AK-QF-FO-84 (Mini-Bar Posting Procedure) SOP

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al khoory SOP/Policy Name _: Mini-Bar Posting Procedure SOP/Policy Number: AK-QF-FO-84.1 SOP/Policy Issued on; OM MI. tote ‘SOP/Policy Revised on : N/A SOP/Policy Applies to. : Front Office (FO), Housekeeping (HK), Finance (FIN) SOP PURPOSE: Minibar refreshments is an additional service available in the Guest Rooms provided by the Hotel for the convenience of guest, which is also an additional source of revenue to the hotel. 1. Minibar Procedures: 41.4. The minibar should be stocked and replenished by the Housekeeping Department (HK) ofthe hotel. Ref: AK-OQF-HK-11 (Mini Bar Consumption Procedures for Departure & Occupied Apartments/Rooms) SOP. 41.2, Refreshment consumption lst with Price and Stock will provided in the room confirming the quantity stocked in then minibar. Ref: Appendix 1. 1.3. Refreshment consumption list will be placed in the rooms for guest use during departure. Ref: ‘Appendix 2. 1.4. Daily inspection will be done by the Minibar Attendant to keep track of any consumption made during the guest stay and have the same replenished and charged to the guest room from Opera Property Management System (PMS) by HK. Ref to point 3 and Sub-Points. 1.5. During every departure, the FO will notify the minibar attendant to check the minibar and confirm consumption, minibar attendant should restock the minibar for the next arrival 1.6. Mini Bar revenue will reflect under Food &Beverage (F&B) Department revenue and payroll cost of HK Minibar Attendant will be transferred to F&B Profit and Loss account. 2. Minibar follow-up upon checkout: 2.4, At the time of guest departure guests have the option to fill up the Refreshment consumption list placed in their rooms and handover it over to the FO Guest Service Agent (GSA) for posting the charges. Ref: Appendix 2. 2.2. FO, to carry out the Checkout procedure process by informing the mi rooms and to have the consumption verified and the room checked. Ré procedures) SOP. 2.3. Minibar attendant should revert to FO within 5 minutes and avoid delaying the departure process. 2.4, FO should reconfirm the list of consumed minibar items with the guest as informed by the minibar Attendant. 2.5, After confirmation, FO to continue and post the items consumed in the guests account and collect payment for the same. Ref: Screenshot 2 Ref: AK-QF-FO-89 (Posting a Charge, including Fast Posting) SOP. r attendant of the departing \K-QF-FO-92 (Checkout Page 1 of 6 SOP. No. AK-QF-FO-84 12/10/2020 5:49 PM. ‘AL KHOORY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ‘The contents of this document are the property of Al Khoory Hotels and are confidential in nature. It may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed or used without the explicit permission of Al Khoory Hotels. Any other use is hereby prohibited, al khoory 3. Procedure of Posting Minibar Consumption: 3.1, Select @Cashiering ->@Billing. Ref: Screenshot 1. 3.2. @Cashier must log in to Opera (PMS). Ref: AK-QF-FO-21 (Opera Login/Password/Change User/Log Out [F8)). 3.3. Enter the designated room number->@). 3.4. The billing of the selected room will be opened after selecting enter. Firstname [ ‘croup | Agent company ( NmWaNcasmiertogn ete ‘a ie Cashier Login | Hitters | ORACLE Seay et Pasenora | HOSPITALITY | | Cite] ex _| ‘Screenshot 1 3.5, Select the Post button from the guest's Billing screen ->G) Ref: Screenshot 2 Ref: AK-QF-FO-89 (Posting a Charge, including Fast Posting) SOP. Screenshot 2 Page 2 of 6 SOP. No. AK-QF-FO-84 12/10/2020 5:49 PM. ‘AL KHOORY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION The contents of this document are the property of Al Khoory Hotels and are confidential in nature. it may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed or used without the explicit permission of Al Khoory Hotels. Any other use is hereby prohibited, al khoory 3.6. The transaction posting screen will open, enter a DOT(,) in the po: option and press ENTER to view the item codes G). 3.6.1. Transaction code screen option will appear and relevant code to be selected from the list(@). Ref: Screenshot 3, iB code from the drop-down SIUAKH - Transaction Posting ‘Mixed Nuts KitKat Snickers Granini - Cocktail Granin-orenee ‘al Postings [____0,00\mount |____0.00) Eina| OK | Cancel Screenshot 3 3.6.2.Once the posting code is selected the amount and taxes will populate automatically. Proceed to enter quantity and select Post->@) button from the bottom of the screen. Ref: Screenshot 4. 3.7, As default, the last used transaction code, automatically appears in the next posting line to speed up multiple posting @), transaction code can be changed if required from the drop-down option. 3.8. Transaction codes that have generate charges attached will automatically post the appropriate taxes when you return to the Billing screen. ‘Amount [ly Win Ar. Colcheck ISupplemeiReference 8.16 1 1 0.00 1 [r=|_ ls} NoPost al Postings [ 8. 16\mount 9,00) Screenshot 4 Page 3 of 6 SOP. No. AK-QF-FO-84 12/10/2020 5:49 PM. AL KHOORY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION The contents of this document are the property of Al Khoory Hotels and are confidential in nature. It may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed or used without the explicit permission of Al Khoory Hotels. Any other use is hereby prohibited. al khoory 4. Departure Process: 4.1. Once the posting made completed the Checkout procedure. Ri procedures) SOP. : AK-QF-FO-92 (Checkout 5. Guest Disputes: 5.1. When guest disputes or denies consuming any refreshments from the Minibar. Ref: AK-QF-GEN- 10/11 (Complaint/Conflict Handling (L.E.A.R.N) ~ Part 1 & 2) SOP. 5.2. When rebating disputed charges. Ref: AK-QF-FO-18 (Dispute of Charges & Rebate Policy (Allowance) SOP. 5.3. Guest Profile Notes to be updated with all information for future Ref: AK-QF-FO-59 (Profile Notes) SOP. ‘Al Khoory Hotels has the right to modify/review or change the SOP/Policy at any time without prior notice. Roma Bahut am Tanwar Graham Jeff Isaacs | Ivo Tzvetkov AUTHOR Hotel Manager _| Hotel Manager GM ops Date: 04/09/2020 _| Date: 06/09/2020 _| Date: 06/09/2020 Date: /KL.to. Wo oa a Utes Uday Shetty Ardy kutfiar fzar Ahmed Mr. Mohammed M.T. Khoory Financial Controllers | GMHOSPITALITY | GM PROCUREMENT | MANAGING DIRECTOR & PROJECT Wwe NEGOTIATIONS Date: 1° |7 Date: \ V Date: Date: Fo Page 4 of 6 SOP. No. AK-OF-84 11/10/2020 5:57 PM ‘AL KHOORY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION ‘The contents of this document are the property of Al Khoory Hotels and are confidential in nature. It may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed or used without the explicit permission of Al Khoory Hotels, Any other use is hereby prohibited Appendix: 1 (Minibar Price List) & al khoory al khoory bb jos] Wm il 4514 Refreshment Consumption List Pi | am soa) “gape 2 Mineral Water Ayjaso olla AEDS: ( 2 Coca Cola i. gd logs AED ae 2 Sprite cuba | AED 12 1 Kit-Kat wlbcus | AED I0 1 Snickers Asus | AED 10 1 Pringles Original Jt | AED 15 1 Mixed Nuts Aegiioclurs| AED IS BLAoll Road Aiyyed x09 aly og. 2¥9 Ao oguuy 2! LoL jou Exot ee “all the prices are Including 10% service ‘charge, 7% municipality fees and 5% Vat ar Page 5 of 6 SOP. No. AK-QF-FO-84 12/10/2020 5:49 PM AL KHOORY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION The contents of this document are the property of Al Khoory Hotels and are confidential in nature. It may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed or used without the explicit permission of Al Khoory Hotels. Any other use is hereby prohibited, ‘Guest Name: Room No. Room Status: al khoory Appendix: 2 {Guest Minibar Item list) al khoory 1251 lb soll Mom ius! do5l8 Refreshment Consumption List Date of Checking: Time of checking: —_ “daagllpou | Mlatuvell slag Uniterice | Consumed Units Items Mineral Water Ape. Coca Cola ED 12 Sprite AED 12, Granini Cocktail AED 15, AED 10 Page 6 of 6 ‘The contents of this document are the property of Al Khoory Hotels and are confidential in nature. It may not be reproduced, Shickers ‘AED 10 | Pringles Original s AED 15 AED 1S out yd yop aly egay1V9 809 uy Ala Asal saa! ices are Including 10% service charge, 7% municipality fees and S%6Vat Mini Bar Attendant Signature ‘SOP. No. AK-QF-FO-84 12/10/2020 5:49 PM ‘ALKHOORY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION disclosed, distributed or used without the explicit permission of Al Khoory Hotels, Any other use is hereby prohibited.

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