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Jessica Pepper Pot

(First Paragraph): 20th March 2020, A girl named Jessica is at her restraunt cooking herself some
breakfast. Jessica is from Minnesota, Saint Paul. She is 15 years old and grew with her Grandparents. Her
Mother died when she was 3 and her father was in jail due to robbery. She had no one left except her
grandparents. Jessica loved cooking and baking. Her biggest inspiration was her Grandpa. Her Grandpa
was a Chef in the 90’s.

(Second Paragraph): Jessica’s restraunt is called Jessica Darling. She has learned all about being a Chef
and learned all the recipes her Grandpa taught. She sometimes makes her own recipes too. Her
restaurant is one of the best in town as well as in the world. One day she made a dish called Pepper Pot.
It is an American dish. She decided to make it because people haven’t made it since the 60’s. A lot of
people miss that dish. When Jessica made the dish, she put posters around the restraunt so everyone
could try. People rushed in like hungry wolves. She was glad that she made this dish. People like this this
because of the cinnamon taste that Jessica added. Since then, people always eat at Jessica Darling. The
taste of the food there is just out of the world.

(third Paragraph): Her Grandparents were so proud of her that they wish that her parents could see how
far she has come. Jessica’s passion and business never stopped. People wanted to be hired in her
restraunt. Her business grew and grew. She started recruiting more people. Until one day she retired
and wanted her best friend in charge.

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