Science - Gingerbread Science 3

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Subject/Grade: Science/ Grade 1 Lesson/Date: December 10, 2020 Time: 1 hr

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson This is our last day of Gingerbread science and today we will be making bridges to
Overview: help the gingerbread man cross the river. We will be working with marshmallows
and toothpicks in order to build our bridge.
GOs: Students will: Building things
- construct objects using a variety of different materials
- identify the purpose of different components in a personally constructed
object or model and identify corresponding components in a related object or
SOs: Students will: select appropriate materials such as papers, plastics, woods and design
and build objects based on different kinds of construction
- boats
- bridges
- identify components of personally constructed objects and describe the
- compare to objects that have been constructed for the same purpose
- recognize that products are often developed for specific purposes
Learning Students will: Be able to construct a boat and a bridge to help the gingerbread man
Objectives get over the river and describe why they chose those things to build.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Their planning page and ability to Summative Their bridges.
Assessment work in a group. Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Get marshmallows and toothpicks Resources: - gingerbread journals
Lesson: for the class to make the bridge - toothpicks
- marshmallows
- gingerbread men
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
3 min Introduction: We will review the story again for students that
weren’t here and talk to them about how we made our boats
yesterday. Ask the students what some really important parts of
making their boats were and why they were so important.
Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning: Review words that
we have learned like observation, investigation and brainstorm.
Transition: bring out their journals
7 min Body: Do you guys remember yesterday when we were
brainstorming different ways that we could help the gingerbread
man cross the river? What were some of those ways again? Well
today we are going to build a bridge! I am so excited! Do you
remember what we did yesterday before we were able to build
the bridge? We had to make a plan, we are going to do that today
too. Think about how your bridge would have to look in order for
the gingerbread man to cross it. Before we do our plan, let's
brainstorm some important things that you need for your bridge?
flat surface to walk on, railing so gingerbread man doesn’t fall off.
Subject/Grade: Science/ Grade 1 Lesson/Date: December 10, 2020 Time: 1 hr

They will be doing this in pairs.

5 min Learning Activity 1: They will start their plan and wait for me to I will walk
check it before they can build. around to help
those who are
Transition: get materials
20-25 Learning Activity 2: Build their bridge using marshmallows and Probably need
min toothpicks as a team. It needs to sit between two books and act as lots of hands on
a bridge. help with this,
watch for
students getting
Transition: test it
10 min Learning Activity 3: While they are testing their bridges they need
to pay really close attention. After they are done they will write
down the results in their journals if their bridge worked or not.
Transition: clean up
7 min Consolidation: After everyone has cleaned up we will write one last
sentence in our journals, “I can help the gingerbread man cross the
river”, finish their pictures and add more details as they wait.
3 min Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class: Talk about what
worked and what didn’t work, what were their results, what
techniques did they use.
Stage 4: Reflection
This went way longer than I expected. Definitely a fun lesson and the students loved it, but it
took almost 2 hours to complete it. The students stayed pretty engaged the whole time but it
meant that they missed other things that we were supposed to do in the day. If I was to do
this again I would either plan it for just a longer block of time, or split it between two days.
The only thing about splitting it between two days is that the marshmallows would harden and
they might not be able to work on them for the second day. It would definitely be something
that I have to think about if I did this again with a future class. If I did this again I would also
look into the planning more. Maybe show them videos or go more in depth about what the
different strategies are to building a bridge so that they could learn and decide more on how
to effectively build a bridge. Overall though it was a fun lesson that the students enjoyed and
helped them gain experience in team building.

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