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Student Registration Number

Course Code: DMGT402

Date: 30-Sep-2013 Time: 09:30-12:30

Time Allowed: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80

1. This paper contains 10 questions divided in two parts on 1 page.

2. Part A is compulsory.
3. In Part B (Questions 2 to 10), attempt any 6 questions out of 9. Attempt all parts of the
selected question.
4. The marks assigned to each question are shown at the end of each question in square brackets.
5. Answer all questions in serial order.
6. The student is required to attempt the question paper in English medium only.

a) Define organisational behaviour. [2]
b) Write two advantages of group decision making. [2]
c) Define Interpersonal skills. [2]
d) Define planning. [2]
e) What are the different decisional role that manager perform? [2]
f) What do you mean by values? [2]
g) What do you understand by Strategic management? [2]
h) What is delegation? [2]
i) What do you understand by Theory X of motivation? [2]
j) Name and define the various functions of management. [2]

Part B

Q2: Identify and contrast three general management roles. [10]

Q3: Describe the various types of leadership styles. [10]

Q4: What is attribution theory? What are its implications for explaining organization behavior? [10]

Q5: Describe different types of communication barriers and explain how one can overcome with these
barriers. [10]

Q6: Describe the three needs isolated by Mc Clellend. How are they related to work behavior? [10]

Q7: Differentiate between Group and team. Discuss in detail stages of Group development. [10]

Q8: Explain the various steps in planning process. [10]

Q9: What do you understand by recruitment? Discuss in detail the various sources of recruitment. [10]

Q10: Why do employees resist for change? Highlight the strategies adopted by companies to
overcome barriers to resistance. [10]

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