Process Approach-Tqm Study

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All organizations use processes to achieve their objectives. A process is set of

interrelated or interacting activities that use inputs to deliver an intended result .The
process approach includes establishing the organization’s processes to operate as an
integrated and complete system.

The purpose of the process approach is to enhance an organization's

effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its defined objectives. Process effectiveness
and efficiency are usually assessed through internal or external review processes.

The process approach means establishing an organisation's processes to

operate as an integrated and complete system. The process approach can facilitate the
implementation of any management system and the benefits are significant: A focus on
the more important (“high‐risk”) processes and their outputs.

PDCA is a tool that can be used to manage processes and systems. PDCA
stands for: P Plan: set the objectives of the system and processes to deliver results
(“What to do”and “how to do it”) D Do: implement and control what was planned.C
Check: monitor and measure processes and results against policies, objectives and
requirements and report results. A Act: take actions to improve the performance of
processes. PDCA operates as a cycle of continual improvement, with risk‐based
thinking at each stage.

Processes use resources to transform inputs into outputs. They are

interconnected because the output from one process often becomes the input for
another process.

“Turtle Diagram” is a great tool for visualizing process characteristics. Processes

are made up of inputs, outputs, criteria, etc, and a Turtle Diagram visualizes a process
to assist in their effective execution and improvement. The diagram looks like the body
of a turtle, with components as body, legs, head, and tail.

Benefits of Using Turtle Diagrams.Turtle Diagrams allow you to look at the entire
process, as well as the communication and mapping of interrelated processes with
relevant functions and levels within the organization. Turtle Diagrams can help both
management and the workforce better understand the process. The diagram helps
layout the framework in an easy to follow fashion, and can identify gaps in the
organization’s structure.

Benefits of process approach; A focus on the more important (“high‐risk”)

processes and their outputs; Improved understanding, definition and integration of
interdependent processes; Systematic management of planning, implementation,
checks and improvement of processes and the management system as a whole;better
use of resources and increased accountability; more consistent achievement of the
policies and objectives, intended results and overall performance; process approach
can facilitate the implementation of any management system; enhanced customer
satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.



How to use Turtle Diagrams. (2020, March 30). IATF 16949 Store.

Process Approach to Management – IspatGuru. (n.d.). Ispatguru. Retrieved October 13,

2020, from

The Process Approach In Iso 9001:2015. (n.d.). International Organization for

Standardization. Retrieved October 13, 2020, from

K&N Management, Inc. is the owner and operator of Mighty Fine Burgers, Fries
and Shakes as well as the licensed area developer of Rudy’s Country Store & Bar-B-Q,
in Texas. K&N started with a limited menu driven by high quality food, speed of service,
and a focus on doing a few things excellently instead of many things just average. Ken
Schiller and Brian Nolen, the owners started K&N Management in Austin in 1993 with
the goal of guaranteeing that every guest is delighted. K&N Management was created
based on their common love of excellence, which drives the organization to excel in
everything it does. By 2005, the company had expanded from one to four Rudy’s
locations. In 2009, after only two years of operation, Mighty Fine Burgers, Fries and
Shakes, boasting an innovative concept in fast-casual food, demonstrated that it was
one of the best start-up fast-casual concepts in the nation. That year, they added two
additional stores to their rapidly growing chain.

With their mission: “To Guarantee Every Guest is Delighted Because of Me” and
Vision: “To be the best restaurant operation in America”, they come up with excellent
process management framework.

FIGURE 5.7 Process Management Framework at K & N Management

Source: Adapted from 2010 K&N Management Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
Award Application summary,

Customers require high-quality food served quickly and accurately by friendly

team members (K&N’s terminology for their employees) in a clean environment. This
requires well-defined processes with clearly defined requirements and measurements.
K&N uses a comprehensive system for process management that incorporates design,
control, and improvement (Figure 5.7). Design of work processes is linked to product
offerings; as new or improved products are designed (boxes 1-3 in Figure 5.7), redesign
of work processes may be necessary. First, equipment needs are analyzed, based on
the equipment capability requirements and selection characteristics (boxes 4 and 5).
Next, workforce needs are determined, including the design of workstations and the
capabilities needed in the workforce (boxes 6 and 7). Design of the operations
addresses quality requirements, process efficiency, and operating procedures (boxes 8,
9, and 10). Because the restaurant industry experiences seasonal fluctuations, K&N
designs work processes to meet varying levels of demand. Cycle time (boxes 4, 5, 6,
and 10), productivity (box 9), and cost control factors (boxes 5, 10, and 13) are
considered during the design/redesign process.

Process control and improvement are addressed in the remaining steps of the
process (boxes 11-15). This includes mapping and documenting the process, training
team members, replicating (i.e., implementing) the process to all applicable areas,
measuring and auditing to specifications, and evaluation and improvement. K&N applies
lean principles and removes non-value-added steps from the process in order to
improve quality and productivity. Employee training in self-management includes basic
knowledge of how to identify and correct problems, and the critical importance of not
passing on product that does not fully meet the standard.

In K & N Management Framework, each process is designed so the process

requirements are translated to operational steps, which are a set of behaviors and
methods that if they are performed to standard will result in the product meeting
standards. K&N uses measures to control process output using visual standards that
allow team members to see if standards are being met.

Following the process steps and the associated behaviors and methods, along
with visual standards, provides inprocess controls. In most work processes there are in-
process indicators which show if the process is performing to standard. For example,
team A members check portion weights and visually compare the product to standards.
If the fries do not look like the right color coming out of the fryer, team members correct
or throw out the product. Various checks are used as mistake-proofing devices. For
example, every burger is checked with the guest’s order before wrapping; the cashier
reads back the order to the guest to verify it is complete; team members use a triple-
check system to verify accuracy on Group Meal orders; and the cashier checks items off
of a to-go pad before placing them in the to-go bag.

Each operation is designed so the team member is in a state of self-control,

meaning that they know the standards, have the skills to check to see if the process
output meets the standards, and is empowered to correct it or stop the product unless it
meets 100 percent of the standards. Team members are given the necessary coaching,
materials, and knowledge of, and access to, equipment. They are provided with an
understanding of the process, standards, and expectations for results. They are
empowered with the ability to not only carry out the process, but to stop the process if
anything is found to be less than 100 percent compliant with the standards.

Data that indicate the need for work process improvements come from
operations inspections, process audits, team members, and guest feedback. Even
senior leaders use a systematic approach for evaluating and improving their own work
processes. Work process improvements and lessons learned are deployed to other
locations in order to integrate organizational learning and innovation. If new process or
a process change is approved, the standard is changed, and it is rolled out to all
applicable locations. After the change is implemented, an audit is performed using the
new standard and discrepancies are corrected. When the cause of a problem is not
known, a special problem-solving process is used. This includes finding the root cause
of the problem, determining the best solution, designing an improvement and
implementing it, determining if the results are positive, and if so, standardizing the
solution. The problem-solving process has assisted K&N in reducing variability in
processes across the organization, improving production and service processes, and
achieving better performance.

Hence, it is vital that team members are united in ensuring that process
management activities are implemented flawlessly and seamlessly.


Today K&N Management employs nearly 500 team members in the Austin area.

ItsRudy’s North Austin location is the number one-ranked restaurant in food sales

persquare foot out of approximately 67,000 total restaurants in Texas. The company

also created an innovative breakfast program that does more business than similar

concepts do in a full day. In addition, more than $3.5 million per year in single-unit sales

and world-class guest satisfaction ratings during the first two years indicate that Mighty.

K&N Management, became the first Austin company to win the highly coveted

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award bestowed annually by the president of the

United States. It’s the second time in the award’s 22-year history that a restaurant has

won for a company’s overall excellence. K&N Management are winners of the 2010
Texas Award for Performance Excellence and are 2010 recipients of the Malcolm

Baldrige National Quality Award which recognize them as role models in business. Their

vision is “to become world famous by delighting one guest at a time.”

Awarded in 2010, K&N Management is just the second restaurant group to be

recognized with the prestigious national honor. The award is a tremendous validation of
how K&N Management compares to other companies across the country and
establishes it as a role model business. The recognition is extremely important to K&N
Management because it affirms our 10-year journey towards achieving a world-class
level of excellence. The award is given to role model organizations that demonstrate
exceptional performance in areas of management including leadership, strategic
planning, customer service, workforce focus, process management, data analysis
knowledge management, and results.

REFERENCE: (n.d.-b). Chegg Study. Retrieved October 19, 2020, from

K&N Management. (2019, November 16). NIST.


K&N Management Company Fact Sheet. (n.d.). K & N Management, Inc. Retrieved
October 19, 2020, from

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