Waalid e giraami-Alaieh Rahmaa] endured a lot of blows/attack of
his opponents for the cause of truth [Maslaq e Haqq]. He was attempted to be
assassinated three times, he was stoned, and blades were put in his shoes. He was
not discouraged by the fierce and relentless attacks of the opponents. His courage
and fortitude for the exalted word of truth grew stronger, he remained steadfast
on the truth till his last breath. Praise be to Allaah, [Alhamdu Lil Laah] he gained
popularity and Belovedness [Mahboobiyat] in the court of Holy Prophet's
[Baargaah e Risaalat] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. He went to Allaah Kareem [Wasal
e Ba Haqq] while reciting Benediction and Salutation [Durood O Salaam]. May
Allaah Kareem exalt his ranks in His court, Aameen.
Dearest Father [Abaa Jaan-Qiblaah Rahmaa] association [nisbat]
privilege/blessings [Faizaan] was that I had the same excellent Teachers and
Mentors [Mashaa’ikh] with whom my father was associated with. With the
Blessings of all of them, the same maturity/steadfastness in Beliefs and inflexible
perseverance in this regard is surely the Grace of Allaah Kareem on me. Praise be
to Allaah, Alhamdu Lil laah Ta’aalaa Sum Man Karam Rasool Allaah Ta’aalaa.

May the grace of Rasoolal Laah [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] be upon me.
In the previous issue, I had mentioned in my article the question of stopping the
writing in Saiyyid Sabeeh ud deen Sabeeh Rahmaani’s book series "Naat Rang" and
I promised to give an answer in the next issue. I have written a short answer in an
issue of Hazrat Pirzaada Iqbaal Ahmad Faarooqi's monthly magazine "Jahaan-e-
Razaa" years ago. If I will write the detail, it will be exceptionally long. I am writing
this answer because many people have asked this question many times. They used
to read "Naat Rang" because of my writing. They were shocked why I stopped
writing for this book series.
I was introduced to Sabeeh Rahmaani Saahib with reference to his book series Naat
Rang, I was glad that he wanted to work on ‘Naat Shareef’. He wanted me to
critically examine the contents of this book series from a Religious [Deeni],
Scholarly [Ilmi] and Sectarian [Maslaaki] point of view. I appreciated him,
cooperated in every way, and wrote a lot. Sabeeh Sabeeh insisted many times on
deleting some sentences from my writing and to changing some. Of course, Sabeeh
Saahib must have had a soft corner in his heart and mind for those people. When
my writings were published in book form, Sabeeh Saahib asked me to include the
deleted sentences in the book. This was a clear indication that he did not want
those sentences to be published in the issue of his own editorial publication. With
personality consideration [shaksi lehaaz], it is stated that Sabeeh Rahmaani Saahib
mentioned my principal objection to writing these words of this Hadees e Qudsi

If it were not for you [O Beloved], I would not have created my Lordship… in an
article by Saiyyid Abul Al Khaier Kashfi to him but he did not accept Sabeeh
Rahmaani’s objection and said that he remembers this Hadees very well and he has
heard this Hadees in the same way.

The actual words of the Hadees e Qudsi are as follows:

If it were not for you [O beloved], I would not have Manifested my Lordship.

[The People of Knowledge [Ahle Ilm] can figure out what mistake was done by Kasfi

After the death of Kashfi Saahib, Sabeeh Saahib self-corrected his writing and
published it in book form while Kashfi Saahib did not accept it. It turned out that
Sabeeh Saahib makes every concession for those for whom he has "care,
consideration or favour". However, in the case of Authoritative Religious Figures,
Sabeeh Saahib deliberately not only published the highly objectionable article of Dr
Shoaieb Nigraami in the 22nd issue of "Naat Rang" but also called this article
noteworthy and very important in his editorial.
See my Religious and Shariah objection to this article:
In this article, worst audacity was committed to call "Qaseedah Burdaah Shareef"
as vile /abhorrent encomium [shajraah khabeesa] [and its poem verses] as
polytheistic [shirkiyaa]; and to call Hazrat Maulana Room, Hazrat Shaiekh Fareed-
ud-Deen Attar and Hazrat Maulana Abdul Rahmaan Jaami –
[Allaah have Mercy on them] as polytheistic Poets: and to call Muslim Soofiiya e
Kiraam as polytheists, he committed the worst insolence of disrespectfulness.
We seek Allaah’s protection Ma’aazal Laah.
The columnist has accused millions of Muslims as polytheists [shirk] for reciting
‘Qaseedah Burdaah Shareef’. The columnist has committed disbelief and if the
compiler published it with pride and considered this article to be very important,
then it is also showing approval to kufr/disbelief and praise of kufr which itself is
Sabeeh Saahib immediately deleted my objection from his Facebook page and
asked me to write a reply. I was offended by his saying that he did not even feel
guilty instead of repenting he was asking for a reply. This is where my disagreement
grew. For the Deobandi’s, he deletes the sentences from my writing and feels proud
to publish such blasphemous writing with his own support and praise? Isn't that

Sabeeh Saahib himself offer prayers led by wrong believer [bad Aqeedah], becomes
their guest at their invitation, publishes their harsh and blasphemous writings, that
is, he spreads filth himself and does whatever he wants but asks me to write an
answer. What kind of policy is this? He had published many inappropriate articles
before, but Sabeeh Saahib's attitude/disregard towards the seriousness of this
blasphemous article is beyond my comprehension.

My objection was not personal or personality issue but is purely Religious [Deeni],
Faithful [Ieemaani], and Shariah-compliant and necessary. He probably considered
my goodwill to be his opposition. When I asked him to repent, he did not admit
that he had done anything wrong. I refused to write in his book series and said that
I would remain indifferent to him until he publishes a letter of repentance in his
book series in accordance with the Shariah requirements.
Sabeeh Rahmaani Saahib may have needed me in the beginning, but now he has
become "well-known", so not only mine but he did not even care about the Shariah
requirements. With reference to Sabeeh Saahib, the Shariah Edicts [Fatwaa’s] of
closed associates and strangers [are safe with me] which also say that public
repentance is obligatory on Sabeeh Rahmaani Saahib. May he publish his
repentance letter for the sake of pleasing Allaah Ta’aalaa, and for the Honor
[Namoos] of my Beloved Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and the reverence,
and respect of the sanctities of the Religion and save himself from the calamity

Only Allaah, everything else is lust. [Allaah Bas, Baaki Hawas]

Mendicant [Faqeer]! Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Ghufira Lahu

In Karachi, Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam [Alaieh Rahmaa] first built ‘Jaamiah Masjid
Ghausiya and Daarul Uloom Hanafiya Ghausiya P.E.C.H.S Society, Karachi which has
been forcefully occupied by
Janaab Qaari Abdul Qayyoom Mahmood is not being published due to the lengthy
details… If Allaah wills, [In Shaa Allaah] these will be presented in the next issue.

The important articles regarding forgiveness [Ru’joo] published in the book series
"Al-Khateeb" by Orator of the Nation [Khateeb e Millat] Allaamah Kaukab Noorani
Okarvi are once again being presented to the readers, see:
Bismil-Laahir-Rahmaa nir Raheem

In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

This sinner uttered the word "oppressor" [zaalim] while narrating the time of
disbelief of Martyrs' Chief [Saiyyid Al Shuhadah] Hazrat Hamzaah bin Abdul
Muttalib's assassin. While narrating the story of the time of disbelief [zamanaa e
kufr], if according to the Shariah repentance is necessary for calling infidel or tyrant
in view of that condition, then I repent for using the word "tyrant" [zaalim] for the
assassin of Chief of martyrs while narrating the story of his time of disbelief. May
Allaah Ta’aalaa accept my repentance. It is my habit to announce at the end of each
program the repentance for a mistake made in conversation. I respect the
importance of Reverence and Purity of the Holy Family and Companions [Aaal Waa
Ashaab e Rasool] of the Holy Prophet in every way. May Allaah keep me steadfast
on the truth and forgive my every mistake.

Mendicant [Faqeer]! Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Ghufira Lahu


Chief of Martyrs Hazrat Saiyyid Al Shuhadah’s assassin …until he was an infidel

[kaafir] speaking about that time/period he is called an infidel. Is it harsh to say
infidel [kaafir] or tyrant [zaalim]? Is there any Edict [Fatwaa] on the condition of
disbelief? In the same program, Allaamah Saahib also described the conversion of
the assassin to Islaam and also said that after converting to Islaam, the sins
committed in the state of disbelief are eliminated. Praise be to Allaah, [Alhamdu Lil
Laah] he never used any negative word for any of the Companions of the Prophet
[Sahaabi e Rasool]. He did not say anything to Hazrat Wehshee. He used the word
"tyrant" [zaalim] while describing the state of disbelief of the assassin of Chief of
Martyrs [Saiyyid Al Shuhadaah] and also repented from it,

"Glory be to Allaah" [Sub Haan Allaah].

In the Orator of the Nation, [Khateeb e Millat] the attribute of truthfulness and
integrity of his Honourable Glorious Father the Great Orator [Jaleel ul Qadr
Giraami] [Allaah have mercy on him] is also prominent and by the Grace of Allaah
Ta’aalaa, he does not care of any expedience in this regard. Some time ago a book
was published from Faisalabad, the name of this book is " Maulana Kaukab Noorani
Okarvi ki Taqreerayn". As soon as the Khateeb-e-Millat saw this book, he
immediately sent an explanatory statement to all Ahl-e-Sunnat magazines through
secured mail, which was published in Monthly Razaa-e-Mustafaa - Gujranwala,
Monthly Jahaan-e-Razaa - Lahore, Monthly Al-Saeed - Multan and Monthly Noor ul
Habeeb – Baseerpur. We are listing that explanatory statement for our
readers/associates and affiliates here, see:

“This mendicant [faqeer] [Kaukab Noorani Okarvi son of the Khateeb e A’azam
Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi – [Allaah have mercy on him] considers it necessary
to clarify that on Eid-ul Fitr, I got to see the first edition of the book titled “Maulana
Kaukab Noorani Okarvi ki Taqreerayn” containing 304 pages, published in August
2002 according to Jamaadi us Saani 1423 by Janaab Muhammad Liaquat Alee of
Maktabah Ghausiya Sultaania, Arshad Market, Near Jaamia Rizvia Mazhar-e-Islaam,
Jhang Bazaar, Faisalabad. Prior to that, I had no contact or introduction with this
book or its compiler and publisher.

While writing this book, the publisher and compiler have spontaneously added
many sentences to my recorded speeches, changed several sentences, and even
added some very objectionable sentences that are really condemnable. Those
sentences cannot be proved in the recording of these speeches. Readers and critics
of this book should not forget my explanation that I immediately informed Janaab
Liaquat Alee Saadiq in writing that he had written such sentences in this book with
reference to my speeches and sermons which I never said and there are
objectionable phrases in these sentences that have been attributed to me, while
those phrases are not in my speeches and sermons at all. This faqeer [Kaukab
Noorani Okarvi Ghufira Lahu] is a true Sunni Hanaafi Matareedi [Barelvi] by the
Grace of Allaah [Alhamdu Lil Laah] and is incredibly careful about Shariah, Sunnah,
Faith, Islaam/Islaamiat, Beliefs and Ideologies. Despite the utmost caution, if in any
of my writings or speeches or words or deeds, something has been done or issued
which is not the truth of Allaah Kareem and is, in fact, wrong, then I repent and
seek forgiveness from Allaah Ta’aalaa. May Allaah Kareem, through the means of
His Beloved Habeeb e Kareem, grant me perseverance in the Sect [Maslak] of Ahl-
e-Sunnat Wa Jamaa’at and may I end up with good deeds by following this sect,

Dated: 3 Shawwaal, 1423 AH Servant [bandah]:

Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Ghufira Lahu

As on December 08, 2002 53-B, Sindhi Muslim Housing Society, Karachi – 74400”
[Book series, Al-Khateeb, Issue 20, Pages 9 to 10]

The high taste [A’ala Zauq] for Scholarly/Authoring pursuits and printing along with
Research and Writing of the Orator of the Nation [Khateeb e Millat] is not hidden
from his friends/associates. The sense of responsibility he has for the references in
the books shows us that he is a figure of determination and great caution. Only
from him, we have heard the phrase after every speech "If there was a mistake in
the conversation, I repent in Allaah Kareem’s Court [Baargaah]" at the end of each
speech. Our Respected Readers will recall that someone had published a book titled
"Speeches of Kaukab Noorani Okarvi " [Taqreerayn]and added what-not [kya kya]
to it. When Khateeb e Millat saw the book, he immediately declared his non
relevance to the contents of that book. His article was published in Al-Khateeb issue
No. 20 [2003] and was also published in various Sunni Magazines and Journals in
Pakistan. May Allaah Ta’aalaa keep him steadfast in the truth and give him courage
and fortitude in the Path of Truth.
[Raah e Haqq]. Aameen

[Book Series, Al-Khateeb, Issue 26, Page 12]

Upon pointing out by a devotee, Orator of the Nation Allaamah Kaukab Noorani
Okarvi had also explained in a congregation of Friday that he had made a mistake
in one of his speeches on the subject of Occult Knowledge [Ilm e Ghaieb]. He had
in mind the incident of Hazrat Daniyaal [Salutation upon him] that he told the King Bakht
Nasr his forgotten dream and also explained the interpretation but instead of
Hazrat Daniyaal [Salutation upon him], the name of Hazrat Yoosuf [Salutation upon him]
came out of his mouth. Khateeb e Millat said that he apologizes to Allaah Ta’aalaa
for this mistake and asked the who have this recording with them to be aware of
this clarifications/explanation. Khateeb e Millat once again reiterated that if he
made any mistake in his writing and speech, he repents in the Court of Allaah
Almighty and seek forgiveness.

[Book Series: Al-Khateeb, Issue 27, Page 12]

The year 2020 has been a very strange year for this millennium. The Corona Virus
has infected the entire world. Such closure of Mosques and Madrassas has
probably never happened before. A large number of Scholars and Religious leaders
passed away this year. People called it a "Year of Grief [Gham Ka Saal]." Despite
the ban on gatherings due to fears and dangers of the Corona Virus, large
gatherings were held at the funerals of Sunni Scholars and Religious Leaders. The
crowd at the funeral of Hazrat Maulana Khaadim Husaien Rizvi [Alaieh Rahmaa]
was very large. His 40th Faatihah [Chehlum] congregation was also exemplary.
Despite the ban, large gatherings were held at the funerals and Urs Shareef’s of
Sunni Scholars and Religious Leaders. It was by the Grace of Allaah Almighty that
the participants of these gatherings were not harmed by the virus.

We wanted to include in this Magazine the brief memoirs of the famous great
Scholars and Mashaa’ikh who passed away. The orator of the Nation Hazrat
Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi had also procured the historical material of some
Scholars/Elders [Buzurgh]. We wanted to include this in publication too, but this
year's magazine was already a bit lengthier than previous issues, so we could not
cover it all. However, the historical articles of the commander of Mujaahids about
this year of death are being presented to the readers.

1442 Hijri-2020
Ameer Al Mujaahid Deen Allaamah Khaadim Husaien - Muhibb Yazdaani
Alaieh Al Rahmata
In letters counting or words selecting any mistakes is done I apologize for it.

Effort [Kaawish]! Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Ghufira Lahu

From last year till now, continuous incidents and accidents have taken place in our
Country [Watan e Azeez] and all over the World that how should we explain! What
era are we living in? There would be a limit to the tolerance of hearing and seeing.
Hammers are constantly raining down on the heart and mind. The surprise is
surprised by itself. We did not even have the presumption/speculation of thought
that we would see and hear all this. This state of the Muslim World was never
thought of, avoiding its identity, what the Nation is doing? To whom should we
share the pain? What will be the remedy? There is no kindhearted Messiah with
whom we can share our story with.

Zulfi Bukhaari was declared clear, Coalition Members were angry with the
Government, flour crisis was created, Shaiekh Rasheed's statement that more food
is eaten in Ramadaan, Tehreek-e-Labaiek workers were punished, Faisal Wadaa's
was not punished for his mistake but the Journalist were punished, there was news
of reconciliation between Lawyers and Doctors without any punishment,
suspension of Judicial Magistrate Imtiaaz Bhutto for sexual assault, controversial
film “Zindagi Tamashaa”, areas effected by snow and rain, agony of TV Drama
“Mere Paas Tum Hou”, some Ministers were dismissed and then re-appointed as
Ministers, talks about Railway and Judiciary, Corona Virus and Media, invasion of
some people for closure of Mosques, sudden stoppage of PSL cricket, restrictions
on worshippers for going to Mosques for offering Taraweeh, matter of non-closure
of Mosques due to Corona Virus between the Scholars and the Rulers and the
retracting of the Rulers, thieves of flour and sugar, strife of Minority National
Commission and Qaadiyaani’s, conflict between the Federal and the Provincial
Governments over the issue of lockdown, congregation of the Day of Alee during
Corona Virus Pandemic and participation of Ministers, opposers outcry over
Ertugrul drama, Fawaad Chaudhry’s constant interference in Religion, allegations
of American woman Richie, brutal assassination of black man by Police in the
United States, sudden high rise in the petrol prices, increase in death certificate fee,
various problems in Hospitals, police stations and graveyards for deaths due to
Corona Virus, disturbing relatives of people who died of other illnesses or natural
causes, attack on Stock Exchange Building, approval of building temple in
Islamabad, fake or no licenses of ‘Air Pilots’ and spread of its news, protection of
Islaam bill, marriage of a gay, equal words of Trump and Khawaajah Aasif, Shias
audacity to send curse taking the name of Companion of the Holy Prophet on
Aashoorah, killing a false claimant of Prophet-Hood by a man named Khaalid,
dancing and shooting at Wazeer Khan Mosque, destructions due to rains across the
country and especially in Karachi, Marvi Sarmad and the blasphemy of the
Prophets, Atiqa Odho was acquittal after nine years, the differences in Saudi Arabia,
the agreement between the UAE and the Israa’eeli Government, the acceptance of
l Israa’eeli by some Islaamic countries, the issuance of many liquor licenses, retired
General Saleem Aasim Bajwaa’s Story, Mahaa Alee's murder, acquittal of Saajid
Gondal and Abdul Majeed Achakzai, transfer of IG Punjab and differences, murder
of Turbat Journalist, tragedy of sexual abuse of women on motorway, tragedy of
police officer’s sexual assault with a women, continuous incidents of assault with
younger children, Aaishaah Rajab and Talaal Chaudhry, Shahbaaz Shareef's arrest,
Nawaaz Shareef's statement, treasures found from the houses of Government
officials, deaths due to protocol of Rulers, announcement of Rs. 1,100 billion
package for Karachi, resignation of Islamabad Mayor due to lack of powers, lady
Health workers protest, establishment of PDM, processions and protests,
coir/chanting slogan [naaray] and trials on Mazaar Quaid’s , insult of Prophet-Hood
In France, malicious sketches, charges of treason against Politicians, return of
Jahangeer Taareen, reappointment of Firdous Aashiq Awaan, engagement of
Bakhtawar and strict conditions for guests, assassination of Iranian Scientist
Muhsin Fakh Razaada, flight of Israa’eeli plane from Saudi border to Dubai, removal
of Judge Arshad and his death, Shaazaieb Khanzada's story about record of severe
financial loss due to wrong and delayed decisions of government, story of scams in
various institutions, re-closure of educational institutions, non-imposition of
Corona restrictions on Sikhs congregation, tragedy of violence on 11 years old
household house maid in Faisalabad, 8 killed in Hospital due to lack of oxygen in
Peshawar, restriction on PIA flight to Europe as Federal Minister gave statement
about fake licenses of Pilots, appointment of

Naeem Bukhaari in PTV, PDMs continuous meetings, speaking of all Government

Officials against opposition at the same time, continuous increase in petrol prices,
declaring serious threat of Corona Virus in PDM meetings by Rulers and then
reduction in the intensity of the statements, changing the faces for Ministries,
Government and Judiciary’s different position on the matter of Karachi Circular
Railway, increase in appointment of Ministers despite increase in prices,
regularization of Prime Minister’s house against 1.2 million penalty, proclamation
of the Corona Virus in the world, different views on the vaccine and the incidence
of vaccine damage,

second wave of Corona Virus, different types of virus in the UK, increase in the
incidents of sexual abuse with women and children, talks of early holding of Senate
elections, increase in complaints regarding BRT, rivalry between Deputy Chairman
of Senate and NAB, tragedy of rape of 14-year-old House Maid in Raajanpur,
Pakistani-born Imaam Masjid’s murder in Germany, forgetting Corona virus for
December 27 celebrations in Sindh, mysterious gas and deaths in Kemaari-Karachi,
PM admitted that he was incompetent and knew nothing about governance,
Murder of Baloch Journalist Kareema in Canada, Government order to close
Schools and Madrassas but celebrate Christmas, severe distress of people in winter,
statement of Minister for Religious Affairs Noor-ul-Haq Qaadiree that State of
Madinah was formed in 23 years, deaths and losses due to explosion of boiler in ice
factory, bomb blast in Nashville - USA, more than 4,000 illegal petrol pumps in the
country, the Shrines of Saints [Auliyaa Allaah] remained closed but Mausoleum and
gathering in Garhi Khudaa Bakhsh were kept open, improper statement of Fayyaaz
Chohaan regarding the Honorable Prophets [Anmbiyaa e Kiraam] [Salutation upon
them], new virus patients came to Karachi from UK, release of movie titled The Lady
of Heaven on Netflix which was full of insults to Religious Sanctities, Mufti Muneeb-
ur-Rahmaan's sudden resignation from the chairmanship of Ruyet-e-Hilaal
Committee, gift of increase in electricity and petrol prices on New Year, gas supply
suspended during severe cold, Ahsaan Iqbaal of Nawaaz League said that Imraan
Khan has been imposed to end the CPEC project and destroy the country's
economy, the incident of police killing a young man in Islamabad, FBR's Janaab
Shabar Zaidee's harsh words, killing of 11 miners in Mach area of Baluchistan and
sit-in [dharna] of their relatives with their bodies in severe cold and protest sit-ins
in different cities, grand operation to remove encroachments in Karachi, Texas-US
church shooting incidence, Firdous Aashiq Awaan's manipulation, government
wrong legislation against Religious Institutions regarding endowed property,
removal of CCPO Lahore Umar Shaiekh, Sindh Treasury Department’s Billions of
rupees of corruption exposed, on President Trump's provocation Capitol Hill, US
Parliament was raided by his supporters, another of the worst embarrassing
incident of US citizens...
You decide what to write and what not to write! What weep should we weep over?
Instead of writing about all of them, we are offering some excerpts from Facebook
without comment. While preserving the right to agree or disagree, see
"Thoughts of the People”: [“Zabaan e Khalq”]

Today's situation! The Prime Minister says do not panic, cold says do not take
shower, excuse, gas says I will not come, inflation says I will not go.

The biggest tragedy of the current system is that no one from the common man to
the Prime Minister is ready to accept responsibility. Here everyone wants to accuse
other of their incompetence, inability, failure, and prove himself worthy, well-
intentioned, honest and sympathetic to his subordinates by holding others
responsible for his shortcomings. However, the virtue and characteristic of the
Islaamic system are that everyone from the common man to the Caliph [Khaleefah]
of the time is responsible and accountable to his subordinates and is entitled to
punishment and dismissal for non-payment of subordinate rights [Huqooq].

There is a Hadees: You are all Guardians and are responsible for your
citizens/subjects [riyayaa]. In the Caliph [Khaleefah] system, the Caliph is also
responsible for the dog that dies of thirst on the banks of the Euphrates [Furaat],
whereas in the current system it is just a golden word a quote/ a saying.

Petrol is of Rs. 117, gas is not available, 15 times increase in electricity prices and
simplicity is that there is the same girlfriend of the entire cabinet.

Two military ideologies, Pakistan is a safe country. This year all PSL matches will be
held in Pakistan. The country is in state of war, so General Baajwa should be given
an extension.

Where are the great people gone who used to calculate and tell the government
that they get petrol on such a cost and so much tax is taken from the people.

After today, it does not matter if the vote goes to the arrow, the bat, the lamp or
the lion, it actually goes to the tank. So, end all political differences.
They say why Pakistan is not developing, 2,547 officers from grade 17 to 20
continued to receive Benazir Income Support Fund, sadly sad [afsos]!

It is worth thinking that when the Call to Prayer [Azaan] is given, the volume of the
TV is reduced, but the eye stays on the TV and the heart says that the Azaan should
end soon. Is this the respect for Azaan/Prayer respectively? You decide for yourself,
answer the Azaan so that at the time of death you will get the opportunity to read
the Kalimaah.

If you want to understand the value of time, then understand from the newspaper
which is a sale of fifteen rupees in the morning and fifteen rupees a kilo in the

If a woman's corpse cannot be seen by a non-mahram, then under which

justification the living woman exhibits herself? It is a bitter reality, but it is worth
Where a woman is stripped naked for the advertisement of Rs. 20 soap and Rs. 120
shampoo, half a dozen young girls are danced to advertise Rs. 2 chewing gum, there
is no point in wailing over the rape of girls. Where in TV dramas it has become a
norm to show the illicit relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law; the
act of husband of letting his wife meet with her first love is presented as a sacrifice,
and the brother uses his sister to seduce the girl…. Teaching the Morals of Ethics
and Humanity would be hypocrisy there ...!!!

After singing and dancing for two days, after committing all the sins, in our society,
the daughter is sent away in the shadow of the Qur'aan. When you know that the
Blessing is in the word of Allaah Kareem, then what is the use of dancing and

The wise say that "The rich may not give up luxury, but if they only leave the
exhibition of their wealth it can make life easier for the poor".

Man is an expert in counting troubles but forgets to keep track of his Blessings.

The inscription on the currency notes in your pocket, "Will pay the bearer on
demand" means that your Government is obliged to pay the gold equivalent of this
note at your request. If the entire population of Pakistan starts returning the notes
to the SBP and taking the gold today, only 20% of the notes would be usable. The
remaining 80% of the notes are worth Rs. 13 per kg. Because the rest of the notes
have no gold at all, their value is the same as that of junk. After World War II,
Europeans burned currency notes instead of wood because the price of wood was
higher than the currency. The concept of inflation is only a hundred years old. In
the time of Pharaoh [Firaun], the price of a chicken was two dirhams, which
remained only two dirhams until the end of the nineteenth century. If we consider,
even today it still costs only two dirhams that means zero inflation. The value of
the paper currency has fallen hundreds of times over the last 100 years alone.
Inflation is actually a tax paid equally by the rich and the poor without any
discrimination. The biggest cause of poverty today is paper money and the interest
paid on it.

When we take a loan from the IMF, the dollars are not transferred to us, but the
transaction is done only through a computer in a bank account in the United States.
Dollars are not transferred to this account either. To date, only 3% of the world's
dollars have been printed. The remaining 97% of dollars are stored on computer
hard disks only. The IMF charter states that no country can issue gold and silver
coins. If it does, the IMF or the World Bank will not lend to such a country. Many
heads of state around the world, including the United States, have been
assassinated for trying to issue their own currency or gold and silver coins. The
Government of this country cannot appoint the Minister of Finance and the
Secretary of Finance without the permission of the IMF. When lending, the IMF first
requires privatization and then the loan is lent. Consider/ponder why this is so.

All petrol-exporting countries, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, are bound to sell
petrol only in dollars and not in the currency of the country which is selling or
buying. Never in human history have so many people been fooled. This is the
biggest fraud in human history.

For six years, a court heard a case, and now it is clarified that it was an
unconstitutional court.
Roti, Kapraa, Makaan. New Slogan: Langar, Kataa, Qabaristaan, Shukriyaa Captaan.
President of the Country Janaab Aarif Alvee Saahib, Prime Minister of Pakistan
Janaab Imraan Khan Saahib, Senior Leader PTI Janaab Asad Umar Saahib and other
members of the Ruling party! Say by affirming the presence of Almighty Allaah and
making him witness that you were not aware that the employees were not
responsible for the destruction of Pakistan Steel Mill. On the contrary, the previous
Zardaari and Nawaaz League Governments were responsible for the destruction of
the Steel Mill. You could not take any action against them and you also did not fulfil
your promise to restore the Steel Mill and protect the jobs of the employees. Now
if it is really important to fire the employees, at least fire them with dignity, give
them a good package, give them a golden handshake and give plots in phase 4 to
the employees who have not yet got a house or plot in Gulshan-e-Hadeed, it is their
right. Removing the employees by paying normal dues would be a gross abuse and
it is hoped that the Flag Bearers of the state of Madinah will not deprive thousands
of victims of their legitimate rights. Thanks.

He came out of the courtroom wearing a Jinnaah cap on his head, a Sherwani with
slits on the bottom and worn-out shoes on his feet, and he called: Be present
Janaab Waseem son of Um-e-Sarkaar. It was found out that this is the Deputy
Messenger [Qaasid] who is being dressed like the Quaid-e-A’zam to herald the
announcements... after entering, I saw a Justice Saahib sitting with an English gown
on his shoulders. The dress that was supposed to be inside the court was being
devalued on the outside and the dress that was supposed to be outside was
honourable on the inside. You do not understand the humiliating thinking of the
British till today, they disgraced our Muslim Kings by introducing their clothes to
the hotels’ security guards. Jinnaah cap which should have been worn by the Judges
is being worn by deputy messenger. We are a blind nation, blindly imitating
[taqleed] this conspiracy of the British. Do not know what will become of us ... This
issue is of concern for the members of bar councils.

The reason for the restriction on girls ... once a girl said to Maulana Saahib, may I
ask a question? Maulana said: Speak tell me, daughter, what is the matter? The girl
said: In our society, boys have freedom in every way, no matter what they do, no
matter where they go, there are no special restrictions on them. On the contrary,
girls are prevented from doing everything, do not do this, don't go there, come
home early…. On hearing this, Maulana Saahib smiled and said: Daughter, have you
ever seen iron objects lying in an iron warehouse outside an iron shop? They stay
in the warehouse in cold, heat, rain, night, and day. Despite this, nothing bad
happens to them and their value is not affected. Boys have a similar status in this
society. Now let us go to a goldsmith's shop. Inside a large safe, a small, beautiful
box, there is a shining diamond delicately placed on silk. Because the jeweller
knows that if the diamond is slightly scratched, it will have no value. The
importance of daughters in Islaam is similar, like a glittering diamond that
illuminates the whole house. The slightest scratch on it leaves nothing with her
family. That is the difference between a boy and a girl…. There was silence in the
whole gathering, along with this girl the moistness in the eyes of the whole
gathering was clearly telling what is the difference between iron and diamond….
You are requested to convey, show and read this message to your daughters and
sisters. May Allaah reward you a lot.

[Jazaakumul Laah Khaier Kaseeraa]

Doctors are feeding too much ‘Kashtaay’ to pregnant women. Calcium and Iron
supplements are called ‘Kushta’ in Biomedical science. Avoid it ...

Whoever is the author of this article has written the facts that most pregnant
women and newborns are seen to be suffering from severe problems, the reasons
for this are clearly stated in this article.


A question from a friend, why are not deliveries normal nowadays? Although,
nowadays medical facilities are available in the most modern hospital…When a
woman becomes pregnant, she immediately goes to the lady doctor, undergoes
regular check-ups under her supervision for nine months, uses her prescribed
medicines, and pays her expensive fees... But when it comes to delivery, why not a
normal delivery? Why is the blood level is reduced at the time of delivery despite
taking folic acid and calcium tablets for nine consecutive months and taking venofer
drips? My dear friends, the answer to this question is something like this: The main
reason for C-section delivery is tightening of muscular tissues and lack of lymphatic
liquids. Remember, the more flexible a woman's body is, the better the chances of
a normal delivery. The harder these tissues are, the more likely the operation will

The following factors tighten the muscular tissues of a woman's body and narrow
the passages and also reduce the lymphatic liquids which perform lubrication.
When we go against nature, nature will surely punish us, that is, because of the
punishment of turning away from nature, we have to endure the operation
regardless of the huge buildings, hospitals, expensive doctors, expensive medicines
and expensive injections, air-conditioned rooms. Remember, all of this cannot be a
substitute for nature. The greed and lust for money, distance from humanity,
looking at the patient's pocket more than the patient's life and health are the
second biggest reasons for this. The idea of a woman being comfortable and not
working after pregnancy, sitting idle all day, makes the muscular tissues, and
especially the ovary muscles, stiff instead of soft and flexible. Instead of lying idle
all day, if certain exercises should be done, especially in the last months, or
household chores should be done such as sweeping, dusting. This will move the
muscles of the ovary which will create heat which will soften the muscles. When
we inject folic acid or venofer as diet, it will intensively tighten the muscles of the
body due to the presence of iron, because it is the food of the muscles, which will
make the muscles narrower instead of opening the way. Instead, if black gram,
arhar marmalade, plum marmalade, orange marmalade, apple, spinach, greens,
liver, milk, egg, honey, ghee, mango, peach, cloves, cinnamon, almonds and saffron
are used, the body will get plenty of natural folic acid and blood and so the muscular
tissues of the body will be strong and soft instead of hard and beautiful babies will
be born. And I guarantee this, and I am ready to write that the beautiful baby will
be born. On the other hand, keep in mind that calcium tablets harden the bones.
When after nine months of taking calcium tablets the bones of both mother and
baby would be hardened, you can imagine that muscle tissues will also be hardened
and so the bones will…that is why it is sometimes said that the baby's head is
enlarged, the mother's bone is enlarged, you will have an operation.

After nine months of blindly feeding the tablets, has the chance of normal delivery
left? Because this gives more income, money is made from the operation, what is
obtained from normal delivery! If natural calcium such as milk, yoghurt, eggs, ghee
were fed then I guarantee that there would never be a lack of calcium and the
bones would be strong and neither grow nor harden. Yes!!! Due to low income, the
sales of the shop would have decreased, the commission would have decreased,
the sales of the store would have decreased, there would have been fights among
themselves, the bank balance would have decreased. Because practically our belief
in Allaah Ta’aalaa and humanity is zero but in speeches and conversations it is 1000
per cent. One of the main reasons why delivery is not normal, as I mentioned, is
the hardening of the bones, the hardening of the muscular tissues and the loss of
elasticity and the lack of lymphatic fluid which performs lubrication. For all of them,
the formula that our mothers have been using for centuries in the last month has
been one of physical exertion and exercise, by foot. And the other important thing
was leaving the use of clarified butter [desi ghee], dry dates, and saffron in milk,
which contains a lot of iron, calcium, sulfur i.e., and heat. Leaving all this healthy
eating the women’s stays in bed all day and consume calcium and folic acid tablets
and get venofer injections injected… Then on the day and during the delivery the
tyranny that takes place, May Allaah gives refuge. One is that shyness and modesty
are put into shame, the body is shown, even sweepers make comments, selfies are
made, may Allaah forgive us [Istighfirul Laah]. In addition, we have fallen into the
greed of money and temptingness to such an extent that even normal cases are
operated on and pockets are robbed. Another injustice I would like to draw special
attention to is that when the baby is in the mother's womb, its temperature is
between 70 and 90 degrees. Due to the air conditioning in the labour room, the
mother's muscles contract due to the cold. It is a scientific principle that things
shrink due to cold and expand due to heat. When the temperature in the room is
16 degrees, will the uterus shrink or spread? Surely it will shrink, will it help or
hinder normal delivery? The answer, of course, is the hinder. But the delicate
temperament doctors [nazuk mizaaj] cannot tolerate the heat. They usually do not
care whether the patient may go to hell or face the death. Ah! his/her delicate
temperament nature cannot tolerate sweat on his fragile nose after becoming a
doctor. Such a great injustice! The limit is that the doctor is still the doctor, the
attitude [nakhra] and doughtiness [roub] of the cleaning staff of the labour room is
in the sky, may Allaah give us refuge! [Allaah ki Panaah]! But salute to our mothers
and sisters who used to carry out the labour/delivery process naturally by burning
firepans in the labour room and getting sweat, in their own homes. Another
problem is `shortness of breathing and putting of baby in an incubator…

Dear, Brother! What else will happen if the child will not face shortness of breathing
upon coming to sixteen-degree temperature from 80 to 90-degree temperature.
Then there is the punishment for pains injections, the injections that are given are
developed for buffalo and are given despite the ban. For that, the woman must
suffer back pain all her life which is a different story. Then counting each day and
not letting even one day go up so that the customer may not turn to another
doctor/shop, its oppression upon oppression, robbery upon robbery. In this regard,
I will only suggest that when the fruit ripens, it falls down automatically, the pains
should be natural and instinctive. Remember, nature is man's friend, not the
enemy. Giving artificial pains shots and buffalo injections for fear of the customer
going to another hospital/doctor is a terrible joke with nature, then the
consequences will have to be borne. Punishment will surely come; nature does not
forgive anyone. Then remember, all the cases of anaemia in children are due to
artificial folic acid and artificial calcium. Because it affects the function of the
spleen, which causes them to suffer from anaemia. In short, the farther we go from
nature, the more we will be punished. There is much more to be said on this
subject, but business maker may not be able to digest even this. But my dear
brothers! This is a matter of life for our mothers, sisters, daughters, like it, share it
so much and give comments that this becomes the women rescue campaign and
the rulers/lawmakers are forced to make a strict law like the Scandinavian belt.
With the power of social media, where the husband is in the labour room, we need
much more. Every possible effort is made to do the normal case till the last limit.
Why cannot this happen here? Artificial pain injections are not given, but natural
pain is said to be tolerated. Why cannot this happen here? In France, every
pregnant woman and child is legally fed daily beans to make up for the iron
deficiency, why it cannot happen at our side? Agwaan is the path of literature which
is the jihaad through the pen.

A worth reading article: If a tree bears fruit more than ability, its branches begin to
break. If a person gets more than ability, he begins to break relationships, and as a
result, the tree gradually loses its fruit. Ponder and choose the words with wisdom,
when you are talking, your words are giving/disclosing the stature of your family,
your personality and your training. When the child grows up, he understands that
the father's restrictions were right. And man will understand after death that
restrictions imposed by the Lord [Rabb] were right. Life is not a cup of tea that
adding a teaspoon of sugar will remove its bitterness of taste. Life has to be tasted
in sips until the last moment of it no matter how bitter it may be. People recite late-
night prayers [Tahajjud] but do not talk to their brother, do every good deed but
do not give up backbiting.

Do not store your good deeds in a bag with a hole in it. If you find out about each
other's deeds, do not bury each other. Allaah Ta’aalaa has hidden your faults, give
thanks to Him and make it a habit to hide the faults of others because the evils are
also within yourself and others also have a tongue. Some people pray for heaven
all night for themselves but make others’ lives hell. We cannot investigate anyone's
heart to see how sincere they are with us, but time and attitude soon reveals their
sincerity. Do your best, work hard, adopt the right and legitimate way, pray, be
hopeful and leave the outcome to Allaah Almighty. There is no point in being afraid
of people with long/sharp tongues [zabaan daraaz], they make a lot of fuss and
vent their anger. Fear those who silently suffer because they leave the matter to
Allaah Ta’aalaa. Where there is no room for injustice, there is a delay but never
darkness. If you think that everything is getting out of hand and the situation is not
right for you, then think of a tree that loses all its leaves one by one but still stands
on the hope that the days of spring will come. I find it so strange that people read
a page of our lives and write a whole book about us. How can anyone think that he
will not be reckoned, that he will be forgiven? Remember, every single sigh, tear,
anguish, indifference, and cruelty/unkindness will be accounted for. After the
Rights of Allaah [Huqooq ul Laah], the matter of rights of Humanity [Huqooq ul
Ibaad] is also extremely strict. Alas! Not a few, but everyone has forgotten that.

We are not hostile to any language, because languages are a means of sharing and
interacting between different individuals and nations, learning and utilizing the
sciences, arts, cultural heritage of those languages. Our real objection is to the
unnecessary use of a foreign language especially English in the value of our national
and mother tongues, its official patronage, and the alleged superiority that a
handful group of people is using it as a weapon for their aggressive and unjust
authority and power and to seize the national resources. As a result, only the
English-speaking elite have the information, available in English, regarding
government data; economic, social, medical, educational, political, industrial facts
and information; rules and regulations; educational, health and employment
opportunities. And millions of people who do not know English continue to be
exploited due to lack of access to them.

Now there are two cases; one is to make the people of Pakistan able to understand
and speak English by working hard for one hundred years or the other is to make
arrangements for dissemination in the national language, all the above-mentioned
information, rules and regulations and all the official information and statistics
related to the public interest. And we are trying to do the same. This can only be
achieved by making the National language a medium of education, encouraging
translation experts, and making Urdu the official language.

Some time ago, the Antichrist [Dajjaal] was considered the greatest ordeal [fitnah
Azeem]and people tried to avoid everything connected with it. Then sub-conscious
micro mind programming was started in the media and gradually the attitude of
the people started being changed. One-eyed toys, paintings and other objects are
now commonplace. Moreover, a certain class which claims to call itself Muslim
[Local Liberals] now seems to be openly defending this sedition.

My heart is bursting at the thought that the way adultery, living of unrelated man
and woman together after divorce, returning of women to her ex-husband without
halalaa and people constant pressure on him has shown in "Mere Paas Tum Hou";
what effect will all this have on our society?

A comparative study of women's Dignity and Respect: in the view of the Western
1. Her mother is happy at birth, but no one knows about her father.
2. When she enters the school, she writes her mother's name instead of her
3. Goes through all the educational stages but the father's name is not
mentioned anywhere in the certificates and credentials.
4. During all this, her mother has moved from one person to second and from
second to a third.
5. Now the girl has two options, either to live with her mother and stepfather,
in which case she will have to pay half the rent herself and at the same time
she is at risk of being sexually harassed by her stepfather. The second option
is that she may be evicted from the house.
6. When she leaves home, she rents an apartment outside with a friend or
stranger, in both cases, there is a risk of sexual exploitation.
7. When she goes to work, she falls prey to the lustful eyes of colleagues.
8. If she gets married, there is no guarantee that the marriage will be successful,
if she gets children in her old age the children will admit her to the retirement
house for seniors.
9. She dies of loneliness and ageing, with no loved ones or relatives around.
10. After death, the children do not know which part of the earth she is
burdened on.

A comparative study of women's dignity and respect: in the view of Islaam

1. When she is born, her parents, grandparents, maternal grandparents, loved
ones, relatives celebrate, and she is called Mercy [Rahmat].
2. On the seventh day of her birth, there is Aqeeqah, a feast, a celebration an
atmosphere of joy.
3. She goes to school holding her Father's finger, her father's name and identity
are her identities in the school.
4. She completes her education and training under the supervision of her
5. When she is young and reaches the age of Marriage, Parents themselves find
a better person for her.
6. After the marriage, she leaves from her parents’ house with honour, respect,
and prayers.
7. After marriage, she becomes the Queen of her husband's house. The
husband puts the money he earns in the heat, the cold, the hard way, the
easy way, into her lap/hand [jholi].
8. When she has children, the house is filled with joy. When the children grow
up, the children serve their mother in every possible way in search of
paradise under her feet.
9. She becomes a Teacher at home, educates moral values to her children and
provides a useful individual citizen to society.
10. When the mother dies, the children go to the Mother's grave to recite the
Faatihah [and forward Quraan reading] years after years and pray for their
Surprisingly, despite these facts, the Western World is still teaching us Women's


I request all friends who use Social Media to copy-paste or share this post in all
WhatsApp, Facebook and other groups. The issue I want to draw your attention to
maybe ignored by you today, but in the next ten years, you will regret why we did
not work together on this issue. Friends! The Faisal Mosque is a magnificent
Mosque in Islaamabad, the capital of Pakistan, which has the distinction of being
the largest Mosque in South Asia. This great Mosque is known all over the Muslim
world for its unique architecture. Many of you must have "visited" the Faisal
Mosque. Yesterday, after many days, I got the opportunity to visit Faisal Mosque.
After entering the Mosque, I was relieved, but at the same time, the mixed feelings
of surprise, grief and anger started to increase. The Mosque, which is the house of
Almighty Allaah and a place of worship only, should be limited to worship only. I
believe that seeing the house of Allaah Ta’aalaa is also a reward, but only in case if
you look at it with the intention of reward, otherwise there are many more places
for fun where you can do ‘work of your desire’. Making Almighty Allaah's house a
place of entertainment would be a violation of Allaah Ta’aalaa's limits.
Circumstances are such that I did not like men and women walking around mixing
together. There is a notice board outside on which it is written that women should
remain under the Shariah veil. After installing this board, the responsibility of the
management of the Mosque is over, the obligation is done. Without reading this
board the people who go inside I would like to portray the situation of the "general
and special" [aam o khaas]. At first, I thought to pass by with my eyes closed like a
pigeon, then I thought it was time to open my eyes, not to close them. In the
Mosque, Shariah veil is a big thing, women are seen without observing pardah [veil]
and some without even the headscarf. Men and women are spread in all four
directions seen tearing/shredding the pieces of the veil [disrespecting it]. Inside the
Mosque Women without headscarves, bareheaded, with open collars, knee-length
pyjamas, and wearing tight jeans, are seen walking around the Mosque as if they
had come to the wedding hall to eat in Valimah ceremony. In summer, the dress
becomes even shorter and thinner. The unscrupulous/shameless men [baay
ghaierat] who come with them, if they know the respect and order of veil and the
sanctity of the Mosque, they should control their women. The Nation of educated
and ignorant [pari likhi jaahil] adorned women with the above-mentioned attire,
wearing brightly coloured lipsticks, wearing egg-shaped round glasses on their
faces, wave their hair and walk in the Mosque as if they have come to GIGA Mall
instead of the Mosque.

Then they are seen taking selfies, tik tok, photoshoots, all of which I am an
eyewitness too. O unblessed/wretched One! Is the Mosque now left for this
purpose? 40% per cent of the people pray at the time of Prayers and the rest of the
people are walking around enjoying it. And even I have seen many non-Shariah
couples in the Mosque who have come to the Mosque for dating. Come up the
stairs and go to the back and see how these couples are quietly chatting. This is the
situation of ordinary people, now I mention the elite class. The other day I saw a
picture of Hasan Alee, a famous young cricketer of the country, with his new bride.
He was standing in the Mosque in such a pose that a respectable brother would at
least hesitate to look at this picture in front of his sister. This is just one example,
there are hundreds of such examples being made every day. The question now is
what the administration is doing, the question also arises as to whether the
members of the management committee are Muslims or members of the Ahmadi
and Lahori groups.
However, this allegation is mere speculation; this is beyond the control of the
administration. The responsibility here falls on the contractors who are receiving
salaries from the Ministry of Religious Affairs. They need to open their eyes no
matter which party they belong to because this is not a new issue. I went to the
Blue Mosque in Turkey; it is out of the question that such a situation is seen there.
Firstly, the people go inside after reading the warning board, secondly, the system
is such that the administration warns only once and if a person does not
understand, they seize them too. Since our Pakistani nation runs on sticks, there
should be a team carrying sticks in the Mosque which is spread in the Mosque and
by beating the sticks bring this dishonourable Nation to the right path at least in
the Mosque. Secondly, there should be a team at the entrance to the Mosque to
ensure observance of "Sharia" Veil with the force of a stick and at least ban the
entry of almost naked women despite wearing cloths like "jeans".

Similarly, bridal photo shoots etc. should be banned in the Mosque. My job was to
convey all these things to you in writing. As a Muslim, it is your duty to share this
post so that every Muslim can be aware of these moral evils and this matter be
reached to the higher authorities. Otherwise, be prepared in the next ten years for
the "Tour of Faisal Picking Point" where there will also be an arrangement for
offering prayer too.

Danish did not die! The funeral of your wisdom [danish mandi] has died. I have not
seen the drama, nor am I interested in movies or dramas. However, since
yesterday, seeing "Danish is dead, Danish is dead" on Facebook, I thought that
Danish Kaner or some famous Danish has died. But after research, it was found out
that this is a scene of a drama in which a married woman is given the role of
jollifying with a stranger man [non-mahram] and cheating on her husband and this
‘thinking’ is been tried to be nurtured in the society. In this play, a person in the
role of a Danish was killed and this nonsense is made viral not only on social media
but was also on breaking news and was run by electronic media. When I found out,
I could not believe that this Nation has fallen into such shameless unscrupulous,
disgrace. They are a victim of how much decline and decay. The hypocritical Nation
which did not create tumult/uproar [hangama] even for the daily martyred ones in
Kashmeer, ran no campaign against the curfew imposed in Kashmeer for several
months and upon the cries of helpless Muslims as it did on the artificial character
of a drama based on lies and obscenity. In fact, no Danish is dead, but the funeral
of your wisdom [danish mandi] has died out; arrange for its shrouding and burial.
Shame, modesty, and pride have become entrenched in this unscrupulous and
hypocritical society anyway.

An application has been received for your benefit. Dear / respected Citizens of
Pakistan, if you want to bring a change [tabdeeli] in this country, then you have to
fight this war. Every citizen in Pakistan should raise his voice. The 2020 Reforms

1. Members of Parliament should not get a pension because it is not a job but
a choice in the spirit of serving the people and there is no retirement for that
choice. Moreover, politicians can be re-elected and join the opposition.
2. Under the Central Salary Commission, the salaries of members of Parliament
should be amended. Their salary should be equal to that of an ordinary
labourer. [Currently, they vote for their own salary and make addition as
much as they want].
3. Members of Parliament should seek treatment at a Government Hospital
where ordinary Pakistanis are treated for their health care.
4. All benefits such as free travel, rations, electricity, water, phone bills, etc.
should be abolished or all these benefits should be given to every citizen.
[Not only do they get this benefit, but their whole clan [khandaan] enjoys it.
And they regularly make an addition to it, which is the height of utter
bullying, shamelessness, and dishonesty].
5. Members of Parliament who have a criminal record or who do not have a
good record and have been convicted in the present or in the past should be
expelled from Parliament. And they should be banned from participating in
elections. And the national damage caused by such MNAs should be
compensated by selling the properties of their families.
6. Members of Parliament must abide by all laws applicable to the general
7. If people do not get subsidies on gas, electricity, water, then food subsidies
should not be given to MNAs in the canteen of Parliament.
8. Politicians should also have a retirement age of 60 and be required to pass a
medical test. If they are found unfit by a medical test, their eligibility to
participate in the elections should be revoked.
9. Their education should be at least a Masters and their Religious Education
should be higher. In addition, they must have a professional degree and skills
and must also pass the NTS test.
10. Their children must also study in government schools.
11. No security guards should be allowed.
Don't you think it is time to raise these issues?


A man was in dire financial straits. The food was managed, but housing was a big
problem. He was devoted to a Godly [Allaah waalay], virtuous old man. Fed up with
his situation, he came to his service and said, Hazrat! I am in a lot of pain and
anxiety. I have only one room, I live in it myself, along with my wife and four
children, elderly mother and two sisters too. I also support an elderly widowed
relative of the family. There is only one room for so many people to live in, it is
exceedingly difficult. Tears after tears keep welling up in his eyes as he said this.
The old man bowed his head, pondered for a while, and said: Your problem will be
solved, you bring a rooster and keep it in your room. The man happily went, bought
a rooster, and put it in the room. A week later, when he returned to the old man,
he was even sadder than before. Hazrat! The problem is not solved at all, it has
increased, the rooster is making noise and spreading dirt. The old man bowed his
head, thought for a while, and said: Now I understand, your problem is a little
bigger, you bring a goat and keep it with you. When the man returned a week later,
he was trembling with anxiety. O Hazrat! The problem is exacerbated, as the goat
urinates and does not let us sleep properly. The old man pondered for a while and
said: Okay …well now I understand what your problem is, bring a donkey, keep it
with you and then report the situation after a week. When the man arrived a week
later, he seemed to be dying of grief and anxiety. Tears were flowing from his eyes
and he was very helpless. O Hazrat! Now I am fed up with life, the donkey has
forbidden the life for us. The old man said, "Well, take out the rooster and report
back in a week". The man came a week later and said that there is little
improvement in the situation. The old man said, "Take out the goat now and report
back in a week". A week later he came and said that things are much better than
before. The old man said, “Get the donkey out now and report back in a week”.
When the man came a week later, he had a box of sweets in his hand, a smile on
his face and he was very happy. O Hazrat! Now the problem is completely solved,
now our room looks like a bungalow. Everyone in the house is happy, they stay
openly, and the room is very clean and tidy. In this happiness I have brought sweets,
accept it. When the man left after giving sweets, the old man said, “Now the vehicle
of his life is on the road to success. If Allaah wills, [In Shaa Allaah] now he will find
peace and progress every day”.

From grievous to gratitude, the man was crying when he first came to the old man
and was happy the last time he came, even though the room was the same and the
people were the same and nothing was added. This journey from tears to sweets,
this journey from grievance to gratitude, seems very short, but in reality, it is much
bigger than the journey from earth to heaven. When the man came, the old man
understood that the main reason for his lack of sustenance was his ungratefulness
and impatience. If he gives up ungratefulness, all the doors of his sustenance will
be opened. So, the old man put a heavy burden on him first and then lightened the
burden and his condition changed.

A person groaning in his illness if goes to the emergency or casualty ward of the
hospital, he comes out thanking for his return. One of Satan's names is "Kufur",
meaning very ungrateful. And this "ungratefulness" is one of Shaietaan’s deadly
weapons. Shaietaan distributes ungratefulness day and night. If you have a ride, he
will lure to have a better ride. Then you will despise your ride, it will be ungrateful.
And when there is ingratitude, the Blessing will go away. Therefore, it is important
that we understand this attack of Shaietaan and give thanks to Allaah Almighty for
what He has given us and satisfy our heart with His Blessing. This ingratitude is the
main reason for the scarcity of sustenance and Blessings among Muslims today. We
should repent of this ingratitude and pray to Allaah Ta’aalaa:

O Allaah, grant me happiness and contentment with what You have bestowed
to me.

I am happy with what Allaah has bestowed to me.

Husband, wife, children, house, food, clothes, health, etc. For all of this, we must
take the path of gratitude.

He whom knowledge descends to his soul stops making noise. Whatever he does,
he has no time to wail and cry. He whose heart is intoxicated with worship forgets
to complain, and he who is devoted to worship ceases to quarrel with the people.
So, it turned out that empty pots make more noise. Sir [Saahib] says there is a small
difference between noise and awareness. The difference of the Aien whoever has
this Aien whether it is knowledge [Ilm], worship [Abdiyat] or servitude [Aboodiyat]
he gets awareness and he stops making noise, he observes the fast of silence.


Allaamah Iqbaal had said: “Let these Madrassas remain as they are. If these
Madrassas and their Dervishes who sit on their broken mats do not remain, then
remember that you will be in the same condition as the Muslims I have seen in
Andalusia and Granada”. A few days before Eid-ul-Adhaa has passed. I was riding
my bike the day after Eid when I passed in front of a Madrassa, I saw a few innocent
children standing at its gate, their faces were full of light [Nooraniyat]. I went to
them and greeted them, they greeted me with great respect. I said son what are
you doing here? They said, "Brother, we memorize the Qur’aan here." I said did not
you go home on Eid? Couple of them went inside with tears in their eyes and the
rest said in a hoarse voice that no one came to pick us up, we have come from far
away Chitraal. Babaa had said that I do not have fare, so you stay there.

My heart sank at this with restlessness, I asked how long have you been here? "We
were also here last Eid," they said. I took money out of my pocket and wanted to
give each of them one hundred rupees. Salute to their training, no one came
forward and took the money, but all went inside. I went on with a heavy temper
that these are the same Madrassa students that people look down on. I have also
reached at this position by studying in these Madrassas. I have seen the affairs
inside these Madrassas when the Shaiekhs of Madrassas in the last days of the
month looked very worried about how to pay Teachers’ salaries and other bills? A
friend just think, which private or public institution offers this kind of scholarship?
There are hundreds of Madrassas across the country with thousands of residential
students, but the entire cost of food, accommodation, books, and medicine is
borne by the Madrassa. Is there a university that has the facility of free hostel and
mess? These are the fortresses of not only the Religion but the world and hereafter.
It is from these institutions that Islaam, Intellectuals and Scholars are born who
gives jaw breaking answer/responds to the objections against Islaam. The talk track
is derailed, I was talking about the Dervishes studying in Madrassas who come from
far-flung areas by leaving their homes, love of parents and siblings. This is just
because their parents have a very innocent wish that it does not matter if poverty
deprivation dance in our home, our children must memorize the Qur'aan and
become Qur’aan Haafiz and the Religious Scholar so we will be crowned with
honour on the Day of Resurrection! I remember when there were holidays like Eid
etc. we all used to go to our own houses. There were some students who could not
go on their own and no one could come from their homes because they did not
have the required fare and then those children would play with their peers in the
same Madrassa, sacrificing their happiness for the sake of their parents.

Do not consider the students of these Madrassas as worthless [haqeer]! You do not
know their rank, when they walk, the Angels of Allaah feel proud to spread their
wings under their feet. The fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the insects in the
land pray to Allaah Almighty for their success. People generally think that the only
children who enter Madrassas are those who are rejected from all sides. If so,
people should be thankful to the Madrassas who did not allow such children to
roam the streets but taught them the Qur'aan and Ahadees by admitting them and
the same children became observant of fasting and prayers, obedient to their
parents and Religious Scholars and began to worry about the faith [Ieemaan] of the
people. Love these madrassas and mosques! Turn to them for the religious
education of your children! And become the supporters of these madrassas in
every way…


A politician went to an old man to ask for a vote and grabbed a thousand rupees
and said: "Babaa jee, vote for me this time!" The old man said, "Son, I don't want
money. If you want votes, buy a donkey and bring it!" The politician wanted to have
a vote, so he went to buy a donkey! But nowhere was a donkey worth less than 2
lakh could be found! He came back and said to the old man, no donkey was found
at a reasonable price! There is a donkey worth at least two lakh rupees, so I cannot
buy you a donkey, but I can give you a new motorcycle in replacement of the
donkey! The old man said, “Son, do not embarrass me anymore!” “In your opinion,
my price is less than a donkey. How can I be sold when a donkey is not sold for less
than two lakh rupees? If you want to buy my conscience, give me as much as a
donkey cost. Wake up voters, recognize the importance of your vote. Do not sell
your conscience for a lesser value.

Water in milk, syrup in honey, chemicals in ghee, intestines of chickens, artificial

colors in turmeric, brick powder in red chilies, horse feed and papaya seed in
pepper, fake colors and flavors in juice, gram shells in tea, gravel in flour, wood
straw in gram flour, sweet injections in fruits, dyes on vegetables, dirty oil in petrol,
poisonous material in kids things [candies etc], weight increase by injecting water
in goat meat, vaccinating buffaloes to increase milk production, dead dogs and rats
in shawarma meat, dead chicken meat at weddings, tap water in mineral water,
fake and copy phones in the mobile market, fake soap, fake washing powder, fake
shampoo; But with all the original tags, fake medicines in original packaging, fake
doctors in hospitals, scandals and quarrels in the markets, copying during exams,
porn digests instead of the Qur'aan in the hands of Muslim girls, deception in
weighing, selfishness in friendship, betrayal in love, hypocrisy in faith, improper
recommendation and bribery for jobs, manipulation of electricity, beard-less faces,
non-prayerful foreheads, women's tight dresses and bare dresses, fashion in abaya;
drinking, dancing and shooting at weddings, male and female mixing, pornographic
pictures and movies in mobiles, naked dancing on TV, hatred between siblings,
disrespect for parents, disassociation from relatives, abuse with neighbors,
disrespect of Teachers, knowledge without action, deserted mosques ... full cinema
houses, hatred between husband and wife, harsh treatment of children, theft due
to poverty, arrogance of wealth, pride of knowledge, mixing unlawful [haraam] in
sustenance, speaking lies as goodness, robbery, fraud, deception, looting,
hypocrisy in worship !!... A directionless mob, a herd that has not been able to
determine its direction in seven decades. After all this, I am amazed that we only
call the Rulers wrong. Have you not heard when and why tyrants’ rulers are
imposed? Did your mind and heart think for a moment or realize how good we are?
Then they say that Prayers are not accepted. O Allaah Kareem, guide us, Aameen,
O Lord of the Worlds. [Rabb Al A’lameen]
Friends! The gram seller on the wheelbarrow makes the small grams thicker by
filling/boiling it with baking soda, uses tartari instead of tamarind and plum. The
cold drink seller sells fruit juices made with Chinese flavours, uses shikreen instead
of sugar. The shopkeeper affixes new price stickers on the old prices sells expired
items with an unrecognizable expiry date. The contractor builds buildings with
cheap materials, the meat seller feeds haraam, the spice seller sells dyes. The
labourer works under the watchful eye of the master, the master is busy mixing his
goods. The greengrocer increases the weight of the vegetable by sprinkling water
on it. Government officials wear uniforms and take bribes on the streets, while
those who pay bribes spew poison and take extra rent. The Judge takes bribe from
the lawyer, the lawyer from the criminal. This is the story wherever you go. You
may not be able to fit it in thousands of pages that fraud, lies, deception, is available
everywhere from the Mihraab of the Mosque to the House of Justice. The question
is, with whom do we do all this? The answer is quite simple, we do it with ourselves,
which turns into a monster and returns to us. Today is the time when it is important
to reform ourselves before complaining to the society because if even one person
in the society gets better then at least one circle of the cycle will be broken. Try
your part.

Here Some People Want Western Freedom and Islaamic Rights Like the West.

Jaaved Chaudhry: After getting all the rights, are you marching to self-expose your
self-naked? Message from a European girl who converted to Islaam and got married
in Pakistan.

Islaamabad [Monitoring Desk] - A girl from Europe who converted to Islaam after
coming here and married a Pakistani boy says that I travelled a lot in Pakistan and I
never thought that a woman here is not getting respect and freedom. Girls in
Pakistan have freedom in every field, I do not understand what kind of freedom do
they want? Do they want to be like European women and want the freedom to be
naked? This girl named Aleena added that you may not have any idea that you live
in the Islaamic Republic of Pakistan. You have no idea how lucky you are because
you were born in an Islaamic country. You guys are taught everything from
childhood, we are not taught anything. We have learned everything after
converting to Islaam. I wish I was born in an Islaamic country.
The centre of pornography!!! I have a list of the top ten countries in terms of rape,
with Ethiopia in tenth place, where 60% of women have experienced sexual
violence and one in 17 women has been raped. Remember that this is not a Muslim
country but a Christian country. Sri Lanka is the ninth largest country in terms of
rape, it is also not a Muslim country. Canada is the eighth-largest country in terms
of abuse and disrespect for women. Where 2,516,918 rape cases have been
registered since the year 2001 till now. And the interesting thing is that the
Government Departments there believe that these registered cases are not 6% per
cent of the total! Remember that Canada is not a Muslim country but a liberal
country. France ranks seventh in pornography and nudity, which they also call
freedom and rights. Do you know that before 1980, rape was not considered a
crime here? There was no law against it. The law on sexual and physical violence
against women was made after 1992!! In a liberal country like France, 75,000 rape
cases are registered annually! Sixth is Germany, the king of technology, where
6,505,468 cases have been registered so far. Remember that more than 240,000 of
these affected women have lost their lives due to suicide and violence. In this
rapidly advancing country of technology, humanity is rapidly disappearing.

Number five is England, where one in five women between the ages of 16 and 56
faces sexual abuse. In England, 400,000 women lose their dignity every year. The
fourth most popular country is Rapistaan meaning Hindustaan comes where a rape
case is registered after every 22 minutes. It should be noted that according to the
statistics experts, this number is not even 10% of the actual number because 90%
of women do not file reports due to backwardness. Sweden ranks third, with one
in four women being raped and one in two being sexually harassed. Second is South
Africa, where more than 65,000 cases are registered annually in terms of
population. South Africa is also the world's most notorious country for baby and
child rape and harassment. And the most civilized country the United States is in
the first position. Being a civilized and enlightened country, the cases here have
also been strange. Here one in 6 women has been raped, but one in 33 men has
also been raped by women. 19.3 per cent of women and 3.8 per cent of American
men have been raped at least once. All of the above statistics are taken from one
website. Take a look at the rest of the websites, these are the top ten countries,
only the order is back and forth. In all these countries you will not see the name of
any Muslim country. If you search for acid attacks, you will find that these are the
same countries which are most affected. Yes! These are the countries that our
media wants to prove to be paradise, of which our liberal monkeys give examples.
Alas! There are no NGOs in the United States and other countries with thousands
of women like Mukhtaar Maai, no Sharmeen Obaid Chennai is given importance
there. No NGO there seems to be lamenting its system over this heinous act. And
the interesting thing is that there is no hold of Mullah or Madrassa in these
countries. Women's rights are not suppressed there, yes, but they happily rape
women. I read a few years ago that women's liberty is actually an effort to reach
out to women. Now, looking at the statistics, it is clear that these civilized societies
really used women like tissue paper in the name of freedom. It snatched her house,
sanctity, honour, labour was taken from her in the name of equality, she was sold
as a brand, she was auctioned in the markets. In the name of women's freedom,
these people who are thirsty for sex and money made her very foolish. Even twelve-
to thirteen-year-old girls could not be safe from those lustful priests. Does these
sinister Maais, who make a fuss and raise hue and cries over one case from
Pakistan, know about the 12-year-old American girls who became mothers at an
early age?

Pakistan also wants to be in the list of those countries. Recently, some women were
seen on the streets of Islamabad carrying placards of “My Body, My Choice” and
raising the slogan of freedom. These are the women who are going to humiliate
women in the name of freedom in Pakistan. I think the journalists who run the sex
trade in the name of women's freedom and the so-called liberal bawds who run
brothels should be put in drums and sent to the fake paradises of America and
Europe where women really need the rights. Here the women are safe.

Precious Traditions: During our childhood, when mother used to send our brother
to buy yoghurt or nihari, etc., she would also give a small steel bucket and say that
on the one hand, the germs in the shopping bag do not get into the food and on
the other hand, food items should not be displayed but should be veiled. When she
sent for bread, she would give a tablecloth and the reason was that the germs of
the newspaper would not infect the bread and the food be covered with a veil. She
used to say that bringing bread in such shopping bags is disrespect of bread and the
veil [pardah] of bread does not remain.

Cloth bags were sewn to bring grocery so that grocery could be brought home with
dignity. When neighbours and even people living in different portions of the same
house used to send food to each other they would cover the food with tablecloth
[khwaan posh]. Now, if you take the name of tablecloth [khwaan posh], you will
have to explain its meaning first. The same veil was placed on the mirror, the
mother said that one should not look in the mirror while passing by it creates self-
likeliness. Whenever we went somewhere, our father Papaa would not let us make
noise in the street. Especially at night when getting out of the car, it was already
emphasized that the car door should be closed comfortably not loudly. Its two
logics were stated that anyone's sleep should not be disturbed, and we may be
protected from all kinds of sight/viewing [Nazr] because when the family goes out
together, there are many kinds of Nazr. If we talk like this today, everyone will laugh
at us. In addition, when we went to Maternal Grandmother’s house, her door was
covered with a curtain. When I would say to my grandmother that it spoils the
beauty of the house, she would say that it veils the inside view of the house.
Otherwise, when the door is opened, the people standing outside may look at the
people sitting in the yard. Even maternal grandmother's TV had the doors and as
soon as she turned off the TV she would order to close the doors to have the TV
covered. Now, what was this veil [pardah]? It was a veil of elegance, it was a veil of
modesty, this veil protected from being shameless, it increased the importance of
sustenance, it taught us to respect sustenance. And where is the veil now? Now it
has fallen on our minds of all of us [so we do not see]. We no longer feel evilness
as evil; immorality is slowly making its way into our homes. We were very friendly
with our father, even then there was a veil [pardah] because the mother used to
say that the veil should also remain between father and daughter, between sisters
and brothers. If you say these things to someone today, they will taunt you that
your father does not seem to love you. So many precious traditions like these we
have lost now, alas! My prayer is that may we act on whatever prestige and veils of
relationships our Religion has created and taught us we should teach our children
and act on it ourselves as well. Aameen.

Our religion is a ‘Complete Code of Conduct of Life’ and guides us in every aspect
of life. Just as we use Religious and Spiritual methods to avoid an epidemic, so too
do we need to take outward precautions. Today, the world is understanding the
teachings of Islaam and it is becoming clear that the teachings of Islaam have
security, goodness’s, and success. We all know that our Religion teaches us purity,
cleanliness, and tidiness. It is in our best interests to keep our bodies, clothing, and
environment clean. Man is told to wash his hands first as soon as he wakes up,
washes hands before eating anything and then should not dry hands with anything
so that the germs of that thing may not enter the person by sticking to the hands.
If one comes from outside, he should wash his hands and it is better to perform
complete ablution.
One should cover his mouth when coughing, sneezing, or belching so that the
germs may not get into the mouths of others. All kinds of pollution and dirt should
be avoided. Miswaak should be used more as most germs make us sick due to not
keeping the mouth clean. Covering the head also protects against many germs. The
command to cover food and drink is also very good so that no insect can enter, or
animal can put its saliva in it. It is also a good command to cleanse the bed, clothes,
and shoes before use. Before going to bed, the utensils and things should not be
left random and open, the lamp should be turned off. All this is taught in detail.
Religion teaches to live in the world, If Allaah Ta’aalaa wills,
[In Shaa Allaaah] more details will be provided. May Allaah Ta’aalaa Kareem
protect us from every calamity through the means of His Beloved
[Habeeb e Kareem] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam].

The coronavirus has made it clear to the world that their attitude towards Islaam
and Muslims [Islaamophobia] was their biggest mistake. Those who talked about
women's freedom were not likely/competent in giving freedom to the Muslim
women. They used to make laws to prevent Muslim women from wearing hijaab,
but today they are forcing their own women to wear face masks. The ear-breaking
bells of churches and temples were acceptable for them, but the Calling to Prayers
[A’zaan] which drives away the evil was not acceptable for them. They were
reluctant to give all kinds of rights to the Muslims, sometimes they made ugly
sketches attributed to the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and sometimes
they burned the hearts of the Muslims by burning the Holy Quraan. Massacre of
Muslims was their hobby, they liked to show hatred and enmity towards Muslims
in every possible way. They had grown so arrogant and cruel and were probably
unaware of the fact that the stick of Allaah Ta’aalaa is silent. They could not
withstand a single shock from nature. This calamity has prompted them to end
discriminatory laws against Islaam and Muslims and to correct their behaviour
against Muslims.

The goals of spreading the Corona Virus are said to control people around the world
by a central power and now there are plans to abolish currency notes and introduce
a bitcoin or similar type of monetary system to control the world's wealth. The so-
called flag-bearer of freedom are now conspiring to enslave the whole world. May
Allaah Ta’aalaa [Kareem] protect the Muslims from the conspiracies of the Jews
through the means of His Beloved Habeeb e Kareem [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam].
Muslims! When will you wake up???


A thought-provoking article of Mustashaar Adli Husaien [An Arab Scholar].

[Translation: Muhammad Kamaal]

Do not curse the coronavirus, because it has drawn man again to his humanity, to
his Creator, and to his morals. Is not it is achievement enough that it has closed
down all the luxury centres, cinemas, nightclubs, dance halls, bars, casinos and
sexual misconduct centres all over the world? It even lowered interest rates. It
reunited the families in their homes after a long separation. It also prevented men
and women from kissing each other. It forced the World Health Organization to
acknowledge that alcoholism is a disaster and should be avoided. It forced all health
institutions to say that beasts, birds of prey, blood, dead and sick animals are
destructive to health. It taught man how to sneeze, how to cleanse that our Holy
Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] had taught 1450 years ago today. It has shifted
one-third of the military budget to health. It condemned the mixing of the two
genders. It has explained to the Rulers of some of the world's great countries what
it means to bind people in their homes, forcibly confine them, and take away their
liberty. It has persuaded people to pray to Allaah Kareem, to weep, to ask for
forgiveness and to forsake sin. It pierced the arrogance and pride of the arrogant
people and clothed them like ordinary human beings. It called for reducing the toxic
gases and other pollutants from the world's factories that have polluted the
gardens, forests, rivers, and oceans. It has drawn those who believe in technology
back to the true Lord. It has persuaded the Rulers to improve the condition of
prisons and prisoners. And its greatest achievement is that it has drawn people to
the Oneness of Allaah and forbade polytheism and seeking help from other than
Almighty Allaah. Today, in practice, it has become clear how a seemingly viral but
in fact Allaah's humble soldier has become a cause of good rather than evil for
humanity. So, O people! Do not curse the Corona Virus, it is good for you that now
this humanity will not be the way it was before.
This world is worried… is this pandemic or a plandemic? Are all deaths from the
same Corona Virus or is the death of everyone being deliberately linked to the
Corona Virus? Even before this virus, there were a large number of deaths every
day, every patient in hospitals is not just a coronavirus patient and at present no
other patient is getting the usual attention of doctors. If the statement of a person
like Bill Gates is taken seriously, it all seems like a game. What secret did Dr Bang
Liu, who died or was killed two days ago, want to reveal? Until the truth is revealed,
what will happen to the world? Is there anyone who can tell the truth???


In Islamic teachings, the protection of human life is a great duty, for which every
effort is necessary, but sacrificing this life in the way of Allaah [Raah e Khudaa] is
also a cause of great reward. Circumstances change orders, but only experts in
every field can provide the right guidance. It should be noted that the authority to
close mosques does not belong to those who do not follow Allaah Almighty and His
Beloved Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. The preferable are those who are
obedient to Allaah Ta’aalaa and His Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. No one
can be obeyed in disobedience to Allaah and His Messenger Rasool e Kareem [Sallal
Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. If human beings really have to be saved from the pandemic,
then why to stop only from Mosques? In Mosques, people come clean and tidy, in
prayers their faces are on one side, not in front of each other. While in other
gatherings everyone's mouths are colliding with each other and in these gatherings,
not everyone is clean and tidy, so there is more danger. Only the duration of the
obligatory prayers is truly short, while in other gatherings there is no time
constraint. If it is necessary to lockdown, then it should be imposed at every level
and completely. Why they insist only on the closure of Mosques? Why are markets
at the same time crowded at all time? Whoever is talking about been given the
relief why is not the same relief being given to Mosques? Is there an answer???
Unless a complete lockdown is imposed on all gatherings of any kind, there can be
no justification for the closure of Mosques alone.


[An Important Article]

The April 2020 issue of The Economist magazine reveals 5 secret plans. In this
article, the five Zionist plans will be decoded.

Number 1: Everything is under control. It means “everything is under control as

planned”. On the one hand, the whole world is sitting at home in fear of the Corona
Virus, Governments have shrunk to Capitals, people are worried about getting
themselves a two-time meal, many Countries are in danger of losing their
status/position, but you see the same Zionist magazine proudly says that
everything is under control.

That is enough to warn and alert the wise. The trap set through the Corona Virus is
been done exactly as plan and living up to the expectations. Therefore, the Zionist
magazine proudly says that everything is under their control according to the plan.

Number 2: Big Government. This refers to the World Government. This Great
Government has been repeatedly referred to as “Super Government” in The
Illuminati Protocols, the secret documents of the Zionist Wise Elders. Its details are
also given according to which a single “World Super Government” will be formed
the Ruler of which will rule the whole world through its Messiah-like Pharaoh and
Nimrod. I would also like to mention here that the World Government has been
formed. This is the United Nations. It just was not announced. They plan to turn the
United Nations into a Global Superpower by creating crises in the world at any time
in the future [as they are now]. All UN agencies will be converted into Ministries it
will be declared a Global Super Government, and the reins of this Government will
be handed over to a Jew descendent who will build the Temple of Solomon for the
Antichrist and he will enslave all the Nations of the world except the Jews. Now let
us see the current era, starting from the British Prime Minister, many World
Leaders have now started openly saying that there should be a World Government.
All of this is paving the way for the creation of a Global Super Government. If a
person becomes the Ruler of the United Nations who announces the vaccination,
which country in the world will not recognize his rule?

No. 3 Liberty. Liberty means “freedom”. The meaning of freedom here is the
control of the freedom, that the world enjoys, in the “secret hand” that the
economist has highlighted in its cover photo as a symbol. It is the “secret hand”
that runs the world behind the scenes. Think of this hand as the 13 secret families
of the Zionists who run the world economy, agriculture, media, government,
everything in short. Be it the World Bank or the IMF, all these Institutions run on
their funds, they pay the expenses of the United Nations, the heads of all major UN
agencies are their own Jewish people. You just consider the United Nations as their
slave. Institutions like the IMF and the World Bank are, in fact, UN agencies. Today,
these thirteen Jewish families are waiting for their Messiah, about whom the
Israa’eeli Jewish lobby and even Israa’eeli Government Ministers have recently
announced that the Messiah is coming this year. One has even said that he has met
the Messiah and that the Messiah will come sometime in that year. That is, they
know who the Messiah is but are not currently announcing it.

No. 4: Virus: That is, the control of the "Coronavirus" is also with this “secret hand”.
When the whole world is trembling with fear of the virus, who are these people
who say that the virus is under their control? Or we can say that they have
controlled the whole world through the virus. The Israa’eeli Defense Minister
himself says that we have no problem with the virus because when it will infect
70% of the population, it will disappear automatically. That is, they know that so
many percent of the population will be affected but at the same time, they do not
have any problem. It is a sign that they know a lot behind the scenes, and this is
why they are completely satisfied; thus they do not impose lockdown, nor do they
have any problem, but they declare that the virus is under their control.

No. 5: The Year Without Winter. If it is decoded, it means that the world may have
to spend the winter at home this year. Remember that currently April, which is the
fourth month of the year, is going on but they have announced that there will be
no winter this year. That means the world will not be able to enjoy winter this year.
Here I would like to mention that a dialogue on the Corona Virus is heard in the
movie named Contagion in the same way. "That means my winter will be ruined
this year because I will have to spend time under house arrest," says one girl,
frustrated by the unavailability of vaccines. There is a strong connection between
The Economist Magazine, Contagion movie and the current situation. If the
situation is exactly like this movie, then you have to be prepared ahead of time. If
the lockdown continues for a few more months, every country will have a shortage
of food and drink, and robberies will begin. This time people will shoot at each other
to snatch bread and rations, not money. This is exactly the scene in this movie. In
addition, there are other factors that Economist Magazine has not yet highlighted,
which may be covered in their next month's issue. I am letting you know in advance.

The first project is 5G: The first is the 5G installation which is being done secretly
in most countries of the world during the lockdown. The international media has
been barred from reporting it. There will be no news about 5G in the media. There
is a complete lockdown in London but the staff of 5G installation is still busy
installing towers on the pole’s day and night. In Pakistan, Telenor and Zong have
started promoting 5G through advertisements.

Now, what is this 5G? It is especially important for you to understand this. This is
actually the fastest speed of the internet, which, if installed in an area, would allow
the entire area to be viewed on video at any time via a "supercomputer". There is
no one left in the area who cannot be spied on. Small hidden cameras installed in
mobile phones to TVs, refrigerators, auto parts and all household items, will make
it possible to spy on anyone 24 hours a day. At the military level, this is already
being done by the world's great armies but bringing it to the public level is also a
great scientific loss because the rays of this technology are extremely dangerous to
the human brain. According to experts, a person living in the realm of 5G singles
would be as if his brain is placed in a microwave oven. It will make a person suffer
from various diseases, but the secret hand does not care what happens to the
minds of human beings, they just have to digitize the world and if they have to kill
millions of human beings for this purpose, they will not hesitate to do so.

Knowing all this, the heart trembles, but then a thought comes, and a wave of
satisfaction flows through the body. The thought is that with full faith in Allaah
Kareem, if one gives up all nonsense, useless and harmful things and start living
according to the Qur'aan, then if Allaah wills [In Shaa Allaah], man can win and find
peace. We have to get rid of all the nonsense… tic tok, videos, movies, dramas,
music, songs, show off weddings, friendship and chatting between men and
women, nudity, liberalism, showbiz, acting, viruses, exposure of men and women
and their voices by creating YouTube channels, distance from Religion…. You should
only follow Allaah Ta’aalaa and His Holy Prophet Muhammad and the Qur'aan. If
one goes astray and cannot stop the thought arising in the mind from flourishing
which is described in the Qur'aan, he will be doomed. Those who disbelieve openly,
Allaah Ta’aalaa's wrath is upon them, and they shall have a grievous chastisement
because they love the life of this world more than the hereafter and because Allaah
does not guide such disbelievers. These are the ones whose hearts, ears, and eyes
Allaah has sealed. Translation of Soorah An-Nahl ….

[A Few Lines]

If Imraan Khan had not come to power, ten misunderstandings would have gone to
the grave becoming a question.

1. Khan is right, corruption of Rs. 12 billion takes place in this country every day.
If Imraan comes, he will save Rs. 12 billion daily loss to the exchequer. How
many thousand billion have been saved in 20 months?
2. With the challenge, the Metro is built at a cost of Rs. 8 billion. We would have
died believing and living in this madness, thankfully we are seeing with our
own eyes that it is not being made even in 108 billion.
3. Khan is zealotical [ghaierat mand], he will never beg, he will not take a loan,
he will commit suicide, but he will not go to IMF. In this misunderstanding,
he has made it difficult for others to live. Also, the Prime Minister of Korea
was so zealotical that he resigned in a show of responsibility when a boat
sank. But did you see how many zealotical resignations came when the
cylinder exploded in the train, the train burnt, the passengers burnt, the PIA
plane crashed?
4. Hearing from Yasmeen Raashid that it is no longer possible to give free
treatment to everyone and medicines used in emergencies have become
more expensive than ordinary medicines; after drowning the health system,
the worm of hope of the doctors also died at their hands and the peace came,
otherwise the old government would have looked cruel.
5. If Khan had not come, everyone would have thought that he would build 350
dams and his Provincial Government would sell electricity to the whole
6. Asad Umar is a great Aristotle, these corrupt people have increased the value
of the dollar, we will bring it down. Also, petrol will be given for Rs. 46, of
which Rs. 13 will be given to the government. The price of gas is coming down
all over the world. They will also make it cheaper. The old were thieves.
7. The actual price of electricity is Rs. 10 per unit, the above Rs. 6 goes into
Nawaaz Shareef's pocket and he provides electricity in Rs. 16 per unit while
Imraan will provide it at Rs. 10. Our misfortune! Now you are providing it in
Rs. 522, now in whose pocket do Rs. 12 goes?
8. If the Tahreek e Insaaf Government comes, not only the victims of Model
Town will get justice but also Aafia Siddeeqi will be brought back. Then we
also saw the justice of the Sahiwaal incident, also, Mian Saahib is a coward,
he is afraid of mentioning the name of Kalbahushan, but the history of
bravery was made by returning pilot Abhi Nandan in just 24 hours.
9. In every department/field we will appoint on merit, the highly experienced
and qualified people to help our institutions grow. Then we saw that the
chairmen of more than 70 departments have neither academic qualifications
nor experience in the relevant fields, hiring on merit is a far thing. A few
examples are PMDC, WAPDA, Railways etc.
10. We will give a road map of the country’s direction in the first 100 days. Who
have been wandering confused for two years? Also, there will the United
States and European-style 14 persons’ cabinet. Now count yourself the
number of Minister and Advisers [Musheer’s], now I am not supposed to do
all the things.
There will be question, it will also seem bitter. Because you have taught us these

We have isolated India in the world – Imraan Khan.

China took Ladakh from India, China snatched Iran's Chaa-Bahar port from India
and is going to implement a huge project in Iran. Mr Imraan Khan Saahib is taking
credit for all these achievements. If we look at it, it is very surprising what we have
done with India and how it is alone in the world? Modi attends the G7 summit in
France, but no one invites Pakistan to the meeting of developing countries. At the
United Nations, India needed 128 out of 192 votes for a seat in the Security Council.
India was elected by a clear majority of votes by 182 countries of the world
including Imraan Niazi. What is the agreement behind allowing India to trade
through Waagah Border? Why was the day of the sacrifice of Kashmeeri’s chosen
for this permission?

India is committing genocide of Muslims in Kashmeer, what was the need for this
permission in this environment? Exactly on the day when India's access to
Afghanistan through Iran which was blocked, on the same day when it was
Kashmeer Martyrs' Day, Pakistan opened India-Afghanistan transit trade, the
opening of Waaghah Border was announced on the occasion of Kashmeer Martyrs'
Day. Now India has got trade facility with Afghanistan through Pakistan while India
has not given any facility to Kashmeeri’s yet.
Mr Imraan Khan Saahib, where have you allowed India to be alone in the world,
you are giving the most support to India. You have opened Afghan transit trade,
you have opened Kartaarpur corridor, you are praying for Modi, you gave miscalls
to Modi, you are putting four steps forward for Modi, you are building Temples and
Gurdwaras, you are martyring Mosques, you keep the Pakistani nation in the sun
on the Kashmeer issue, you released Abhi Nandan, you gave Kulbhushan council
access to appeal against the sentence, the Foreign Minister even said that if we
have to release Kulbhushan for developing relations with India, we will do so. You
order expired medicines from India and feed them to the people of Pakistan. Mr
Imraan Khan Saahib! We do not understand where you have left India alone. You
support them in everything and then you say that Modi's friend is someone else.

Has the country been ruined by previous rulers? See in the mirror of facts. The PTI
government claims that the country was harmed by the previous governments.
Who were the previous ones? Who are the latter? The trapping net is new, and the
hunters/predators are old, hold your breath and read carefully. When I saw
towards the ambush after getting hurt from the arrow, I saw and met my own

Sarwar Khan is the Minister of Aviation. He was elected as MPA of PPP in 1985,
1988 and 1990. He contested the election on PPP ticket in 1997 but lost. He was
the Minister of Labor and Manpower in Shaukat Azeez's cabinet. Now, these people
say that it is not our fault, the country was destroyed by the previous rulers. Khusro
Bakhtiaar Saahib, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, was the member of
PML-N in 1997. In 2002, he was elected as MNA on the ticket of PML-Q. He was the
Minister of State for External Affairs in Shaukat Azeez's cabinet. In 2013, he re-
joined PML-N and then in 2018, he joined PTI. These people still think that the
Country was brought to this state by the previous rulers. Saahibzaada Mahboob
Sultaan is also a Federal Minister. He contested 2002 and 2008 elections on the
ticket from PML-Q. He was PML-N candidate in 2013 elections, then in 2018 PTI
became his destination and in return for the services he was given the Federal
Ministry. He would also have the same opinion that all devastation has been done
by the previous rulers.

Fawaad Chaudhry, who under the Ministry of Science and Technology buys satellite
data [but does not develop own satellite] from other countries and raises moons
for Eids with its help, was the member of Musharraf's All Pakistan Muslim League.
When the spring came on the PPP, he sat on its branch and now he is the part of
PTI, the evergreen Nation’s Poets. Just ask him and he will tell you that all the evils
were created by the previous rulers. Noor-ul-Haq Qaadiree is the Federal Minister
for Religious Affairs. During Zardaari's tenure, Mr Qaadriee was the Federal
Minister for Zakaat and Ushr. He has been so ideological that the PPP has made him
a Minister without any department, and he did not mind nor became distasteful.
He would also have thought that the evil/destruction was done by the previous
rulers. Muhammad Mian Soomro became part of the PTI in the election year, he is
currently the Federal Minister.

In addition to this, he had been Chairman of the Senate, Acting Prime Minister and
President, while during the tenor of Musharraf, he has also been the Governor of
Sindh. That is why he can say in a better way that the Country was destroyed by
the previous rulers and the present government is not to be blamed. Umar Ayyub
Khan is the Federal Minister, he contested 2012 election on PML-Q ticket. He was
also the Minister of State in Shaukat Azeez's cabinet. In 2012, he joined PML-N in 9
and joined PTI a few months before the election. As the grandson of a President
and son of a Foreign Minister, he can also tell us that the country has been ruined
by the previous rulers and his government is not to be blamed. Saiyyid Fakhar
Imaam is a Federal Minister, he had been former Speaker and Leader of the
Opposition. His wife, Aabidah Husaien, was foreign minister during the tenor of
Nawaaz Shareef.

He can also tell you that the country has been ruined by the previous rulers and it
has been only less than two years since they came to power. How can we clean up
the mess of seventy years in two years? Mr Taariq Basheer Cheema is also a Federal
Minister. In his political journey, he remained in the PPP, PML-Q. He remained the
Naazim of Bahawalpur, MPA, Minister of Food and Agriculture of Punjab. In 2016,
he was the Secretary-General of the PML-Q. Now he may also say that it has been
two years since we came to power, the country has been looted by the previous
rulers. Shaiekh Rasheed was the MNA in 1985, in 1988, from 1990 to 1993 and won
the elections in 1997. He was the Information and Broadcasting Adviser during
Nawaaz Shareef's rule, then appointed as Minister of Health and at the same time,
he had the additional charge of Tourism and Culture. He was the Minister of
Information and then the Minister of Railways during PML-Q government in 2002.
Then he was MNA in 2013 and now he is current Home Minister. There is no need
to ask him in whose hand is the destruction. A’zam Swaati is also a Federal Minister.

He was also a Federal Minister in the government of Yoosuf Razaa Jeelaani. You
must be familiar with the rest of the story/narration. Zubaidah Jalaal, Farough
Naseem, Fahmida Mirzaa, Abdul Hafeez Shaiekh what can be said about people like
them! There is still a long list of Advisers and Ministers of State. But still, we
acknowledge and say it with respectfully that the previous rulers looted and ruined
the Country, and their filth cannot be cleaned in two years. But, Oh Great Ones
[A’ali Jaah]! Do tell us who were the Previous Rulers? And those in the present
cabinet, are they the ones who came later? Say! For your lips are free [azaad].


1. Water is expensive and oil is cheap here.

2. More women than men know about the routes here and only women do all
the shopping here but while remaining in the veil [pardah].
3. The population here is 40 million while the cars are more than 90 million.
4. The garbage of Makkah is dumped in the hills 70 KMs away from the city.
5. Zamzam water is supplied all over the world all year round and is used all
over Makkah and all-over Saudi Arabia and Praise be to Allaah [Alhamdu Lil
Laah] it has never diminished even to this day.
6. Makkah alone consumes 300,000 [3 Lakh] chickens a day.
7. There is never a quarrel inside Makkah vicinity.
8. Saudi Arabia employs about 3 million Indians, 1.8 million Pakistanis, 1.6
million Bangladeshis, 400,000 Egyptians, 100,000 Yemenis, and 3 million
people from other countries. Think of how many houses Allaah is running
from here.
9. Seven million [70 Lakh] ACs are used in Makkah alone.
10. No crop grows here except dates, yet everything in the world, fruits,
vegetables, etc. are available and sold here without their season.
11. Dates of 200 qualities are sold here in Makkah and there is also one type of
date here which does not contain any kernels.
12. Nothing local or duplicate item is sold inside Makkah, not even medicine.
13. There are no rivers or ponds in all of Saudi Arabia, yet there is no shortage of
14. No power line in Makkah is outside the ground but is inside the ground.
15. There are no canals or drains in the whole of Makkah.
16. The world's best cloth is sold here, while it is not manufactured here.
17. The government pays a monthly stipend of 600 to 800 riyals to each student.
18. There is no concept of fraud here.
19. The money received from the government for the development work here is
completely spent.
20.Mustard oil is of no value here, but it is still sold, sunflower or corn oil is used
1. There are few greenery-like trees and plants here, almost non and the
mountains are dry and black, but no one has any difficulty in breathing, here
this Scientific Research has failed.
2. Everything here is imported, yet there is no inflation.

Those who tried traced Zamzam water were embarrassed. More new enlightening
aspects were revealed. According to the details, international institutes researching
the mystery of Zamzam water and its well have failed to reach the bottom of its
technology. International research institutes have been working for decades to find
out the reasons behind the properties found in Zamzam water and where is the
water coming from in these well which supplies 720 litres per minute, 43,200 litres
per hour when there is no water in the land of Makkah, despite being hundreds of
feet deep. The Japanese research institute Hedo has said in its research report that
if a drop of Zamzam water is added to the water, its properties will be the same as
those of Zamzam water while the crystal of a drop of Zamzam is not similar to the
crystal found in the water of any region of the world.

Another revelation is that even recycling cannot change the properties of Zamzam.
An examination of the mineral content of Zamzam water in milligrams per litre
shows that it contains 133 sodium, 96 calcium, 43.3 Potassium, 195.4 bicarbonate,
163.3 chlorides, 0.72 fluorides. 124.8 Nitrate and 124 mg of sulphate per litre. The
total depth of the Zamzam water well is 99 feet and the distance from its springs
to the bottom of the well is 17 meters. It should be noted that in almost all the
wells of the world, it is common for algae to accumulate, a variety of herbs and
spontaneous plants to grow and for biological growth or the emergence of different
types of insects. This changes the taste of the water. By the power of Allaah Kareem
[Qudrat ka Karishma], there are no algae in this well, no vegetation or biological
growth, no change of colour and taste.

Please take the little trouble to share it with your friends.

After July 25, 2118, the journey of development began, and the Ruling Party started
its best performance as soon as it came to power.

1. Appointed Aatif Mian Qaadiyaani as Advisor [Musheer].

2. Took steps against Religious party’s long march towards Islamabad opposing
blasphemous sketches in the Netherlands for intense pressure.
3. Released accursed A’siyaa, a proved blasphemous [‘Gushtaaq e Rasool’] of
the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam].
4. Cracked down on Pakistan’s largest Religious Political Party and martyred the
Clerics/Scholars [Ulamaa] in jails.
5. Fled out the accursed Aasiyaa from the country at the behest of their
6. Unemployed hundreds of people in the name of anti-encroachment
operations, martyred Mosques and Madrassah’s [Religious Schools].
7. The country and anti-Islaamic liberals were allowed to march with slogans
like "My Body, my Will".
8. The public was robbed in the name of the dam, the website of which was
also shut down.
9. Support to the anti-Islamic move by Government and opposition parties in
the National Assembly.
10. Kartaarpur Gurdwaraah was built with Government funds.
11. Construction of a new temple in the Capital City the Fortress of Islaam.
12. The thieves of the Nation were caught but the results were zero.
13. The perpetrators of the Sahiwaal tragedy were released despite the
14. Innocent victim Salaah-ud-deen Gujranwala ATM case was murdered, and
the killer was released.
15. Kashmeeris who still bury their Martyrs wrapped in Pakistani flag were left
at the mercy of India.
16. And recently, Sarmad Khoosat's movie "Zindagi Tamaasha", based on
nonsense and insulting of Islaamic rites, was allowed to be released under
Government auspices.
17. All these matters are being done by the claimant of the so-called state of
Madinah. Mr Imraan Khan Saahib who is the one who used to say that we
will ask the IMF to get repayment of their loans from borrowers, and Mr
Imraan Khan Saahib himself has borrowed ten thousand billion in a short
span of two years. Think, if you want to think!



In this article, the writer wants to introduce a technique to the readers with which
you can monitor your children's mobile [smartphone] as well as their internet
activities. Of course, you would have children between the ages of 7 and 14 in your
household. This is the age of technology; the majority of believers have held
smartphones in the hands of their children out of child’s stubbornness [zid] or some
other compulsion/reason. You cannot even keep your children away from
computers, internet, and mobiles [smartphones] because online classes are being
held under normal circumstances and especially for children in times of pandemic.
The use of mobile [smartphone], internet and computer are indispensable when it
comes to educational activities. Remember that there is a lot of curiosity in the
children due to which they use the internet without knowing their advantages and
Also, there are some mentally dissipated children in school who keep inviting every
child to sin and may even lead your child to sin. There are many factors besides the
bad company that can ruin your child's future. Before you get embarrassed,
consider writer's suggestion:

Download the Google Family Links for Parents App from the Play Store. Also,
download this app to your child's mobile. Open both apps together, set your mobile
a supervisor and then follow the step-by-step instructions. The advantage of this
app is that you can be aware of your child’s mobile activities at any time as follows:
1. Which website did he open?
2. What video did he watch?
3. How long did he use and has been glued to his/her mobile phone all day?
Another advantage of this app is that whenever your child starts downloading a
game/app or trying to access any website, the browser will first ask your
permission. Your child will be able to access the same videos, games, or websites
that you will allow. You can also block any game or app on your child’s mobile
whenever you want. This will make it disappear from your child’s mobile and
he/she will not be able to open it unless you give permission. Similarly, open
the settings in the Chrome browser, then open the Safe Search filter and
select Filter Explicit Results. Similarly, select Do Not Auto Play in videos. Similarly,
open the Play Store, go to Settings, and turn on Parental Controls. Hopefully, by
doing so your child's mobile will be free of inappropriate content. But the most
important thing is excessive remembrance of Allaah Ta’aalaa that this is the
weapon for the Believer [Mu’min]. Also, when the enemy wants to control
someone, he first asks him to lay down or drop his weapon or snatches it from him.
When Satan [Shaietaan] gets control on someone, he distracts him from the
remembrance of Allaah Ta’aalaa, as is proved by this verse:
ُ ٰ َّ ۡ َّ ۤ َ َ ٰ َّ ۡ َ ٰٓ ُ ٰ َ ۡ ۡ ُ ٰ ۡ َ َ ُ ٰ ۡ َّ ُ ۡ َ َ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ
‫اّللؕ اول ِٕٮك ِحز ُب الش ۡيطنؕ اَل ِان ِحز َب الش ۡيطن ه ُم‬
ِ ‫ِاستحوذ علي ِهم الشيطن فانسٮهم ِذكر‬
َ ۡ ُ ٰ ۡ
‫الخ ِِسون‬

Shaietaan has taken hold of them, causing them to forget the remembrance of
Allaah. They are the party of Shaietaan. Surely Shaietaan’s party is bound to

Today, it is a matter of concern for parents all over the world how to monitor the
activities of children's mobiles, how to protect children from immoral and obscene
videos and games. How to controls their timings? There is a flood of nudity all over
the world right now. Every day, shameful news of school children keeps appearing
in the newspapers. Apart from children, even the adults suffer from a lack of
determination. May Allaah Almighty include this writer and his readers in the group
of His pious servants. May Allaah help us to understand the tricks of Shaietaan and
to avoid him, protect the future of our children and awaken in them the awareness
of the Hereafter. Aameen. [Copied]


Tens of thousands of books by various publishers are taught in private schools in
Punjab alone. Out of these 10,000 books, only 500 were checked and 100 out of
those 500 hundred books had to be banned. What were the mistakes in these 100
books? These were the mistakes; The verses of the Qur'aan were incorrect, self-
made verses were included, the translation of the verses was incorrect, Ahadees
were incorrectly written, self-made Ahadees were included, the translation of the
Ahadees was incorrect, content based on blasphemy/insult of Prophet-hood
[Risaalat] was included, content based on blasphemy of Noble Companions
[Sahaabah e Kiraam] was included, information about Quaid-e-A’zam and
Allaamah Iqbaal was incorrect, dates of birth were written incorrect, the wrong
map of Pakistan was published, Sir Saiyyid Ahmad Khan was described as working
for the East India Company forty years after his death, a book contained content
about flags and maps of different countries, this book had a map and flag of India
but there was nothing mentioned about Pakistan, content against national security
was included, highly objectionable, immoral and obscene material was included.
These books belonged to 31 different publishers whose thoughts differed from
each other.

You can imagine what kind of generation will be formed by reading these books.
Now, out of these 10,000 books, only 500 were checked and these errors were
detected. Around 40 mistakes in each book, think what will be the case with
remaining 9,500? All these books were taught in private schools and 69% of parents
in Pakistan want to send their children to private schools. This man rose up against
the system, but the result was that Shahbaaz Shareef transferred him 8 times under
the pressure of the mafias. The present Punjab government once again transferred
him without hearing his position, this is extremely cruel. Raise your voice in favour
of former MD Punjab Textbook Board for the protection of your new generation.
Whoever wants to do something better in this country, the mafias block his way,
the Governments lay down in front of the mafia. Social media is the best forum for
raising the voice. Much of the pressure is about the Oxford curriculum because
most of their textbooks contain errors. So now is the time to treat the Oxford Mafia-
like a dog.
Note: The interview of this brave man Rai Manzoor Husaien Naasir has been
broadcast in detail by Urdu Point. I have put the actual essence and
summary/synopsis of these issues in front of you.
Pottery-Pots made from Clay- [Matti Kay Bartan]: Most diseases are caused by
rotten food, there is a difference between rotten food and cooked food. [The way
an apple is ripe, and one is rotten, rotten apple can be easily eaten with a spoon
and you do not even have to chew it], The food cooks very slowly in a Clay Pot and
in contrast, the food gets rotten in silver, steel, pressure cooker or non-stick pots.
So, change your pots first, believe me! People who will change pots will have their
lives changed.

Cooking Oil: Use cooking oil that never solidifies. The best oil in the world that does
not solidify is olive oil, but it is expensive. But there is mustard oil for the poor like
us, it also does not solidify. Mustard oil is the only oil that does not solidify all its
life and if it solidifies then it is not mustard oil. Solidifying mustard [sarsoun
jamaanay waali baat] on the palm is also talked about because it is not possible.
One of the characteristics of mustard oil is that whatever you put in it will not let it
freeze. A living example of this is pickles [achaar].

Pickles poured in mustard oil do not get fungus [jaalaa]. And if Allaah wills [In Shaa
Allaah], when this mustard oil enters your body, you will never have a stroke,
epilepsy [faalij] or heart attack. Your kidneys will not fail, and you will be safe from
blood pressure for the rest of your life …If Allaah wills
[In Shaa Allaah]. Because mustard oil cleans the blood vessels, when the vessels
are clean, the heart does not have to be stressed. The benefits of mustard oil are
numerous. In our villages, when animals get sick, the elders use to advise to feed
them mustard oil. Today we all need mustard oil.

Salt [replace salt]: What is salt? Salt makes a person’s character. We say that person
is too much faithful [namak halaal] or too much ingrate [ungrateful]; Salt builds a
person’s character. We should take the salt that comes out of the soil and that salt
in the whole world is the best pink salt of khewra - Pakistan. 90 grams of Pink
Himalayan salt sells for 25 dollars or 4,000 Rupees and 900 grams for 40,000
Rupees. And here it sells in Rupees 10 to 20 for a kilogram, look at the misfortune!
We bring home iodine mixed iodized salt, the salt that was supposed to make our
character, we have given up eating. That is why I request you to always use rock
Sweet: We all need sweet to run our brain, and sweet is kept in the soil by Allaah
Kareem, for example, sugarcane and jaggery [gurr]. And we have started eating
sugar instead of jaggery, please use jaggery.

Water: The most important thing for human beings is water without which human
beings cannot survive. We should also drink water from the soil. Zamzam is the best
water in the world and then Punjab water. Then use wheat that comes out of the
soil, i.e., never use sifted wheat, and use the wheat in the same condition as it is,
without removing the semolina, flour and bran... because our Benevolent Master
[Aqaa Kareem] Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] used to eat flour without
sifting /filtering. So, it is decided that we should use and do these five things:

[A] Use Clay Pot [Mitti kay Bartan] [B] Mustard Oil [c] Jaggery [D] Rock Salt [5]

Drink groundwater kept in a clay pot, with a clay pot glass [piyala] and use wheat
flour [gandum ka aataa] with all these things. Now the question arises why to take
all these things? We will have to take all these things because there is health in it
and Allaah Paak has created us from mud/clay and we have to go back to mud/clay.
May Allaah reward you.
[Jazaakumul Laah Khaier]

This mobile is not healthy/prosperous without a reason, it has eaten many things.
For example, it ate.
[1] Hand Watch [2] Torch Light [3] Correspondence through Letters [4] Book [5]
Radio [6] Tape Recorder [7] Camera [8] Calculator [9] Friendship with Neighbor [10]
Gathering [11] Our Time [12] Our peace of Mind [13] Money [14] Relations [15]
Memory [16] Health and Fitness.

Unfortunately, it has become “Smart Phone” after eating so much. The changing
world began to have such an effect, man became insane and the phone became
smart. As long as the phone was connected to the wire, the man was free, when
the phone became free of wire, the man tied to the phone. Nowadays, relationships
are limited to the fingers, no one has time to maintain relationships through the
tongue. Everyone is busy in touch but there is no one in touch.
Both Agha Khan Hospital – Karachi and National Hospital – Karachi are Trust
Hospitals. Liaquat National Hospital was built by the Government of Pakistan and
inaugurated by Governor General Sikandar Mirza. The entire land of Liaquat
National Hospital and its construction was done by the Government of Pakistan for
free treatment of poor people. The entire land of Agha Khan Hospital was gifted by
General Muhammad Ziyaa-ul-Haqq to the Agha Khan Foundation because the Agha
Khan Foundation had acquired the land saying that they would build a hospital for
cheap treatment of poor people and would give free treatment to deserving
patients in this hospital. One thing to keep in mind is that according to the trust
rules, no federal or provincial tax is applicable to any type of trust property at all.
Both Agha Khan Hospital and Liaquat National Hospital do not pay any tax except
income tax.

Liaquat National Hospital, which was a purely Federal Government Hospital, was
possessed by some business groups through forgery and through forgery the
government trusts have turned into private trust. Similarly, the Agha Khan Hospital
committed forgery with the government of Pakistan. When the land was given to
the Agha Khan Foundation absolutely free of cost, it was worth millions of Rupees.
Now the value of this land is about five hundred billion rupees which is the land of
the poor people of Sindh. Both these Hospitals are for the charitable purpose of the
poor people of Sindh and now they are earning not hundreds of thousands but
billions of Rupees by offering the most expensive treatment to the rich patients
without paying any tax to the government. The poor man cannot even think of
getting treatment at Agha Khan Hospital and Liaquat National Hospital.

See your Dramas and see your Culture: In “Jalan”, sister is in love with her brother-
in-law, in “Ishqiya”, brother-in-law is in love with her sister-in-law. In “Diwaangi”,
the boss is in love with his employee’s wife. In “Pyaar Ke Sadqaay”, father-in-law is
in love with his daughter-in-law. In "Dill Rubaa" a girl falls in love with five
individuals at a time. Is all this our culture? Or the culture of the writers, producers,
directors of their own homes or their families? A white-collar and respectable
person living in Pakistan cannot watch such dramas with his mother, sister,
daughter, daughter-in-law. We should all raise our voices against the channels that
present such dramas, otherwise, this will be the story of every household in the
future and our future generations will be called worse than disbelievers [kufar].
Vulgarity is on the rise, boycott all channels. Private Challenges have brought our
generation to the brink of disaster. The judiciary should take immediate action
against such channels and programs. Please share if you are against these things.

The dowry of one million [das Lakh], food of five hundred thousand [paanch laakh],
the ritual of wearing a watch, the ritual of wearing a ring, day of Maklaaway [the
tradition, in which newlywed, bride is brought back to her parents' house a few
days after the wedding], breakfast after Valimah day [which is the second of the
two traditional parts of an Islaamic wedding day], sending clothes of all in-laws
after the marriage of a daughter, sending food while at the return of Bar’aat; is she
a daughter or a punishment? And it all starts after the girl gets engaged. Sometimes
sister-in-law comes, sometimes wife of brother-in-law, sometimes Paternal Aunty-
in-law [Chaachi Saas], sometimes Maternal Aunt-in-law [Mumaani Saas] comes in
groups and the daughter's mother adorning a fake smile on her face welcomes
everyone and offers the best food. Every hair of the father sinks into debt and in
such a situation twenty people surround him and ask how many people we should
bring with the bar’aat, 100 to 200 people are our own close relatives only. And
when the father comes home in the evening, the daughter sits down to massage
his head as her father is in debt because of her. For the sake of Allaah, [Khudaa Kaa
Waastaa] you should put an end to these Hindu rituals so that every father can
marry his daughter with dignity and respect.

Women, who are of the opinion that the service of mother-in-law and father-in-
law is not obligatory on the daughter-in-law, have these women also told this
precious thing to their brother’s wife?

Husband for Sale: A new shop was opened in the bazaar where husbands were
sold. As soon as the shop opened, the crowd of girls and women started walking
towards the bazaar. Everyone was conscious of entering the shop. There was a sign
at the entrance of the shop saying, “any girl or woman can enter this shop only
when…”, then the instructions were given below. The shop had six floors; each floor
had the details of the husbands on that floor. As the number of floors increased, so
do the characteristics of the husband. The buyer girl or woman can choose a
husband from any floor. But once you go upstairs, you cannot come back except to
get out of the store. A beautiful girl got the chance to enter the store first, details
on the first floor’s door were describing, “Husbands on this floor are employed,
pious/God-fearing [Allaah waalay] and love children”.
The girl went on, the door on the third floor read, “Husbands on this floor are
employed, pious, love children and are beautiful”. After reading this, the girl
stopped for a while but walked away thinking that I should go upstairs and look.
The door on the fourth floor read, “Husbands on this floor are employed, pious,
love children, beautiful, and help with household chores”. After reading this, the
girl began to feel dizzy; are there such men in the world? She thought to buy a
husband and go home, but she refused, and she went upstairs. There was a sign on
the door saying, “Husbands on this floor are employed, pious, love children, are
very beautiful, help with household chores and are romantic”. Now the nerves of
the girl began to weaken, she thought what could be better than such a man. But
her heart still refused, and she went to the next floor. There was a statement on
the board saying, “You are the 3,448th woman to come to this floor. There are no
husbands on this floor, it is built just to prove that “it is impossible to satisfy a
woman”. Thanks for visiting our store, the stairs lead out.

I remember that when women came to our house from outside, the mothers would
tell their sons to go and sit in another place, the women will sit here. In the room
where the sisters slept, the brothers were not allowed to go there without
hesitation. If a woman needed help on the way, the mother would say, “Son, go
and help her, she is like your mother”. The son would help her considering her as a
mother. If someone's young daughter had a job, the mother would say, “go, she is
like your sister, she is exactly her age, do her certain job, or drop her there”.

The son would register in his heart that she is the same age alike my sister, similar
just like her. When the sisters’ friends came home, they were treated with the same
respect as the sisters. There were engagements done and the sons would not even
know. The son would marry as per the mother’s choice and maintain the
relationship until he died, and he would never be depressed. It was the training
given; it was our society that the mothers use to form. Now it seems that the
mothers of the new generation are lost in bread and gravy [roti, salan] or watching
TV dramas and morning shows. They have forgotten to teach and train their
children… the ‘Three Nature’s Laws’ which are strict and bitter but true:


If a “seed” is not planted in the “field”, nature fills it with “weeds [ghaas phoos].”
The same way If the “mind” is not filled with ‘Good Positive Thoughts’, then
“perverted thoughts” make it their home. That is, it contains only “misleading/
confusing” thoughts and becomes the “Home of the devil [Shaietaan]”.


One shares only “whatever” he has. A cheerful person shares “happiness” and a
sad person shares “sorrow”. The Scholar shares “knowledge”, a Pious Religious
person shares “Religion [Deen]” and the frightened person shares the “fear”.


Whatever you have been given in life …learn and try to “digest” it because if food
is not digested, “diseases” arise. “Showing Off/Pretension” grows when wealth and
power are not digested. When a talk is not digested, “gossip” and “backbiting”
increase. “Pride” increases when the praise is not digested. "Enmity" grows
because condemnation is not digested. "Frustration" increases when grief is not
digested. “Dangers” increase when power and authority are not digested. Make
your life easier and live a “purposeful” and “full of moral” life, and make things
easier for people, be happy, and share happiness. The best people are those who
make things easier for others and serve and benefit Allaah Ta’aalaa’s creatures
[makhlooq] selflessly.

Thoughtful Moment [Lamhaa Fikriyaa]: When Fahaad Mustafaa says “I want

girls”, “Where are the girls”, then the girls stand up from their seats and move
hands and say that we are sitting here. Then he chooses the girls with make-up and
open hair and call them down with his gesture to come down. Does anyone not
find this strange? With a girl there accompanying her might be her Brother, Father,
Uncle, [Mama Chachaa] etc. and with someone even her husband. Those who send
her to Fahaad Mustafaa are very happy that she will win prizes for us. If anyone
stares/sees this non-veiled girl in her street, neighbourhood, most of the people
insult that person, most of them do not calm down without breaking his hands or
feet. All that happens in Fahaad Mustafaa's Live Show, can it not be called the death
of honour [Ghaierat Kaa Mar Janaa]? That is, if we are getting the money, we can
go to any extent, do share your feedback. When the veil was ordered, the best
women in the world also veiled from the best men in the world. If you feel bad,
then you have the option to block, do think about it once. Sorry if anyone feels bad
but the veil is the picture of a woman.


In the past, people used to live a hundred years by drinking muted and muddy and
unclear water from wells, now they are getting old in forty years by drinking pure
and clear water of Nestle Pure Life. In the past, they used to eat grimy [ghani] oil
and use to apply on their head and use to work hard even in old age. Now even
after eating food cooked in cooking oil and ghee prepared on the double filter and
modern plant, we are panting in our youth. Earlier, people did not get sick by eating
rock salt, now we suffer from high blood and low blood pressure by eating iodized
salt. Earlier, people used to brush their teeth with neem, acacia, coal and salt and
chewed the food till the age of 80. Now those who brush their teeth with Colgate,
Sensodyne and Doctor Toothpaste go to the dentist every day. Earlier, people used
to stay fit by eating only simple bread and now it is difficult to take steps even after
eating burgers, fried chicken, shawarma, vitamins and food supplements. Earlier,
people knew less how to read and write but were not ignorant [jaahil], now they
are on the verge of ignorance even after getting educated at the master’s level.
Earlier, Herbal doctors [Hakeem] used to feel the pulse and tell the disease, but
now the Specialists do not know the disease even after doing all the research and
tests. Earlier, mothers of seven or eight children worked in the fields even though
they were 80 years old. Now, even under the care of a doctor from the first month
of motherhood, the baby is born by caesarean section, and after two babies there
is ‘The End’. Earlier, people used to indulge in eating sweets made with black and
yellow jaggery [gurr] in bulk, now before they talk about sweets, they get sugar
disease diabetes. Earlier, Elderly knees never use to hurt, now even young people
suffer from knee and back pain. Earlier, a 100-watt light bulb was lit all night and a
200-watt TV was turned on, but the electricity bill was 200 Rs. a month. Now the
bill for a five-watt LED energy saver and a thirty-watt LED TV is not less than Rs.
2,000 per month. Earlier, people used to write letters to keep in contact with
everyone. Now, despite having a telephone, mobile phone, internet, no relative is
in contact. In the past, even the poor and low-income people wore full clothes. Now
the richer one is, the shorter the clothes she has. I do not understand where we
stand, why we stand? What have we lost and what have we gained?
For a long time, "prostitution [haraam kaari]" had been taken place at the premises
of Quaid-e-A’zam Muhammad Alee Jinaah's tomb, but no case was filed against it
and no punishment was meted out to the culprits and their accomplices. But when
Captain Safdar chanted slogans, the whole Government machinery started wailing.
Was its justice or opposition hostility?

Taariq Jameel is a very controversial person. Scholars belonging to his faith

[Aqeedah] have said that Taariq Jameel is not a Scholar at all. Scholars belonging to
his own Faith [Ham Aqeedah Ulamaa] because of his ‘talks’ have given an order of
disbeliever [Kufr] on him. Taariq Jameel has insulted and committed audacity of
Allaah Ta’aalaa [Jallaa Shaana hu] and the Prophets [Salutation upon them] and
has not repented yet. Tariq Jameel has called the incumbent Prime Minister man
of intelligent [diyaanat daar] while this is against the facts. It is the same Prime
Minister who sent Aasiyaa Maseeh with safely out of the Country. This is the same
person who wears a Sikh handkerchief in Kartaarpur and calls the places of the
Sikhs as Makkah and Madinah. He is the one who utters "contemptible " [zaleel]
words for the Holy Prophet Rasool e Paak [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and
inappropriate words for the Companions [Sahaabah’s]. This is the same Prime
Minister who discriminates against his own people and strangers, whom Tariq
Jameel is arrogantly calling an honest person. Why is such a controversial and
objectionable person being given so much importance???

The desecration of the graves of Commander of Believers [Ameer ul Mumineen]

Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Azeez and his wife Muhtarmah Faatimah [Allaah have mercy
on them] in the Syrian city Idlib is a monstrous heinous act. The perpetrators of
such heinous and gross insults are the culprits of the entire Muslim Nation. The
Muslim Rulers should take immediate and stern action against them and the Nation
of Islaam [Millat e Islaamia] should continue to protest until action is taken against
these criminals.

The invisible microbes have also told the "Five Great" powers that they are helpless
in the face of Divine Power. Even if it were a human conspiracy under a plan, it
could not be effective without Almighty Allaah's will. Now it has such an effect that
it has blown the mind away. Do not those who are active against Islaam and
Muslims still understand? The Airline industries, the Hotel industries, the Tourism
Industries have collapsed. The state of the oil industry is also on the verge of the
deficit, whether the food chain is McDonald's, KFC or Pizza Hut, everything is in a
bad state. They were very proud of their military and other resources; killings and
destroying were rampant everywhere keeping the shop of destruction warm.
What not was done in opposing modesty and shame. How much pressure was
being exerted to repeal the law for Protection of the Honor of the Prophet-hood
[Namoos e Risaalat] and the doctrine of the end of Prophet-Hood? The disbelievers
of Islaam and the blasphemers of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] were
getting so courageous. There was so much arrogance in those people, there was so
much pride. When they got little caught, all the arrogance went away. In the name
of precaution, all efforts were made to close Mosques. Remember! No good can be
achieved without pleasing Allaah Ta’aalaa [Jallaa Shaana hu] and His Beloved
Habeeb e Kareem Holy Prophet
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. Closing eyes from reality is nothing but self-deception.

Those who fight against Allaah Ta’aalaa [Jal Shaana], should open their eyes and
repent sincerely. They must see that rudeness/insult to the Word [Kalaam] of
Allaah Ta’aalaa and insult/abuse of His loved ones, is finally caught, and increased
/intensified. Those who make vile sketches attributed to the Holy Prophet of Allaah
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], those who burn the Holy Qur'aan, those who insult the
Shrines of the Companions of the Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and His
Family [Ahle Baiet], those who destroy the Holy Relics and the Sacred places of
Worship, those who openly speak nonsense against the Honor of the Prophet-Hood
[Namoos e Risaalat], Lawmakers and protestors against Islaamic rites; those who
ridicule the Hijaab, veil, ablution, purity and chastity; those who support the
perpetrators/committers of blasphemy, those who claim my body-my will, those
who facilitate obscenity and vulgarity, those who earn and eat forbidden
sustenance,[haraam] those who seek homosexuality, those who are against the
doctrine of end of Prophet-Hood, those who utter the words of humiliate for the
Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and coward and looters for the Companions
[Sahaaba’s] and do not repent; insensitive Muslim rulers who remain silent upon
severe atrocities carnages on Kashmeeris, Palestinians and on the massacre of
Muslims; those who build temples for others in the Muslim population, those who
make immorality and fornication a common practice, those who observe the day
of immorality, those give favor to those who deny the end of Prophet-Hood, those
who abuse or support abuse with minors, those who increase the sale of alcohol
and do not impose any restrictions on alcoholism, those who invade religious
Madrassas, those who interfere in the Religious Matters, those who speak against
Islaamic Injunctions, [Ahkaamaat] those who consider themselves to be most wise
or think themselves as superior and much more….. must see that when Allaah
Ta’aalaa and His Beloved Habeeb e Kareem [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] are angry then
what kind of Epidemic breaks out, and how the world becomes helpless. The
closure of the Ka’abah and the Holy Shrine [Rauzaa e Rasool] of the Holy Prophet
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] is not a trivial tragedy…. Bow down to the Lord of the
Universe, [Taaj daar e Kaunaien] Rasool e Paak [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] hold on to
his ‘Daaman’ [Shirt fold-His Closeness] do not run away from Mosques and Shrines,
seek refuge in Allaah Kareem, otherwise you have seen a glimpse of the seizure.
Have you not learned a lesson yet???

What the police did to a black man in America was seen by the world and everyone
hated it, after that, the world is watching what is happening in the name of protests
all over the world. Why do not the people of the world shout at the same bad
treatment continuously being done with the Palestinians and Kashmeeris? Is
Corona Virus more deadly or the persistent abuse of oppressed Muslims? And is
not the world's indifference and silence on this abuse more deadly???

The President was saying that there was a consensus regarding the Mosques,
whoever would oppose it would be sinning/guilty [gunaah gaar]. He did not say
what would he be considered who breaches an agreement?? Not a single day was
spent for implementation of the agreement, and perhaps the ink of the 20-point
draft had not yet dried when wail/howling was started through the team of
doctors. The media's religion-disgruntled paid individuals were already screaming,
they do not even accept any agreement whether it be of 20 or 200 points. The
Provincial Chief Minister was ready to deliver the verdict at midnight, perhaps he
was afraid that people would start coming to the Mosques again, life would return
to normal and matters would not be settled between the Federal and Sindh
governments. Here, every patient who dies in hospitals is being labelled of Corona
Virus patient and efforts are being made to increase fear and panic. Someone may
ask them what they want??? By the way, it also needs to be asked how many
patients with Corona Virus have come out of Mosques in the last one and a half
months??? Where have all those affected so far come from? Why are the Rulers
allowing their favoured people or the ones who give extortions??? Why is not there
a complete lockdown ban for Media Houses and their affiliates??? What
confrontation is being sought between the Rulers and the people?? Many
questions need to be answered. It only seems that the closure of Mosques is a
conspiracy…. May Allaah protect us from such Rulers.
For English-speaking readers, this magazine contains English translation of the
devotional and loving proses of a prominent Religious Scholar based in Sibi -
Baluchistan Hazrat Maulana Faateh Muhammad Barozaai, and the Scholar Maulana
Muhammad Saadiq Razaa Misbaahi of Mumbai, and which already have been
published in Urdu. Poems [Manzoomaat]of Islaamic thinker Hazrat Maulana
Qamar-ul-Zamaan Azmi, Saahibzaada Allaamah Abul Hasan Waahid Rizvi, Peer
Saiyyid Imtiaaz Husaien Shaah Kaazmi and Mr Azeez-ud-Deen Khaaki are being
included. Due to the articles on some important topics, the volume of the magazine
has increased. Therefore, except for the writings of Saiyyid Abdul Majeed Waarsi
…other prose articles are not being included in this edition.

“Al-Zikr Al-Husaien fi Seerat-un-Nabee Al-Ameen”, [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] one of

earliest best writings of our Great Orator Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee
Okarvi have long been exclusively rare [Nayaab]. Praise be to Allaah [Alhamdu Lil
Laah], this book has been published with the mention of the reason for the delay.

Meanwhile, Pashto translations of Orator of the Nation Allaamah Kaukab Noorani

Okarvi’s book “Deoband Say Barelvi [Haqaaiq]” and “Safaied-o-Siyyaah” have also
been published.

An English translation of the Great Orator Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee

Okarvi’s book "Talaaq-e-Salasaah" has also been published. In addition, the English
translation of Great Orators’ memorable book “Safeenah-e-Nooh [Part II]” have
also been available after printing. This book containing the mentions of Hazrat
Saiyyidah Faatimah Zaahra [Allaah have mercy on her] and Mother of Believers [Ummul
Mumineen] Hazrat Saiyyidah Aishaah Siddeeqah [Allaah have mercy on her] is the best
gift for Muslim women.

It should be noted that in the 16th edition of our Great Orator Hazrat Qiblaah A’lam
Khateeb e A’zam Masterpiece Writing “Zikr-e-Jameel” there were many mistakes
left due to lack of proofreading which was undoubtedly a major shortcoming. The
revised version [17th edition] of this book has been published by Ziyaa-ul-Quraan
Publications and the second edition of the English translation of this book is being
The Urdu editions of the 1st and 2nd volumes of “Safeenah-e-Nooh” have also been
sent to Ziyaa-ul-Quraan Publications for printing. English translations of the Orator
of the Nation Khateeb e Millat Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi’s famous
writings “Safaied-o-Siyyaah”, [White and Black] and “Maslaa-e-Imaamat” will be
published soon. All these books are also available for reading on the internet at the
following address.

After the publication of the commemorative Magazine last year, Orator of the
Nation Hazrat Khateeb e Millat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi, by the Grace of
Allaah Almighty, travelled to the Two Holy Mosque of Ka’baah and Madinah
“Harmaien Shareefaien” and received the Blessings of pilgrimage and Umraah.

During the month of Ramadaan, the day of Arafaat, the month of Muharram and
the month of Rabee-ul-Awwal, several programs of Orator of the Nation Khateeb e
Millat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi were telecast from PTV, Metro One, TV
One, Hum TV, Bol TV channels and by the grace of Allaah Ta’aalaa they were liked
very much. Several TV channels re-telecasted the recordings of Orator of the
Nation. Recordings of 30 programs on Bol TV titled “Haqeeqat aur Aqeedat ke Bol
Allaamah Okarvi Kay Saath” were re-broadcasted by Bol TV channel hosted by
Saiyyid Hamaad Husaien. Praise be to Allaah, Orator of the Nation Allaamah Kaukab
Noorani Okarvi's speech talk was well received and much appreciated.

Due to Corona Virus, from the 1st of Ramadan till the end, in Ramadaan
transmission at Iftaar and Sehri broadcasts on PTV and Geo TV channels, Orator of
the Nation Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi’s talk shows were presented daily
instead of a collective program. The orator of the Nation Allaamah Kaukab Noorani
Okarvi got international acceptance. A large number of viewers within the country
and abroad saw and appreciated it. All these programs are now loaded on the
following website. The Bol TV channel re-telecast the recording of the two years
old program and some recordings were also aired from other Geo TV channels.

Geo TV put together a great and interesting program titled “Shees aur Allaamah
Saahib”, the 30-sessions program with a young child Shees talking to Orator of the
Nation Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi was very much appreciated all over the
In the days of Coronavirus, to attract people to goodness, Bol TV channel recorded
A’zaan and supplications in the voice of Orator of the Nation Khateeb e Millat
Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi and also telecasted five daily
congregational prayers. Special sermons of Mr Allaamah Saahib were broadcast on
Night of Ascension [Shab e Mairaaj] and Night of Barat [Shab e Baraa’at] which
were also much appreciated.

Grandson of Qutb of Madinah Hazrat Allaamah Dr Rizwaan Fazal-ur-Rahmaan and

Dr Khaleel-ur-Rahmaan when came to Karachi upon the demise of their Respected
sister [Hamsheerah Muhtarmaa], they also came to Jaamiah Masjid Gulzaar-e-
Habeeb and offered Friday Prayer. They offered Faatihah at the Shrine [Mazaar
Mubaarak] of the Great Orator Hazrat Khateeb e Azam [Allaah have mercy on him] and
met Orator of the Nation Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi. Mr Saiyyid
Masood Ahmad Shaah, Alhaaj Qaazi Yaqoob from Madinah, Alhaaj Dr Usmaan Alee
Siddeeqi, Alhaaj Mukhtaar Ahmad Ramzaan from the USA, Hazrat Maulana Qamar
Zamaan Azmi, Peer Muhammad Irfaan Naqshbandi from the UK, Saiyyid Qamar
Naseem from UAE also came for meeting Orator of the Nation [Khateeb e Millat].

Our Great Orator Qiblah A’lam Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam [Allaah have mercy on him] had
started his commentary [tafseer] on the Qur’aan in the Friday congregations after
his arrival in Karachi. By the grace of Allaah Ta’aalaa, in 28 years, he continued the
Tafseer of the Qur’aan until the first verses of Soorah At-Taubaah. After his passing
away, Orator of the Nation Khateeb e Millat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi has
given/delivered a continuous Commentary [Tafseer] from Soorah At-Taubaah to
Soorah Al-Shu'araa for 38 years. And now the statement of the commentary of
Soorah An-Naml para 20 is being done. May Allaah Ta’aalaa bless him with His
special Blessings and Mercies and may He give the tafseer of the whole Qur’aan.

Maulana Okarvi Academy [International] [Al Aalami] has created beside official fan
pages of Great Orator Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam, Orator of the Nation Khateeb e
Millat and Jaamiah Masjid Gulzaar-e-Habeeb on Facebook. But it has been
observed that some people have created pages in the name of Orator of the Nation
on their own and they continue to upload pictures and information on them at their
own will. There is no doubt about their love and devotion, but such friends are
requested to take care that any ignorance [nadaani] of them can lead to any
misunderstanding, suspicion or negative impression and can damage the
personality or work. The only precaution is that all such friends are requested to
delete the fan pages they have created so that there is no room for any

It has been more than thirteen years since the road from Shaahrah-e-Faisal to the
residence of our Great Orator Qiblah A’alam Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam [Allaah have
mercy on him] has been closed. We do not know what legal, moral justice and what
“development work” there is to block the passage of a large population without
providing a viable alternative. In the days of rain and VIP movement, there is no
way for the residents of this area to cross Sharah-e-Faisal. No one has taken
“notice” of this cause of the constant excruciation of the people of this area by the
ones who have blocked the intersection of Sindhi Muslim Society. Why do the
people who block the way of thousands of people and create signal-free corridors
forget that with how many people they are guilty of injustice and are constantly
distressing them?

Every year on the occasion of Celebrations of the Birth of Holy Prophet Eid Meelaad
Un Nabee [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], on the 12th of Rabee-ul-Awwal, Iftaar is
organized by the friends in the Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Mosque in which thousands of
people participate. Security cameras were also installed inside and around the
Mosque in view of the deteriorating situation in Karachi, this year more and
modern cameras have been installed and a new complete sound system has been
installed at a huge cost under the auspices of Janaab Ahmad Bawaani [KIAF
Corporation] with the full dedicated support of Muhtarram Shaiekh Zaheer Ahmad,
Janaab Rafeeque Sulaiemaan, Haaji Basheer Ahmad, Muhammad Bilaal, Ilyaas
Guggi, Dr Hamzah, Muhtarmah Aasiyah Aarif, Shaiekh Khaleel Ahmad, Muhtarmah
Muazzimah Rahmaani, Abdul Ghaffaar Daud and Muhammad Junaied Qaadiree.
May Allaah Kareem reward them all with Jazaa e Khaier. Aameen.

Haaji Abdul Raauf Shivaani provided computerized Future Digital Clock, new LED
bulbs and tube lights for prayer times and Janaab Muhammad Shafee Bawaani
provided electrical switches and sockets for the Mosque in collaboration with Bilaal
Taahir Electric Company. Muhammad Owais Afreedi assisted in their installation
services. Every effort is made to provide all kinds of facilities and conveniences to
the worshipers who come to the Mosque. A part of the wall around the Mosque
has been built by the grace of Allaah Ta’aalaa according to the plan of the Prophet's
Mosque. If Allaah wills, [In Shaa Allaah] the construction work of the rest of the
portion will be completed soon. The construction of the Minaret of the Mosque is
still incomplete, you are requested to cooperate in the construction and pray that
may this work be completed soon.

The performance of “Women's Council of Gulzaar-e-Habeeb” for women in

Jaamiah Mosque Gulzaar-e-Habeeb is also commendable. The Women's Council
has done a great job in the last few years to increase women’s awareness of
Religion and their commitment to goodness in life. The continuation of the
Benediction Circle …Halqaa Durood Shareef between Zuhr and Asr on the 2nd and
21st of every lunar month has been going on for many years under the auspices of
this Council. In this two-hour session, 92 minutes of Durood Shareef Benediction
recitation is taken place in accordance with the number of the Holy Name of the
Holy Prophet [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and a necessary short lesson is arranged to
make them aware of the beliefs, issues and problems. The recitation of the Durood
Shareef and the collective prayer proved to be elixir by the Grace of Allaah Alhamdu
Lil Laah…in the solution of problems and difficulties and hundreds of women have
benefited. These women and young girls, who listen to the Qur’aan all year round
and participate in the Durood Shareef Mehfil circle, also receive the training of
Encomium Recitation [Naat Khuwaani] and Speech [Taqreer] from here. They also
hold Annual Mehfil e Meelaad Un Nabee Ceremonies every year. For the last eleven
years, the Annual Urs Mubaarak of the Respected Mother Hazrat Maa Jee Qiblah
[Allaah have mercy on her] have also been celebrated in this ceremony.

This year also the Annual Ceremony and Urs Shareef was held on Saturday 21st
November 2020. In addition to the keynote address by Respected, Muhtarmah
Saiyyidah Baaji the caretaker of the Women’s Council, the workers of the Women’s
Council and their companions presented Encomium [Naat Sanaa] of the Prophet
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam], His Family and Companions with Great Devotion and
Respect. The event lasted five hours. No guest preacher or Naat Reciters are invited
to the event, but women from the neighbourhood and women who regularly join
the Lesson [Dars] and circle are given the representation and they are encouraged
for their passion of Religion and Faith. By the Grace of Allaah Almighty, its Blessings
have appeared in the lives of all of them and goodness has increased in all of them.
These same women count the gift of Recitation of the Holy Quraan and continuous
Recitation of Benediction Durood Shareef throughout the year and present it for
the annual Urs Shareef of Great Orator
Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam [Allaah have mercy on him]. The efforts of the caretaker of the
Women’s Council and all her female companions/participant are commendable.
May Allaah Ta’aalaa reward them for their perseverance in the path of truth and
for their good deeds and give them Jazaa e Khaier.

Maulana Okarvi Academy [International] has created a “Blog” on the Internet for
lovers and devotees around the world to listen and watch the audio, video
speeches of the Great Orator Hazrat Khateeb e Azam [Allaah have mercy on him]and the
Orator of the Nation Khateeb e Millat. Type the word “www.okarvi” and get
benefitted sitting at home. In addition, fan pages have been created on Facebook.
Some time ago, Saiyyid Munawar Alee Shaah Bukhaari, a resident of the United
States, created a website called Sunni Speeches and collected recordings of
speeches of Sunni scholars. Five years ago, another website was created with the
title of Okarvi Speeches. Thousands of speeches of Great Orator and Orator of the
Nation are being saved on this website.

In the annual Urs Shareef Celebrations of Great Orator Qiblah Aalam Hazrat
Khateeb e A’zam [Allaah have mercy on him] every Friday also a collective Faatihah
recitation is organized in Jaamiah Mosque Gulzaar-e-Habeeb with the participation
of all believers especially the devotees and relatives of the Great Orator.

Since the last year, many personalities and Individuals have passed away from this
mortal world.
Father in law [Muhtaram] of Maulana Saiyyid Abdul Haqq Shaah [Karachi], Al-Haaj
Haafiz Sultaan Mahmood Daryaavi [Daryaa Shareef], Baabaa Baanga Muhammad
Haneef [Buraay Walaa], Father of Muhammad Alee from Noor-e-Habeeb Mosque
[Karachi], Janaab Amjad [Kamonki], Muhammad Mustafaa Brother-in-law of
Plumber Saleem Sunni [Karachi], Hazrat Maulana Saiyyid Wajaahat Rasool Taabaan
Qaadiree [Karachi], Maulana Muhammad Hayaat Al-Qaadiree
[Baluchistan],Ismaaeel Rafaa’i Baloch of Jamaa’at Ahl-e-Sunnat Office
[Baluchistan], Wife [Muhtarmah] of Al-Haaj Shaiekh Muhammad Islaam Mukkhi
[Lahore], Hafeeda Hazrat Qutb-e-Madeenah, Wife [Muhtarmah] of Hazrat Maulana
Shaah Ahmad Noorani [Karachi], Sister [Muhtarmah] of Maulana Muhammad
Ilyaas Qaadiree [Karachi], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Naat Khuwaan Anwar
Ibraaheem [Karachi], Father [Muhtaram] of Naat Reciter Abdul laah Khaleel
[Karachi], famous Poet Ajmal Sultaan Puri [India], Wife [Muhtarmah] of Janaab
Arshad Alee Gujjar, Sister-in-law [Muhtarmah] of Saiyyid Muhammad Tus Fareedi,
Mother in law [Khush Daaman] of Maulana Dr. Ghufraan Alee Siddeeqi [Karachi],
Maulana Muhammad Ashraf Saeedi [Pattoki], Janaab Riaaz Qureshi Raaju and his
brother Zafar Qureshi Baabu, neighbors of Mosque Gulzaar-e-Habeeb [Karachi],
Jaanab Naasir Mahmood of Riaaz-ul-Jannah Circle [Peshawar], Wife [Muhtarmah]
of Hazrat Peer Saiyyid Fidaa Husaien Shaah Haafizabadi [Haafiz Abad], Mufti
Muhammad Khan Qaadiree [Lahore], Khateeb e A’zam Brother in Law Al-Haaj
Muhammad Akram [Okara], Janaab Asmat Allaah Parachaa [USA], Uncle
[Muhtaram] of Professor Attaa-ur-Rahmaan [Lahore], Janaab Riaaz Sulaiemaan,
Brother [Muhtaram] of Al-Haaj Aarif Sulaiemaan, Daughter-in-law [Dukhtar
Nisbaati] of Muhammad Akram Saeedi [Karachi], Saiyyid Iqbaal Haider of PTV
[USA], Wife [Muhtarmah] of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Athar Naeemi [Karachi],
Sister [Muhtarmah] of Hazrat Maulana Ibraar Ahmad Rahmaan [Karachi], Janaab
Meer Jaaved Rahmaan of Daily Jang [Karachi], Abdul Hakeem Memon [Madeenah
Munawwarah], Naat Khuwaan Janaab Muhammad Shafee Qaadiree, Mother
[Muhtarmah] of Janaab Lakht-e-Hasnaien, Maulana Khawaajah Muhammad
Irshaad Rizvi [UK], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Muhammad Farhaan Qaadiree, Wife
[Muhtarmah] of Al-Haaj Qaazi Muhammad Yaqoob [Madeenah Munawwarah],
Janaab Umair Attaari Shaheed [Karachi], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Mufti
Muhammad Ibraaheem Maqbooli [India], Hazrat Al-Haaj Chann Peer Saiyyid Azmat
Alee Shaah Bukhaari [Keeleeyaan Walee], Peer Jee Muhammad Shafee Qaadiree’s
Wife [Muhtarmah], Soofie Haamid Alee Barni Qaadiree, Maulana Ghulaam Ghaus
Bahaa-ud-Deen Misbaahi, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Abdul Tawaab Ichaarvi
[Lahore], Azeez Muhammad Haaris – relative of Muhammad Saajid Mechanic,
Uncle and Aunt of Soofie Shakeel Ahmad, Maulana Mahmood Doornaalvi [USA],
Wife [Muhtarmah] of Hazrat Peerzada Muhammad Abdul Baaqi Asharfee [Burhaan
Pur], [Muhtaram] Janaab Azaad bin Haider, Mother [Muhtarmah] of Mansoor
Farooqi [Karachi], Maulana Muhammad Abdul Majeed Bandyaalvi, Devotee of the
Orater of the Nation Khateeb e Millat– Janaab Muhammad Khaleel Mughal
[Gujranwala], Neighbours of Mosque Gulzaar-e-Habeeb – Imtiaaz Ahmad, Basheer
Ahmad – father of Tanveer Ahmad Hotel Walaay, Saajid Tailor - Brother of Janaab
Bilaal Attaari, Haaji Muhammad Haneef Kathiyaavaari, Rizwaan Memon, Wife
[Muhtarmah] of Janaab Aarif Memon, Mother [Muhtarmah] of Yaqoob Memon,
Mother of Janaab Muhammad Alee, Afsar – Brother of Janaab Ghani Laala
[Karachi], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Hazrat Peer Saiyyid Munawar Husaien Shaah
Jamaati [Alee Puur Saiyyidaan], Janaab Haaji Nizaam-ud-Deen Goplaani [Karachi],
Saiyyid Masood Shaah [Buraywaalay], Orator of the Nation Khateeb e Millat
Brother in law Haaji Shaiekh Muhammad Afzal–Brother Shaiekh Muhammad
Aslam [Faisalabad], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Naat Reciter Ahmad Razaa Qaadiree
[Lahore], Wife of Janaab Shahzad Qureshi of Minaara Mosque, Grandmother [Dadi
Saahibah] of Naat Reciter Muhammad Alee Suharwardi [Karachi], Hazrat Abu Al-
Khaier Peer Muhammad Abdul laah Jaan Naqshbandi [Peshawar], Al-Haaj Haafiz
Muhammad Shafee Rizvi - disciple of Great Muhaddis Pakistan [Faisalabad], Wife
[Muhtarmah] of Ghulaam Fareed Saabri [Karachi], Maulana Muhammad Siyaalvi
[Karachi], Sister [Muhtarmah] of Hazrat Mufti Muhammad Muhib Ul laah Noori
[Baseer Puur], Muhammad Saabir of Isteelix, Janaab Professor Anwar Ahmad zaai
[Karachi], Hazrat Maulana Qaazi Muhammad Noor-ul-Islaam Haashmi [Chittagong],
Janaab Haaji Huzoor Baksh, Yaar Muhammad – Father [Muhtaram] of Maulana
Khan Muhammad Qaadiree, Mother [Muhtarmah] of Maulana Ghulaam Rabbaani
Afghaani, Hazrat Peer Kabeer Alee Shaah Chooraahi [Lahore], Janaab Parvaiez
Tufaiel Chohaan, Hazrat Saiyyid Muhamad Farooq Al-Qaadiree, Bilaal Abdul
Raheem Pardesi, Janaab Dost Muhammad Faiezi [Karachi], Maulana Muhammad
Ahmad [Karachi], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Muhammad Furqaan Laalee, Mufti
Abdul Haleem Hazaarvi, Mother-in-Law of Maulana Muhammad Irfaan Ziaaiee
[Karachi], [Muhtarmah] Shagufta Taariq [Rawalpindi], Janaab Shaahab-ud-Deen
Badaayouni, Hazrat Peer Ghulaam Siddique Ahmad [Gujraat], Iqbaal Jaan
Muhammad Kasbati of ATI, Hazrat Maulana Abdul Razzaaq Bhattaraalvi
[Rawalpindi], Saahibzaada Mahmood Poochee [South Africa], Janaab Taajvar
Naeemi [Lahore], Shaiekh Abdul Rasheed father of Al-Haaj Taimoor Shaiekh
[Lahore], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Naat Reciter Muhammad Waseem, Haaji
Muhammad Aslam Naqshbandi [Lahore], Imraan Laari brother of [Muhtarmah]
Taabinda Laari [Karachi], Muhammad Akbar Naqshbandi devotee of Orator of the
Nation [Karachi], Prof. Dr. Saiyyid Muzaffar Bukhaari elder brother of Saiyyid
Mukarram Sultaan Bukhaari [Karachi], Janaab Mahfooz-ur-Rahmaan Naiemi,
[Muhtarmah] Naseem Mukhtaar Mother of Muhtarmah Farhaana Owaies
[Lahore], Janaab Amaan Ul laah Khan Niaazi [Mianwalee], Janaab Naeem ud deen
Siddeeqi Golarvi [Rawalpindi], Janaab Junaied Ahmad Mukhtaar of Nashrah
Foundation [Karachi], Janaab Soofie Muhammad Inaayat devotee of the Great
Orator and the Orator of the Nation [Gujranwala], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Janaab
Taariq bin Azaad [Karachi], Father-in-Law of Al-Haaj Muhammad Alee Taleeyaa
[Karachi], Allaamah Abdul Waheed Misbaahi [India], Brother of Hazrat Allaamah
Mufti Nizaam-ud-Deen Misbaahi [India], Nephew of Hazrat Maulana Abdul Hakeem
Sharf [Lahore], Hazrat Maulana Mufti Ubaid-ul-Haqq Naeemi [Bangladesh],
Grandmother [Daadi] [Muhtarmah] of Shaahzeb Goplaani, Hazrat Peer Sultaan
Ghulaam Meeran Qaadiree, Naat Reciter Wife [Muhtarmah] of Janaab Saiyyid
Muhammad Aslam Ghazalee, Peer Saiyyid Ahmad Husaien Shaah Tirmeezi [UK],
Maulana Saiyyid Iqbal Ahmad Hasni, Maalik Saeed - brother of Alee Bhai Khushbu
Walay, Abdul Razzaaq – Uncle of Al-Haaj Muhammad Zubaier [Faisalabad], Janaab
Ghulaam Mustafaa Arain – brother of Janaab Qaari Muhammad Husaien Arain,
Janaab Aarif Mahmood Mahjoor Rizvi, [Muhtarmah] Ammaa Faatimah Qaadiree
[Baghdad Shareef], Saiyyid Ashraf Ashrafi Al-Jeelaani – cousin of Hazrat Madni Mian
Asharfi, Aunt [Phuphi Saahibah] of Mufti Muhammad Naeem Madni, Shaiekh Haaji
Jameel Ahmad Sharaqpuri, Saiyyid Abbaas and Saiyyid Usmaan of Chishti Saabri
Trust in South Africa, Mufti Muhammad Taahir Chishti, Janaab Al-Haaj Muhammad
Rafeeq – Brother-in-Law of the Orator of Nation Khateeb e Millat and Uncle of
Arshad Jaaved [Rawalpindi], Janaab Muhib-ul-Haqq – Son of Shaarah Bukhaari
Hazrat Maulana Shareef-ul-Haqq [India], Sister [Muhtarmah] of Janaab Subaa
Khan, Peer Saiyyid Abdul Haqq Shaah Chotaay Laala Jee [Golraa Shareef], Saiyyid
Iftikhaar-ul-Hassan Shaah – son of Hazrat Peer Saiyyid Faiz-ul-Hasan Shaah [A’lu
Muhaar Shareef], Muhammad Afzal Qureshi – Uncle of Famous Calligrapher
Tanveer Shamsi, Mufti Muhammad Mujeeb Ashraf [India], Hazrat Mufti Miraaj-ul-
Qaadiree [India], Saadia Dehlvi [India], Abdul Rauf Siyaalvi – Brother-in-Law of
Janaab Muhammad Shafee Siyaalvi [USA], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Ameer Hamzah
dealers of Karachi Electronics, Anwar-ud-Deen Qureshi – Father [Waalid
Muhtaram] of Janaab Tanveer Qureshi, Janaab Shaiekh Ahmad Al-Museebo in
Aghwaat [Madeenah Munawwarah], Maulana Ghulaam Mustafaa Khan [Naagpur],
Saiyyid Anwar-ul-Hasan Kaashif Gilaani, [Muhtarmah] Fareed-un-Nisaa Ismaaeel
Mansoor [South Africa], Liaquat Alee Shaakir [Lahore], Maternal Grandmother
[Naani Saahiba] of Peer Saiyyid Azhar Shaah Hamdaani, Father of Ash’ar AC Wala
[Karachi], Saiyyid Akter Ashraf Gul Miaan – Nephew of Hazrat Shaiekh-ul-Islaam
Madani Mian [India], Saiyyid Taiyyab Shaah Bukhaari – Uncle [Mamoo] of Barrister
Peer Saiyyid Waseem-ul-Hasan Naqvi [Punjab], Janaab Muhammad Yoonus Pepsi
[Madeena Munawwarah], Special Disciple [Mureed e Khaas] of Great Orator Hazrat
Khateeb e A’zam Soofie Muhammad Habeeb ur Rahmaan, Ghulaam Akbar’s young
daughter with her daughter [Karachi], Maulana Abu Al-Haqqaani Muhammad
Husaien Misbaahi [India], Hazrat Qiblah Peer Khawaaja Muhammad Hamid-ud-
Deen Siyaalvi Sajjaadah Nasheen [Siyaal Shareef], Baba Mahboob Meena Shaah
[India], Maulana Imaam-ud-Deen Rizvi [India], Maulana Naseem-ud-Deen [India],
Maulana Muhammad Islaam [Mumbai], Dr. Rehaan Mustafaa Rathor, Al-Haaj
Soofie Ibraar Ahmad Rahmaani [Karachi], Sister-in-Law [Bhaabi Saahibah of Janaab
Muhammad Ameen Baieg [Karachi], Shaiekh Noor-ud-Deen Etar [Syria], Wife
[Muhtarmah] of Muhammad Anwar Madni [Multan], Saiyyid Mumtaaz Husaien
Shaah Kaazmi [Bhaara Kahu], Wife [Muhtarmah] of Hakeem Shaiekh Muhammad
Saeed [Sahiwaal], Anees Shaiekh – Young cousin of Abdul Raafay Maani Shaiekh
[Karachi], New born nephew of Shaahid Ayoob Qureshi [Karachi], Janaab Ayaaz
Khanani [Karachi], Haafiz Muhammad Qamar-ud-Deen [Dehli], Naat Reciter
Mahboob Hamdaani [Lahore], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Maalik Rehaan [Karachi],
Wife of Al-Haaj Muhammad Shafee Multani [Karachi], Wife of Mudassir Hamdaani
[Lahore], Janaab Rasheed Rabbaani [Karachi], Mother-in-Law [Muhtarmah Khush
Daaman] of Ijaaz Rafeeq Romero [Lahore], Janaab Haaji Ahmad – Father [Waalid
Muhtarram] of Basheer Ahmad [Karachi], Saiyyid Muhammad Abdul Khaaliq Shaah
[Punjab], Ahmad Alee Yaseen Aghwat [Madeenah Munawwarah], Peer Saiyyid
Kameel Ashraf [India], Saiyyidah Sakeenah – Mother [Muhtarmah] of Al-Haaj Abdul
Rahmaan Siddeeqi [Madeenah], Noor Husaien – Father-in-Law of Maulana Abdul
Lateef Chishti Azhaari, Sister [Muhtarmah] of Haaji Muhammad Haneef Taiyyab,
Haaji Shakeel – Father-in-Law of Saiyyid Rehaan Qaadiree, Father of Farhaana Vera
[Karachi], Aunt [Phupi Saahiba] of Saiyyid Muhamad Naasir [Karachi], Aunt [Phupi
Saahiba] of Hakeem Faiez, Hazrat Maulana Jameel Ahmad Naeemi [Karachi],
Janaab Khaiebar Zamaan of Pakistan Custom, Commander of Endeavor [Ameer Al
Mujaahideen] Maulana Khaadim Husaien Rizvi [Lahore], [Muhtarmah] Anjum–
wife of Janaab Ghulaam Husaien Mughal, Saiyyid Abdul Hameed – Uncle of Saiyyid
Aadil Shaah Ishaaq, Mrs. Zulaikhaa Mansoor – Wife [Muhtarmah] of Al-Haaj Abdul
Khaaliq Ismaaeel Mansoor [South Arfica], Master Abdul Hafeez – devotee of the
Great Orator Khateeb e A’zam] [Mohara], Hameeda – Relative [Samdan] of
Raashida Anwar of Dubai [Mumbai], Shameem Akhtar – Mother [Muhtarmah] of
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shareef [Lahore], Young Saiyyid Haashim Gilaani
[Islaamabad], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Qaari Jameel Rathor [Karachi], Peer Saiyyid
Aizaaz-ud-Deen Shaah [Karachi], Qaari Karamat Alee Naeemi [Lahore], Ismaaeel –
Uncle [Khaaloo] of Orator of the Nation’s Brother-in-law [Rawalpindi], Feroza -
Sister-in-Law [Muhtarmah] of Haaji Ibraaheem Kareem [South Africa], Dr. Zia-ul-
Haqq Zia [USA], Dr. Iqbaal Hameed Naat Reciter [Karachi], Wife [Muhtarmah] of
Hazrat Peer Auliyaa Baadshah Faarooq [Mohara Shareef], Ex-Prime Minister Meer
Zafar Ul laah Jamalee [Balochistan], Maulana Shameem Ashraf Azhaari [Mauritius],
Muhammad Iqbaal Sultaan Bhangra [Karachi], Aunt [ Khaala Muhtarmah] of Haaji
Imraan Attaari – caretaker of Dawat-e-Islaami [Karachi], Sister [Muhtarmah] 0f
Naat Reciter Azeez-ud-Deen Khaaki [Hyderabad], Mufti Muhammad Hayaat
Qaadiree [Kashmeer], Khursheed Alam Gohaar Calligrapher [Lahore], Allaamah
Arshad Razaa Aasi, Famous trader Siraaj Qaasim Teeli [Karachi], Saiyyida Rukhsaana
Parveen – Aunt [Phupi Muhtarmah] of Saiyyid Sarfaraaz Liaquat, Father [Waalid
Muhtarram] of Naat Reciter Shaahzeb [Karachi], Hazrat Qiblah
Qaazi Peer Muhammad Fazal Rasool Haider Rizvi – successor of Great Muhaddis of
Pakistan [Faisalabad], Janaab Saahibzada Saiyyid Muhammad Afzar Mian Qaadiree
Marharvi [India], Saiyyid Sarfaraaz Alee Chishti – father of Saiyyid Rehaan Alee
Chishti [Karachi], Hazrat Maulana Faateh Muhammad Baarzoi [Sibee], Hazrat
Maulana Saiyyid Ghulaam Yaseen Bukhaari [Kashmeer], Haaji Ghulaam Shabbeer –
Relative of the Orator of the Nation Khateeb e Millat [Paakpattan Shareef], Wife
[Muhtarmah] of Shahzaad Azeem from Police, Saien Israar-ul-Haqq Kalyaami,
Aunty [ Chachi Muhtarmah] of Zubaier Qureshi [Karachi], Famous Poet and Critic
Janaab Shams-ur-Rahmaan Farooqi [India], Uncle of Khawajah Muhammad Naeem,
Janaab Saiyyid Akhtar Alee – Father-in-Law of Janaab Shakeel Aadil Zaada, Hazrat
Maulana Ghulaam Nabee Fakhri, Ex-Minister Rafeeque Akhtar’s Son Aamir Akhtar
and his sister [Karachi], Mother [Muhtarmah] of Maulana Sheeraz Mansoor [South
Africa], Abdul Ghani Bhangra – Senior Vice President of Pakistani Memon
Federation [Karachi].

All these have passed away at the will of Allaah Almighty.

Our Lord, forgive us, and our brothers who preceded us in believing, Aameen.

We once again thank all the Newspapers, Magazines and TV Channels that
published special articles and Urs Shareef News on the occasion of the Annual Urs
Shareef of our Great Orator Qiblah e Aalam Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam [Allaah have mercy
on him]. We Pray for the Blessings [Khaier O Barkat] to all the Ladies and Gentlemen
who have individually and collectively presented Reward and forwarded the
reading as Ieesaal e Sawwaab to our Great Orator Qiblah A’lam Hazrat Khateeb e
A’zam and Hazrat Maa Jee Qiblah [Allaah have mercy on them] paying Tribute/Homage
[Khiraaj e Aqeedat] and expressed love and devotion in Mosques, Madrassas,
Centers, Institutions, Monasteries and Homes. May Allaah Ta’aalaa [Ajwaa jal]
accept the Gift [Hadiyaa] of all the participant and raise the ranks of our Benefactor
and Mentor Great Orator and Khateeb e Azam and Hazrat Amaa Jee [Allaah have mercy
on them], Aameen.

We are especially grateful to the caretaker of the Women's Council, Gulzaar-e-

Habeeb and her assistants/participant for organizing Religious gatherings
throughout the year, not only for Religious awareness and seeking Blessings but
also for reciting the Divine Word [Kalaam e Illaahie], Durood Shareef and many
other Commemorations [Wazaaif] and participate significantly in the delivery of
rewards on the occasion of the annual Urs Shareef. May Allaah reward them all
immensely with Jazaa e Khaier. Aameen.

In this magazine, we cover important events that take place throughout the year
and issues that are important in terms of the religious sect. We also speak harshly
and bitterly for the sake of reform and development, we have no interest Ba Hamdu
Ta’aalaa in hurting, ridiculing, or humiliating anyone. Some of the articles that reach
us are also included in this magazine. We sincerely apologize for any inaccuracies
or omissions in this text. We also apologize for any inconvenience this may have
caused. We try to correct spelling mistakes in composing of phrases. Even after
caution if there is a shortcoming then please forgive us and we apologize. To
improve our performance, we look forward to your helpful suggestions and request
for your cooperation and prayers for our success. May Allaah Ta’aalaa Kareem Bless
us all with His Fazl O Karam, Aameen.
In the presence of the faithful Prophet, may Allaah Ta’aalaa Bless Him and grant
Him Peace and Blessings and Peace upon Him and His Family and His companions.

[Man Jaanib]

Muhammad Liaquat Soofie Sooba Khan Shaiekh Atteeq-ur-

Khan Qaadiree Qaadiree Rahmaan Engineer. UAE

Shaiekh Muhammad
Mirzaa Muhammad Muhammad Rizwaan Rafeeq Naqshbandi,
Irshaad Mughal,Lahore Abbaasi Okara

Al-Haajj Saiyyid Asad Shaiekh Khaleel Ahmad,

Soofie Ghulaam Qaadir
Alee Shaah Bukhaari A’sama Razaa Pattoki
Saiyyid Ishaaq Aadil Dr. Muhammad Usmaan
Haaji Jaaved Mu’arfaani Siddeeqi, USA
Shaah Qaadiree

Abdul Qaadir Kamran, Al-Haajj Iftikhaar-ud-

Zamurd Saqalaien Deen Arshad [Germany]

Haaji Mahoob-ur- Matloob-ur-Rahmaan Haafiz Saeed Ahmad

Rahmaan Qaadiree [UK] Zaahid Makki [UK]
Maulana Shiraaz
Shaiekh Muhammad Soofie Iqbaal Ahmad Mansoor Qaadiree,
Irfaan Naqshbandi [UK] [UK] Africa

Soofie Muhammad Arab, Shaiekh Muhammad Maulana Qaari Mazhar

UAE Ashraf, Peer Mahal Abbaas, Haripuur

Muhammad Salmaan Professor Azhar Abbaas

Shaahid Ayoob Qureshi [Vienna]
Shaiekh Naiek
Saiyyid Tajjamal Yaseen Saabir Alee Haqqaani, Muhammad
[Austria] USA [Sharaqpur Shareef]

Soofie Abu Muhammad Saiyyid Muhammad Shaiekh Tanveer Ahmad,

Qaadiree Saajid Qaadiree Chishtiaan Shareef

Maulana Ghulaam Khawajah Muhammad

Mufti Muhammad Aasif
Muhammad Siddeequi, Naaeem, Sialkot
Shaiekh Muhammad Muhammad Zubaier Mian Arsalaan Iqbaal,
Umar, Rawalpindi Khan Qaadiree [India] Sialkot

Haashim Mansoor
Abdul Lateef Qaadiree Haider Alee Qaadiree Qaadiree, South Africa

Muhammad Ibraaheem Hameed Ul laah Rajaa Abdul Hameed,

Ismaal Qaadiree, Africa Qaadiree Austria

Saiyyid Munawar Alee Muhammad Ilyaas, High Haafiz Allaah Rakhah

Shaah Bukhaari [USA] Point [USA]

Maulana Muhammad Muhammad Hamzaah

Sheharyar Rahmaani
Muhsin Ashrafi Sajjaad [Rawalpindi]
[South Africa]
Muhammad Ilyaas Haaji Raheem-ud-Deen Shaiekh Manzoor Ahmad
Husaien [USA] Qureshi Qaadiree, Lahore

Ahmad Rasheed, South Haaji Muhammad Shaiekh Muhammad

Africa Husaien Memon Shafeeq, Lahore

Saiyyid Muhammad Muhammad Usmaan Peer Maqsood Ahmad

Junaied Qaadiree Qalandree Saeed, Raiwind

Al-Haajj Haneef Haroon Shaiekh Khaalid Rasheed Soofie Manzoor Ahmad,

Dhoraaji Naqshbandi, Faislabaad Wazirabad

Saiyyid Noorani Hafeez Shabbeer Ahmad Saud Khaleel Mughal,

Qaadiree Qaadiree, Maansehra Gujraanwala

Muhammad Iftikhaar
Muhammad Nawaaz, Muhammad Mustafaa Hasan Qaadiree, Saudi
USA [Deccan, India] Arab

Maalik Muhammad Ghulaam Rasool Muhammad Naadir Khan

Ramazaan Qaadiree Qaadiree

Shaiekh Fareed Nisaar Ghulaam Mustafaa Rizvi Shaiekh Umar Alee,

[India] [India] Rawalpindi

Maulana Muhammad Nadeem Niaaz

Abdul Ahad Hasan
Irfaan Qaadiree
Haaji Muhammad Anwar Maulana Allau ud Deen Muhammad Aalam
[Okarvi] Qaadiree Abbaasi

Muhammad Raashid Muhammad Irshaad Asghar Alee

Khan Qaadiree Abbaasi
Al-Haaj Shaiekh Haafiz Muhammad
Muhammad Zubaier-ud-
Muhammad Afzal, Naasir Qaadiree
Deen Qureshi
Muhammad Aarif Muhammad Altaaf Muhammad Noor Khan
Qureshi, China Qureshi Qaadiree Qaadiree

Saiyyid Samee Ul laah Muhammad Furqaan

Haaji Azeem Husaien Khan Laalee
Engineer Saiyyid Hamaad Saiyyid Shoaib Husaien
Junaied Liaquat
Haafiz Muhammad Junaid Razaa,
Saiyyid Saaqib Alee Bahawalpur
Shafee Noorani, Multan
Haroon Rasheed, Abu Muhammad Saleem Abdul Ghaffaar Dawood
Dhaabi Sunni
Saiyyid Islaam Shaah & Muhammad Parvaiez Muhammad Shafee
Brothers [USA] Ashraf [USA] Mehar [USA]

Gulraiz Qaadiree Aamir Khan Durraani Ahsaan Abdul Rahmaan

[Bahawalpur] [Austria]
Muhammad Ibraar Naseem Attaari
Shaiekh Shakeel Behaari
Qaadiree [Saudi Arab]
Saiyyid Mudabbir Muhammad Alee Ajab Chandiyo
Husaieni Taaleeya [UAE]
Maulana Muhammad Ahsaan Ul laah Qureshi
Rizwaan Maalik
Rafi Ul laah Qureshi
Waqaas Mustafaa Saiyyid Shaah Husaien
Kaashif Ayyoob Qureshi Rajaa

Shaiekh Adeel Liaquat & Maalik Babar Awaan

Shuja’at Siddiqui Kaukabi Qaadiree
Brothers [Paakpattan]

Al-Haaj Abdul Hameed, Muhammad Rabbi’ Muhammad Zaien

USA Husaien Kaukabi Qaadiree

Abdul Rafaay Shaiekh Hamzah Zafar Muhammad Aasif Khan

[Maani Shaiekh] [Okara]
Fahad Rahmaan Khan
Abdul Shakoor Rizwaan Aslam Kaukabi

Al-Haaj Maalik Saiyyid Shaarif Alee

Haaji Saajid Yaqoob Muhammad Khaleel Bukhaari
Muhammad Ameen Haseeb Ahmad Chaudhry
Muhammad Naasir
Baieg Qaadiree
Saiyyid Ikhlaaq Husaien Muhammad Mubashir Saiyyid Rehaan Alee
Shaah Razaa Chishtie

Haaji Zulfiqaar Alee

Umar Ahmad Siddiqui
Niaazi [Faislabaad]

Servants and Assistants/Volunteers

[Khaadmaien Wa Maawanaien]
Maulana Okarvi Academy [International]
Why there is Disagreement?
[Aaakir Ikhtilaaf Kyuun]

In coordination with Orator of the Nation Khateeb e Millat Allaamah Kaukab

Noorani Okarvi, Maulana Okarvi Academy (International) has produced a
video cassette and CD which has been immensely liked in the United States,
South Africa, United Kingdom and many other countries and it has improved
the Beliefs [Aqeedah] of thousands of people. You will be able to judge the
importance and quality of this cassette and CD just by watching it. It presents
the facts of the Sunni Barelvi and Deobandi Wahaabi differences that you may
have read or heard to some extent. Be sure to get these cassettes and CDs to
see the facts of this disagreement with irrevocable documentary evidence
and spread this cassette and CD to stay true to the Sect of truth [Maslak e
Haqq]. This cassette and CD are available at Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Maktab. There
is also a cassette of Allaamah Okarvi's famous TV program in which he quoted
from the books of Deobandi Scholars about the Shrines of Saints [Mazaaraat
e Auliyaa] and responded to Mr. Ehteraam-ul-Haqq Thanvi's sarcasm.
From: Maktab Gulzar-e-Habib (Gulzar-e-Habib Mosque)



Written By: Al-Haaj Saiyyid Abdul Maajid Waarsi

[Servant [Khaadim] of the Great Orator Khateeb e A’zam Maulana Muhammad
Shafee Okarvi]

It is a matter of many years ago that I was sleeping on my bed after Night
[Ieeshaa] Prayers when my father Saiyyid Abdul Rasheed late woke me up saying
“wake up son and hear the voice of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi
[Allaah have mercy on him] is coming from far away”. I got up, performed ablution, and
walked with my father in the same direction from which the voice of the Great
Orator’s Khateeb e A’zam speech was coming. Since we were residing in Liaquat
Abad at that time, we kept walking until we reached to the place where Hazrat
Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Allaah have mercy on him] was describing the
Meelaad Shareef in his own delightful way at the congregation of the Eid Meelaad
Un Nabee Jalsaa [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam]. We listened to Hazrat's speech till late
at night and returned to our homes after joining Hazrat's prayers after sending
Peace and Blessings [Salaat o Salaam]. Now it had become our routine that
whenever Hazrat Okarvi's congregation was held in any part of Liaquatabad, we did
not miss it because after listening to his speech, Faith [Ieemaan] was refreshed as
if a fresh scent of flowers was just rising from the garden.

Gradually and slowly, we had made it a habit to go far for listening to Hazrat's
speeches [khitaab]. Then it happened that we started offering Friday Prayers under
the Imaamat of Hazrat in Noor Masjid near Jubilee Market and from there we used
to write down the schedule of speeches for the whole week as the Great Orator
was the popular figure that in addition to the Noor Masjid in Karachi, people
themselves had made blackboards in three public places on which the dates and
places of Hazrat's weekly gatherings were written and were easily known to the
people. We would try to attend all the gatherings in the vicinity of Liaquatabad and
we also succeeded. When Hazrat started his speech at the Rahmaaniya Mosque of
Liaquatabad, on the subject of Martyrdom of Hazrat Imaam Husaien [Allaah be
pleased with him] on 10th of Muharram, we had had the chance to attend this
Exemplary Commendable Gathering. And by listening to the remembrance of
Hazrat Imaam Husaien [Allaah is well pleased with him] in that gathering, the Faith was
refreshed and the love of the Great Orator Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam for the Holy
Family [Ahle Baiet] was clear that undoubtedly, Hazrat holds a very high position in
the lovers of Holy Family. I used to start preparing several days in advance to attend
the Great Orator’s Khateeb e A’zam address regarding commemoration of the
Martyrdom in Ghaanchi Paarah with my father and other friends. And after
attending the commemoration of the Martyrdom of Hazrat Imaam Husaien [Allaah
is well pleased with him] in Ghaanchi Paarah, we used to return home late at night.

Once during the commemoration of Martyrdom, it happened in Ghaanchi

Paarah that Hazrat's speech had just started when suddenly clouds came, and it
started raining. When the people in the assembly started to get up, Hazrat said, "sit
down calmly, the rain will never start till the meeting continues”. And it really
happened that the rain stopped as if it had never started, and when we got home
it rained as if it would never stop. In short/brief, Hazrat Okarvi Saahib was unique
exclusive in his God-given [Khudaa Daad] qualities and was appreciated for his
Knowledge, grace and courage not only by known but also by the strangers.
Whether it was the National Assembly or the Majlis-e-Shuraa, whatever he said for
the System of Prophet [Nizaam e Mustafaa], was also appreciated respected by the
opponents and they took full advantage of Maulana Okarvi's Religious and
Scholarly services.
Whenever Hazrat delivered a speech in the National Assembly or Majlis-e-
Shuraa, no one had the courage to interfere in it. Rather, everyone listened to his
speech very carefully and tried to implement his suggestions as much as possible
and all the esteemed members of the Assembly and Majlis-e-Shuraa seemed to
support him. Hazrat was a Preacher of Inter-Muslim Unity and supported and
adhered to it all his life.

Hazrat devoted his whole life for the sake of System of Prophet [Nizaam e
Mustafaa] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and for the Honor of Prophethood [Namoos e
Risaalat] [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] and continued to fight/struggle for it till the last
moment. Despite doctors forbidding him, he used to address for three to four hours
after being diagnosed with heart disease and use to feel more refreshed and
energize than before. There are millions of virtues of Hazrat which even if many
books are written to describe them, it will not be enough. But one of his
Accomplishments [Kamaalaat] is that he gave to the whole world the Central
Organization of Maslaq e Haqq Jamaa’at-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat and to the people of
Karachi the gift of of Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Mosque. Where even until today his
accomplished gifted and most worthy of respect [Qaabil e Ahtiraam] son Allaamah
Dr. Kaukab Noorani Okarvi Saahib continues his mission and is spreading the
message of truth all over the world. Whatever he addresses every Friday before the
Prayers, is worth listening and implementing and there is no precedent for the
enjoyment of particularly Ramadaan gatherings.

We pray to Allaah Kareem, through the charity [sadqay] and means [tufaiel]
of His Beloved, Habeeb e Paak Saahib e Lau Laak [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] elevate
the ranks [darajaat] of the Great Orator Khateeb e A’zam of Pakistan, Hazrat
Allaamah Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Allaah have mercy on him] and grant him
the neighborhood of His Beloved in Paradise [Jannat ul Firdous]. Aameen

If Allaah Almighty wills, [In Shaa Allaah] Hazrat Khateeb e
A’zam [Allaah have Mercy on Him] 39th Annual Central Two-Day Holy
Urs Mubaarak will be celebrated on Thursday, Friday, February
17-18, 2022
In the Name of Allaah, The Most Gracious, The
VERY Most Merciful VERY
IMPORTANT Peace and Blessings be upon You, O the IMPORTANT
Prophet of Allaah
Peace and Allaah’s Blessings be upon you

We consider it necessary to inform all the friends who use Facebook that the
members of Maulana Okarvi Academy [International] have created on Facebook, a
fan page in the name of the academy, a fan page in the name of Orator of the
Nation Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okaravi, a fan page in the name of Hazrat
Allaamah Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi and a fan page in the name of
Jamiaah Mosque Gulzaar-e-Habeeb. Apart from these four, no page is official and
We request those who have created paged in the name of Orator of the Nation
Hazrat Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi to close all such pages so that there is no
scope for any misuse. Friends are requested not to think that any page other than
the following is correct and do not contact anyone other than those knowing our

The web pages listed below are made and managed by the members of the
Maulana Okarvi Academy [Al-Aalami]. We DO NOT have any other pages and
therefore are not responsible for the content on the unofficial sites.


Reviver of Ahl-e-Sunnat, Mujaddid Maslaak Ahle Sunnat Benefactor of

Country and Nation, Lover of Holy Prophet Aashiq e Rasool [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa
Sallam], Lover of Companions [Muhibb e Sahaaba] and Family of Batool [Aaal e
Batool], Beloved of Saints [Mahboob e Auliyaa], Khateeb e A’zam Hazrat Al-Haaj
Allaamah Qiblah Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi Qudus Sirah Al Baari [Allaah
have mercy on him] had announced with special permission that whoever has any need,
he should perform two Rak'ats of Nafl Prayers of need –[Namaaz e Haajat] and
pray to Allaah Ta’aalaa that he may fulfill my legitimate need through the means of
313 Companions of Badr [Asbaab e Badr] [Allaah be pleased with them] and I will give
313 Rupees in the name Companion of Badr for the construction of Jamiaah Masjid
Gulzaar-e-Habeeb [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] Gulistaan e Okarvi [Previous Soldier
Bazaar]. If Allaah wills, [In Shaa Allaah] his need will be met.

Praise be to Allaah! Alhamdu Lil Laah! Thousands of people have so far

benefited from this ‘Glad Tiding’ [Bashaarat] of the Great Orator Hazrat Khateeb e
A’zam [Allaah have mercy on him]. The legitimate work of the people is completed, the
Mosque is also undergoing construction, and the reward of ongoing charity
[Sadqah Jaariah] Alhamdu Lil Laah! is also received. With this living Mini Miracle
[Karamat] of Hazrat Maulana Okarvi [Allaah have mercy on him] you too can solve your
problem. This exemplary and unique Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Mosque is one of the oldest
and largest Mosques in Karachi, please cooperate in its construction. May Allaah
reward you for the good deed and give you Jazaa e Khaier.Aameen.
In Baluchistan province, Hazrat Maulana Abu Sa'ad Muftee Fateh
Muhammad Khan Baaro Zaee (Allaah have mercy on him) was a great scholar. He
passed away in December 2020. In our magazine of 33rd Annual Urs Shareef his
writing was published. Now, to give tribute to him, the English translation of it is
being presented to the readers. Translated by S.Y.Z Qaadiree


Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam)

Bismil Laahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Nahmaduhu Wa Nusallee Alaa Rasoolihil Kareem

Amongst these Divine Spiritual personalities and the Respected

Scholars, a most honourable active scholar is also the respected personality of
Hazrat Allaamah Muhammad Shafee Okarvi (Mercy on him). Whose august
existence, in his sanctified life, is an unexpected blessing for the bondsmen of the
Almighty Allaah for receiving eternal prosperity and is a very superior standard and
the truly ultimate practical model for success.

The Honorable Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam (Allaah have mercy on him) by

his heart-warming discourses, guidance and accomplished character gave the
hearts of the bondmen of Almighty Allaah the lesson of love of Sarwar-e-Kaaienaat
[The Chief of the Universe]. Mahboob-e-Rabb-ul- Aalameen [The Most Beloved of
the Creator of the Universe] the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam). Because
until the love of Huzoor Pur Noor [The Grand Prophet filled with Luminance/Divine
Light] the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam) is not more than even our own
parents, a person cannot be the processor of the Perfect Faith. AL Hamdu Lil Laah
[By the Grace of Allaah Almighty], he remained busy day and night in saving the
lively and flourishing Garden of this strong Religion from infidelity and ill-
religiousness, falsehood and wickedness and against the stormy wind of insolence
which arise to demean the status of the Prophet-hood and in enhancing its beauty
and elegance. This is the reason, that especially in Karachi, and all over Pakistan,
where ever his gatherings were held, there amid millions of faithful believers the
scent of the love of Sarwar-e-Kaunaien [The Chief of the Universe] the Holy Prophet
(Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam) is still passing onits fragrance.

Al Hamdu Lil Laah, after his departing, there was such an effect of his
complete favorable bounties on his eldest son, the respected Allaamah Kaukab
Noorani Okarvi (May Allaah continue his grace), that even today, there is still a gathering
of several thousands of people in the sacred Jaame Masjid Gulzaar-e-Habeeb, on
every Friday…...May Almighty Allaah by the Grace of His Blessed Beloved keep
Allaamah Kaukab Noorani alive for a long time with everlasting health and safety.
So that, the Garden of love and adoration which Hazrat Allaamah Muhammad
Shafee Okarvi (Allaah have mercy on him) had sowed, Allaamah Kaukab Noorani (May
Allaah continue his grace) would keep it flourishing. Aameen Summa Aameen [So
be it again so be it]

Hazrat Allaamah Muhammad Shafee Okarvi (Allaah have mercy on him)

has two other worthy sons. The three of the brothers by the grace of the good
supplications of their respected father possessthe visible qualities of good
character and behavior, humility and humbleness, hospitality and refinement. This
world is filled with many eloquent speakers, expertise of language, sweet voiced,
pleasant speakers. But Aashiq-e-Rasool [The true Lover of the Holy Prophet [Sallal
Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam], Fanaafir-Rasool [Most completely Devoted in the love of
the Holy Prophet Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam] Hazrat Allaamah Al Haaj Muhammad
Shafee Okarvi (Allaah have mercy on him), Shahbaaz-e-Khitaabat [The Soaring Flyer of
Oration], Peer-e-Tareeqat [The Grand Guide of Spiritual Path], Fakhr-e-Ahle Sunnat
[The Pride of Ahle Sunnat], had such proficiency on the skill of Oration that in
whichever gathering he would go and give a speech he would captivate it and the
gathering would be somewhat in a spell-bound state. It would feel in the hearts
that there is no one present there beside Allaamah Okarvi. In which ever topic he
would express his thoughts none of its aspect would remain thirsty.
From every word of this discourse the scent of the love of the Holy
Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam) would be fragrant. Where ever he would make
a speech, the flags of the opponents would hang down. The immense love of the
Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam) was the wealth, asset and the title of his
life. It was also the love and devotion of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa
Sallam) that all his life he gave the lesson of the love of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu
'Alaiehi Wa Sallam). Along with the skills of oration and discourse, the passion of
association which Almighty Allaah had bestowed him with pen and paper, it was
also one of its own kind.…… His pen would be used for the support and the truth
fulness of the Religion and to uncover the ill-fadedness of the enemies of Islaam.
The sacred pen of Allaamah Okarvi (Allaah have mercy on him) never came in action
for the greed of wealth. As said by the Imaam of Ahle Sunnat Shaah Ahmad Razaa
Khan Faazil-e-Barelvi (Allaah have mercy on him),

Karuun Midh-e-Ahle Duwal Razaa

Pa`ray Is Balaa Mayn Mayree Balaa
I would praise the wealthy worldly people
Why would my misery fall in this misery
Mayn Gadaa Huun Apnay Kareem Kaa
Mayraa Deen Paraa-e-Naan Naheen
I am the beggar of the Most Gracious Beloved Prophet
My religion is not a piece of bread

It is also the quality of his writings [books] that it is full of evidences and free from
violence, and bitterness. The books which has passed through my glance [this
humble person] are the following; Zikr-e-Haseen, Imaam Paak Aur Yazeed Paleed,
Raah-e-Aqeedat, Dars-e-Tauheed Apnay Aaeenay Mayn, Sawaabul Ibaadaat Ilaa
Arwaahil Amwaat, Zikr-e-Jameel, Barakaat-e-Meelaad, Raah-e-Haqq, (Anmbiyaa
Aur Auliyaa Ko Nidaa Ka Jawaaz), Safeenah-e-Nuuh, Namaaz Mutarjam, Anwaar-e-
Risaalat….. Whenever I [this humble person] had the chance of going to Karachi,
then definitely I would have the honour of meeting the respected Hazrat Khateeb-
e-A'zam (Allaah have mercy on him).

In the province of Baluchistan, the most initial establishment of

the organization of Jamaa'at-e-Ahle Sunnat was found by Hazrat Maulana Okarvi
(Allaah have mercy on him). And it was him who raised the voice of Truth with passion
and zeal for the True Path of Ahle Sunnat. Many times, I [this humble person]
invited the respected Hazrat (Allaah have mercy on him) for giving lectures in the
gatherings in Quetta, Sibbi, Mastung, which he never discarded, even though he
was also always very busy in Karachi. He would come here after travelling by such
a long journey, but he would never disappoint us. He would enlighten the hearts of
the audience by describing the attributes and the qualities of the Beloved of
Almighty Allaah the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam). May Almighty Allaah
elevates his statuses. And would fill his sacred grave with His blessings. Aameen
Summa Aameen

We are very delighted that after the departing of the respected Hazrat Khateeb-
e-A'zam (Allaah have mercy on him) his blessed son Allaamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
(May Allaah continue his grace) is full-filling the Masnad (legacy/inheritance) of his
respected father in the best possible ways. After the departing of his respected
father, he has also made dynamic efforts in bringing the remaining construction
work of the blessed Jaame Masjid Gulzaar-e-Habeeb to its completion. Also, is
fulfilling the obligation of oration more than the expectations. He has also done
remarkable magnificence in the field of writing publications and books. The book
which the respected Allaamah Saahib has written after the departing of his
respected mother, that book is filled with the feeling of such emotions that even if
the reader has the heart of a stone, then also, tears will flow from his eyes. It is our
supplication may Almighty Allaah increase his power of writing even more. Aameen
Summa Aameen

This bondsman prays, that the respected son, the gracious one, Allaamah
Saahib by staying energetic with hand and body would keep flourishing Ahle Sunnat
with his bountiful qualities. Aameen Summa Aameen

Written by the Chief Jaame Faiezul Uloom, Naqshbandiyah, Qaadiriyah

Ghareebabaad, Sibbi (Baluchistan)
Maulana Muhammad Saadiq Razaa Misbaahee is a known scholar amid
the Indian Sunni Scholars. His Urdu writing was printed in the 27th.
Annual Magazine of the Urs Shareef. The English translation of his brief
but excellent writing is being presented to the readers.
Translated by S.Y.Z Qaadiree


Today, as I am seated and trying to search my past, a very important

and eminent name has started to shine on the forehead of my thoughts. Al Hamdu
Lil Laah [By the Grace of Almighty Allaah], my respected father is religious and he
has done adequate reading of Islaamiyaat. He has inclination towards the speeches
and the books of the Scholars of Ahle Sunnat. I am recalling, it was him from whose
tongue for the very first time, I heard the name of Khateeb-e-A'zam Pakistan,
Mujaddid-e-Maslak-e-A'laa Hazrat, Hazrat Allaamah Muhammad Shafee Okarvi
(Allaah have mercy on him). In our house, there were two cassettes of Hazrat Khateeb-
e-A'zam Pakistan, which were on the topic of Shahaadat-e-Imaam Husaien (Allaah
is well-pleased with him). On these cassettes the photo of Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam
Pakistan was printed. From these cassettes I had the honour of hearing the
speeches of Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam for the very first time. Even today, I still feel
the radiance of his speech in my mind. Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam in this speech has
explained the events and Philosophy of Karbalaa with such soul melting and heart
touching way that we people would be filled with tears. He himself would cry and
also make others cry. In our house during the month of Muharram-ul Haraam,
especially in the first ten days [Ashraa-e-Awwal] daily in the morning and the
evening these cassettes of Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam were played. Sadly, now I do
not know, where this precious wealth is hiding in the things and belongings of the

Thus, these are the elementary imprints by which the composition of my

devotion and acquaintance with Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam has been developed.
Maybe, I might have read one or two books of Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam Pakistan.
Though even till today after the mentioned speech I don't have the privilege of
hearing any other speech. Anyhow, whenever the blessed name of his most
dignified son, the internationally acclaimed Orator Hazrat Maulana Doctor Kaukab
Noorani Okarvi dissolves nectar in my ears then,the last name "Okarvi" of the
respected name of Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam Pakistan glues its image in my mind.
Also, the radiance of the mentioned speeches once again starts becoming the
delight of my listening. I have heard that the speeches of the respected Hazrat
Maulana Kaukab Noorani Saahib also seems like the second edition of his respected
father. What should we say about Maulana Kaukab Noorani Saahib! Due to his
individualistic style of speechifying, his extraordinary victorious endeavors, the
firmness of his beliefs, and his struggle of inviting and propagation he has become
a well-known personality all over the world. He has received the intellectual and
practical wealth of his respected father in his legacy and he is busy in distributing it
with both the hands. May Almighty Allaah extensively spread his shadow even
more and more.
Khateeb-e-A'zam Pakistan, Mujaddid-e-Maslak-e-A'laa Hazrat, Hazrat
Allaamah Muhammad Shafee Okarvi (Allaah have mercy on him) is amongst those
highly respected pious legends whose prorogating endeavor's will remain as
radiantly glowing light [torch] in History. In the field of oration, there is no one
comparable to him. With his extinguishing falsehood and blazing speeches the
Garden of Knowledge and Graciousness has echoed with the poetry of Maulana
Ahmad Razaa (Allaah have mercy on him). Undoubtedly, he was an ambassador of A'laa
Hazrat.In expressing and spreading the mission of Imaam Ahmad Razaa Qadiree
Barelvi (Allaah have mercy on him) his outstanding efforts are worth writing with the
water of gold. In this Path, the respected Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam had to face many
difficulties. He also went through the stages of sentence and imprisonment, while
assassination attacks were also done on him, but tremor was never felt in his firm
feet of steadfastness and the torches of the love of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu
'Alaiehi Wa Sallam) which were radiant in his heart, he kept enlightening the hearts
of the people by its radiance. As if there was an ocean of heart-warming feelings
embedded in the discourses of Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam (Allaah have mercy on him).
He himself was drowned in it and the listening would also sink in it. The ecstasy of
his speech would have such an effect on the listeners that they would be captivated
by his discourses. In oration Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam was a proficient genius.
Everyone, the friends and the strangers [opponents] also acknowledge the
supremacy of his Oration. He would select the topic of his speech according to the
temperament and the state of the listeners. Then without getting tired he would
keep on talking on it. The elements of stress on the firmness of correct believes,
emphasize on correcting the manners, lessons of associations with Pious people,
striking the heads of false-hood and evil beliefs, the uplifting of Truth fulness, and
the love of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam) could be selectively
extracted from the speeches of Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam (Allaah have mercy on him).
His discourses would be embellished with intellectual and traditionally copied
evidences. His way of oration would be such that the listener would strongly remain
glued to the True Beliefs of Ahle Sunnat. The spreading and propagation of True
Beliefs of Ahle Sunnat was his main and especial mission, which has élite up his
work and name from "Okara" and spread it all over the world.

The love of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam) was the first and
the most initial ingredient of his nurturing (Mixed in his Ghutee/the initial sweet
thing that is given to a child after his birth). The yeast of his oration was raised by
the syrup of the love of the Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu 'Alaiehi Wa Sallam). He would
create such an environment during the speech that the listeners would be
enthralled with the emotions of excessive love [Wajd]. Even the legendary Scholars,
Spiritual masters and the learned wise-people and intellectuals of his era would
also accept the importance, the significant meaning and the intended object of his
orations. Once Hazrat Muftee Waqaarud Deen (Allaah have mercy on him) said about
his speech, "There is a need of further increasing the circle of discourses of Maulana
Okarvi Saahib. His gathering should be held in different places so that the populace
of Ahle Sunnat could be saved from the storm of ill-Beliefs." (Al Khateeb, Edition-
26, pg.41). Beside the speeches, he has also written several books which have
become popular amongst the general and the noble people. The basis topic of
these books is also the correction of the Muslim Ummah. These books are worth a
lot of importance for the thinking and the practical purification of Muslim Nation.
By this way, both the pen and tongue of Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam (Allaah have mercy
on him) had became the means of expression of the Truth and he left the world by
being honoured by it.

His endeavors had tied the titles like the "Khateeb-e-A'zam," and Mujaddid-
e-Maslak-e-A'laaHazrat," on his fore-head. On international level through his
discourses he did the propagation and spreading of Maslak-e-A'laa Hazrat meaning
Maslak Ahle Sunnat. He was not only a Scholar or Orator rather he was also a Truly
Complete Walee [Friend of Allaah], thousands of incidents of his Saint-hood are
extensively spread out.

Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam Pakistan has a very significant role in the formation

and extension of the non-political international Movement of propagation and
teaching, "Da'wat-e-Islaami." It was Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam who for the very first
time gave the permission of inviting, propagating and spreading Hazrat Maulana
Muhammad Ilyaas Attaar Qaadiree in Karachi, at Masjid Gulzaar-e-Habeeb.
Continuously for several years Da'wat-e-Islaami kept working in this Masjid.
Whenever the history of Da'wat-e-Islaami will be written the details of the efforts
of Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam Pakistan will definitely find a place. Undoubtedly,
Hazrat Khateeb-e-A'zam Pakistan (Allaah have mercy on him) is that most distinguished
personality of the past whose services are accepted by the world. Until the eyes of
the Era does not close, his services will remain radiant in the topics of History like
a radiant light. May Almighty Allaah shower the rain of Mercy and Noor
[Luminance/Divine Light] on his blessed grave and may give us blessings through
his grace.

written by
Maulana Muhammad Saadiq Razaa Misbaahee,
Mumbai, INDIA
Doli-Khataa, Gulistaan-e-Okarvi [Soldier Bazar], KARACHI
Phone No: [021] 3225 6532
Branch Code: [UBL] 0699
IBAN No: PK64UNIL0112069901020247
For those from across the country who wish to send donations for the construction and
development of Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Mosque, Jaamiah Islaamia Gulzaar-e-Habeeb and
Maulana Okarvi's Holy Shrine, [Mazaar Shareef] there is an "Online banking" facility
available that they can deposit money in their nearest United Bank branch by entering
our account number and branch code. This way there will be no need to make money
orders or bank drafts. These friends are requested to send us a photocopy of the bank
deposit slip whenever they make a donation so that there is no difficulty in accounting.

1. Jaamiah Masjid Gulzaar-e-Habeeb

Account No : A/C # 010-2024-7
Branch Code : (UBL) 0699
IBAN : PK64UNIL0112069901020247

2. Jaamiah Islaamia Gulzaar-e-Habeeb

Account No : A/C # 010-2619-5
Branch Code : (UBL) 0699
IBAN : PK03UNIL0112069901026195

3. Holy Shrine [Mazaar Shareef] of Maulana Okarvi

4. Account No : A/C # 010-1344-9
5. Branch Code : (UBL) 0699
6. IBAN : K86UNIL0112069901013449

(All these three accounts are being maintained in United Bank Limited,
Kiyaani Road, Karachi Branch)
Donations given to Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Trust are exempted from Income

Doli-Khataa, Gulistan-e-Okarvi (Soldier Bazar), Karachi
Phone: (021) 3225 6532
Maulana Okarvi Academy (International) has set up a department to
preserve and disseminate/propagate the intellectual brilliances of the love of
the Prophet and laden with spiritual insights, speeches of the reviver of Ahl-
e-Sunnat, Mujadid e Maslak Ahle Sunnat the Great Orator Khateeb e A’zam
Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Shafee Okarvi [Allaah have mercy on him]. So far,
speeches on about 500 important topics have been preserved. We intend to
preserve all these speeches in the form of books. If Allaah wills. [In Shaa

You will be able to guess from listening to these speeches that even
today these speeches are invaluable assets in terms of rightness of truth and
falseness of falsehood.

There are also video cassettes on ten topics. Get these cassettes of
speeches yourself and present them to your friends too, of course these are
precious gifts.
Maulana Okarvi Academy International (Recording & Publishing Division)
53-B, Sindhi Muslim Society, Karachi – Phone 3452 1323

In 1973, Mujadid e Maslak e Ahle Sunnat Khateeb e A’zam Hazrat Maulana
Muhammad Shafee Okarvi, the reviver of Ahl-e-Sunnat sect [Allaah have Mercy on him]
in Doli Khataa, Gulistaan e Okarvi [Soldier Bazaar] Karachi in 1900 started the
reconstruction of Gulzaar-e-Habeeb Mosque by establishing Gulzaar-e-Habeeb
[Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] Trust on the land dedicated to the Mosque. 1n 1980 under
the Gulzaar-e-Habeeb [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] Trust the Jaamia Islaamia Gulzaar-
e-Habeeb [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] was started. Praise be to Allaah, Alhamdu Lil Laah!
construction work is in progress according to the proposed map. Please coordinate
for the completion of these institutions yourself and also encourage friends in your
circle of influence. May Allaah Ta’aalaa reward you with Jazaa e Khaier. The
Mausoleum [Mazaar Mubaarak] of the Great Orator Hazrat Khateeb e A’zam is also
being constructed in the premises of Gulzaar-e-Habeeb osque.
GULZAAR-E-HABEEB [Sallal Laahu Alaieh Wa Sallam] TRUST
Gulistaan-e-Okarvi [Soldier Bazaar], Karachi – Phone: [021] 3225 6532
[Account No. Jaamiah Mosque Gulzaar-e-Habeeb 010-2024-7
[Jaamiah Islaamia, Gulzaar-e-Habeeb 010-2619-5] UBL, Kiaani Shaheed Road
Branch Karachi

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