Activity 1: Follow My Path: Case 1

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Jachelle C.

Atenta Einstein

Activity 1: Follow my Path

Case 1
a. positive number
b. odd degree
c. rising to the right and falling to the left

Case 2

a. negative number
b. odd number
c. rising to the left and falling to the right

Case 3
a. positive number
b. even degree
c. rising to the left and right

Case 4
a. negative number
b. even degree
c. falling to the right and left

Sample Polynomial Function Leading Degree: Behavior of the Possible

Coefficient: n Even or Odd Graph: Rising or Falling Sketch
> 0 or n < 0 Left-hand Right-hand
1. y = 2𝑥3 − 7𝑥2 − 7x + 12 n>0 odd falling rising

2. y = −𝑥5 + 3𝑥4 + 𝑥3 − 7𝑥2 + 4 n<0 odd rising falling

3. y = 𝑥4 − 7𝑥2 + 6x n>0 even rising rising

4. y = −𝑥4 + 2𝑥3 + 13𝑥2 − 14x − 24 n<0 even falling falling

Summarize your findings from the four cases above. What do you observe if:
1. The graph is falling to the left and rising to the right.
2. The graph is rising to the left and falling to the right.
3. The graph is rising both left and right side.
4. The graph is falling both left and right side.

Activity 2: How should I pass through?

Root or Zero Multiplicity Characteristic Behavior of Graph
of Relative to x-axis at
Multiplicity: this Root: Crosses
Odd or Even or Is Tangent to
-2 2 even tangent to x-axis
-1 3 odd crosses the x- axis
1 4 even tangent to x-axis
2 1 odd crosses the x- axis

a. it is tangent to x-axis
b. it crosses the x-axis

Activity 3: Count Me In

Polynomial Function Degree Number of Turning

1. y = 𝑥4 4 1
2. y = 𝑥4 − 2𝑥2 −15 4 3
3. y = 𝑥5 5 1
4. y = 𝑥5 + 𝑥3 – 2x + 1 5 2
5. y = 𝑥5 - 5𝑥3 + 4x 5 4

a. I noticed that the number of turning points of the quartic functions (numbers 1 and 2) are
odd numbers of turning points while in quintic functions (numbers 3 to 5) are even
numbers except number 3.
b. No it is not possible for the degree of a function to be less than the number of turning
points because to the number of turning points is equal to n (degree of term) – 1 but you
can’t use this formula all the like in number 1 and 3.
c. The relation of the number of turning points of a function with its degree n is that the
turning points in the graph of a polynomial must be less than the degree of the

Activity 4: It’s Your Turn, Show Me?

1. y = −(x + 3)(x +1)2(2x −5)

y = -2𝑥4 - 5𝑥3 + 11𝑥2 + 29x + 15
a. leading term
b. end behaviors
falling to the left and falling to the right
c. x-intercepts
-3, -1, 2.5
d. multiplicity of roots
-3 multiplicity of 1, -1 multiplicity of 2 and -2.5 multiplicity of 1
e. y-intercept
f. number of turning points
g. sketch
2. y = (𝑥2− 5)(x −1)2(x − 2)3
y = 𝑥7 - 8𝑥6 + 20𝑥5 + 2𝑥4 - 97𝑥3 + 182𝑥2 – 140x + 40
a. leading term
b. end behaviors
falling to the left and rising to the right
c. x-intercepts
-√5, 1, 2, √5
d. multiplicity of roots
-√5 multiplicity of 1, 1 multiplicity of 2, 2 multiplicity of 3, √5 multiplicity of 1
e. y-intercept
f. number of turning points
g. sketch

3. y = −𝑥3 + 2𝑥2− 2x + 4
a. leading term
b. end behaviors
rising to the left and falling to the right
c. x-intercepts
d. multiplicity of roots
2 multiplicity of 1
e. y-intercept
f. number of turning points
g. sketch
4. y = 𝑥2(𝑥2−7)(2x + 3)
y = 2𝑥5 + 3𝑥4 - 14𝑥3 - 21𝑥2
a. leading term
2𝑥 5
b. end behaviors
falling to left and rising to the right
c. x-intercepts
−√7, -1.5, 0, √7
d. multiplicity of roots
−√7 multiplicity of 1, -1.5 multiplicity of 1, 0 multiplicity of 2, √7 multiplicity
of 1
e. y-intercept
f. number of turning points
g. sketch

5. y = 2𝑥4 −3𝑥3 −18𝑥2 + 6x + 28

a. leading term
b. end behaviors
rising to both left and right
c. x-intercepts
-2, −√2, √2, 3.5
d. multiplicity of roots
-2 multiplicity of
e. y-intercept
28 multiplicity 1, −√2 multiplicity of 1, √2 multiplicity of 1, 3.5 multiplicity of
f. number of turning points

g. sketch

Activity 5: Investigate Deeper and Decide Wisely

1. Questions/Tasks:
a. Using the graph, what is the approximate forest cover during the year
b. Compare the forest cover in 1987 (as given in the table) to the forest cover
given by the polynomial function. Why are these values not exactly the
They are not exactly the same, since the cubic polynomials that best
fit the data are the given polynomial function. Unlike the graph that
rounds up numbers, it is more precise.
c. Do you think you can use the polynomial to predict the forest cover in the
year 2100? Why or why not?
No you cannot predict the forest cover in the year 2100 using the
polynomial because if x= 200, the polynomial shows a 59.46
percent forest cover, and it is unlikely for the forest to cover 59.46
percent in the year 2100.

2. Question/Task:
Suppose you are chosen as the leader and you are tasked to lead in solving
the problem. What will you do to meet the specifications needed for the
box? Show a mathematical solution.

formula: lwh= V
Let x be the height of the box
18 – 2x be the width of the box
24 – 2x be the length of the box

lwh= V
(18 – 2x)(24 - 2x)x = V(x)
(18 – 2x)(24 - 2x)x = V(560)
(18 – 2x)(24 - 2x)x = 560
(432 - 48x - 36x + 4𝑥 2 )x = 560
432x - 48𝑥 2 - 36𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 3 = 560
4𝑥 3 - 12𝑥 2 + 432x = 560
4𝑥 3 - 12𝑥 2 + 432x – 560 = 0
𝑥3 - 21𝑥2 + 108x – 140 = 0 (x
– 2)(x – 14)(x – 5)

The height of the box is either 2 or 5 inches. A volume of 560 cubic inches
would result in both. If the height is 14 inches, it is difficult to create a box,
so x=14 is not a solution.

What have you learned? Describe and state a situation where key concepts
can be applied in real life settings.
I have learned that polynomial functions are important and can be
applied in real-life events. An engineer designing a roller coaster
would use polynomials to model the curves, while a civil engineer
would use polynomials to design roads, buildings, and other
structures. Economists use polynomials to model economic growth
patterns, and medical researchers use them to describe the behavior
of bacterial colonies.

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