Appendix 1 - AK-QF-FO-6 - Cash Float Contract

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I hereby acknowledge the receipt of cash in the amount of DHS XXXX/- (AED XXXXXXXXXXXX).

Hereafter referred to as the “Hotel Cash Float” from “HOTEL NAME”, which I am to use in performing
my duties as “Designation”.

In accepting this cash float, I agree as follows-

To be responsible for the safekeeping of the cash float, returning it entirely upon the request of my
employer or when my employment terminates.

To keep the cash float in a safe deposit box assigned to me at all times when not in use and to guard the
key thereto carefully, keeping the key in my personal possession.

The funds of this cash float will at all times remain the property of my employer. I will utilize the funds
only in the performance of my related duties and will not combine, mix or confuse these funds with any
funds of my own. I will not use such funds for any personal purpose.

To permit auditing of the cash float at any time by the Controller or nominated representative and to
pay any shortages discovered by such audit immediately upon demand of my employer. Not to transfer
or deliver the cash float or any part thereof to any other person unless approved in writing by the Chief
Accountant / Financial Controller.

To comply with all rules and regulations concerning the cash float as may be established by my employer
from time to time.

Cash Float Received by Cash Float Approved by

Name Name

Designation Designation Chief Accountant

Signature Signature

Date Date

Issue Approved by Hotel Manager: Issue Approved by FC:

Signature and Date Signature and Date:

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